Right. This has gone too far. The left has resorted to setting themselves on fire to protest Orange Man

Right. This has gone too far. The left has resorted to setting themselves on fire to protest Orange Man.
This needs to stop.
I'm not the biggest fan of Trump, but holy shit he's the president, he's the furthest thing from a fascist or a white supremacist.
The left are completely deranged at this point.

>trump ain't that bad.

Attached: IMG_8891.jpg (614x602, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The link


how does being president prelude him from white supremacy or fascism. this is the laziest appeal to authority ive seen since Ken Ham's "answers in genesis"

Fake and GAy

Attached: 9099-13582-11311.gif (200x147, 1.17M)


I'm gonna flip it right back on u boy.
Tell me why he's a racist or fascist or anything other than a liberal.
I'll wait.

Read the story fren. It's real as u n me

>he's the furthest thing from a fascist or a white supremacist.

They said the same of Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Milošević et al. They all start from simple motives.

You're an actual retarard but I'll forgive u

Attached: 984CA4AB-7743-42E2-BFB7-A538491CA3A9-3944-000006EDCC31B693.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

This is a good start. Or it would be if any leftists had the balls to actually do it.

Attached: 1395554458059.jpg (299x312, 11K)

Op, let's think about this for a moment. If all the left does shit like this then there'll be no more lefties to do stupid shit

Attached: ollesafeee.jpg (800x450, 39K)


They went from licking toilets to Self-immolation.

Attached: ve-trump5-ate-before-trumpbecomes-president-boy-that-escalated-quickly-13676844.png (500x451, 140K)

Reminder- all the threads which are about dividing people are posted by paid Russian shills trying to destabilise the West. Setting men against women, black against white, left against right, gay against straight. Trying to emasculate men with dick threads, trap threads, cuck threads, and gayest thing you've ever done threads.

Ignore these threads, shut down Putin's cocksuckers. Don't be fooled by division.

Attached: 015_1529471492624.jpg (480x447, 39K)

Russians are involved with everything to u libtards


If 5 posts in a row say "Trump is a lying narcissistic conman" I'll post my nudes


Pic related is me in clothes

Yes, comrade

>I'm not the biggest fan of Trump
>furthest thing from a fascist or a white supremacist.

Pick one user, you shilling moron comrade.

Trump is a lying narcissistic conman

Trump is a lying narcissistic conman.

Trump is a Iying narcissistic conman

Trump is a Iying narcissistic conman.

Literally this.

Trump's retarded but the libtards love overexaggerating. Let them kill themselves, less of them in the gene pool.

God dammit user

Trump is a lying narcissistic conman

So close! i.imgur.com/yuhX7fJ.jpg

>Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Milošević et al
Trump's "simple motives" are not Communism...

True, but the alternative is even worse. There's a good reason only about 30% of the population votes. people are fed up with both sides.. Second Amendment time, when?

>Pol Pot
>white supremacists
kek, kids this is what stupid looks like

But he's not a fascist.

Trump is a lying narcissistic conman

Trump, is a lying narcissistic conman

Trump is a lying, narcissistic conman

Trump is a lying narcissistic, conman


Trump is, a lying narcissistic conman

Shut up retard, Jesus...

God you're a treasure mate

You must have replied to the wrong post, retard

a political system based on a very powerful leader, state control, and being extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed.

Sounds like Trump to me.

nice mantra.
too bad chaos magic isn't real.

I just want the nudes

Even accepting that definition, that sounds absolutely nothing like Trump.

Faggot, there are no girls on the internet.
And even when there are, they have to post nudes first.

It's not her and you're lucky if there's even nudes there, man
Nude-getting games are and always have been an attention stunt by thirsty faggots

If you flood Yea Forums with Trump hate posts then I'll post some without the mask i.imgur.com/cy4atPn.jpg

Your post made me unironically love Trump.

It's from a dictionary, so accept that as a definition.
EVERYTHING in that definition is exactly as Trump chooses to portray himself, which bits of it confuse you comrade, if I translate it into shill will you be able to read it?

>wants me to bust my ass and put in effort for grainy, sub-par nudes
Holy shit

Let them, good riddance.

Dictionaries are crap for technical definitions, not source of absolutely unimpeachable authority.

Nothing in that definition has anything to do with Trump. You're so deluded you must be a flat-earther flying spaghetti monster worshipper without the irony.

>The left
No one knows who he was or what his motive was yet.

