I'm pro choice, even though I understand pro life and all. I don't think neither choices are wrong for different reasons. But let's hear from you
I'm pro choice, even though I understand pro life and all...
Why would anyone condone infanticide?
The fact that someone even has to defend that is retarded
I defend it in any scenario, but do you still disagree with it in a case of rape, underage/high risk pregnancy, couple with very low income...
Nobody gives a fuck.
A fetus without a functioning central nervous system cannot be considered an infant.
Then gtfo?
I am generally sympathetic to pro-life. To me the issue boils down to the unclear point at which a fetus becomes a person and not a lump of tissue.
What makes something legally a person? I don't think that any reasonable person would support aborting a 9 month pregnancy. But at the same time, claiming that a zygote is a person the moment it is conceived or has implanted onto the womb seems to me to be scientifically dubious.
What we need is a clear point at which a fetus becomes a legally protected individual.
I think these factors are irrelevant to the morality of an abortion. (except possibly the case were a mother would be in danger)
Don't think people should use abortion as a means of birth control but also dont think the goverment should allowed to tell people the can't cuz picrelated
Well idk but I believe if an abortion would be done it should be early. Like at 2 months
*dont think the goverment should ve allowed to tell people they can't*
Yeah but you wouldn't do an abortion every month. This is for the low probability of your birth control failing.
True I don't think the choice should be taken away
I honestly see abortion as a non-issue was just speaking from emotion mostly.
I dont know enough about human gestation but that is probably reasonable
Normally I would agree, but abortion can potentially infrige on the rights of another person (unborn baby), so it can't be totaly laissez-faire.
Agreed it is mostly used by politicians to bait SJW's and christfags
I feel like maybe in rape cases there could be clause for early abourtion. Along with mothers in danger. Maube a few other things. But i feel like of two respinsible adult have sex knowing they could get pregnant its their resposibility to carry out the pregnancy. Unless you zap it early where its not a person. But it should be a convient birth control when you wanna back out halfway through.
I could never agree more honestly
lol y u baleet
Shouldnt be**
You just articulated my view on abortion perfectly. Thank you, user.
enjoy your piss poor niggers and rising crime rates
Fetus deletus
Stop being a faggot
Fuck off
stop being an idiot, you know I'm right. If you outlaw abortion, you're gonna have a shit ton of poor niggers to deal with.
im pro life because at what point does a clump of cells become human?
also women shouldnt have rights
Kill it anytime before birth, if prolifers are so fucking concerned about life, let then adopt, after they pay for docs during pregnancy ofc.
Who gives a shit when, we kill people all the time. You know how many peeps got unplugged from life support today? Abortion is exactly that, life support unplug.
we unplug people to end suffering
I don't believe in it as a form of birth control, but in cases where mother's life is in danger you compare an existing life that is vs a potential life that might be so the lesser of evils is the abortion. If you ban all abortion you've declared war on every girl in America. Rape her and she's forced to have your child. You say day after pill, Ok rape her and keep her in your basement for a month. And considering which group does the most rapes I'm suspicious of more alternative ((motives)) for these laws. Allow rape as the exception? You've just declared war on every guy in America. You think fake rape accusations are high now, just wait. But the best way to settle the abortion issue once and for all is a having signed national vote on abortion. Anyone who votes against abortion has to put down an extra 10% of their gross income as part of their taxes every year to support all these unwanted babies.. I mean if your going to talk the talk ....... Trust me, abortion would never be banned.
No risk, no lesson in the case of underage, people need to stop absolving parents from teaching their fucking kids. I only support abortion for high risk pregnancy and rape, since both of those cases have the highest likelihood of death or suicide.
I support a woman's right to commit mur- I mean... right to her body! :) Not the fetus's (PARASITE BTW) body that she forced inside of herself or anything.
Fetus isn't an infant
>i don't think neither choices are wrong for different reasons.
wut? the double negatives, mang.
If you left it alone it would be.
As a parent, I have always held the firm belief that you should be able to abort your child until the age of 18.
