You're a burglar, but instead of breaking into homes to steal you do things to slightly inconvenience the people living there, what do you do?
You're a burglar...
Slightly toast every piece of bread so when they toast it, it burns.
remove outlets from walls, disconnect wiring, put outlets back.
Turn everything upside down
remove every, and I mean EVERY, writing utensil I can find.
take the bags of cereal from their boxes, cut a hole it and put it back so it leaks inside the box
Save a month's worth of shit in plastic bags. Clog all the toilets, put remaining shit in the tanks.
place a bunch of random shit ontop of their fridge door so when they open it it'll all crash onto the floor turn back their clocks an hour, place lego blocks on their floor just so, so they'll step in it, put on an elastic band around their hose that they wash dishes with so when they get a glass of water they'll spray themselves. stack their glasses in a way when they open up the cupboard it'll all spill out.
Restack the Tupperware so it doesn't fit back into the drawer nicely
break their ac
Cut a small hole in the bottom of their dish soap
He said minor inconvenience not a 10000 dollar repair
Move all of their furniture 5 inches to the left
cum on all the panties
Absolutely devilish
beat me to it
Drop D-cell batteries into the washing machine's waste line
Leave some bread crumbs on their beds, chairs and sofas
fill up all the remaining space on their phones with pictures of them sleeping.
Set an alarm at 3 hours before the actual alarms.
Slightly rotate every hanging picture in the house
stop the clocks and spill water on the bathroom floor
Put all the pictures on the walls in different spots, all cock-eyed at various angles.
switch the salt the the sugar.
Rearrange everything in their medicine cabinet/bathroom counters.
Move all the toilet paper to a different spot.
Take all the dishes out and put them into the highest possible shelves in the kitchen.
Turn every other fork, knife, and spoon backwards in their silverware drawer so they aren't nicely stacked.
Unbundle all their socks and rebundle them with the non-matching pair, or leave them unbundled if their socks are all the same.
Turn off power strips for TV/computers/lights.
Close and lock all interior doors that have a lock using those little "keys" that fit into the hole on the outside of the handle.
Put tape over the garage door sensor.
Put tape over all door latches, holding it in so they don't latch shut.
Completely rearrange clothes hanging in closet, specifically placing things so they aren't ordered by however the person had them ordered (ie by color, by style, by type).
Rearrange all items in fridge/freezer
If they have a programmable thermostat, set it 4 degrees warmer/cooler (in a hot/cold climate, respectively)
hide all their car keys
Get into the wardrobes. Turn every article of clothing inside out.
Empty all the toothpaste and replace it with mayonnaise
Take all keys off their key rings and randomly put them back on
unroll all the toilet paper, take out the trash but dont replace the trash bag, pull the string on the ceiling fan 3 times to its maxxed. either it will be on or you have a switch to turn on the light/fan and the fan is already going full blast. pull out that one string from the blinds so you cant make them go up and down. cum on both your parents face while they sleep so they wake up and have to both take a shower in the morning. and they havent done that for 15years. since you were born. so they decide to shower together and they respark their love and lust for one another and fall back deeply in love. youre a failure. kys
stick my dick in their orange juice while softly whispering the lyrics to 'Poker Face'.
The last part is the most important.
lol filp the toilet paper upside down instead.
Line the inside bottom of the dishwasher with dawn soap
leave their oven on overnight so that it burns their house down
inspiration from this
cum in all of their liquids. especially milk.
too much effort fagets. try again
leave drugs and then call the police on the owners of the house. sprinkle crumbs of sugar everywhere for an ant infestation, leave rotten fish in the ceiling
hide electronic dog whistles in the walls. Drive the crazy and dumb humans won't know why.
