Christfags anwser me this

Christfags anwser me this
if god cares about everybody why did he write the bible in latin an ban it from translation?

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sorry. i meant to say "make them write it in latin" i know he didn't wrote it himselve

niggers thats why

all religion is nothing more than a schoolyard bully
>if you don't do what i say, my big brother will come and beat you up
the big brother never shows up, but the children are so scared of the potential that they fall in line.

that's not very christian also jesus was black

Here's a better question; Why do atheist faggots only attack Christianity? Islam and Jews are untouchable because you polesmokers are afraid.

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Bruh. Yall need satanism. Its good for your soul.

very good question. only the religion that will bomb you is free from criticism. Christians are an easy target for these fucking gutless liberal warriors

i died for like 15 seconds a couple of weeks ago. anybody want to hear what it's like?

most religions are like that. even cults ect are like that. it simply call lost in translation. no matter how careful a translation is done some part of the meaning is lost.

the truth is the bible is not the answer for every thing. it a guide in finding a path. there were plenty of people that found that path with out it. all the meaning behind it was they did not want the guide they were training people with messed up with a translation.

>Why do atheist faggots only attack Christianity?
in my case: i was raised christian, so i know a lot about christianity. that doesn't mean i don't think the other religions are any better.

religion is nothing more than a framework for control of herds of stupid sweaty people. it's sort of like what govenments try to do today. keep em scared, keep em always afraid of the next crisis, bam, don't look at what i'm doing with my other hand

Tell the jews they're wrong, you're a Nazi. Tell the hajjies they're wrong, you're a Nazi. Tell Christians they're wrong, NPCs applaud you.

Jews are the root of monotheism.

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>raises a legitimate question

The Bible is a compilation of writings, and most of the New Testament was originally written in Greek.

Your attempts to shit on Christianity might profit from a little research.

Wasn't the bible written in hebraic first?
And then translated to greece and some other one?

Christianity is a dead horse. It's 2nd hand judaism. Meanwhile Zionists run amok and you are too busy adjusting your fedora.

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>Tell the jews they're wrong, you're a Nazi
just one point, don't confuse israelis with new york kikes. water and oil

a well adjusted fedora is important


Even the secular jews will come to the aid of the elites. They're not separate. It's a distance to keep them from accepting responsibility, but close enough to reap rewards.

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well, first i'll tell you this, i'm that guy that stays awake for a week at a time. i drink liquor the whole time and don't eat. i've been doing this for quite a few years, actually since i was about 14 but it's got worse in the past 10 years, insomnia and all. so lately my body is about to say, hey fuck you, i can't do this anymore.

so sunday a couple of weeks ago i was on a particularly wild ass bender, and i started not feeling so well. this happens enough where i can almost tell what i'm missing, so i immediately get the wife to bring me large doses of magnesium and potassium. this has been effective in the past

Sucking blood off freshly circumcised babies dicks is good! Wait a minute now, that is only a small percentage of ultraorthodox jews that do that. Plus we're not even religious jews! We disagree and oppose it.

Someone questions Israel... Those are our people! That's antisemetic!


i take it, no effect. so i can feel i'm pretty much going down, this must be my time. my wife is crying having a fit, sitting on the bed beside me, my ears are ringing like fuck from my tinnitus as usual. then it happens. it wasn't like some big thing happened. my heart just stopped beating

The bible is written in Hebrew and Greek.
Please actually research this before you try and troll

waoo this is interesting. Being a Muslim i can say both religions are full of shit for the most part. I believe that god exists. I try not to do stupid shit. live my life and thats about it.
Now for the obligatory hitler

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everything suddenly got quiet. my ears stopped ringing. everything in my eyesight got a bit fuzzy, like the vasoline camera effect they used to use on over the hill actresses. the only thing i can remember thinking at first was
>jesus, this is what everybody is so afraid of? this ain't shit
seriously, no pain, no sound, just peace. i've got a lot of broken bones in my life, and they all stopped hurting. everything was just nothing. at that point i could feel that there was nothing there. no god, no afterlife, just nothing. and i was looking into my wife's eyes, and it was like a lightning bolt. i couldn't leave her like this. i basically willed myself back to life. for her