What kind of lives do you think the babies of mothers who wanted them dead are going to have? They're aborting them because they dont want/aren't ready for kids, and you think that that child is gonna grow up and become a role model in society when the only reason he exists is because his mom would've faced jail time for not having him? They're gonna grow up, and if they arent criminals they'll just be bad people which everyone else will have to deal with because you took a teenager and said "hey bitch, you're gonna drop out of school and pay attention to this thing that is literally the epitome of all commitments on earth and requires the utmost care and attention, and its gonna outcast you from all your social circles and possibly your own family, and we expect you to raise them well =)"
CRYOPAUSE: Abort the embryo, but then freeze it in liquid nitrogen. Turn this into a church/research center unby incel monks. they study every day to learn how to revive the embryos. finally, they discover how to successfully revive the little babies. they raise the babies. the boys become slaves for the temple and the girls become wives for the incls who gave them life.
Sorry, I meant I think both are justifiable
your still killing someone without their consent, its time for women to grow the fuck up rather than shirk off responsibility just because its an option
You're assuming a lot. I know many people with shitty upbringing that turned out to be respectable people despite it.
You're just gonna create more bad parents, how do pro lifers not see that?
>Rather then Bethany getting the abortion now, having a functioning life until she decides whether or not she's ready to have a child, and raising a decent human being, you'd rather have lil ol' Beth get knocked up and raise a kid with resentment and neglect only for it to repeat that cycle. Safe sex should be practiced everywhere in the first place, but when accidents happen you shouldn't just go "welp, there's another ideal mother" simply because you wont have to deal with the outcome
I just wanna see 14 year olds get raped and be stuck with the baby. Bonus points if it's incest rape.
I'm pro-choice but if we go down the anti-choice route I think we need to go all the way and watch the world burn.
Also, men should be paying child support while she's still pregnant. I mean if she has to keep it then they have to help pay for all those prenatal appointments.
I understand that as well, but at the same time that's not the majority of people.
The most frequent criminals are men born of single mothers
That doesnt mean everyone with that upbringing is bad, I came out alright, I have many friends in similar parental situations that are great people, but they arent representative of the whole, and they most likely weren't a result of being forced to have a child by the government
See Faggots need to learn to take responsibility for themselves again. Maybe mothers will start staying at home again like they should be.
I'm fine with it, if it's due to rape or legitimately threatening the mothers life. Which 98% of abortions are not.
There are too many humans on earth. Any way you can thin the herd, do it. Especially if it prevents more who aren't even wanted and are doomed to live lives without parents and in poverty & in and out of foster care and state sponsored welfare. Fuck all that.
Also most abortions are black girls. If you stop abortions, USA will have 3x the niggers in 12 short years. Fuck that. Our political party has been hijacked by christians.
Once again, you arent looking at it from any perspective other then "meh women shouldn't have it easy" and that's where a lot of people who are against abortions come from. They don't believe women should have that choice, not because they have some moral quandaries with it, but because it gives women that little bit of power.
They masquerade it around as moral superiority when in reality, in the words of Carlin, nothing goes into championing for the rights of an unborn baby, and if you really cared you would be caring about them after they actually were born, but that's where the effort comes in, and that's where everybody conveniently stops talking about them...
Nigga, if you're going to not post real numbers, at least you could not go with 98%, it's a dead giveaway you're talking out your ass.
>I don't think that any reasonable person would support aborting a 9 month pregnancy
I'm a very reasonable person and I would support that. But only if it's a Jew.
Goldwater lost. Was right about a lot of shit though. lol... was... right... about a lot of shit kekity I'll be here all week!
>lets eliminate the most intelligent ones
>and flood our population with niggers and wetbacks
What a world you'd build.
You're opinion is invalid because you dont care about the wellbeing of the child, you only care about antagonizing the woman its coming out of because you're sexually frustrated
Out of the womb and into the tomb.
Jewish intelligence is a myth, they're literally fueled 100% by nepotism. They just happened to have an extremely cohesive and violently racist religion that covers 100% of their ethnicity that covers 100% of their culture. They were designed from the ground up to be as subversive as possible, the only thing the rest of the world did wrong was let them.
Would you rather have parents or be dead? You're looking at this from a warped social engineering perspective, ironically eugenic and nazi-like.
Whoops, wrong picture
>or be dead
Being dead requires having been alive to begin with.
>Once again, you arent looking at it from any perspective other then "meh women shouldn't have it easy"
>your still killing someone without their consent
>you're only against jamaal raping your mother because he's a nigger, user
This is a non-argument.
