>jews still changing holocaust numbers

I guess after 70+ years the jews need to re-ignite interest in their little story and to remind us we are supposed to still feel sorry for them. Just add another thousand "victims" to the holocaust numbers, just go ahead and change history. Again.

Attached: holohoax.png (839x931, 930K)


1000 is well within the margin of error when you're dealing with millions, you mongoloid retard.

Pack to /pol/ with you flat earther

and how many more decades will pass before we allow them to magically "find" more victims from this fairy tale event? will the numbers be 6 or 7 million in another hundred years?


This is bodies that they just found, not fucking new holocaust victim you fucking shoe

These are dead that are included in the millions that died during the holocaust, that were just found.

>inb4 you say I'm just just some Jew/Shill, because even though I'm sure there is something you could say to at least sound like there's some sort of valid argument for what you're saying, you won't find it because you've probably already exhausted the three fruit loops you call brain cells reading that headline and forgot how to Google the words "how to make people think my thoughts are my own"

Attached: 4chan-faggot.jpg (234x226, 59K)


fucking win. Goddamn right

Even if they did this 100 times which is extremely unlikely, that would only be 100,000, not millions as you retardedly state.

you vile fool . . . Jews didn't find the graves or the documentation. They just honored the poor dead, 75+ years after the murders.

Be happy OP, there are fewer Jews alive today than there were in fucking 1939. Do the denials ever explain that?

Why nobody talk bout the 60 million Russians that died?

Its okay when goyim die.

Stfu loser

Attached: 1558677907752.gif (1000x1000, 208K)

watch Saving Private Ryan lol, fucking dum dum

60 million? That was the great war, WW2 had 789 millions Russian casualities

If only

Oy vey!
This is very disrespectful to the 6 gorillion victims

Ok Schlomo
>you can probably disprove me but I'm gonna go ahead and say you can't goy

conterfiet and crooked