Nah, they are all a load of bollox. From Buddhism to Rastafari, it's all made up shite.

atheist with 2 years of Lutheran education here
it was actually the church leaders that imposed this rule so that the church folk wouldn't realize that you don't have to pay a $20,000 fee to go to heaven.
maybe next time you should instead talk about how god sacrificed himself, to himself to appease his own anger, or how it clearly says in the bible that god picks and chooses who gets into heaven and who doesn't purely based on a whim

and to top it off, she fucking thinks i made it up and just to play a joke on her. fucking cunt, i should have just let go. now i'm stuck here again

Do you mind telling us how you know all this?

All believers are weak people, looking for a crutch or something to blame. Sad

You only have to have half a brain and have read a small part of àny of their books, Bible, to

not necessary weak, a lot of them were brought up that way and it's hard to shake propaganda that is so much a part of your upbringing. ask any idiot that has gone to public school since the early 1980s

Here's a better question: Which religious woman's pussy tastes better?

oh no. so you know about every religion. you have researched everything and have come to the conclusion that its all bullshit.
wow applause. we have a genius among us.

Freshly shaven Muslim quim

not sure, i tend not to have relations with women that put their made up sky friend ahead of real people

can't argue there but why shaven tho?

oh i don't know. he seems smart enough not to fall for
>do what i say or my god that i can't produce any evidence of will smite you

he didnt
thats the evil of the catholics
christians translated it and distributed it to everyone

christians =/= catholics
christians = good
catholics = evil

O dear. you know i'm a muslim and i couldn't care less about most of the horse shit in my own religion cuz you know what religion is not the criminal here, its the fkin people that use it. So you are right its the people but why blame the religion when you have zero knowledge of it. I won't say anything bad about christianity or Jewish religion or any other cuz i have absolutely no idea what they're about. Their believe and what not. simply because couldn't care less. i trash talk my own religion cuz i know much about it

What are you talking about dickhead, atheist means believing in neither religion. Do you it even need to be an atheist to know that islam sux

That is not fucking true to an atheist they are all the same crap

my god, the stupidity
it goes
>catholic or protestant
>episcopal or baptist
>presbyterian or baptist
>shake a snake
jeeze guys, get with the fuckin program

you might have responded to the wrong post there muhammad

Lad i have an idea.
why don't we just...mmm...make our own religion?
4chanity!! anyone -_-

catholics = good
christians =/= catholics
protestants = shit
evangelists = nigger shit tier

fixed for you

the bible was translated into latin from ancient high jewish and greek

yeah but when's the last time i saw you fucking heroes go out to protest the muslims? you're a bunch of fucking cowards, picking on easy prey

no idea what you meant? but ok


There are a bunch more christfags here in america, but I shit on jooz and dunecoons in the threads specifically about them.

>do what i say or my god that i can't produce any evidence of will smite you
how does any religion differentiate from this?


listen do you know what religion is? the actual word? look it up?

Lemme put it this way. when the shit comes down, i'll damn sure arm and fight with the christians rather than muslims.

There will be a rifle behind every blade of grass

choosing sides are we!!.. fine i'ma side with north korea

no one needs funk and wagnall. religion is what it does. it's a bunch of assholes that are in some cases willing to go their own way, or another bunch of real assholes that think they have the right to force everyone else to go their way. it just kills me that muslims get a free pass, and the least obnoxious of religions gets reamed constantly.

>i'ma side with north korea
have fun starving ho park

wow. still you focus on the people and not the religion. religion is a set of ideas and concepts and instructions that are believed by PEOPLE!!
people oldboy. people are bad. look at us on Yea Forums. degenerate fks all around.

hey end of the world. Gonna go out in the biggest nuclear shitfest on the planet. don't wana starve or die suffering.
make it quick :p

You’re nuts.

