Get down there's a sni

Get down there's a sni

Attached: Sniper.jpg (1486x847, 96K)

OP you enormous faggot these threads are fucking sh-

These bushes will cover me.

Attached: 7 (2).jpg (1138x1600, 369K)

Dubs confirm.
Bushes have saved my life.

Attached: ent15071208290003-m1.jpg (481x720, 41K)

Your times up nigger

Attached: 20190530_000921.jpg (410x490, 105K)

I think his mate saw me

Op are you o-


Im up he sees me im down

ruined the thread you f-

Attached: I think I saw a sni-.gif (422x230, 1.36M)

No there isnt you fucking faggot. can't kill me, I'm invinci-

Attached: manly beard.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

The faggots ruined the thre-

Attached: 1559007598265s.jpg (249x245, 6K)

fucking summer newfags always ruin everyth-

Is the sniper Candle Ja-

Attached: 2018.08.061.jpg (477x604, 34K)

Run bitch ruuuuu

I got this. ZA WARUD-

Attached: download-17.jpg (474x266, 27K)

Fucking newfags make me wanna kill myself. That's it I'm standing u-

Wat? How is this possible?

>War? How is this possi

What the fuck happened to this bo-


Attached: 5FB34BA1-DFBB-483B-ADBC-275F4886BBA0.jpg (680x383, 39K)

only pussies take cover when a sniper is arou-

Dodging a sniper is easy, all you gotta do i-

Tell my wife I

sniper is going to fuck your wi-