Grainy and sub-par? You sure about that hun? i.imgur.com/zYfU1Nf.jpg

Flood Yea Forums with Trump hate threads and I'll let you see whatever you want

Your post made Trump my waifu


wow guys he did it. pack it up. all political discourse is now over

what if I flood Yea Forums with threads about your shit-tier nudes? then will you gtfo?

I don't think this was politically motivated.
Probably just a mentally ill person thinking that this would be the best way for him to commit suicide and be remembered.
Doesn't look good on the Trump presidency but he may have done a service to other mentally ill people since if the media pushes the story it will force Trumps hand to strengthen the country’s mental health efforts.

The more leftists put themselves on fire, the more effective their campaign will be...

Attached: benis xddd .jpg (1603x887, 282K)

Yikes thats the most incel threat I've ever read in my life. You know I can just delete them right? i.imgur.com/D93OX0L.jpg

I'm not a huge trump fan, but sticking all these labels on him doesn't do anything but cheapen the labels themselves. Yeah, he's an asshole businessman, but at least he isnt a warmonger like Hillary.
And maybe his lack of knowledge of history is a positive, seeing as how we have better relations with Russia and North Korea. That's not to say that their leaders aren't doing terrible things to their people, but trump's idiocy allows him to humanize his opposition, instead of demonizing them, which is what a fascist leader would rather we do.
Hillary would have been more fascist than him.

wow ur titties looks like man-boobs
fucking deflated balloons like better

>Doesn't look good on the Trump presidency
kek if you think it's Trump this reflects poorly on

Where is Jim Jones when you need him? Kool Aid parties next, in front of the White House?

I don't think you understand the meaning of the word, cringemeister

Not if we save them and repost them you bimbo

Attached: 1557322717019-b.jpg (720x700, 42K)

but Trump!

>doesn't know how the internet works.

let them burn

Someone burns themselves on your doorstep and you are in charge of keeping these people safe.
It only matters how it looks in the history books user.

id rather trump as president then have to look at those titties tbh shits a disgrace to the female race

looks like she got breast cancer so they removed her titty and transplanted half of her right side to her left

I literally already deleted them i.imgur.com/q9wNqe6.jpg

Guess its you who doesn't know how the internet works

It makes Trump's opposition look absolutely insane

I think we can compromise
Post Trump tits

>so new still has that new cringelord smell

“He’s the president”
Like that means he’s beyond laws of common decency. Like we can’t question his motives or actions.
He may not be a white supremacist but he protects them so fuck you.

>I literally already deleted them

Attached: newfag.jpg (730x993, 83K)

those are trumps tits, the bitch stole them!

too bad I already saved them. post another nude now or your nudes are getting posted in every thread on Yea Forums

>he protects them
Antifag detected

Attached: When Fascism Comes to America.jpg (1002x768, 86K)

It'd be easier to use this as an example of how journalism can drive people to make horrible decisions. This person was riled up by the media and knew their final act of defiance would become national news.

Watch out, you're gonna be backtraced!


for what?

Attached: newfag2.jpg (650x714, 44K)

consequences will never be the same

you have 2 options. post more nudes now or your pics are getting spread like wildfire

a very saggy wildfire


u dun goofed

>dun goofed

>look ma I discovered greentext

Okay deal i.imgur.com/spw6Ts6.jpg

Now delete them

Has anyone found her facebook yet?

no bitch you can do better than that. post pussy with timestamp or gtfo

explain what you comments mean...

It means you're a newfag

I don't see what the problem is. Let 'em all burn!

Leftists are sane, well balanced people huh.
They sure showed Trump who's boss.
Trolled epic style.

Such pranksters, what will they think of next?

Attached: clown-world.gif (607x609, 821K)

the "consequences" and "dun goofed"
how are these accurate?

Just delete them now please i.imgur.com/5ZEG9Zy.jpg

Yes Ivan, we are on to your goat fucking ways. Kill yourself, comrade.

Attached: calm.jpg (642x784, 84K)

That guy watched 13 Reasons Why and CNN and got some ideas

Google those words, new friend, and learn of the wonders of Yea Forums

Attached: 7xlTb6i.jpg (415x1015, 126K)

Keep your clothes on.