Hermeticism is more substantive. Satanism is like teenage rebellion. "I wanna do what makes me feel good" isnt a good way to base your life. We'd all just end up on heroin and nothing would be done.

christfags are following a plagiarized deity

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Infiltration happens. Early Christianity was full of Martyrs, but the ruling class figured it would be easier to get inside and steer the ship than keep trying to sink it. By the middle ages, it became a political force instead of a religious institution. A large part of this was due to nobility sending their non-inheriting sons to the church to become clergy.

Catholicism is a tricky beast. It is the Church that Peter built, but it also perpetrates evil. As a Catholic, I understand the ugliness is off putting. What I put forth to critics is 2 points.

First, the church is much more than they Clergy. The laypeople are just as much a part of the church as its leaders.

Second, is that evil is committed by man. Men do evil, men protect them, men make laws to better protect themselves. It's a hellish cycle that demonstrates the connection of power and corruption.

Any man in the church, past or present, who has also committed evil with their position, has broken the 3rd Commandment.

hahaha what the fuck is religion without a bunch of dumb fucking people to follow it around? does a tree make any sound if it falls and no one hears it?

right you are. people are bad, evil, fagets. not the religion. so clear your heads lads.
remember the witchhunt that Christianity did back in the good ol days. 60000 + women were burnt alive. The question is: Was it the religion or the people using the religion?

why am i nuts?

top kek

right people are dumb but you in your own life follow some rules, don't you? its the same but the dumb people following a religion have since long ago decided to use religion as a means to control people. that where your "Do what i tell you or god will smite you" mentality comes from but its the people at fault. not the religion.

>its the people at fault. not the religion
hey, how about
the people were to blame for starving under communism, not the system

the people were to blame for hitler, not the system

the people are to blame for maoist red china, not the system

what a bunch of horseshit. blame the victims, not the oppression.

But here's the thing. The New Testament doesn't command its followers to kill and rape. There is a vast disconnect between what is required of its followers and what they actually do.

whereas what you mentioned have a clear line between ideology and action.

yeah, i follow some rules. and i didn't need religion to tell me. all i needed was my dad
>don't steal
>don't lie
>only kill if you have to defend yourself or the hunt to feed your family
that was pretty much it and i've been fine

you are so dumb i can't fathom you deep assness.
do you mean to say that hitler was not to blame.

not everyone is so lucky to have your dad.

I'll take the bait, but the old testament was written in sankrit and the new in greek. Fucking moron.

time for timely hitler
not to be blamed for anything by

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i think he suggest that 'blame the people' means blame those affected by the church, rather than blame those who steered the church toward evil

>whereas what you mentioned have a clear line between ideology and action
this may be true of some religions today *cough cough, not islam* but in the not to distant past, they all did the same thing. that's why i can't understand the hate for christians. they have progressed into the 21st century and don't do that shit anymore, they just pretty much get slaughtered around the world. muslims are stuck 1000 years ago and want to kill everyone not muslim.

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dude i've been saying the same shit. look up

>Abrahamophilia is good, people are bad
Islam has had plenty of retards killing people because of claiming they're possessed by "djinn".
And a friendly reminder that Zaynab bint Al-Harith Did Nothing Wrong.

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religion is about the same as a mafia protection racket: "join our club and pay your dues or something really bad is going to happen to you"

fuck religion, it is a fraud

i mean in the context this guy is talking, the religion is not to blame. carry that to it's ultimate end, then nazism isn't to blame, it's the people. such bullshit.
and don't tell me hitler was elected. he was never elected to shit, that's a fucking myth

care to explain how your religion managed to burn 60000 women? in the name of religion!!!

