How do I get my neighbors taken away and killed? every single one of my neighbors dogs...

how do I get my neighbors taken away and killed? every single one of my neighbors dogs. I want them taken away and one by one killed. I want every single one of them dead.

>neighbors are fucking retards
>get the most annoying god damn dog in the world
>let it out every single day first thing in the morning at 6 am
>starts fucking barking
>vicious cock sucker
>every time i walk past the house the fucking retard jumps out of the shadows fucking CHARGES up against the fuck jumping barking freaking the fuck out
>they leave it out all night
>barks at 4 am, 5 am, 6 am, 3 am, midnight, 10 pm, all day all night
>go for a night walk in the middle of the night
>buzz instantly killed
>retard dog charges the fence starts barking at 3 am pisses everyone off
>sits outside my house and barking for hours straight
>have not had one night in 10 years where i can sleep peacfully or take a nap or anything
>freezing cold arctic winters it sits outside for hours barking
>freezing cold nights sits outside in 30 degrees all night barking
>they do nothing

every fucking day it sits outside my window and barks for hours at night and stays outside constantly and they never do shit with it. I tried reporting a shit load before until someone came. do I just keep reporting it non stop until they come kill it?

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its god damn midnight. and still. this is the fucking 3rd week in a row of every day having barking when im trying to sleep.

dunno how to help you op, but this thread is kekworthy

I know this is a retarded question, but have you ever tried wearing earplugs while going to sleep?
Or maybe earbuds with relaxing music in them?

I'll file a noise complaint and let police tell them to shut their fucking dog up.

You could also bitch at your neighbors about it instead of us.

Or I'd just wear headphones to bed, I do that anyway.

Soak some chicken in auto coolant and feed it to dog. I've been in your shoes before, pal. Trust me, the barking will soon end. God bless.

>let out at 6am
>out all night
>in front of my house

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

i've you're too stupid to go to that shit neighbour and call animal protection on them, or just train the fuck dog to fear you then you don't deserve help.

chocolate or meat laced with razors would probably help
or a gun, you're not a sissy. "officer, the dog charged me, i needed to protect myself"
or maybe pepper spray.

how big of a dog is it
Here's the plan get some rat poison peanut butter And some lye and use gloves to make small balls of it an powder the out side with lye and throw it over in random places

I've done it before but you could always cover in in bacon grease

I have some fucking thing in my ear that hurts like fuck if I touch it and I miss my alarms and shit

I stand outside their house when its barking at midnight saying HEY FUCKING RETARDS SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN DOGS UP. HEY FUCKTARDS SHUT YOUR FUCKING DOG UP ITS MIDNIGHT. nothing. I reported it 800 times and finally the cops showed up one time and then nothing happened they went back to normal 2 weeks later and now its god damn non stop. they literally let them out at midnight and just leave them there all night and it barks non stop every hour.

if i just report it a million times theyll eventually come kill it right?

Have you tried fucking it in its dog ass?

At least change up the pasta a little, OP. This is just shameless and stale. I thought for a second you changed it but you just forgot to type dog in the first sentence

im worried about them having cameras or id go do that right now

>mfw OP ends up getting arrested for screaming at his neighbors house like a crackhead

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how is that not appropriate. someones dog is barking at 1 am. what the fuck else would you do? and then i would say no youre not arresting shit. theres the dogs ive complained about. got ignored. im dealing with it because you wont. do it now you see the shit

What kind of dog is it

You willing to suck a dick? Might be able to help you out.

>mfw OP's chest cavity gets liquefied by some trigger happy cop for resisting arrest

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poison you retard

Stuff poisons dogs that is normal food to humans

Easiest way to do it is to buy some cheap meat from the supermarket and put some MSG in it. One teaspoon of MSG is enough to kill a fully grown dog.

And then? You throw the steak over the fence.

Poisoned my neighboor's pitbull with a sausage filled with rat poison. Watched him barfing blood and grey stuff while smoking a good monte cristo. Tough motherfucker, he didn't even die and got up on his paws, had to strangle through the fence with a phone cable
He was an aggressive cunt, aways barking at people for no reason. Not that my poofta neighboor learned the lesson, now he's got a fucking dobermann.

Hey who gives a shit, another retarded dog, another poisoned sausage. This time I'm getting the dose right.

wow so badass you managed to trick a dog into eating meat
you must feel pretty big dick energy huh

Just kidnap a child and throw it in front of the dogs at night. Media backlash and trademark American® Public Shaming™ will do the rest.

holy shit im OP and that fucking traumatized holy shit I might just keep reporting them holy fuck thats fucked

do this do this do this do this do this

No way this is real, OP might not have balls, but nobody is cowardly enough to not seek help from an annoying ass dog that's been keeping the entire neighbourhood awake for ten fucking years.

Poison their dogs with treats. Throw it in their yard

Throw cocaine-laced food at the dog, or any highly addictive drug for the matter. Whenever you can, just give the dog more. Do not overdose it, we don't want it dead yet, nor suspicion. Then stop it, let the withdrawal do its magic.

Why would you waste cocaine on a dog. He wants a way to kill it, not a way to lose heaps of cash.