Wtf is this on my leg, had it for a while it oozes fluid and itches like a mother fucker
Wtf is this on my leg, had it for a while it oozes fluid and itches like a mother fucker
yeah i dont know probably the fucking plague. nothing Yea Forums can help you with
Their incubation is going well.
You've got maggot eggs in your epidermis.
Looks like flesh eating bacteria if you ask me. Or if could be skin cancer
I told you not to mess with the krockili, no more sega saturn for you, buster
That bruh moment when your 20 and bout to be brown bread cus of bacteria
Some form of degenerative skin disease or rasj
Go to the doctor you dumb nigger
scrape it onto some toast with a butter knife
Call the doctors office you stupid motherfucker. That's not cancer it's some kind of rash. If it's itching you should call ASAP, because you can start itching it in your sleep and that's no bueno.
Looks like impetigo or herpes gladiatorum. Could be staph I suppose. Go see a doctor, that's literally their job. A dermatologist would serve you best but scheduling can be a bitch. REALLY looks and sounds like impetigo to me which sucks, won't go away, and is contagious. Fairly common in gyms, wrestling rooms, etc.
Looks kinda like the rashes I get when I don't stop scratching
flesh eating bacteria, go to the doctor, or at least to the pharmacy and buy a antiobiotic cream.
Clearly a Staph infection.
Seriously go to the hospital now. People die from those.
Also throwing this out here my nipples are fucked as well. Is it over for me b
necrotic spider bite
Clean it properly, fucking use vodka, if you have it that shit helps. Better if you've got rubbing alcohol, disinfectant or better yet kys and be done with it.
Fucking bathe yourself.
I don't know what it is, nigger, but u bout to die, sorry nig
go to the fucking doctor already, jesus fucking christ
If its spreading it might be skin cancer, I'm sorry user. But you kinda deserve it by ignoring it and being a stupid cunt not contacting a doctor.
I'm quite clean I bath every morning
That's what I thought as well. We call that krentenbaard or kinderzeer. Contagious as fuck.
>not bathing at night
That's an aids scab dude.
If you take it off, you won't have aids anymore
Some people get mad bedhead my dude, if I even nap I have to shower if I wanna go out. Oily hair means ya gotta shampoo every day, BUT it means healthier hair
Also meant I had a hilarious amount of pimples as a teen
Ding ding ding. Winner Winner chicken dinner.
Yeah, jokes aside, Staph is FUCKED.
It's hard to get rid of, and a LOT of people die from it.
You're 'lucky' that it APPEARS to be on the surface. Lots of people go to the hospital for something totally different, and get staph inside them. It's bad.
You gonna die, nigga.
i have this too is it really doctor worthy?
You gonna die too, nigga.
And what the fuck does any of that have to do with showing twice a day, you disgusting nigger?
OH I thought you meant he should shower at night, not morning, I didn't think you meant both nibba
Showering at both is primo tho, agreed
That looks like a scab over an infection, used to get those playing baseball when I would slide and put too much pressure on one part of my leg. The sand would cause a friction burn and I'd forget to clean the sand out of the scrape.
Usually all I had to do was pull off the scab and dump hydrogen peroxide on it until it stopped bubbling.
Good luck, if it hurts to remove then don't do it unless you know you won't be ripping off good skin, remove it very slowly.
Everyone is dying
Some people are like Usain Bolt of dying
Of course I meant twice a day. Who the hell showers ONLY at night and then wakes up and goes the whole day without showering? That's gross
LOT'S of people I know lol
Not people who you'd expect either
>Not people who you'd expect either
You mean niggers? Because those are the only people who do that shit
It looks like an ulcer of some sort to me. You have dying tissue that's spreading. It could be from a spider bite such as the Brown Recluse Spider. A bite from one of them can do what is shown in your image.
You're fine dipshit. all the fucks saying it's a serious infection are ignoring the lack of inflamed veins. It's likely a shingles outbreak and means youve got a dirty dick too.
I had something similar. Don’t worry, go to the doctor and get some cortison probably.
Inb4 user is literally rotting away.Include me in the screencap.
what was it exactly?
I haven’t showered in two years
Nobody knows, neither of my girlfriends, my assistant, or my flatmate.
Checkmate you stinky faggots
you're literally retarded in no sane person's mind is op "fine" you fucking farm animal
op, go to the doctor lol.
Utter and complete idiot, go to the doctor post haste.
Staph/ could be MRSA go to the doctor right now! No trolling not a joke. please go take care of yourself
burn with a lighter. make vid. post here
You are diagnosed with gay and faggot.
Getting a bath then going to doctors, hopefully shit gets cleared up.
Just go to a fucking doctor you absolute lord of retards
Got one of those on my ankle. I hope it's cancer because I'm too much of a chickenshit to kill myself.
The only way they'll be able to fix the is by amputating your brain you utter moron.
You don't need to shower twice a day unless you are fat and always smell like dick cheese.
Probably skin cancer, go visit a doctor, faggot
Looks like staph to me.
Go to your doctor, he'll hook you up on antibiotics. From then on you need to take everything as prescribed, down to the last pill, I don't care if it's the kind you shove up your ass - every. last. one.
Make sure the wounds are wrapped, and till the end of your treatment you need to become a clean-freak. Change bed linen whenever a wrap is unwound in your sleep, disinfect anything your wounds touch - even if wrapped.
if you catch yourself picking at your wound, or after you change the wrapping on your wounds, which you should daily, wash your hands till you damn nearly take the skin off.
And when the last of the antibiotics is consumed, spring clean everything for good measure
Medfag here. This called impetigo, a bacterial infection of sperficial skin. Go to a doctor, he'll give you antibiotics and topical cream.
I'm a Physician and PhD Retard Detector. This user is a fucking retard and OP you're fine. Just be sure to pick at the scab constantly throughout the day to remove the top layer to promote healing.
Haven't read through thread but I'm 90% certain you've got staph. You need immediate medical attention. Untreated it will fuck up your life, potentially kill you
Grow up and get your ass to the doctor.
Might add when you call to make that appointment, tell them you believe you are MRSA postitive. They will have an action plan that will be activated. Necessary to keep themselves and others in clinic safe from staph infection.
anyone who asks Yea Forums what's wrong is dumb enough that i'm okay if they die from their stupidity. Just darwin doing his part.
Godamnit I relate to this to much
It doesn't matter what it is, so long as you get rid of it. Go see a dermatologist asap.
If it oozes, it's doctor-worthy.
Getting health advice from Yea Forums (or ignoring it), is undertaker-worthy.
If you are lucky it's just poison ivy. Unless you have burnt yourself.
You should definitely see a doctor.
its looks like desease from drinking cocacola
Murrica! Wealthy country populated by people calling europoors beggars. Still not wealthy enough to afford basic medical care.
God bless murrica!
>Hey Yea Forums should I go to the doctor for this oozing pus wound? Theyre not thaaat big (oh ya i have two) and i only have enough money saved up for one car repair