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ITT people who have never been to church

you put it almost as good as i did. well done

citation required
i have no idea what the fuck you are even talking about. witches? is that it? do you even have any idea how many people 60,000 people were at that time? that would be like wiping out new york and paris and london today. god you're fucking stupid

I see your point but the context is misinterpreted. I mean to say is that ideas and concepts and instructions in religion for the less known part are quite sensible but PEOPLE using the religion add shit to it then people that you call victims, people with a rational brain but choose not to use it say its the religion and not the people using it. PEOPLE are bad.

that's true, most of the churches today are tax exempt open borders sanctuary houses for MS13 bangers. any that aren't are welcome to come unto me

Do your research deary. you talk about people as if a million people existed back then all over the world. christ how dumb can you be?
Also completely ignoring the fact that women were burned alive. how human of you to pitch in!!

right, this

there's some ambiguity with the term 'the people', but i took it to mean those acting in the name of the church, and not those negatively affected by those actions

ok, i get the gist of your drift. but given that people invented religion, isn't this just a circle jerk that is about to fall flat in the 21st century, except for the fuckers stuck in the 11th century but weaponed up with nukes? this can't end good especially if everyone else just lies down and lets them have their way

my point is you are as full of shit as the people that say 20 million slaves were tossed overboard between here and africa. back when they were burning people, 60,000 would have been a huge fucking dent in the population. you've been watching the crucible too much

You're talking about people with "7 deadly sins" who are unironically filled with "wrath" 24/7 and can't calm down for longer than 5 minutes.

Right you are. By the way I'm a muslim and i'm not in any way defending religious people even my own.
The thing is we have to look at this whole thing this way. when did a religion come and did it help the people in that time?
If you look at this way in this context then you will see that when that religion arose it wasn't bad. but then you see the hundreds of years of tomfuckery and see that this is all bullshit

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well then i guess we could say it's like many other things in that if you choose to live well, it's good for you and even if you live well without religion, it's good
if you choose to be a complete fuckhead then the influence may have been bad but many bad people have no religion.
hell, i guess it's all just a crapshoot after all

So that problem is you only see the tomfuckery of the centuries that followed. when you see the religion when it first griped mans heart. it was ideals born from seeking freedom from cruel oppressors, to seek better life, to live with dignity and honor. but then pepega's of that time incharge of religion started using it to gain power. So ultimately the people using the religion fked it all up

>So ultimately the people using the religion fked it all up
the people in charge of the religion, IE the church decided that it was opiate for the masses and a get rich quick skeem. selling indulgences was the breaking point. say what you want but i think martin was a bad ass

yes thats true but let me ask you this. what is the root of all evil? i think its greed meaning to want more. more power more money more influence more of everything and religion since idealistic can be used very efficiently to do that. seemingly good people in the eyes of others for greed become bad.

who the fk is martin? if you don't mind me asking!!

martin luther, nailed the shit to the door of the church. christ, and you guys say i'm uninformed

It was actually written in Greek first and then translated into Latin. Start from a position of ignorance and you are certain to ask an ignorant question.

Whether you believe or not, you question is illogical. Lets say you have children but only make 25000 a year. Now in walks me. "Hey don't you love your kids?!? Then why don't you buy them nice things?!?". Now keep in mind in not making a analogy in the statement, I am merely showing you a random example of a parental figure who love their kids but from the outside someone could claim that parent doesn't love their kids... this is just one of many infinite examples I'm sure we could conjure... DUMBASS!!! jk been watching that 70's show

Found the dipshit.

It was never actually written in Hebrew or Yiddish (or any other weird Jewish language). Greek was the language of choice for such things at the time.

Dude you have to say Martin Luther King so everyone can understand. martin sounds like your next door neighbour :p

why is everything that happens good attributed to god? i mean right down to catching touchdown passes? little old lady got mutilated late last night, but i scored 6 = god
if someone dies in a unexpected manner, then god works in mysterious ways (that are suspiciously akin to blind chance)
50 million die in a war? that's the devil's work
god how the hell are people this stupid? please tell me this is the last generation to believe in beard sky man

God didn't write the Bible, man did. God wrote the Quran and it's only in Arabic.