Just delete them please I kept my part of the deal

I love it, I hope Nadler sets his big head on fire like some stupid DNC controlled Pinata

Better whatch out or they will report you to the cyper police

The deal is everything posted to the internet is forever

shouldn't be difficult with all these

Dude, why are you giving them more ammo? You already showed your face along with your toxic ideology. You lost. Might as well pack it up and hope people who know you dont browse here.


have you guys seen what burn victims go through?

far lefties deserve ever bit of that 100%

I know the meaning.
I'm wondering why.
It's not a dox.
There's no way for me to know that it was pizza and if it is the producer is in more trouble than I am because I don't keep logs and I drive wipe.
nah fuck off you came to the wrong place to play.
what has been done can not be undone.

D...dude, dude.
Let them do it.
It's Darwinism user.

Attached: autism.gif (728x426, 128K)

Hey, could you post an anal fingering gif of you pls? You’re a cutie and I have the others so it’s ok if you dont

"Holy shit he's the president, he's the furthest thing from a fascist or white supremacist"

Since when does being a president clear you of being a fascist or clear you from having personal biases against certain races? It doesnt lol. Its a position of power, not a determination that whoever holds it is scot free and clean morally..

People think hes a fascist / supremacist because of his comments at Charlottesville. As well as his general feelings towards exclusion of other races and immigrants from his dream of a white ethnostate in america. And he's taking the role of a neocon, strengthening ties with saudi so he can eventually start the iranian war, the neocon fuckin dream.

Is there any statement saying this is an act of protest? It could just be a crazy guy.

kek the dumb bitch tried to delete them again. everything posted to the internet is forever

read the rules Yea Forumsro
ah you're trolling. never really got into that.
when did whiteknights become bridgetrolls?

Attached: newfag.png (487x638, 71K)


Nobody ever argued anything like that.

It's just that whinging that he's a white supremacist doesn't make him one. You need to actually make an argument.


That's what came up when I searched the news for white house, as well. Add a few more key words, you'll find the burning man.

>t. russian shill who trying to rise relevancy of his shithole

Attached: 1517200576556.jpg (605x605, 87K)

u dense faggot. just die already

how is that even a story?
who cares?
it barely reflects on the character of Trump and we all already know how he is.

People have the right to think that.
Why does that justify this person burning themself alive in an attempt to make a political statement? Did they just want to give the media something to talk about?

look you dumb whore. delete them all you want but you exposed yourself forever as soon as you posted them. you have 5 minutes to post a brand new nude with a timestamp and your face in the pic, or else every pic you posted today is getting spread like saggy wildfire. the clock is ticking

Hey, it's not PC to extort a retarded girl.

It's not PC to say PC anymore
>the correct term is desktop-American

out of your loop doesn't mean I'm dense or autistic.
are you diamonds from your weak bait?
are the nudes bait?
so I don't get what is going on so tell me faggot.

Attached: Desucondom.jpg (420x420, 40K)

1 minute left whore. this thread looks fun

She is a cutie

Attached: 2727AE38-D83A-44C4-8717-ADD825609506.png (640x1136, 668K)

How much is citizen died forced under Trump's rule?

The dictators of history killed millions.. Trump didn't

Attached: 1556450183589m.jpg (930x1024, 77K)

Attached: the answer.jpg (598x656, 46K)

>so I don't get what is going on so tell me faggot.
u clearly dont. we already established that

>Tell me why he's a racist
Because he had always treated blacks more poorly than whites. That's pretty much textbook.

>u clearly dont. we already established that
so let me in on your little secret.

Attached: puddi1.png (1022x756, 189K)

with a big yawn, snorlax returned to the mountains

Sure kid

Attached: trump-immigrant.jpg (1900x1261, 170K)

I'm not fucking stupid. If I post anything else you'll just save it and tell me you'll spread it unless I post more. I'm done

So has Joe Biden. What does it mean politically though?

You go gurl!

sad tits, so gtfo

you know we all have these right? congratulations thot. you just became Yea Forums's newest whore meme

are you crying? post a pic of you crying and we'll stop

>treated blacks more poorly than whites
Literally had the highest black employment rate in the 80's, Actually in textbooks

empty threat faggot

good job. what is done is done and cannot be corrected but you control how much new material gets produced.
internet lesson 101.

Will you actually though?

Yes. We promise.

no wonder the whore isn't scared of you faggots. old Yea Forums would've exposed the fuck outta her and tracked down her whole family by now


yes trumpslut we pwomise

those who can't irl teach
those who can't on Yea Forums talk about how Yea Forums used to be great

'left' 'right' okay retard

shit tier nudes make me nut

Attached: 74782172_p2.jpg (707x1000, 162K)

Holy shit, this is legit.

