Hey Yea Forums I know I've made a few of these threads before but today's the day I throw myself off a bridge. (forgive any spelling mistakes, I'm also impossibly drunk.) AMA, call me a fag. Whatever last chance to talk to a dead man
Hey Yea Forums I know I've made a few of these threads before but today's the day I throw myself off a bridge...
What bridge
Just don't dude
Stream it live faggot
A tall one over water
Can'r stream on a random fuck off bridge faggot.
Do not do it, people care about you
what started all of this?
Why a bridge?
Because no one cares. No one listens (despite being right like 70% of the time) And I'm tired of being the "I told you so" guy. As far as I'm concerned everyone can fuck off the same bridge as me and KTS
Tried hanging. didn't work
Tried being run over by a train din't work
Next step logically
Why don't you start over with new people who think you are right?
just try to get it onto liveleak or a rekt thread
you can make mine and many others' day for a while if you record your suicide
Because that's a waste of resources. Since I'm right more than half the time I shouldn't need to keep expressing I'm right. I think I'll be happier on the otherside. Even if there's nothing there
Could you please record it? Also see you in the next world, user. Sad that things didn't turn out to be good in your life. Don't forget to stream it though, try to get a good angle at your face. Take care
I mean I can try if you retards are going to hound me like this. BUt I've only got an android and I don't have a stand so it isn't going to be very good
LOL suicide is literally the biggest possible waste of resources, but you do do soon-to-be non-existent you I guess.
You were wrong about the noose and the train
so far 3 (including myself) have asked you to livestream it. fucking do it, user. you owe it to us
Well obviously fucknuts. I'm still alive
That makes no sense. Killing yourself is an even larger waste or resources. You are already educated, you you need to find people who value your resources.
I don\t owe you shit but like I said I'll try
No it isn't. Besides I'll be dead what the hell will I care?
If dubs op wont khs and will smile?
I hear em rolling
Tryng to catch me ran dirty
OP here. If you guys know any streaming websites that will work on phone. Link me up you Yea Forumsiggers
How old you Op?
t'was a joke, but thanks for the attempt man. honestly, it sucks that you're doing that. but hey, it's your /biz/. i hope you find some peace with it
OP is so retarded he thinks not existing is better than existing even though the whole concept of not existing requires existence to be enjoyable or even possible. What a faggot.
>Since I'm right more than half the time I shouldn't need to keep expressing I'm right.
Oh boy, just fucking kill yourself. We don't need another self-righteous faggot with a God complex.
Op listeen
I thiink yuo are a cool dud dont kus
Who gives a shit, any life is worth the same as any other/ i.e All worthless
You're not making any sense right now. You do care because you are the one who said it was the reason for not helping yourself.
Just wondering bro
either bait or the stupidest person in this thread
calling bait and not giving the (You)
I am a schizophrenic 20 year with a suppozed god complex the only thing I care about is what I want. And what I want is to kill myself. And this time when I do it I'm arming myself so no pigs are going to aprehend me in the act
Your name? So we can see you on the news and know if that is you
Maybe your failures are a wake up call that you've got a lot to learn
Fuck you you Yea Forumsike
You will all be like
>omg user just an heroed
and for the next two months I will be the biggest joke on the internet
And this will be my life's biggest accomplishment
Yeah, very undeserved God complex. Your spelling is fucking horrendous, you have no redeeming skills or qualities I'm sure- you probably hear voices telling you your the Messiah or some shit. Just end it, before you actually hurt someone who doesn't want to die.
We'll be fine without you.
That's all you get to know until I can get a stream going
>inb4 if a stream starts
Also, don't watch this faggots stream. You're feeding his god complex, and once he's gotten all that attention, you can bet your ass it'll be a reason for him to "stick around"
And if he doesnt?
Like I said, I'm very drunk and don't give a shit about you backwash niggers to spellcheck myself
And for the record the voices I hear only concrete my own self defeats
> + I can't imagine a man insulting someone on their deathbed is worth their life either
Fuck you, this Yea Forumstard delivers!