Honestly it is murder of a kid, but sadly it's a necessary evil in our world. With how the current social climate is it would never go well just banning abortion. Unsafe abortions would rise, and more welfare mommas would spring up. Yeah abortion is murder, but so is hunting season when we need to cull a bit of a species herd
I'm not that child's parent, just like their dick and pussy are their responsibilities, so is raising their child. Part of maturing is bearing children and there are majority who use abortion as an excuse not to do so. If anyone's opinion is threatened of being invalid here, it's the sad child I'm speaking to.
I wasn't the guy you were replying to with "would you rather have parents or be dead", but I'm of the opinion that this issue is a complete non-starter for anyone because it all boils down to something that precisely nobody is ever going to change their mind on:
do you believe a fetus is a human, and therefore deserving of the right to life
You either think it is or you don't. No amount of facts will change that, because 99.999% of people don't even begin to give a shit about facts.
You do not have more right to choose than the person growing inside of you. The government can protect that person and tell you what to do with your body. For instance. It is illegal to sell your body for sex. It is illegal to sell you body parts such of livers and kidneys and bone marrow. It is illegal to commit suicide. It is illegal to not wear clothes in public. Etc. The only solution is to not get pregnant. If you are raped the government should pay to deiliver the baby and take it from you at birth if you don't wan it. And in cases were it would be dangerous to the womens health the baby should be removed from the woman with her womb so she is never in danger again.
>I don't think that any reasonable person would support aborting a 9 month pregnancy.
Then you havent considered the myriad of circumstances where one may be necessary.
You are, in short, unqualified to hold an opinion on it.
As are all of the retarded faggots arguing that a medical procedure should be made unavailable due to your fee fees
Legally, the baby is not a person until it has been officially registered
because fuck people. we have enough already.
See Its easy to say " yeah well it's a baby and if you disagree with me you're anti baby" because you're removing all the situational context and trying to turn it into something objective.
I.e. > "it doesnt matter, guns are used to kill children. Would you rather Give them up or have everyone die?"
>the baby should be removed from the woman with her womb
Why is it the retards who are clueless about the realities of abortion are usually the ones vocally opining about it?
This faggot just solved the abortion debate.
We should abort all babies when their parents both browse Yea Forums.
Alright. So make contraceptive/ condoms/ plan b, ETC. Free and easy to use for all. Better Sex ED classes would be nice too.
Doesn't matter. The woman has the mans sperm inside her so he can tell her what to do.
>I'm against my mother having to raise Jamal's child because some virgin cant see past his lack of pussy action
sure I see nothing wrong with that. Abortion are for whores to lazy to use protection.
If killing a pregnant woman is double homicide, then killing a fetus is homicide. The law needs to be consistent.
My child is developing in my wife’s womb without a skull. This only became apparent in the 3rd trimester.
I live in Alabama.
She’s also haemophiliac. I’m already planning to say my good byes unless we can find a way out of this.
My wife, and my child, are both going to die because religious faggots hold strong opinions
>Jews r dum
>look, they're all the doctors, lawyers, scientists, mathematicians, billionaires
>but that's just bc they selectively breed based on intelligence instead of hotness, and raise their kids with the highest demands of any race on earth, pure coincidence
Yeah they seem real dumb.They're kicking your barbarian races ass in every field of study lol
You dumb southern culture hicks. Asia is going to replace you after they've taken your country, not jews. Jews have you buying into their capitalist schemes working like cattle to make them rich.
One is voluntary, the other is not.
Shouldn’t have got her pregnant then
It’s gods plan
That's exactly the point man. The people that have to keep getting abortions because of how irresponsible they are are NOT the type of people who should be entrusted with the youth. What is not being understood here? That doesn't mean 9 month/late term abortion should be ok, but it also doesnt mean that we should be forcing the people who are too immature to put plastic wrap on their pp before they put it in someone to be responsible for another human being
>men pay net positives in taxes while women pay net negatives
Ever notice how the response is always for men to pay for women?
Here's how you solve it. Allow men to legally abort. The man signs a piece of paper saying he will have no interaction with the child and will gain nothing from parenting that child. Then, he walks away free and clear as long as he doesn't contact the child. Same thing as abortion without "interfering with the woman's body"
You're always welcome in Minnesota & Wisconsin. Still gerds green earth, but with biiig freshwater seas and slightly less religitards calling the shots.
So a woman's fancy is the deciding factor in whether or not it's a life? Opinion is the deciding factor?
Can’t afford to move.
Can barely afford to eat
Holy shit! You are lucky they are killing your wife and baby. You don't want to pass on those genes. If the baby is legally brain dead they should remove the baby and your wifes uterus so she can never pass that defect on.