Now leave me alone please i.imgur.com/VYSh2yY.jpg

tits or gtfo

fucking KEK

they started banning for dox.
new mods suck.

keep crying you fat whore. your nudes belong to Yea Forums now

kek just noticed the wrestling mask in the background

cant backtrace sadly

I want a gif

we're gonna need more nudes trumpslut. with a timestamp. that means hold up a piece of paper with today's date and time written on it if you're too dumb to work it out

This. Post more nudes now or before you know it you'll be the most exposed whore the internet's ever known. Ticktock goes the cumdumpster clock

Stop giving it attention, that's what it wants.

Don’t post anything more honey. Just leave the thread. They have their pictures, and they will post them for a few days, but it will blow over. They’re just trying to pressure you to send out more nudes. Don’t. Just leave the thread, they’re never going to stop

When said crying picture, we obviously meant crying nude. Tits in the picture or it doesn’t count. With timestamp.

He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster.

And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.

Attached: DGGFeWU.jpg (1920x1200, 276K)

Tbh you can go fuck yourself. You're not getting anything else from me. All you got is weak ass empty threats and insults and honestly idgaf what a bunch of Trump-lovin incel virgins say about me. You haven't got shit. You've got a few nudes and some clothed pics which don't like back to any of my social media bc I'm not fucking stupid. So threaten me all you want bc I won't be reading it. I'm done. You're pathetic.


Kiss my ass. Trump is a lying narcissistic conman. K bye

they won't delete them no matter what you do.
just learn from this.
hard lesson.
get over it.
doxing is bannable so no worries.
if anyone contacts you on in another way with your nudes go stait to the police.
Go read some nursury rhymes and stop poking the sleeping bear.

Attached: asss.jpg (400x538, 40K)

Uh oh


Uh oh what? You know she's right. You can't do shit

There are bigger fish to fry dark knight.
Kek's blessing is long gone from this one.

Attached: you.png (289x427, 56K)

let the trumpslut hate threads commence

good. next time you browse Yea Forums you'll see your pics plastered in every thread. saggy wildfire

Did I miss the nudes?

she deleted the originals but I think its just these

Thanks, user! Her ass doesn't look bad, to be honest.

Sad russian shills

this thread is sad. what, is hirshimoot paying people to just create fake conversations?
u guys r not even trying

Attached: 1556127770466.png (1680x1050, 373K)

interesting. got anything on the clothed pics?

t.russian shill

the dox bans took all the kek from these threads.
fucking sucks.
I didn't bother reverse imaging them because I have other more interesting threads I'm spreading chaos in.

I whole-heartedly support their right to set themselves on fire.

it is the same girl as the clothed ones though?

>I didn't bother reverse imaging them because I have other more interesting threads I'm spreading chaos in.
yeah posting ur peen in trap threads

pretty sure it is but tineye's not bringing anything up on those

how did he set himself on fire when its raining. Fake News.

the police and the cyber-police will explain everything.

Excuse me I believe you have my stapler

Attached: 1547714624739.jpg (477x268, 29K)

>the left
OyvKey, ben

Yeah is a real American that sacrificed his body to show that our government is creating a breeding ground for a dictator

Attached: E2C8DCBC-FD89-4F52-8FA5-230C7EED64DA.jpg (720x719, 124K)


Attached: BFD16012-B0A9-4743-B8C7-916767D741D6.jpg (480x713, 41K)

>my perfect catch-all buzzword without meaning

Attached: 1454283028667.jpg (372x527, 55K)

I too laughed at that.

>weak ass empty threats
looks like trumpslut was right. Yea Forums is so pathetic these days

libtards are not real Americans.

Redcaps like you aren’t Americans.

Attached: D5067B22-6F28-42E4-9FFE-06535E41ECA1.jpg (500x666, 73K)

He used money to win the award. It already been said.

I wish I was a sexy trap

>used money to win the award
you mean like all awards ever in some form or another?
awards mean nothing.
what did you think the irony loving millenials were doing when everyone got participation awards?

Lmao you guys are so creepy. Yeah I posted my nudes before. And? Its not like you have any idea who I am and like I said, none of the pics I posted link back to any of my social media i.imgur.com/vXuclGb.jpg

So what the fuck are you gonna do apart from call me tRuMpSLuT? Nothing :)

She was pretty naive so probably posted them before already

To be fair the tits she posted were from 2015 and I’m not yet confident enough in my FB ID of her to drop a hint for you lads.

gtfo you fat cunt

I get this is probably bait & switch but if not.
These guys can and will find you hun.
If a troll, nice bait.
I aint doxin.
I'm already banned at work.