I will kill myself infront of my goddamn parents if guns were legal in Cunuck land
Since you're set on doing it, livestream it
You sure about this, man?
At least try making yourself happy one more time.
He will
Then hopefully he dies alone without a single eye on his obviously attention-thirsty stream. A fitting end for a faggot of his calibre. A God dead with nobody to notice or care.
I've been filling happy with drugs and alcohol since for the past three years, I'm not going to be like the rest of you fags waiting for it to get better
So what?
I mean if he wanna kill himslef how does that affect you? Why being this butthur with someone who is drunk saying stupid shit and is goin to khs
I've been living with schizophrenia for years- actually, though. If you're a bitch who can't handle the shit your own conscience conjures up, you deserve to die.
Good luck in the next life, you spineless, mindless speck.
Embrace the eternal, blissful void user.
He won't. That's what triggers me.
If that keeps him alive, I will
Did you even try to treat the schizophrenia? Sounds like you don't have a good reason to kill yurself
Well if he does then do a dab and enjoy the stream
P.S It won't
(OP in case you were wondering)
I don't need a crowd. But I will admit the attention is nice
None of these faggots do. And none of these faggots ever will. They'll fail at that, just like they did with everything else in life. I mean- how do you fail at hanging yourself THEN fail at getting run over by a train, kek
Dab for me, I have to go to work. Some of us have lives to actually live.
RIP Faggot, you're missing out
Damn true, tought i was the only mommy boi with enough GBP to be on Yea Forums
OP again. If you want me to stream, find me a way to stream on an Android phone. Otherwise you'll have to settle for the news interpt.
You have until 1 AM moutain time
Sleep well then, user
So 19, why didn't you say so
Yep, OPs a faggot
20 actually gaylord
Idk if this works (english aint my first lenguage so...)
Hey! I only sucked one dick and that was in 4th grade
(P.S. Ryan if you're in this thread holla)
OP don't kill yourself
>op here
>P S 20 minutes left Yea Forums
Tick tock
Op choose one (it takes you less 2 minutes to create an instagram account with a fake email)
Fuck you.
Doesn't look like it'll work without paying
>I ain't no sell out
But since we're on the topic of Vimeo. I am in this shitty short-film somewhere
Make a game of it
OP you cant do livestream on tik tok lma0
Choose life James!
No one gives a fuck about your shitty short film, just kill yourself- literally
And we finally get around to OPs true and game.
"Watch my video please"
Hey OP will you transfer me all of your money since you don't need them anymore?
I would've been dead already if you fags didn't tell me to live-stream!
Don't watch I don't care. It's shitty and my least impressive performance yet
Your death will be your magnum opus. Go on fucking Periscope, make some throwaway account, and die.
>I would have been dead already if you fags didn't ask me to livestream
If you truly didn't care about yourself you would have done it already you attention seeking cunt
Then do it already and leave us alone. Stop posting links to your vimeo.
Two dubs of truth.
Let it rain.
man, you are all such terrible people telling him to kill himself. i mean, really? telling another human being to kill himself? without him spending weeks preparing his lines and letting him give his least impressive performance yet? i mean, fuck, have SOME class. let him blow his fucking brains out all over while he gives his heartfelt gay performance that he wants
Finally! Someone who can provide some fucking results! Can everyone find Whatzit Tooyah on this shit?
You mean you didn’t record any of those attempts either?
nah but i was a depressed piece of shit when i did those
What, you in love with that faggot or something?
Its not like its Ibsen. Its just some psychotic loser on a Japanese basket weaving site whose looking for attention.
man, that joke went way over your guys' heads. wasn't even bait. i was mocking him talking about how it'd be a shitty performance (him literally killing himself) and why he shouldnt record it. he's just a baiting faggot.
its a yes or no question I started a stream
Op stream link or nickname
Just got here, are you dead yet?
still delaying
ive been here from the start (a fucking hour)
it's just bait
Well shit, off to a rekt thread I guess
recording but not dead yet. I still got to walk to the bridge which will be another 30 minutes.
