In the process of starting my own trucking company...

In the process of starting my own trucking company, and would like to see if any of my own would be interested in driving for me. Company will be out of the American south east

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Virginia and interested

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Can I do drugs and pick up willing young sluts?

I hope this is some sort of scam, because if you legitimately want one of us working for you, you need to get your head checked.

don't know shit about trucking but those asian tits are god tier.
0 results on tineye so keep em coming pls

This, what serious employer gors to Yea Forums to look for suitable candidates

Someone who wants to work with fellow autistic antisemites

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Created a discord for this its bigNig#8238

Sorry fam, fresh out

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Absolutely on the young sluts, never gotten laid as much as i have when i started driving. As far as drugs the 80s is over. No one is safe from dot trug test

I still don’t know how discord works.

Post your username or a kik will work as well

Post yours and I’ll kick you.

Im about to get my cdl would u still be interested in me?

Me too.

>>cant figure out how to work discord
>>asking a possible employer to go out of his way for you


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Absolutely, contact the discord provided

Gave him my Kik. Still no response

Good choice. They don't have trucks in SEC country. It'll profit off of the obvious market inefficiency.

Hold your horses nigger i havent used kik since i was like 10

Damn. Guess I am nigger then. I do have a CDL tho.

Born on a mountain
Raised in a cave
Truckin and fuckin is all I crave

Oi im not seeing your kik username, mind reposting it?

Just recovered my kik

Attached: Screenshot_20190530-042815_Kik.jpg (720x1280, 301K)

>not using imgops

My father is worth about 400 million.

I did not go to college

I do not have a job

My GF is a 10/10 and also has a rich dad, not as rich as mine but he makes about 1.5 a year

She and i will literally NEVER have to work

Our kids will never have to work

Our grandkids will never have to work

That is my dads dream


Still no message

If your gf one of those hot as fuck but dumb as fuck valley types?
Good luck with that, you rich dumbfucks always find each other. Your children will not respect you.

She is smarter than you pleb.

I would bet everything I own that you are not happy and try make up for it by being a douche on the internet

>the American south east
Where the IQ scores are lowest and the voices always seem to be saying some lowbrow lie? Lotsa luck.

What ever fag. Iq is a pretty hit or miss method of measuring intelligence anyway

You should name it Massive Faggot Trucking, and your motto could be "We love to back up and take your load."

Name of the one on the right? Holy shit those milkers. And I'd love to work for you if I weren't a fucking russian lmao

This is why you have the application process with bulletnotes that mark things you want to find in people, you dingdong.

The sheer precision of this burn.