Trump derangement syndrome, just let these spastic lunatic liberals oust themselves and kill themselves. Problem takes care of itself

"tHeSe gUyS cAn aNd WiLL fiNd yOu hUn"


Lmao they can't and won't. None of those pics are on any of my social media bc I'm not fuckin stupid. All they got is weak ass empty threats and insults. Like calling me fat or tRuMpSLuT is gonna do shit.

You're right it was a pretty old pic. You want a newer one hun? Ask me nicely

oof this much hubris never ends well

What a dumbass thread

may kek's blessing be upon this thread.
get her Yea Forumstards she has challenged the powers that be.
My empathy is nil.

bitch you were literally crying a minute ago

Give us an example. Not conjecture, hard documented proof. Should be easy since he's such a huge racist, right?

Lmao you should try thinking about how pathetic you sound before you hit post boo boo. "Get her"


I'm literally laughing at you rn. What the fuck are you gonna do exactly? How are you gonna "get" me?

I was faking it dumbass. Like any woman ever unlucky enough to sleep with you

hey liberals, go fuck yourself off a cliff while on fire. That'll show us.

I’m a Canadian so I’ve got nothing on your politics, just socialized healthcare :^)
Fuck I wanna move to your country tho, and what are those, C-cup? I’d ask real nice to see more but you shouldn’t throw too much out here, anything I can find they can find.

You blew it. Go back to your troll den now

fuck off russian shill

I hope that becomes a trend for the libs...

Smh all these empty threats

I'll start then.
Probably from an area that grows grapes.
and you are probably ~18
since my guess would be that you are wearing senior prom dresses.
Which would make your pics illegal and thus you are guilty of producing, possessing, and distributing cp. I wonder how many federal prison years that is?

Lmaooooo okay this one actually has me crying with laughter. An area that grows grapes!? Fuck. Why don't you just post my address and full name already. You got me


And no boo boo. I'm definitely over 18

And with that unique (butter) face you won't be hard to find on any social media since, according to how you are acting here, you are a major attention whore.

Here you go hun i.imgur.com/spw6Ts6.jpg

Thats what happens when you're nice to me

Fuckkkk. "Butterface?"

I just got roasted even worse than the time some incel called me "tRuMpSLuT" or told me I was the newest "whore meme." Whatever that even means

She hates Trump because she want's socialized medicine to fix her congenital facial deformities.
You'd have to be a lot more attractive and/or well proportioned to become a meme huny.

You’re fairly north, by those pines. I’m not lucky enough to find out you’re just a fellow Canuck, am I?

Attached: 37E7E51F-6DF8-4DB9-890F-910E32758280.jpg (200x200, 17K)

ah the calm before the storm. it means your shit-tier nudes and selfies will soon be in every thread on Yea Forums until someone you know sees them

Into the Trash It Goes.

Attached: cc_iStock-537697098_16x9.jpg (450x253, 29K)

Attached: bingo.jpg (450x341, 97K)

They texting you yet hun?

Attached: kek.jpg (231x218, 7K)

Lmao none of my friends are pathetic Trump-lovin incels so I think I'm good i.imgur.com/OHLUsco.jpg

holy shit, a smart whore for once. Welcome to the jungle

He fits the dictionary definition of facist... What definition do you use for facist?

Well thats a blatant lie,i dont expect much more from a leftie but come on...

And I'm pretty sure not one person posted them yet but alright boo boo. You keep on with those empty threats

Sounds like democrats to me

Plz stop your delusion M8

So you're not allowed to be proud of your nation or race? Where the fuck did you get this definition, Rachel Maddow? Also change pride in one's nation to LOL GLOBALISM and it is fits the left exactly.

Nope, the left fits the description of fascist, ofc you do your mind games and suddenly its Trump's fault....

Wait did you assume this was the same person bc she's wearing a red dress?

Same dress. My algorithm isn’t perfect.

Attached: BC3A6C17-07F9-48A6-B112-61EB87390E99.jpg (280x280, 13K)

god only cursed one with that butter face.

Attached: BB21FA0E-429D-4BF2-964F-A8B81D501DD2.jpg (480x640, 30K)

Too bad Republican 101 is making government smaller.

