Yo how do I get my ass out the friend zone

Yo how do I get my ass out the friend zone

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move on dude believe me it will save you a lot of heartache later i'm still trying to get over it but i feel myself wanting to get sucked back in

get her drunk and take advantage of the situation

Go to the gym and stop caring about the whore.
Worked pretty well for me. And everyone else I’ve known that did it.

Freak the fuck out, otherwise it will continue

you don't.

its important to know the difference between a slut and a bitch.

A slut will fuck anyone.

A bitch will fuck anyone- but YOU.

Rape works every time. But you still won't be in a relationship.

Once you're in there, you can't get out.
You need to move on bro.

I dont even know if im in the friendzone. How do I know? Its so hard reading this one chick because she isnt a thot.

You’d know if she likes you. If she doesn’t, and doesn’t really lead you on, then you have your answer.
If she leads you on, but explicitly denies you, then you’re friend zoned and she’s being a bitch.

Did OK in my day but boy did I know a lot of bitches.

Advice to OP . Don't be her friend. Its amazing how many guys overlook the obvious answer.

get significantly richer or significantly better looking

Hit on her. If it doesn't pan out, move on.

It's that simple.

Thing is I've only hung out with her irl once and I dont know if it was a hangout or a date. We've only been chatting for ~2 weeks for reference.

Protip: if it takes more than 4 hours to get into a chick's pants, you're wasting your time.

>muh love or whatever the fuck

No. You think you give a shit but you actually want in her pants and your hormones are lying to you. This is because we're still wired to have kids by 15 because we'll probably be dead by 30.

Ignore that shit and plow skanks that don't waste your time. Any affection you have for this broad is unilateral and she'd probably let you die in exchange for a ham sandwich.

Get fit
Hit the damn gym hard
Don't be a pussy
Do that and you'll get some great pussy
By then the friend zone girl may want you out of the friend zone
But chances are you'll be over her by then anyway

Isn't friend zone more a thot term? As in making a friend vs fuck distinction? I mean if she's not a thot she might treat everyone as friends because she's not looking or thinking I those terms so you're not really being zoned.

If you don't know then it absolutely wasn't a date
Get a clue

Establish intentions, user. Be intentional and assertive.
You don’t need to be an asshole. You just need to let people know what You want.

Stop being a beta

Are you retarded. I don't even know what a thot term even means
It's not fucking complicated
Friend zone means the bitch doesn't like you like that
Dumb ass

once you're there, you don't. find another bitch and have actual confidence next time.

By accepting you will never have sex with a woman that looks like this. Unless she's a prostitute.

Be more forward. If you really like the chick, start giving signs that you like her more. She'll pick up on the hints n shit.

If it comes to a point where she has to be straight with you and say she doesn't want to be with you, don't flip shit. Maintain the relationship if you can. If you don't want to, split.

Be patient. Try your best to no be an autist.

I mean she'd probably have sex with someone if they pushed hard enough but she doesn't dress like a thot and say retarded thot shit like 99% of females I know.

Lol k

Yeah she's really nice but idk because I think Id be fine being friends with her too but itd be pretty cool if i could fuck

The idea of a "friend zone" is sugar coating for "she's not into you".

My advice: Not everyone will be attracted to you. Don't dwell on what can't happen. If she's not interested in you then a relationship probably wouldn't work out anyways. Move on and find someone else. I'm not saying move on every 2 seconds however. Lasting relationships take a month or two at least to determine if you really want to even begin dating.

Quit being retarded. Grow a pair.

You find a woman that's interested in you, and date her instead.

Stop being her friend

stop being her friend

out,,, is like a black hole... i once peered in to get a glance of what was in there... what i saw left me petrified and squeamish like a little biiiiitch. The friend zone is not where nay one wants to be,, trust me my friend... now, how to get out : first,,, take your hand and feel your balls (even if they are tiny) tell yourself they are real ball.. good balls and very manly balls. second, walk over to that freind-zoneing-woo-child and tell her these exact words "you can take the bacon, but ill take the Pussy !" (with the most confidence you have) wait for a slight reaction, then, sling your balls out like it was a-magic trick and say "good by for ever" and this will most likely stun her, with the confusion and the choas taking place use this oprtune moment to STONE COLD STUNNER that slut-Sukkubus !

This will get you out of the Zone... no joke, and might make you step into the "getting laid zone" for once in your life.

listen point is,,, dont let yourself down,,, the most important person in your life is YOU... dont fuck with the basics in life and dont let people use you as feed.

Im out !

B isnt a dating lifehack board where the coal burners on whatever normalfag dating app you zoomers use.

Girls play games get over it or just stay away from them

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I Kek'ed Hard... ive noted everything. Thanks user


you win the internet for a few seconds.

Just get out before the feelings get stronger, itll hurt like a bitch but there is no real getting out of the friend zone except stop being their friend

what this user said !

1. Get drunk with her
2. say the magic words:
...like zomg I totally want to tongue your shitter right now.

or whatever you're into.

Ask her to hook you up with one of her friends
>She will start thinking of you more in a sexual way, and not as just a doormat
>And she will be jealous of someone else getting your attention
Best to move on though, she will always be trying to get back on that pedestal until someone else takes her away.
And with the next one, remember to treat her like you could have better, that is the only way

fuck her friends, fuck more attractive chicks then her, dont put her above you

you dont. move on to the next. learn from your fuck up.

Dont be their friend.


If you’re in friend zone she gains advantages from you

You’re too ugly and not her type

Just leave

Caging st this dog