I see your point. you mean to say that i can claim anything i want as long it fits my argument. am i right? or way off

you're dumb as a fucking bag of hammers, assuming this wasn't bait

uncalled for but ok

It wasnt written in latin nor was it written to not translate
But it was written in dead language on perishable medium
Smart move from all knowing god to make his word a subject to error

fuck that, i called for it

ok love. calm your tits

Begone heathen

>Smart move from all knowing god to make his word a subject to error
wow, just wow. this reminds me of something.
i was at the beach a couple of years ago. i was sitting on an ocean front bar drinking, and a 60 something churchie came out. she looked out at the ocean and proclaimed to me that it was so beautiful it was proof of god. my response was something like
>yeah, that's some god. make 98% of the water on the planet poisonous for us to drink. what a friggin genius

she just looked at me like i was from mars as i went to take a piss

>the big brother never shows up, but the children are so scared of the potential that they fall in line.
Wow. So deep. You’re really smart. Tell us more.

i think my previous statement just about said it all

You know, council of Nicea and strong political interests. Roman Emperor Constantine had to pack some really good shit to slow down the decay of his country by gaining the consensus of the ever growing christian community which refused to go through military service as they declared their allegiance only to God's army.
Initially the first versions of the vulgata which circulated in the empire were in greek.

ya know guys, it's nice to be in a thread that has half a brain. otherwise it would just be celebs with big asses. i can dig this thread

>she thinks I made it up
>fucking cunt
You’re an alcoholic piece of shit who subjects your wife to this horrible existence of serving you when you aren’t working and drinking your life away, even after you almost die, and she’s the fucking cunt?

Get sober asshole. Because I can tell you that when you finally do die, your family will be sad but mostly relieved that they don’t have deal with the pain and all your bullshit anymore.

i have no family, i'm the last
i came back for her
fuck you
any questions?

Projection:the post

How it feels to chew five gums?

You sound very devout. Good for you.

ITT TFW Jews are niggers

>fine tuned for life
>barely any clean, fresh water

notice he said believers. this obviously doesn't include the people that just show up in church as if it's the 6th day business meeting. when i was little i used to hear things. you wouldn't believe the shit i heard from the church going adults that they didn't think mattered because it was only a kid overhearing it. they were the crookedest, whoring aroundest, most dishonest shitheads i had ever seen. this is why i bailed on church at 13 years old and told my mom and dad that i would not go back. you know mom and dad, the guys that were drinking coffee and reading the newspaper in their underwear when they pushed me out the fucking door to get on the church bus

>then nazism isn't to blame, it's the people
So people shouldn’t have been put on trial at Nuremberg but ideas? Ideas should have been executed not people?

You have shit for brains. Got it.

>Hitler didn’t win any election

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that's what's funny. but it's opposite. life is fine tuned for earth, not the other way around. humans are only able to drink sweet water, not salt water. does this sound like
>grand design

Quads spotted and logged.

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quads of truth

>do your research
>offers no citation

no you asshole. i'm talking the commoners. the people. not the fucking nazi hierarchy.
and tell me any election hitler won. go ahead, i'll wait

This is bait right?

No. With wisdom as rare as yours it’s a crime to not share it with the world.

Christian girls are thebbest

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>ban it from translation
The Bible is translated into every language of the world.
You are dumb

The Bible is a poor interpretation of older tales from other ancient religions, and the basis of those tales were our simulation Game Masters

well i've already made a point. why don't you lay something heavy down on us big baby

Stop this please.
Christians don't talk like this to atheists. If you are christian, read the bible and make yourselfs as the example Jesus wants you to be. The rest of the world, controlled by the flesh can and will behave accordingly. We must be the salt and light. Then they will ask you with a gentle curiousity, how you can behave the way you do.

Im a christian and I love athiests very much. Most of my friends are atheist. And many of them behave much better than christians I have met in Church.

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>I came back for her
>she takes care of me and supplies me alcohol
Sure pal. Tell me more lies that only make sense to your alcoholic twisted mind.
>fuck you
>any questions?
Oh yes. I want to know the secret of life from someone who’s tortured the only family they have left. What a guy.

yes please, don't mind these guys, these are not very good examples of how you should behave as a christian


fuck you, i'm not a christian. i just said that given the alternatives, i'll take up arms on that side rather than give into any muslim or totalitarian horseshit.
clear enough?

obviously you've never met me. it's like meeting jesus. and why don't we let the people involved decide if they don't have the stomach for it. you obviously don't. we decided long ago that whinny bitches like you have no place in our life. that's one of the reasons i love her, she would put her foot in your ass if you looked at me crooked.

quads are a tldr? what the hell is wrong with you?