Central Park Five.
Accusing an American judge of not being able to judge a case due to his Mexican heritage.

Those are just off the top of my head.

Attached: CNNXIJE_d.jpg (614x768, 43K)

>a political system based on a very powerful leader, state control, and being extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed.

I have been looking for the definition of the Democratic party for a while, and here it is, you defined it so well.

This should become a trend.

Suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome? Set yourself on fire so we can be rid of you.

Sympathizes with nazis
The furthest thing from a white supremacist
Traps aren’t gay
Dindu nuffin

Lmao yeah if this is the best you can do I think I'm good

Are you really going to say

>no u


No wonder Trump has such strong support. His base are even dumber than him.

Attached: wz3hi256xpz21.png (1280x720, 276K)

Your "aLgOriThM" is invited to kiss my ass

Well, once your reputation is ruined you can begin to live freely.
An Ashley, or an Elise, perhaps

white people*
fixed for you

Birtherism is not racism.

And considering it possible that a Mexican judge could be biased against someone who is literally building a wall to keep Mexicans from illegally crossing is not racist either.

And what about the central park five? Trump, much like the rest of the world, saw the media and the courts present these kids like monsters and took the bait. He falsely believed them to be guilty and wanted them to be punished. He was guilty of being misinformed, not racist. He said nothing about race concerning them, only the crimes they were accused of.

Lmao and how is my reputation gonna be ruined? Since you don't have shit?

No, they're pointing out a fact.
Let's see how many similarities between the modern left and fascists we can find.
>stifles free speech
>has violent jackboots who's only purpose is to violently attack "others"
>openly calls for the death of the "others"
>blames all their problems on one race of "others"
>is supported by massive propaganda machines
>threatens the families of political opponents
>considers themselves an extra-judicial authority
Shall we continue?

>Accusing an American judge of not being able to judge a case due to his Mexican heritage.
This happens all the time in appeals.
You just feed into the media telling you this is strange and unusual.

I suppose I don’t, do I?

Attached: B659C43D-E54D-44DB-8523-DE0365398B2E.jpg (599x798, 54K)

Birtherism is all about race. Ask yourself, would Trump have talked about birtherism if Obama was white?

>He might be biased based on his race, we need someone else.

That's racism. Believing someone can't do a job based on their ethnicity is racism.

Central Park 5... even after the facts came out, he still pushed for those guys to be put down.

"Good people on both sides."
Are you serious?

Lmao did you look at ANY of my photos? I look nothing like whoever that girl is. I almost feel bad for you wasting your time desperately searching through social media to find someone who literally could care less about your pathetic incel ass.

Just out of interest though bc I find your empty threats hilarious. What would you even do if you did find me?

I disagree - I think everyone on the Left should set themselves on fire to protest Trump. This should be a mass-event - maybe in some open field in the desert with the fire department nearby to put out any brush fires that start as a result of it.

Their sacrifice would shame Trump into quitting immediately, I'm sure.

You do look like a Miranda I know, though.

Attached: 57E3913B-70D4-41DD-984E-55558FBA7F07.jpg (400x400, 43K)

Victim complex is strong in conservatives today.

I must be brainwashed... Red pill me brotato.

Attached: 1hvWVlH_d.jpg (640x818, 34K)

thought you were leaving?


Any smart thinking, sane, conservtive sees the left for the commie humping, getting butt fucked by greenpeace, tree hugging, dirt munching socialiat bastrds they are

Almost 2 1/2 years and you fucking libatards are still spewing your hatred of Trump. Is it because you know the Democraps have shown America their true colors through the shit show of their politics over the last 2 1/2 years, or is it because you know you have not one candidate that can beat Trump in the next election. It must suck hating a president that has the balls to do what should have been done years ago, and stand against those fucking career politicians and the fucking Bilderberg elitist scum of the world. I`m shocked and in awe that Trump has not been assassinated yet, with all the hate he generates around the world, and from you pathetic "give me muh free shit now" libitards.

Nothing tbh, you just made a mistake posting your face online because nothing on the net goes away and eventually facial recognition syncs up pretty well.

Actually I just think you’re a solid 7 and I’m trying to locate more nudes.

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If that is true, it is also true that your mom blows crack heads downtown

This poster is either 40 and a faggot or 13 and a faggot.

You need to get off the internet. I haven't seen the left do that, besides false flags from the right so they could cry about being victims again.