>Women don't pay taxes
brilliant hypothesis gary
A womans fancy? Holy fuck are you actually 90yo like your stupidity suggests?
I never said that. I said overall they pay less tax dollars than they use over the course of their life. Before you start bitching, remember you're going to have to argue that women make more money than men for your claim to be true
No, I'm literate and have a vocabulary beyond the level of a chiraq nigger. Try to keep up
I agree, Jews are literally evil
You sound like you're a ton of fun at parties
Oh wait...
She’s not brain dead.
She has developed without a skull.
She won’t survive outside of the womb, but it’s illegal to abort her.
It’s not genetic either, apparently these kinds of developmental defects are fairly common
Does like, u has a car mang? Drive it to Madison, Wi. The state capitol, home of the biggest medical university & all the social services one can shake a stick at. People there will understand your plight and flock to help you, people helping people is what Madison is all about more than anywhere. I'm in the Twin Cities, we have parts that are like Madison, but Madison is the bees knees of places full of good modern people in the midwest.
So they are forcing my wife, who’s haemophiliac, to give birth to a baby we know will not survive. Most likely my wife won’t survive either.
I might kill myself after that. Because what is there to live for?
This abortion ban is the universe taking a massive shit on me.
And for what? So that religious faggots can score political points against libtards
Yeah you're a real genius.
I don't have a claim you fucktard. I'm making fun of your shitty claim. You're arguing with yourself you delusional moron.
I agree that abortion is murder. I just dont think that murder is necessarily wrong.
And here we see the defeated kike deflecting and utilizing pilpull to distract from the fact that they do not have a legitimate counterpoint.
Let me guess, your next claim is that I'm a racist (false, I literally performed an interracial marriage as the officiant a couple months ago) homophobic (im an instructor with my local chapter of the Pink Pistols) incel (engaged bitch). Your argument has devolved to insults and petty character attacks which means two things.
1. You have no legitimate points to add
2. Your absolutely S E E T H I N G
Now screenshot this and next visiting hours at the county jail, show it to your dad through the glass. Maybe he can stop being disappointed in you long enough to teach you how to have a debate. Hell, if you can track down your mom she can at least teach you negotiation. Lord knows that's how she's got her asshole's *real* value in EBT all these years
At this stage, it would be dangerous to move my wife, she’s on dialysis while they try and induce the pregnancy
The way I see it human or not nowhere does it say we can utilize someone’s organs to sustain ourselves. Even dead bodies retain this bodily autonomy.
They should kill you, your wife and your baby.
It's obviously different if the baby or mother will die anyway. No one is saying that.
>no one is saying that
The state of Alabama is saying that
Jesus dude, sending prayers to you and your wife
Thanks for the sympathy newfriend.
I know this is the Yea Forums equivalent of a thumbkiss
If your wife is a hemophiliac, why the fuck are you fucking without b/c? Why haven't you had a vasectomy?
As a hemophiliac she should have never gotten pregnant in the first place. She rolled the dice and lost. She probably won't live through child birth, but if she does they should take her uterus so she can never get pregnant again.
norm macdonald said it should be called pro baby killing or anti baby killing
im pro baby killer
If they don't bear any sort of lasting repercussions of their choice, they can't learn to BE trustworthy. Allowing them to do as they please is the same as taking away any chance they have.
I am really torn on this issue.
On one hand I like the idea of parents simply murdering their own offspring, but on the other hand I hate to give any power to women.
Pro-life people will be cleared from the chain soon.
I believe in letting chance dictate everything in our shared universe. Coin toss.
when it comes to the law, im pro-bodily autonomy.
i dont care what your stance is on the issue, and i dont care what the issue is.
abortion? your choice. fuck off.
vaccination? your choice. fuck off.
sexual orientation/marriage? your choice. fuck off.
i believe it is not the place of the law to interfere with these (and several other) issues.
that said, i don't just think everything should be a free for all.
i believe societal norms and pressure should dictate what is acceptable.social consequences (ie loss of community support if you get an abortion where abortion is shunned. no access to public services and institutions if you are anti vaxx,etc.)
specifially with abortion though, i am of the mind that they should be performed only in cases of non-consensual sex, medical issues, etc. not as a form of contraception.
>pro life
You mean "pro-misery". The only life those people want to protect is life that doesn't really exist yet. Once you're born, is suffering and capital punishment for all.
