My dad just raped me. I'm literally shaking right now. What should I do Yea Forums? :(

My dad just raped me. I'm literally shaking right now. What should I do Yea Forums? :(

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call the police?

Post your boobs.

Call the police

Rape him back On. That'll cancel it out

>give me moar daddy
and lick his nuts

OP you are hot hot fuck

Don't forget to look him in the eyes to assert dominance

Isn't this the tranny that is always desperate posting on /soc/ trying to find ways to look more feminine

Tranny or not I'm in love

green text

Cough..record the next event and post it here as proof

If he nutted wash that shit out

Go to the nearest hospital. They will conduct a sexual assault forensic exam and get you in touch with relevant resources and authorities.

Get a rape kit at a hospital?


Obviously you should go on Yea Forums and ask random anonymous strangers on the internet for help.

Enjoying summer break?

Report it, find somewhere else to go.

Leave the nut in

Murder him by distilling oleander leaves and adding the concentrate to his morning coffee

Thank him for loving you so much. He's trusting you with his future, he knows if you say anything he's fucked. If he's s good father... return his affection. If he's s bad dad report him and laugh while he gets ass raped in jail

Shaking from cumming?

You know the rules of /b

Whats wrong with my B, full of White Knights...

Tits or gtfo whore!

What you should do is stop posting copy pasta!

Eh? Finished with school a long time ago. I am a lawyer and prosecute sex crimes.

Is this what you do when I'm done with you?! Just wait until I get home, I'm turning around now to give you something to complain about

Post pics we will masturbate

Jesus Christ, please be bate

You should pop that big ass pimple on your chin while you got the adrenaline pumping.

Oh wait, this isn't a thread to go next?


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Yea Forums 101: Always reverse google search. The results may surprise you.


>dad raep me
>shaking from orgasm

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Shut mouth im tryna rp

God dammit, what are you gay?

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Tits or gtfo

stab that fucker

get somewhere safe before calling the police, a neighbor, a friends house, just mke sure he doesnt know where you are and make the person you trust know that he shouldnt know youre there.

Holy shit look at all these replies to a SINGLE post without ANY verification of OP'S Existence

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Larp elsewhere faggot

>I'm literally shaking right now
Thank him for the orgasm
Then make him a sandwich

How new are you

Hopefully he knocked your stupid ass up

Kill yourself stupid tard

Fentanyl, do fentanyl.

Summer's in full swing? Bait? I can no longer tell. Maybe I'm still the newfag?

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Post it on Yea Forums

Get the fuck over it.