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Dems care more about immigrants than about american families.
nuf said.

Sounds like obammer, clintler and the rest of the power hungry left and their antifa retards

You sound like a Russian

The right to be tried by an impartial judge is deeply embedded in American jurisprudence; in fact, this right has often been considered to be the “cornerstone” of the American legal system. Litigants and their counsel often come to believe that a judge has become biased or prejudiced against them, or in favor of an opposing party; however, bias is an attitude or “state of mind,” not an easily provable “fact.” Consequently, even in those jurisdictions which have laws on the books which authorize parties to seek to disqualify judges on the basis of bias, as opposed to interest in the cause, it is typically only in those rare instances when a judge verbalizes bias against a party or its counsel that a motion to recuse can successfully be made on this ground.


>Trump fucking up.
>Trump embarrassing the country.
>Trump lying and eroding freedoms.

Its good liberals are mad about this. If they weren't, the only rights American's would have is the 2nd Amendment and the freedom to be worked to death by their corporate overlords.

Tbh I am now. I stayed bc the empty threats were kinda entertaining but even those dried up so I'm done.

Okay boo boo. Well you have fun with your creepy ass fb stalking but I got better things to do. I'll be back later when my nudes are "all over every thread" or whatever you incels said :)

You have not seen the left do these things mentioned?
What fucking rock are you hiding under retard? .....or are you living in the dark corner of your moms basement, and never go outside, even to get the mail?

I like how one guy doing some crazy shit automatically means 'the left has gone too far.'

Stop being so tribal you fucking primate.


I'm a fan of those saggies.

Ahh... so if a judge proves they're biased.

Race has no place in that. You proved it yourself. Otherwise, if you think being born from mexican parents makes you biased and unable to try cases as a judge, you might be racist.

Elaborate on your statement, and tell us how Trump fucked up, how he embarrassed the country, and what freedoms he has eroded. We will not get into the lying part because lying is a requirement to be a politician.

No one of any level of sanity, credibility or normal I.Q. has ever said that. That is the line spouted by the dictators. They all ran a sicislist/communist platform from the start, or took power by firce3

Not all that hot and there a a million nudes on Yea Forums at any time.
what the fuck do I care what you post?

>he's the furthest thing from a fascist or a white supremacist.
you are:
A: stupid
B: a liar
C: both
I'd bet $1,000 on C

No one of any level of sanity, credibility or normal I.Q. has ever said that. That is the line spouted by the dictators. They all ran a sicislist/communist platform from the start, or took power by force

If the ideologies pushed him to that point than how is this any different from the Michelle Carter case?

You know better, because you are a trap, now show us your dick and get it over with already, faggot.

Shoulda used the one where your tits were photoshopped bigger lol

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You gotta stop living on the internet. This only exists in your echo chamber broseph.

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No, more should try it

If he made ANY verbal statement that personally links himself to loyalty to Mexico than he can be seen as bias in this case.
Trump usues the law to his advantage and people call him racist for it.
Also Mexico is not a race, Hispanic is not a race, you are pretty ignorant when it comes to laws aren't you?

Nice feet though

1) My tits are not saggy
2) You can't even see them in that pic
3) Fuck off

Quick, she’s gone
Old twitter

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The only course of action for supporters of clinton, obamma, pelosi, feinswine, and the new inflix of mooslim politicians elected by the retard half of our country

I see, you suffer from the same mental disorder as liberals. Don`t want to hear the truth so you cover your ears and scream BLAH,BLAH, BLAH, til those who appose you go away.

They’re saggy but we want to see more

less saggy in that one too

Passing taxs laws for the rich I consider a fuck up, not putting sanctions on russia. Not having a functioning cabinet, due to all the staff leaving.. Crying like a 13 girl on twitter about he's the worst treated president. Literally being laughed at by all of the U.N.

And his lying has gone well beyond any other politician.

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>Life is a blazing hellfire
Watch out, we got a philosopher on our hands!

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He did not make any verbal statement about this. Trump made the call based on his last name.

1) They are a little
2) They look fantastic
3) Don't be mad

Anoyher crybaby leftie..run home to your basement bedroom at mommies house....and stay away from the gas can


you look good don't worry.
you should get a boyfriend or something and stop being so hot headed over politics.
some guy would love to shower you with attention and affection.

You`re fucking delusional, you should seek psychiatric help for that.

I'm willing to listen to other sides. Red pill me. How is the left evil?