Welp, time to dip boys. There's always tomorrow.
I’m 45 and nearly topped myself at your age. I turned my life around and got my dream job by working and not crying, ended up being a record producer. You can turn your life around if you’re clever, it’s a big world out there with a lot of fit women, nice places, and fun stories to be had.
Inb4 moralfag, I just know this situation and it’s changeable, once you get over the fact that the world developers around you. Man up, and sober up. Thank me later
Op here, Ill be live on Periscope in like 30 minutes-ish. At whatzit tooyah if you want to watch. If this thread is dead, ill start a new one for an hero fans with this pic
Developers? *doesnt revolve
Damn iPad lol
OP is a fucking neckbeard jesus christ now I hope you really do deliver you stinky ass mf
Whered u find it
Name one fucking person in OPs life.
Quit with the empty self serving platitudes.
You don't know this guy's plight
Soooooooooooooo, i know this comments will probably be lost among all the other. But, if you do read it, then , i suggest you aactually do something that will leave a mark. Like, why jump off a bridge? A lot of people already did that.
Do something unique. Do something poeple will remember in the future. Do something we will all remember. If you are to die anyway, why not enjoy your death? Do something fucked up. Mayeb, bring a much ppl as you can with you? Rob a bank, and see how far you can go before getting shot by cops? Go on a public rampage, and don't stop until someone make you by killing you.
Life is something special. Ending it is sad, but, in the last second you will live before killing yourself, you'll feel more alive than you ever did.
So, why not make it memorable, for you, and for us?
Superglue your hands to your head and hang yourself with piano wire.
U still havent done it wtf u wasting our time for
Bait alert:
Whatzit tooyah is talking about Yea Forums spam bullshit, OP is a lame troll or trying to get more views
I am jumping because my life has no meaning. Why bother being unique when it won't change anything.
Send SS fags cant use periscope on my cellphone
Ur not gonna do shit faggot
>Dead man
Are we going to hold a séance or do I need my Ouija board?
Op here i just realized that the camera wont pick up well because its the dead of night, so post something to scream as i plummet
I'm a faggot
It will aleviate the boredom
Not bait.
OP is a separate person and I've got my own suicide thread going.
Im growing more comfortable with it.. It's practically the only thing I have control of at this point.
I'm a faggot
Op if you see this please listen. I just looked at your periscope and I really hope you don’t actually do it. The only thing you will be thinking about whole falling is the things you will never see again. You may not believe that a random internet stranger cares about you and I’m gonna get called a faggot for this but please don’t do it. Don’t be something that these cunts on this shit website use for a laugh. Be the best you can be and try again. Whenever you get down or hit rock bottom the only way out is to try again, not end your own life.
Oh please, stop trying to be a martyr, your life has no meaning because you made it like this. Stop looking for attention.
If you really were about to kill yourself, you would see meaning in my post.
For fucking once in your life, DO SOMETHING FAGGOT. STOP COMPLAINING.
You are killing yourself. If you really are, thats something in itself. So WHY not making it special? WHY NOT? Its not like you have something to lose god-fucking-damn it.
Why the fuck do fags like you care?
Yet your two videos don't mention killing yourself or are you actually killing yourself
You like attention don't you?
IIII aaaaammmm a ffffaaaggggggooottt
Not gonna lie. It would be pretty epic
Stream down? Op a real faggot
Hey I don't know if you've already roped, but if you haven't I want to say that I don't want you to. I'm kind of going through the same thing, and it feels really shitty. I'm pretty young so I guess ive got that going for me, but from one sad boy to another, please don't. I know there is the cliché "muh people love you" but earlier this year one of my cousins committed suicide. I barely knew her (not bio) but holy shit the entire family was and still is rocked from it. Her parents will never be the same. The scars from that will live with them forever. I think about her alot, and it really pains me that people here really are dismissive about your life. I know staying alive for others is not the best reason to stay alive, so don't live for others, live for yourself. Get some antidepressants. This user cares about you xx.
