Does Yea Forums ever do stuff with their sister? Pic related. It's my sister.
Does Yea Forums ever do stuff with their sister? Pic related. It's my sister
That isn't your sister you lonely degenerate. Now fuck off.
post this picture next time.
It is though
Retard lying twice
Ok lonely retard cunt
>Pic related. It's my sister.
>It is though
I don’t do stuff with my sister because she’s too straight laced for anything like that. However I do cum in her stuff all the time. She has her own oat milk that only she drinks so I cum in that a couple times a week whilst she’s out the house. Nothing makes me more diamonds than watching her drink my cum every breakfast.
She also has white sheets so I occasionally cum all over her sheets. Fucking hot knowing she’s rolling around in my cum, especially when she has her boyfriend over. Love the idea that sum of my dried cum gets in her pussy.
Also do the stuff everyone else does - cum in her shampoo, face cream, occasionally over her panties, I once came in the washer once before she put her clothes in so I could cover all her clothes in my nuts but then I realised it would all get washed off haha.
You need to get a life
What, why?
Do you cum on her tooth brush?
If you're gonna troll at least do it good instead of wasting my time
My sister "groomed" me from age 8 to 14. I hate and love her for it.
I smelled my sisters underwear the apot with a stain. It smelled rly bad.
Nah, does it work? Wasn’t sure if she’d be able to taste it!! Fucking hot idea tho, especially when she goes to kiss parents goodbye
Well, if you don’t believe me then fair enough. I’m happy my sis is currently sleeping next door, face down on her pillow soaked in my cum
The shit spot or the pussy spot
I've done a lot of stuff with your sister, OP.
Even more than with your mother.
Pussy spot i think it had blood in it
Basically the same but also some hidden cams and in the seldom times she gets drunk felt her up a bit
Rub it in the bristles and she wont taste it cuz of toothbaste
But have you done both at the same time?
That it is porn doesn't mean it is not his sister.
I dont have one and i envy you.
Your sis is awesome
Pic of gtfo cunt
Nice, gave me a good chuckle tnx for that. Keep doing the right thing user and good luck
It's not porn it was an accidental selfie taken by some guys ex wife and the pic went viral.
I often “accidentally” walk into the bathroom when my sister is in there taking a shit. I play it off like I’m just joking around but I always try to get a glimpse of her vadge
Is that your sister?
I took my sister on a tasting tour of the finest dining establishments and capped the night with some lulz on Yea Forums.
>Pic related. It's my sister.
Holy shit that pic is hilarious
What's her name then?
when my sister was 16 she went to sweden for a year as an exchange student
she got really into scandanavian culture and over there nudity is not a big deal so when she came home she was walking around the house topless a lot.
in the mornings when it was just us home (dad left for a woman he met online, mom left the house really early in the mornings) she didnt put a bra or shirt on until she was basically out of the door. meanwhile she just carried on conversation with me as if she didnt have her tits lel
there is more funny/sexual stories i can post if anyone is interested, i just dont want to type them all out if no one cares
tits out*
She goes to a different school
Where is she in that pic huh?
Excuse me?
>being this newfag, and or retarded
Lol that's all you have to say? Gtfo tard