Hi Yea Forums. What does the letter "H" stand for in "Jesus H Christ"?
Hi Yea Forums. What does the letter "H" stand for in "Jesus H Christ"?
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a real dorky middle name I dare not repeat.
Cmon tell us. Is it Hector?
"he's the one"
It's probably Hector I don't know i'm trying to mask the fact that i've been getting stabbed in the face every other week
Damn, that escalated quickly!
Hey guy are you alright? That sure doesn’t sound good
If his middle name is Hillary, then why did so many Christians not vote for Hillary in 2016?
No it's not no one seems to want to do anything about it. i'm doing alright emotionally i'm a pretty smug guy.
Damn rough situation. You’re a chill guy a pretty smart guy you’ll figure it out. Just remember the waves, it’s gonna suck before it gets better, then repeat ad infinitum
So I hear, It's nice to see that I've still got waves. It does suck but I can't help be mystified how hard they try they've been doing this since day one it would be rude to go.
Welp, considering his name is Yeshua, I'm not sure.
Jesus Holy Christ
Humpty Dumpty
Middle name though
"Humpty dumpty sat on a cross..."
>letter "H" stand for in "Jesus H Christ"?
Yeshua (Christ) didn't have a middle name. Especially when you consider the fact that "Christ" is also not his last name. Christ simply means "Anointed" or "Messiah". It isn't a part of his actual name.
(Cont.) Actually, this is why he was often called "Jesus THE Christ". Otherwise the term/word "Anti-Christ" would be kind of nonsensical and ridiculous.
Not according to his driver's license.
>Not according to his driver's license.
Fake ID.
How old are you?
It's a fake I.D. anyway because Yeshua was certainly not born in December. No, that's a Catholic falsehood. Much like Pagan Roman Easter.
>Yeshua (Christ) didn't have a middle name.
It's Warren. In addition to saying
it also means guard. Therefore, Jonathan Warren whose initials JW give the Jews their name means
>God's gift guard
That's just his English name. Hebrew name is
>Gedalia Gersion
>7777 (47)
Super G
At this point, I don't really want to dive into my opinion on modern translations of the Bible. I take issue with them for different reasons. Some I take even with the NKJV. Certainly one of the closest ones, but still issues. Had I not already read the parts in the KJV, I may not have discovered the errors I did when reading the same parts in the NKJV. The change of a simple word really altered the entire context of the verse or the paragraph as a whole. Like in Romans, the word "servant" of righteousness was changed to "slave" of righteousness. I thought "whoa whoa whoa... That is not right." Those 2 words have vastly different meanings. And swapping those words alters the readers perception of the meaning of the verse as well as the meaning of the verse. That was one problem I found.
>implying Latin contains definite or indefinite articles
Wew lad!
Low key chuckle
>What does the letter "H" stand for in "Jesus H Christ"
It's either "Jesus Harold Christ" or "Jesus Holy Christ" Not sure which.
Servant: NOUN:
a person who performs duties for others, especially a person employed in a house on domestic duties or as a personal attendant.
Slave: NOUN
a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
Yeah most of that stuff that says how to treat your slaves should actually say how to treat your employees. God hates slavery.
>God hates slavery
OP here
No offense, but why do you waste your time on that shit? Obviously you are
a little on the smart side. So why not use those smarts towards something productive like physics, law or mathematics? I don't get it!!!
They were slaves in Egypt, this is true. They were also captive in Babylon (Which is where they get their Kabbalistic writings as well as their infamous and Godless Talmud.) You should give the Jewish Talmud a read. Maybe the part where it says Jesus is rotting in boiling sewage in the abyss might peak your interest. Or maybe the part where it tells the Jewish Rabbis that sex with a pre-pubescant boy isn't gay because he hasn't hit puberty yet. Or that as long as a girl is 3 years old and a day, you can legally marry her. (No, I'm not kidding you at all. It's all in there.)
They're idiots, as are most humans.
Quantum Gravity
Time Arrow Spinors for the Modified Cosmological Model
On Certain Aspects of American Economics Relevant to 2016
On Relativity and Absolutism in Morality
>or mathematics?
Real Numbers in the Neighborhood of Infinity
Proof of the Limits of Sine and Cosine at Infinity
Babylon is the root word of the word Bible, is it not?
Jesus is a fusion of Horus, Zoroaster and Mithras and probably some other shit, anyway like everything in Christianity he was designed to bring everyone present within the Roman empire into a single religion, a "big tent" if you will. This was an attempt to essentially destroy the Romans though their real eventual cause of death was liberalism/cosmopolitanism because it was incompatible with their brutal system of empire in which they very pointedly deleted the cultures they conquered so they couldn't be meaningfully resisted. So anyway, from the failed attempt to convert all of Rome to their big tent religion you have a series of emperors who become interested in it and eventually institute it as the new state religion of Rome for one reason: it allows them to rule as the unquestionable hand of god instead of something more like a "princeps civitatis", or "first senator", a president basically.
Soo...Christianity kind of invented emperors, well, popularized the idea. Sorta, China handled it way differently, but Christianity probably got the idea from Pharaohs who also ruled as the hand of a given deity, though which one changed with the tides of their own politics in a far more fluid way than from how a western person would understand an emperor.
>God hates slavery
trust me
I hate it
and I will rek your shit if you do it
Middle English: via Old French from ecclesiastical Latin biblia, from Greek (ta) biblia ‘(the) books’, from biblion ‘book’, originally a diminutive of biblos ‘papyrus, scroll’, of Semitic origin.