Fuck off OP
There's people here that actually want to do it.
You're distracting from the threads made by ppl who are actually seeking help and looking for tips on how to effectively and safely kill themselves.
Fucking hope you get shot by a black cop
I'm not OP
So, yes, you like attention. Stay in your own thread.
OP see you in hell faggot ugly virgin fat mother fucker udhakd i am squizo i ham smart skbds fuck off you fucked yourself dont blame another people for it
For fucking real tought. I don'tt understand poeple killing themselves in a simple way. If you are to throw your life, why would you care about before your last breath? Why are suicidal people throwing away a chance to leave a mark into other people heart?
If i were to kill myself, i would do the most fucked up shit ever. I would do what i tought was impossible before, and why would i care if i get killed in the process? Thats what i wanted from the beginning .
Be real, fucking do what you ever wanted to do. If you do have a soul, if you really are conscous of your life, there is something you want, deep inside you. Then, why not fucking take it before you leave this god forsaken world? Why would you waste a good opportunity like that by killing yourself in such a simple way?
This make me upset. If you're killing yourself, then it means your life was worth nothing. Then why not giving it worth before dying? Then, you may find a way of life you never saw before. Or maybe not, but who care? YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE ANYWAY.
Indian same fag
But why the stigma?
There are 7billion people.
How much worth is one person who doesn't even want to be here?
>today's the day I throw myself off a bridge
Like fucking everyone who's done this and lived has talked about their regret doing it while they fell.
If you're gonna do it, fucking make it instant. Better yet, just don't do it. Join a movement or something, make something else happen.
One life is worth more than you think goddamnit. There is a lot of different ppl you automatically know if i type their name. You could be one of them. But, you know, you do you. Stay a pathetic loser throwing yourself down a bridge without anyone knowing, this won't make a fucking difference in our life.
You told us to try and give some word to a soon to be dead man. I gave mine. Take it or leave it. Bu, i'm sure you can understand they make more sense than anything everyone else wrote in the thread, even more than those who tried to stop you.
Cult recruiter spotted
Shut up op
Final op here (whether i have the balls to go through with it or not) my name is james MacAdam and I live in peace river for those who maywant deets. I am currently on the peace train bridge. To jump into the peace river. The periscope is whatzit Tooyah for the uninformed
I mean, I actually meant like... Join a Commie movement or something, but... I didn't wanna get shit on too much
>INB4 hue hue hue wot's the difference
OP is actually live
you'll survive the fall and end up in a wheelchair retard. that bridge isn't tall
Oh my God dude shoot yourself or something, DO NOT jump off anything, you'll live your final moments full of fear and regret, and you may even live and end up paralyzed and in a LIVING HELL.
OP is actually live
Don't do it, man. Come on man, this year so far has been ABSOLUTE HELL FOR ME, but I ain't killin' myself and neither should you.
Ending paralyzed may be a fitting end for such a faggot. Maybe he'll understand the chance he lost ending his pathetic life like that.
Ugh, but jokes aside, being paralyzed is one of those nightmare scenarios
Ever hear of those people who like fall and hit pavement, or fall into a pool wrong and BOOM paralyzed for life.
Defo one of my main 'irrational' fears. Wouldn't wish it on (almost) anyone
Which Peace River? Florida or British Columbia. The one in Florida is only 45 feet tall, but the one in BC is much bigger
In fact, if it did happen, I'd rather just have a loved one inject or give me a FUCK ton of LSD, and then kill me during the trip.
So many people are gonna call Peace River PD reporting this, and whoever the fuck James macAdams is, he's gonna get fucking blitzed by cops who think he's suicidal.
The two peace rivers I found. One is 120 miles long and the other is 1200 miles long. It'd be hard to pin point where exactly.
Why in US u have a high ratio of suicidal teens? You society is a shit. Come to Europe, dude. Here the people is happy.