And don’t forget to blame people for being born poor , getting sick or growing old
They could save her life if they aborted my unborn child.
You’d take us back to the dark ages when child birth was 50/50 if the mother would survive
I'm pro-choice because im not going to sit here and pretend anyone gives a fuck about them kids.
Fuck them kids
In short, Pro-choice essentially means choosing death, because you are killing something
Yes, an early death, instead of the unwanted baby growing up a criminal and getting shot by the police instead. Less taxpayer money if done early.
Yes virginia. If I murder a woman and she's pregnant, no one chose that. Those were two people who were set on living and I chose to end them against their will. That's murder, because I've taken agency away from them.
If a person familiar with their own body and circumstances in life realizes they can't successfully raise a potential person into an actual person, and they need to stop it before that potential person becomes an actual person and has agency that could be taken away from them. A clump of fucking cells does not have agency, the mother that clump of cells is a growth on, does. Then yes, that's their choice. Or fancy, if you're a fucking creepy weirdo who thinks this is how to have a modern conversation in english.
If the mother waits until the potential person becomes and actual person, then that person has agency, and the mother would be taking that persons agency by deciding to abort them when they're a 13yo asshole, and that's why that's fucking murder.
As long as you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, your argument sounds emotionally appealing, but that's all you've got.
They should abstain from sex then
> they should abstain from their basest human instinct
Sure, that’ll work.
Just like banning drugs stopped everyone from taking drugs
You realize teens and young adults are horny bastards, so they won't abstain from sex. Abstaining from sex is a church delusion.
It's not a ban, it's informing them that IF they do. A kid is what they're going to have as a result.
i believe that people who are young than 18 should definitely be able to have an abortion, but older than that, i dont know
Especially of puppies!
Who the fuck kills puppies anyways?!
i believe that people who are old than 18 should definitely be sterilized, but younger than that, i dont know
You should abstain from pissing then
Just hold it
Should be up to their parents, most definitely unless they're emancipated before 18.
Any woman willing to risk her baby's life should be required to risk hers as well by restricting abortion choices to concrete stairwells, clotheshangars, or kick boxers.
Outlaw abortion doctors.
The doctor warned us that if we tried anything like that we would be prosecuted for murder.
There’s a chance that if my baby girl is still born, and my wife survives, that we could be prosecuted as they’d suspect we killed our baby.
It’s an actual nightmare
I dgaf how edgy you’re being. Walk in my shoes faggoy
That seems fucked up.
Like the kind of thing should be happening in Yemen or some shit.
So you're cool with forcing a 13yr old girl to give birth following a nigger raping and impregnating her. Nice. I hope you die soon.
Women who "miscarry" should be investigated for the death of the baby, they're the primary suspect
If said nigger is so desperate to carry on his genes to risk his life in prison his baby's birth should be protected
This is some Handmaids Tale level of retardation that you would have to assume is a troll, we’re it but for the US default level of retardation being historically high
He wasn’t ‘carrying on his genes’, he was busting a nut.
They call actual miscarriages “spontaneous abortion”
So the baby should be prosecuted for aborting itself , because abortions are illegal
You just have to hope that America’s current state is a period of light headed retardation , and soon more level headed rational minds will return.
That shit died happen in Middle East Muslim theocracies ...
And now the US.
Yey, fucking progress
Women who get abortions should lose their right to vote like other killers
More like "induced abortion"!
They can cause a miscarriage just by eating unripe pineapples!
There are layers here. There are layers to this argument. It’s more than just is it right to have an abortion? Well will the support be offered then for the child to be raised at the most basic level?
If you can’t support the fucking programs that make raising a child more easy than you should shut the fuck up about abortion being wrong.
Why do miscarriages happen? Well sometimes this thing called stress can kill the baby you goddamn fucking retarded monkeys. Something as basic as stress can kill a baby. And you know what else? Sometimes a woman can miscarry and not even realize she was pregnant to begin with! Ever considered that?
Or maybe she fell down the stairs by accident cause it’s not easy fucking walking anymore when you’re 8 months pregnant and about to blow. Or what if she got sick, had to take medicine, and lost the baby because of that medicine?
I’m going to kill myself.
Goldwater would have won if he wasn't a jew
Wait, we talk about abortion?
Where tf you got those pro somethings?
so you sit on the fence? pro choice all day life starts when you exit the womb