Why won't he just finally pound my closet boi puss?
Why won't he just finally pound my closet boi puss?
Because you still have your underwear on
How far have you gone?
Does halfway count?
howabout allteh wae
nice boipussy, why doesn't he want to pound that?
He won't fuck you because you're hiding your dicc
I showed it off while we were sleeping in the same bed on vacay
Beats me.. or doesn't.. unfortunately
>boi pussy
Why are you in denial about your homosexuality?
Who says i am? I just want him to treat it like one
post a snap or discord you little slut
Mm... Don't have one, but i wish i could be his little slut
He could have me if he wanted
you're going to make one then
Mm.. maybe if you dress me up
i'm not asking you, i'm telling you
Tips for avoiding razor bumps?
There is the problem, my cousin would have never sucked me off if I would have never told him he was cute