Almost done with school. I’m getting out of this shit hole. What state should I move to. (USA)

Almost done with school. I’m getting out of this shit hole. What state should I move to. (USA)

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Niggerville, Mississippi

Why are you done with school?
what state are you in?
what race and sex are you?
liberal, conservative, or Centrist?
what state and home town are you from?

A Canadian border state. Less retards.

depends on what field you want to work in, what kind of climate you like, and how much you're willing to spend on residence

New York(not a good part)
White male

Are you me dude. Post your situation with pics.

MS fag here, there's plenty of non-nigger places in the south of the state

Texas, it's the real America

do you vote republican or democrat?

Lies. The entire South is overrun with vicious predatory beaners and ferocious cannibal jungle niggers, the last I heard.


OPs plan: move somewhere and find a job that's related to my degree

Reality: end up working retail until he quits on his dream, in debt, and returns home with his tail between his legs

Spoken like a true retard

Florida, PA and Texas need you.

Man up

It's sad but you have to move to Cali nigga. You can bring California money anywhere else in the world when you retire and live like a king. The same is not true for Kansas.

Texas always did seem like a dream to me compared to this shit. I have to all kinds of pc shit here. Hope it’s different there.

>You can bring California money anywhere else in the world when you retire and live like a king.

Might be the most retarded thing I've ever heard

i did this and live like a double king in washington. you dont know what youre talking about, junior.

Is that due to the conversation rate of NCR dollars to US?

No you didn't you fucking liar. How is moving to the most expensive state with no job experience with no connections even a good idea

i heard main is like 95% white and republican.


he's not wrong. unless you live in a small community of jewish whites with poor intelligence.
t. TN fag

party doesn't matter, republicucks are just as culpable to jewish trickery

Chicago so we can steal shit together and have the good life killing niggers
Iam like a wife but i cook LSD and not food

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