For a thread about discussing religion there's some majorly mislead people in here.

The only answer you need is who the fuck cares?
Whatever religion is right, whatever happens after you die, whomever is right or wrong - you're wasting the time you have on Earth by worrying so much, to the point where you have to argue with anonymous people online about it like a coward.

No matter how much you bitch or argue about the fact that "boohoo other people don't think the way I do", it's not going to change the truth, it's not going to change anyone elses mind, and whatever the truth is, it isnt stopping you from making the world immediately around you a better place.

We all exist in this terrible painful world together, we all have to suffer, we all have to experience great loss, and we all will die, and nothing, no amount of arguing on Yea Forums can fix this. We should be here for each other, instead of out for each other, and don't worry what happens later. This is stuff you're meant to think about only after you're already dead.

>theres a grand masterplan to save every1, but theres only 1 way to do it an it involves some ppl suffering
Suffering is bad, why can he make a better plan?
>no, is good doe
I can make a better 1
>u dont know if that suffering doesnt lead to more good
U dont know either, so how do u know its any good at all

Well you got me on Hitler. Point conceded to you.

It doesn’t change the fact that your inability to differentiate ideas from people makes you the asshole.

Nowhere in the bible does it say to be shaolin monks or to take it that far. It's jesus who went to the passion for us. We are supposed to be in sin for the world and worship only God the father and read the old testament to be mentally sane.

Oh sir, I would never dare to, in the presence of a towering intellect such as yourself.

Please. Don’t deprive mankind of such original and revolutionary thinking.

who the hell is suffering? i'm having a fucking hoot. the older i get, the more fun this becomes. more money than i can spend, 24/7 party as long as i can hold out, it's like the dream of everyone until they get caught in the working world, except i escaped it

Clear yes. I wanted to show the christian way of thinking. And I appreciate that you support us. It is quite alot of pressure, people don't realise that christianity is the most oppressed religion. This is what God gave us and commanded us to do. Suffer and wait. Please don't let me get started on the Catholic church, one of the most evil organisations in history. They attacked true christians and tortured them to death as much as they did to heretics.

You must carry your own cross everyday

nothing is guaranteed for you on earth, not even to wake up tomorrow

People will hate you for my name

and then one day your mother will die, and you'll feel regretful for so many decisions, and you'll wish you had paid more attention to the pain trying to get your attention in the background.

Enjoy it while you can

the german people did not support genocide. let me just put it out there. let's cut to the bone of this. by the time that shit got going the people had no say in anything. if you opened your mouth, you got cooked as well

I only answered your first sentence. You make a very good point in the rest. I agree

I'm a spanish catholic. The people you talk about that have some money and a girlfriend before the Americans bastardized it into highschool movies about popularity contests.

This has been more than enough of a culture wars, when you "get it" with the normal people it's much more like Judaism and Islam except you find out what is right with us and what the fuck is wrong with them.

I'm sorry I'm the white oppressor poor pieces of shit.

>I came back for her
>that's one of the reasons i love her, she would put her foot in your ass if you looked at me crooked.
>my wife fights my battles and supplies me alcohol while I die in a bed

>everyone else is a whiny little bitch

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I bet this the alcoholic faggot who leaches off his poor wife.

maybe you didn't notice when i said
i'm the last, there is no other. that means everyone else in my family is dead. i feel regret for nothing. i miss my mom and pop, terribly. but i regret nothing

Wow what a pointless post that addressed shit I’d didn’t say, and ignored everything I did. Good job.

But those are teachings and that is extremism from American protestants hippies and god knows what interpreting scriptures. Christianity is much more cultural. "I have my family and my property. fuck you."

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house etc. Because neighbors have secrets

Your such an alcoholic waste you can’t even tell your responding to multiple people...