I would grab all the toilet paper and spray it with chlorine. Piss on all their clothes and spit on their family photos. I would drink a 750ml bottle of jack in the space of an hour and then deliberately throw up in every room. I would let the homeless come inside to shoot up and jack each other off while I write on the walls with my own shit “ANDY SIXX WAS HERE”. I would buy termites and make sure they’re in every section of every wall. Then I would call the news and tell them there’s an escaped inmate holding me captive, then call the cops and tell them there’s strangers in my home doing drugs and having sex and they’re all armed. Then when I hear the sweet sound of that news chopper, everyone will see on TV a bunch of naked hobos running outside being shot while I’m naked, erect, covered in shit & vomit screaming THEYRE COMING THEYRE COMING
Coat handles and certain spots on the floor with maple syrup
Pee on the seat, leave the refrigerator door open, pour water in their sugar, put cheese in their shoes etc.. you know sick shit like that
finger fuck their goldfish until it reaches either oblivion or euphoria.
>tweak all the door hinges so they always squeak.
>mix up all the drill bits in the toolbox so they have to figure out the right order.
>take random pieces from boardgames and puzzles.
remove all the lightbulbs, put them in strange places
in the u-traps under sinks, tape them up behind drawers, real out of the way places
Dont you think that is a little too intense though?
take a shit in their vcr
best of
Slightly askew everything hung on their walls.
Slightly mess with every hinge i can find to make it make a squeaky noise.
Place a brick in their toilet tanks so the flush is never as strong as it used to be.
Get a dropper of salt water, soak every hinge and spring in their entire house.
The squeaking will never end.
Off Topic
> I rented a holiday home for a week
> There were fucking annoying notes everywhere from the owner
> Notes like "There are 6 forks, 6 Knives and 6 spoons in this draw etc, any missing items and the end of your stay will be charged to your credit card.
> there must have been over 100 painstakingly printed, laminated and placed in ever draw, cupboard and shelf in the house.
> Not to mention retarded notices on every door and window.
> While there we visited a local market and I noticed some coffee cups for sale which were exactly the same as the one in the house.
> I purchased 1 and placed it in the cupboard for a giggle.
> About a week later I got a call from the landlord.
> He was seriously going apeshit about the extra cup and wanted to know if i did a full inventory on my arrival.
> I told him I never counted any items and found his note anal.
> I swear he started screaming about how he has spent the last 2 days counting everything in the house and the extra cup was driving him mad.
> I told him to fuck off and hung up.
> He called back several minutes later almost in tears demanding an explanation.
I just blocked his number.
> In the
Shit into each of their shoes and superglue dragon dildos on each and every chair
poke a hole in the toiler stopper
Plug the sinks and turn the water on, naturally
Hell no that’s what I came up with on the spot, give me a week and see what happens. If you no anyone with family photos that need to be spit on, DO NOT hesitate to hmu, I’m your guy. Don’t be fooled by anyone else, you’re dealing with the best in the business. Need spit? Just dial it. My number that is, I’m your guy.
Cut all the shoelaces I can find
>slightly inconvenience
You missed the point of the thread, homo
Take the lids off everything in the refrigerator and post them back to them 1 by 1.
Take out a wall plate and squeeze a raw chicken wing beside it into the wall. Then replace the wall plate.has to be something like a cable tv wall plate so there is some air flow between inside the wall and the room.
What thread? I’m your guy if you need someone to spit on family pics legit hmu use the code “SPIT” for 10% off your first purchase
Unmake all the beds and put the sheets in the dirty laundry
You sick fuck. You belong in an institution
Ur a bad man user
take their shower heads.
Unscrew every screw to the point they'll almost fall off but still stay on
Fill the bathtub with water and put the towels inside
literally not funny. overused. get your own joke kid. try being oc. ps youre a faget
You evil bastard.
yer fun at parties
Regular soap in the dish washer... lots of it
This is pure evil genius.
I open every box of cereal and chip bag and leave them open I take the cap off of everything in the fridge and place them next to said drinks I leave every water faucet slighty on dripping water pour small amounts of water on both the bathroom and kitchen floor so the resident's step in it and finally I take the bendy wire off the bread bag and spread the bag wide open
Remove the label off every can in their pantry. Also, I'd unscrew every light bulb.
i bet you quote movies to get laughs. so fulfilling
yeah its a good time. try to have fun one in awhile.
Move all of their kitchen utensils to different drawers.