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can someone dump all trumpslut's pics

or even better make a new trumpslut thread before this one dies

>I'm willing to listen to other sides
Why do you lie?

Nothing I said is untrue.

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Anifa cocksucking retard

I don't know much about it so maybe you are right.
I don't think it is illegal to be "racist" which in this instance Trump was not being.
A "Racist" thinks his race is superior to another race.
Trump was insinuating the man may be biased based on his race.
By the definition of "Racist" what Trump said may have been ignorant but it wasn't racist.

Openly admires dictators, incorporates business sector into government, acknowledges white supremacists as good people, runs with Steve Bannon, said kids falsely accused of Central Park murders should fry even after real killer was found, constantly trying to gut the ACA is definitely not liberal, purveyor of corporate welfare. I'll stop for now and flip it back to you. Why is he not a facist or racist again?

This is why God doesn't speak to us anymore.

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hey trumpslut we know your still lurking

Literally all you did was post a pic from decades ago with him posing with some famous black people. that does prove shit you retarded nigger.

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>facist or racist again?
because none of what you said makes him that and Bill Clinton did all of that also...
Liberals are very inflamatory and it's getting old.
Yeah fight the REAL nazis and racists not the assumed ones...


at least shop out the nasty fucking mole on your tit

Nope. Objective reality. Actively hid the fact that there were apartments available from nonwhites in his housing projects. Systematically. Settled it out of court to avoid the guilty verdict. Documented.

It isn't illegal to be racist. That's good. Trump being ignorant is his MO. However, coupled with everything else he's done, I see a clear pattern of racism.

Jesus christ people, nobody knows why the dude set himself on fire, so you can't say it was politically motivated until you have better evidence. Also, if he DID set himself on fire in some sort of insane protest, then it wasn't 'The Left', it was a single dude.
Left, right or middle, these aren't monolithic entities that share a borg level hive mind or anything. They're made up of individuals, who don't necessarily agree on everything.

do it yourself faggot

>Hard documented proof.
It's like you have only paid attention to Trump since he ran for president.

Aggressively called for the death sentence to be reinstated after innocence was proven for five black youths.

Stated in interview that he didn't like blacks handling his money and would prefer Jews.

Hid housing opportunities from nonwhite applicants in his developments (proven by investigation by agents of the court, well documented in the case files, settled fast to avoid guilty verdict damaging his name).

Accusing an American judge of bias based on heritage. Note: AMERICAN judge. Not Mexican. American. People saying
>And considering it possible that a Mexican judge could be biased against someone who is literally building a wall to keep Mexicans from illegally crossing is not racist either.
are equally racist for calling the man a 'Mexican judge', which he is not.

>Openly admires dictators
Name them
> acknowledges white supremacists as good people
No different than our liberal media portraying black thugs as church going saints, is it, or your hero Obama saying, if I had a son he would be just like Treyvon. Which Treyvon? the one the media portrayed a saint, or the one expelled from school for selling drugs, and posting pics on facebook of himself holding a gun posing as a thug?
>constantly trying to gut the ACA i
Fuck the ACA, hard working American`s had affordable decent healthcare before the ACA, and now because some fucking socialist pig thought it was a good idea to give everyone healthcare, we all have shit tier healthcare insurance. That is the problem with free shit, somebody has to pay for it.
> purveyor of corporate welfare
Corporate welfare? I guess you are a lazy welfare rat, who has not benefited from this booming economy with jobs everywhere, and income rising,
It must be painful being a freebee grabbin` hateful liberal nigger scared to death of a pair of work boots.keep spewing your hatred on Yea Forums, I`m quite sure it is making a great impact on others,KEK.

>I see a clear pattern of racism.
that's fine.
I don't pay that much attention.
To me he has been a laugh riot.
Comedy has been terrible because of the Liberal hate though.
Funniest standup I've seen in the past ~10 years has been bo burnham.
Trump is funny in what he does because half the country shits their pants.
So I like him for that.
I wouldn't say I'm a Trump supporter.
There is some good satire.
Personally I don't think of myself as racist.
Culturist probably because some cultures have vastly outdone others to the point that other cultures want to integrate into the better cultures. Problem being that the other cultures want to force that the new culture respect and integrate customs that they have from their not-as-successful culture.
We use to be able to shame the aspects of new culture that we didn't agree with but that is not PC anymore so they either go to jail or join a gang where their behavior is accepted.

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