My sister sent me this picture. What did she mean by this?

My sister sent me this picture. What did she mean by this?

Attached: F511C60E-3209-4366-888F-66DC655DCF33.jpg (750x1084, 100K)

Attached: 6760CFE5-05BF-4C45-B371-4A1BC20947C2.jpg (1290x316, 69K)

tell her if she wants to fuck

She meant to send it to a lover and sent it to you by mistake.

Don't say a goddamn thing until she awkwardly apologizes.

She wants you to post pics of you in her panties you fucking retard

Your sister has a penis?

It means she wants you to jerk off to this girl and stop being a faggot

Send her a dick pic and show us the response

She wants you to smack her around a bit


>She meant to send it to a lover
She doesn't have a boyfriend

user is a pussy, beside isn’t that an older belle Delphine pic

Unironically fuck her you lucky bastard.
Want a tip? Make a sexual joke.
"Im going to breed you." Or some shit. Post reply.

Tell her, "Nice shirt."

This girl is an image on b every few months op is a fucking lieing sad cuck

Attached: 9D17AD70-C6E4-4060-AF88-4F416B98F616.jpg (1536x1502, 302K)

You pathetic mother fuckers


You really shouldn’t be here.

OPs not only a faggot he's really bad at trolling.

Attached: YodaFailedYouHave.jpg (960x768, 121K)

You need to go balls deep and impregnate your gf

Attached: 462EB013-9FF6-4DFD-BB8A-4E14705B6168.jpg (615x1024, 57K)

What he said

Ask her

Something I never understand is after a reverse image search is posted people still keep replying to these type of threads. I'm not even this dude

Attached: 1559124961094.png (624x628, 81K)

It confuses me too, this is so easily fake cus I remember this chick from the post that was less than a week ago. Some people are so desperate for it to be true