Pîss on their toilet paper
mix up dvds with their boxes
I would switch those cardboard labels of all the cup noodles from beef too chicken.
How has no one said this? It would be pretty frustrating but ultimately harmless
Put syrup on every handle and on the chair legs and seat part, piss on their toilet lid, put salt in all their drinks and mouthwash, take frozen foods out of the freezer/refrigerator and put em in the cupboards and take all the stuff in the cupboards into the fridge and draw penises with a perm marker
re-hang every picture unevenly
set every home screen, lockscreen, and bookmark to gay porn
Unscrew door hinges, mix up the shampoos, change tv to colorblind settings, superglue chairs to floor, steal all remotes, dog hair in all dishes, hot sauce in milk, open all sodas, spray pledge on leather chairs, make microwave door unshuttable
Good, but cliché
wash their laundry with warm water.
fill all battery-powered items (TV remotes, etc) with dead batteries, and swap out all spare batteries with dead batteries in identical packaging
Ok, please, get out psycho
Take the stickers off of the Ice berg and Romaine lettuces and swap them
fill bottled water with vodka
No mention of spiders yet?
My goodness anything with spiders would just kill me.
Maybe grabbing a jar of spiders and setting them free in various rooms would be all it takes to make me take off running.
Mix chlorine and amonia and Pure it everywhere in the House.
Take the 10mm socket
Rape them
grab all the keys, put them in a jar of spiders.
Find the sock drawer and take one sock from each pair.
put my penis in their daughters mouth and vagina and thrust repeatedly untill my semen comes out all over her pretty little face.
release hundreds of crickets into the crawlspace/ventilation
They'll chirp for hours every night
Roll back all windows updates then turn autoupdate back on.
is that a bad thing? i always wash with cold only bacause the warm doesnt work. but why would it have a warm setting if its a bad thing?
Wow that's a long penis
Causes the clothes to shrink slightly haha
sorry, i think you misunderstood, perhaps I was not descriptive enough, I mean to say I would put my penis inside the home owner's daughters mouth, and also place my penis in that very same daughters vagina afterwards.
My penis would be inside the mouth or the vagina of the girl not in both at the same time, sorry for the confusion,although having my penis inside a lovely young girls mouth at the same time as having my penis inside a young girls vagina would be fascinating to me, I am afraid that is impossible to do.
Make sure no container they own will close
>unscrew and steal the lids to all their food containers: milk jugs, condiments, etc
>heat up and warp the lids to all their Tupperware so none fit enough to close
>cut the lids from boxes (cereal, etc) and empty bags into the boxes, take bags
>cut the bottoms out of all their ziploc bags, neatly replace
>poke many holes through their rolls of foil and plastic wrap
>open every can, neatly restack
>take all bag ties off bread bags or similar
>do the same in all bathrooms
I'd pour their chocolate milk down the drain
If they have any game consoles, steal their controller(s). If they have a switch, steal every switch compatible controller they have and leave them with a single joycon.
i bet that is your worst nightmare huh?
You pathetic SoýBoy,
Loosen every screw I could find: doors, knobs, drawers, outlets, toilets, etc. Loosen cabinet doors so they don't close right. Loosen light bulbs.
Rearrange their books/movies/games at random
Turn the volume up to max on all their devices
Flop the batteries around in every single device I could find
Unplug everything from every outlet, steal every light bulb.
I have a friend whos house is like that.
His mum has signs everywhere from the front door telling you what to do. Wipe feet. Remove shoes here and place neatly in rack and stuff.
kill Sharon tate.
If they have one of those modern "drawer-style" freezers, fill the entire thing with water and close it
break in, steal their car keys, move their car so it's parked all over their flower beds
No. get a bunch of friends to help you turn the car so it's perpendicular to their driveway, so the have to drive over their lawn themselves.
Can I join you? We can be the wet bandits.
I would target one home at a time to break into multiple times. The purpose: move or alter things constantly to gaslight the fuck out of people.
Replace all their remote batteries with dying and dead ones.
think about this alot user?
perhaps ruptured batteries instead so it gunks everything up.
Let loose a giant moth in the living room
Minor inconveniences, user, not destroy their electronics.