Tiber = Tipler
Petrus Romanus = Pentus Romanus
glad someone saw that one
In regards to Horus and the whole fable that is Zeitgeist (At least the religious portion), I recommend that you watch Steve Bancarz video on it on YouTube. The dude did quite a big of research on the subject and laid out why it's all BS in a rather concise 10 minute video. And yes, he cites his sources in the video.
>Roman empire
Jesis is like a god yo. Well, a secondary god. But actually there's only one god. So like, if there's only one god, how could a single organism race have a gender? It can't. For your god to be male, you'd need a second god to be female to contrast himself against. Otherwise, with only one god, there'd be no other genders but that one. ...and anyway, what would be the point of having gender for a singular god? There's no other gods for that god to fuck and make more baby gods with. Gender would serve no functional purpose.
All this calling god he and father is the work of incredibly stupid ape-people not thinking for millenia since the jews created christfaggotry for the barbarians.
Jesus "Hitler did nothing wrong" Christ
Or you could actually study the shit yourselves you lazy twats, instead of watching retards on youtube cherry pick and argue like it's fucking high school debate team and you get points for convincing others regardless of whether you're talking trash or not.
I mean you could still give it a watch. I just said he left sources that way other people COULD look for themselves if they chose to. Not everybody does that. And he doesn't argue it, just lays out the facts. He also wasn't a Christian for a long time and only as of the last few years converted. He used to make a shit load of money pretty much being a spiritual guru of sorts and being interested in pagan spiritualism and all that. So it's not as though he's approaching this with some life-long Christian bias.
>he left sources
Thread about Yours Truly. I'm Jon Tooker the guy who invented time travel, not John Tooker the guy who invented the HDR, John Titor the time traveler, or John Connor the time traveler. Also, not John Tooker the guy from the Montauk Project who is a separate time traveler different from John Tooker the inventor of the HDR who happens to have the same name.
I am the anonymous physicist featured in the black hole article yesterday. AMA
John Titor, the Montauk Project, the e-Cat and Geometric Unity
Here's were I invent explain the physics that one would use to put together a time machine... if one were so inclined.
Quality bate, good work.
God is like a shamrock. Small, green, and split three ways.
When he was born the shepherds had their flocks grazing in the field. The 3 wise men traveled through the desert to find where he was born. They traveled in the desert even at night. Do you know how cold it gets in the desert in the SUMMER months, let alone in the WINTER? No way man. I'm sorry if anyone in here is Catholic. But, you're "version" of Christianity is false. You say prayers to the angels (or called saints), you say prayers to Mary and refer to her as the MOTHER OF GOD (blasphemy), etc. Mary is a mortal woman. She may have been "blessed among women" as the angel said, but certainly not a DIVINE character in the whole thing. She cannot intercede for you with God. Only Christ can. And Easter? Have you ever wondered what a rabbit and eggs have to do with not only each other, but Easter in general? The eggs and the rabbit are a representation of fertility. The expression "mating like rabbits" sheds light on that. And the eggs are representing a woman's reproductive system and her ovaries. It is a Pagan Roman observation. The Emperor of Rome, when converting to what would become Roman Catholicism did convert, his kingdom was still predominantly pagan and still wanted to celebrate their "holy days" and their festivals and the like. So to appease the pagans of Rome, without offending the Christians there as well, "switched" dates and changed times around so that ALL of Rome would be at peace.
He tried to exterminate Jesus' chosen people (only he has the right to punish them for their disobedience and disbelief), and even worse went to war against his favorite nation, the US. He probably didn't appreciate the bombings of Britain either since that's clearly his second favorite country, due to it being the forerunner of the US.
>Hi Yea Forums. What does the letter "H" stand for in "Jesus H Christ"?
It's Howard. Named after his dad, God. It even says so in the Bible. "Our father who art in heaven, Howard be thy name, his kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
> It is a Pagan Roman observation
Eostre was a Germanic deity, not an inferior Roman one like Jupiter, or Jesus. Easter is a modern continuation of her festival, in late March or early April, faggot.
Holy. As in holy shit stop being a pathetic, delusional idiot and get some fucking self-confidence looser.
>chosen people
Chosen for what? They like to say, "Chosen for something good no matter waht," but if you look at the covenant in the Torah it absolutely does not say that.
All through the Bible, God is killing the Jews left and right and giving them to their enemies, and then suddenly Adolf Hitler does it and he's some big monster.
Jesus Hentai Christ
A Deutsche deity huh? Whether you call it Deutsche or Roman, tomayto or tomahto, it isn't Christian. We can at least agree on that. In all of my love for Deutschland, I am ashamed at what it has become though. A once proud land reduced to a shell of it's former self. I hope my family who's still living there is doing well.
Harold or holy
Only boomers and preboomers say "Jesus H Christ"
As far as I know back then middle and last names weren't a thing, at least in his parts. His full name technically would've been Jesus of Nazareth. Christ is a word meaning savior essentially that was attached to him for obvious reasons and H is a modern meme. I'm no expert so if anything I said is stupid and wrong feel free to correct me.
Chosen to be the people who Jesus and Christianity come from. Also Israel will play a key role in bringing the Rapture. Hitler was a known satanist and homosexual, and wanted to prevent the imminent second coming of Jesus, for his dark lord. You see how far it got him and Germany though.
Don't worry though. Most Jews will be burning in hell right beside you. They are only being given a second chance to embrace Christianity, and not a free pass. At least some of them will accept the precious gift of salvation when the time comes though.
lol wut
I believe in God and scripture myself but I was thinking the same thing. Hitler was certainly not a homosexual and he did not worship Satan. Hitler had a Catholic upbringing and even had GOTT MIT UNS inscribed on the Nazi's belt buckles which in English says "God With Us".
it use to stand for heroin but to many people took in vein