

Attached: B8E46652-75C4-47BD-92E2-264841150B88.jpg (681x640, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Worst YLYL, ever. Congratz.



Attached: EBEDD083-9A3F-4510-ABB7-1910A74A56E2.png (640x1136, 137K)

Yeah this thread fucking sucks. Kill yourself.



Attached: 20190518-205437-Teidan-id3209706.jpg (792x1550, 225K)

hay hay

Netter pabst. Verbindung? Burschenschaft?

Attached: FB_IMG_1559187685925.jpg (720x423, 42K)

OK, this is the first time i actually lost at the opening post.... good work OP

This thread is depressing

posting my best of greentexts trying to save this shit thread by OP

Attached: cpuheat.jpg (902x1024, 181K)

opening by OP was actually okay, by the way. far better than most

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wait do greentexts even count in a ylyl?

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Fucking lost it at "Tree Shrews"

They do if they make you laugh, herp derp

Attached: 1559028894518.jpg (750x637, 278K)

oh ok. im just used to greentext threads. ill keep posting

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Only if you are breathing living cancer

not saying it was laugh-worthy, just not shit-tier as most openers are imo

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Feel good man

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You know what, you're actually alright, I'm glad I wasn't more of a dick than I was
in my response, keep on keeping on, you're basically this threads lifeline at the moment, I'll try to post more shit if I don't get distracted

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i thought i was the only one left so i stopped posting
also, you said herp derp. nowhere near the standard for dickbaggery on here, kek

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whoops, saved that wrong.

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one of my favorites

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This guy has a sickly looking fridge.

Shut the fuck up you feminist cunt, it just started. If you're gonna be a party pooper post your own shit or shut the fuck up

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First ylyl pic ive ever laughed at. Nice job

nice reddit spacing.

oh i loved that thread

Attached: Dancing frens.webm (1500x500, 1.39M)

Wtf, ich weiß wo das ist

fucking best man, made sure to screencap every ban

Attached: 621.jpg (906x619, 67K)

Attached: 712.jpg (576x531, 54K)

he drinks coors, what'd you expect?

>it's a meme you dip

Attached: 732.jpg (606x613, 59K)

you have to post the OP though.

did you only save the file clip?

i just saved the image that was posted in best of Yea Forums greentext threads

Attached: honk.jpg (1260x612, 90K)

rip i dont think i have OP's

Attached: 1559074690622.jpg (1125x739, 66K)

Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

Attached: 1537721639178.jpg (497x544, 25K)

fucking shill, try harder

Attached: 1559143554525.jpg (688x960, 78K)

anyone else here?

Attached: 2.jpg (631x780, 58K)

Yeah, true, it was rather tame, I suppose I've gone a little soft since my glory days of reaming people out in '07-'08. I just tend to never post anymore since it's become such an excruciating shit-fuck in the last 10 or so years

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What am I looking at ?

that sucks. im still a newfag (2015) from when it all went to shit. i miss the old Yea Forums that i never got a taste of.

Attached: 1549889642346.jpg (640x623, 49K)

seeing porn and bait gets boring, and most of the time ylyls aren't even good. i only really use Yea Forums for rekts or raids, which are super fucking rare.

Attached: 1549741588983.jpg (1242x1077, 885K)

That is literally unquantifiable, but this is certainly not the worst, buckle up newfriend

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well, im bored of posting almost every single thing in this thread. cya fags, and have a good day/night (4 am for me so both)

here's me personally destroying a thread

Attached: I Ruin a Thread.jpg (1006x660, 65K)

Attached: 1557421887092.jpg (540x592, 110K)

Don't despair, one day soon, I'm gonna dig out my old hdd and flood some threads with girugamesh era memes, when you see a thread filled with demotivational images and other old shit, you'll know the shit-hawk flies again

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Wat? Is English not your first language or something?

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That's both hilarious and fascinating

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I am so sick of the public sector...look dipshit, the Count is a goddamn muppet, not a Jew. Miss Piggy is one if his kind. Miss Piggy! Pigs aren't kosher, retard.

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You're trying pretty hard, but I applaud the commitment, well done newfriend

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Attached: bepiscollect.png (800x1200, 380K)

So this is a YLYL thread

So what's his sign say Yea Forums?

Attached: This Is TEMPLATE CLEAR.jpg (1912x2048, 432K)

But it's not about killing babies

the sign says a lot, but not with words.
it is as white as the human race should be

lost, but I agree that the way a man talks about and treats sex workers offers insight into his character.

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Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that he's been to jail for having severe OCD and for exposing himself 319 times in a cinema.

Attached: received_1996474427063035.jpg (958x960, 142K)

impressive numbers, user

A selfie of Your anus

That sounds like a good band name

>13 year old girlfriend

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wow you make my day every time
this post is what keeps me going everyday, when i wake up all i do is wait to see this legendary post in my favorite thread on 4chans random board.
thank you, i love you who ever you are WOW and so sexy

Profanatica is dope as is bathory

I'm here since 2009, but I don't really miss the old Yea Forums, what I miss is the old society

Lost out of respect to that writing


>be this smart to reply to bot

You're welcome, just remember that the whole point of YLYL is to try to recognise this guy and duff him up.

Attached: received_836295726743653.jpg (960x960, 41K)

I lost already

Tits or gtfo

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Anomalcaris is awesome, your meme sucks


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What he say?

Attached: 4Ee9azH5CX-2.png (300x250, 25K)

He said "find out where the guy with the swastika lives and slash his car tyres".

Attached: received_244158529624423.jpg (640x641, 41K)


I admit that im a pedophile everyone

Attached: images (2).jpg (260x194, 6K)

The fuckin' meme is about shit/knock off versions of things, plus the song sweet home Alabama exists, so in this meme alabama is a shit version of home. So when the mom says we have home at home, she is saying that the shit home they have, in this case alabama, will just have to do.

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their English is fine, sounds like you don't know how memes work

It sounds like you have a mouthful of NUTSACK HAHAHAHAHAHA

Theres nothing wrong with being a pedophile

Attached: download (3).jpg (207x244, 8K)

Cope, dog.

I bet riding dick as a female feels fucking AWESOME

Paki freak

Im sexually attracted to children everyone, i cant help my urges

Attached: article-1153422-03A42FDA000005DC-917_233x359.jpg (233x359, 29K)

Do you ever sleep you raving psychotic?

Attached: 1549223978968.gif (413x192, 1.27M)

Nope, now fuck off.

Don’t talk to my friend that way you fucking ASSHOLE

Never you sad Nigger Lover.

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>not a samefag

Attached: 1559167538882.png (933x657, 134K)

Nice ads

If this is true, this is glorious.

Old news.
Where the fuck you been?

honk honk

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Deutschland, deine Päbste…

I am polish, and I kek every time

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my sides

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High quality kek


Attached: Your Mother's Fluffy Ass Hole.jpg (1069x1313, 112K)

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Lost at women.

Hey why dont you go fuck yourself you idiot bitch

Edgy and unfunny.


>He showed you his swastika, duff him up.

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I would watch this

Here you go man

Attached: 640px-AKE_Duff_Beer_IMG_5244_edit.jpg (640x960, 51K)

I like to molest kids

Attached: download (4).jpg (168x300, 9K)

Nice gif. The golden age of Yea Forums

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Theres nothing wrong with being a pedophile

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Get a load of this antisemite