I'm genuinely glad you're doing well, considering. That does take great strength, a lot of people collapse.

lol no, I only just joined this convo. I am the observer.

no, i said the ideas of the reich leadership did not mean the support of the people. as in religion, the guys running it used it for the control of the masses. and just as an aside, it's kind of cute the way the churchs bent over and took it up the ass from the reich to save their own hides. and most times it didn't work in the end

I know you aren’t the alcoholic. I meant to say to you that I bet the person you’re responding to is the same guy in the other post.
And here the dipshit confirms it.

why do i give a shit, i'm replying to a mass of Yea Forumstards.

stop talking about politics from the 40s, it changes nothing, including your weekend.

Part 3 of the book everybody hates is noncanon

i'll talk about any goddamn thing i want to. problem?

My problem is concern for your own mind, and the collective will of humanity

Goddamn. Post after post, your verbal diarrhea becomes more severe, and yet you still don’t address the single point I made.

Reading your posts is like watching someone trying to shoot a fly of a wall with a 10 gauge shotgun and consistently missing.

Faggot, just use a flyswatter.

Germans are the niggers of Europe. This is a woodland pervert russia filled with jews. Had to happen. Eat my roman Aztec ass I belong in America not you.

>Why do I care?
>continues responding and defending his life choices

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Also kek

so for my own mind, and the collective will of humanity, i shouldn't point out fuckups in the history of mankind? i've spent many years researching the nazi regime to understand exactly what makes something like this possible. should we not say anything or teach how easy it is for people to be fooled?

These people still had tribes while France Italy greece Spain etc. Had civilization. Slavs are better than them and you people aren't that white.

hey, it's 0700 here and i'm bored

there's a fine line you're confusing. What you're saying, I totally agree with, but the line separates using historical information productively, and clumsily going at it with an user on Yea Forums. There is no hope for shifting peoples opinions here, it's clearly not coming from the part of your mind you think it is, however I commend you on the intention.

they just came out of feudalism a bit later than the rest. once Bismark iron handed them, they kicked ass

They are the niggers of Europe. End of story. It had to happen they might as well be slavs in my book I regard them as slavs. Just look at rammstein. That's who those people are. Had to happen. It's the only thing that was gonna happen. Straight up you're goddamn right it happened. It's the only sane thing to happen.

The fact that you think your shitposting is benefiting the collective will of humanity is simultaneously hillarious and really sad.

I think you need to spend years studying the inside of a doctors office.

Theres no god to give u anything

>There is no hope for shifting peoples opinions here
as i said, it's 0709 and i'm bored. i know i'm not changing any minds up here. hell, i'm surprised to find minds up here. that's why i like this thread.

Britain and Germany are the niggers of Europe. I don't expect an American to understand.

Whatever you got to tell yourself you waste.

said the man posting on Yea Forums

>that god picks and chooses who gets into heaven and who doesn't purely based on a whim
citation needed

>I do it '40s style
>I let the bodies pile

citation needed

Catholics today are cucked into standing their ground against abortion, at best be a church to help immigrants.

Go to pol nigger

Oh my god. It totally makes sense that your also the alcoholic who tortures his wife! Oh my god this makes so much sense!

Of course you spent years researching the outside world to find blame in everyone else. Anything to not look at yourself. It explains perfectly your obsession shown in your posts about shit people aren’t even saying.

Keep running from yourself. Let me know how that works out for you.

That's belligerent mentality.

>alcoholic who forced his wife to watch him die and calls her a cunt for the experience
>b poster
Oh yes. I see your point

hope that lesbian LTJTGHFQBMICKEYMOUSE Ph.D is going well for you. many evenings working at Walmart ahead of you i see. you go zee

don't you fucktards get it by now? i don't care. jeeze, get on my level

>answer me this

I choose scripture over your trash. I don't owe you a goddamn thing

you get em david
pardon me guys, i gotta go get another huge glass of vodka. back in a flash

wait, is this the same bunch of Yea Forumsassholes that brag about doing molly and xanny, how much weed they smoke, how much they vape, and so on? wow, sounds a lot like the pot calling the kettle black

Pussy is awesome!

I chose facts over your fiction