Pour away liquid and powder soaps, as well as condiments and seasonings, leaving only the last 10% in their containers before placing then back.
hide the remotes
Shake all their fizzy drinks vigorously 10 minutes before they wake and/or come home.
Unplug their handphones and other electronics that they left to charge overnight.
Unplug the router
Pour a little bit of water into all the tissue boxes to make them soggy and clumped up.
place stickers of danny devito's face in hidden places so they are finding them for years.
Empty their toilets, fill the reservoirs with vinegar, seal with wax to hide the smell. Plug the toilet drain and fill the bottom with baking soda and just enough water to make it look passable. Spike all their food and liquids with heavy duty laxatives. Install cams so I can watch the literal shitstorm as if happens.
Bring a piece of styrofoam and scratch it in the middle of the living room.
Then turn on the fan.
Use a compressor and a can of very fine saw dust to cover every surface in the house with a layer of dust.
If theh have encyclopedias, steal three at random. If they do not, add three at random to their bookshelf.
Super glue every cabnet shut. Rewrite the expration date on the milk. Put oil on your floor
Rearrange the silverware and dull their steak knives. Also leave every drawer and cabinet door wide open so they bump their shins
Tie tight triple knots on all their shoe laces.
Similar idea I have:
If they have a collection of a series of books, change just two of them to an edition with a different cover/artstyle, albeit they are still the same books.
Bring a box of random keys. Swap out half the keys on their keychains with similar looking keys.
Cut holes in the bottoms of every trash can liner
even more sinister, drain the ink from any pen
Transfer all their clear liquors into the incorrect bottles, e.g. put gin in the vodka bottle, rum in the gin bottle
Take a massive diarrhea shit in their cat's litter box, partially bury it.
i'd rearrange stuff on their lawn and around the neighborhood so it looks like a giant cock from google earth
then send it to them and tell them I know they make up the glans
Put the milk jugg in the freezer.
i'd rip the tag off of their mattress and then swat them while they're in the middle of dinner
no. leave a little ink in there, but not enough to write anything clearly. just enough to make people frustrated as they tear through paper by pressing too hard, trying to squeeze that ink out.
Remove the layer of plastic on their new electronics on their behalf.
i would create a random hole in the ceiling of the attic, and then knock on the door dressed in heavy black robes and say something cryptic like "it has been released into your home. you must flee. it has entered your attic."
put scents and foods to attract all kinds of animals and leave all of the doors and windows open
Mix a small amount of dog kibble into their CocoPuffs cereal. Or a bit of sand into other cereals.
>>mix up all the drill bits in the toolbox so they have to figure out the right order.
Kill myself. Now they have a dead body.
Hard boil all their eggs, return to carton.
Nut in their nut socks.
Shove their toothbrush up my ass and be sure to leave hair and shit particles behind.
Trim my toe nails and leave them in one of their clean bowls
Cut 1/16 of an inch off of their dinner table leg so that it will never sit evenly again.
Cut out the last three pages of the last chapter of every book they own.
it doesn't destroy jsut annoying as fuck to clean out
Splatter water on ever mirror and glass surface so that it dries and leaves stains.
Turn thier picture frames facing the wall and put all the mirrors into the same room.
Battery acid can easily destroy your electronics. It corroded the spring right off my old XBox controller. Further exposure could damage any other contaminated components.
>delete their videogame save files
I'm a bad person. I laughed way too hard at this.
Iron wrinkles into all articles of clothing then put them back exactly how they were hanging.
Are you aware those are actual scare tactics used in the cold war era by the
east German StaSi (basically KGB).
The term was "Zersetzung".- to decompose someone psychological peace of mind and to make the doubt their own sanity. Also to let them know the Stasi agents can come to their house as they please.
The article on Wikipedia is quite nice
Take away all the batteries.
Kill the wabbit
Perhaps the best slight inconvenience is the friends we make along the way...
Give the dog laxatives
Lace all food/drink with laxatives
Take their toilet paper and hide it
how do I save an entire thread?
Replace every single battery in their house with dead ones