Day 3 of the idiot who won’t shut up about his Mattress

Day 3 of the idiot who won’t shut up about his Mattress.

To those of you new to this scenario, I’ve been posting about a Mattress I found next to my apartment dumpster.

It smelled alright, but there were stains, most of you wimps were grossed out, it was a blast.

Last night I cleaned the shit out of it with Clorox Urine Remover, and had baking soda sprinkled all over for the past 24 hours.

I finally bought a Vacuum to suck it all up. The thing that REALLY sucks is how it takes 6 hours to fully charge a mini vacuum, and it heats up after 10 minutes, so I’ve been vacuuming portions of the mattress at a time.

It’s starting to look much cleaner.

So how’s your night Yea Forums?

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Dog, just rent a steam cleaner. if you're going to sleep on nasty shit, clean it right.

Listen to this user OP

Fuck, not bad op

Mattress is looking better then it did.

>being this poor

Good progress.

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What did it look like before? This is the first time I've seen this thread.

Saw a steam cleaner actually while shopping.

Might consider it, but only if the store let’s me return it. I don’t have no other use for a 60$ steam cleaner.

I have an encasement coming in about 2 or 3 days for delivery anyway. A vacuum and some elbow grease will do.

I already posted a before pic, but if you want, I’ll post a pic from the very first thread when I had snuck it into my room.

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currently laying on a new mattress next to my sleeping gf

just got delivered today, threw the old one away, no stains comfortable as fuck

are you on drugs? not even being a dick when i was on heroin i was sleeping on yoga mats and shit i found because i had moved without being able to really bring any furniture and all of my money went to drugs

good work so far user! honestly a lot of people might find this gross and maybe it is but mattresses are overpriced to hell and its clear youve put in a lot of work so far! 10/10 would sleep on

I'm sleeping on a mattress somebody died in. He bought it the same day he died in it. I just took it smelled like the store still. Took his pillows too.

some people are just poor ya faggot

Whoops. Fuck. I didn’t post it. Thought I did, my bad.

These are the stains up close, one side being cleaned. It didn’t smell bad or anything, but a lot of Yea Forumstards joked how they were shit stains or mud.

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Matress at walmart is 80 bucks

Dude go to your local church and ask for a mattress. They'll buy you one.

that's why i asked instead of assumed

never seen a quality mattress for less than 100 but even 80 is a lot for some people

A lot of stores ive been to they will let you just rent one for awhile even

>not sharing cause of death

People sleep on shitty beds and floors for less extreme reasons than drugs.

I wanted to try something new. I like learning different ways to deep clean and this was a way to test my skill. Not to mention, FREE MATTRESS. Good condition. No holes. Very comfortable. No smell. King size. Not too bad.

Again, it has been more work than it’s worth, and I know this. I don’t recommend this, even in a good situation like mine. Apparently there are a million better ways to adopt a mattress. This is how I do it. Got it?

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He was a pedo who got off on his charges. He "had a heart attack".

pix of death bed and pillows

Closest store I know of that does that is the H-E-B Plus nearby, but they charge like 30-40$ a day. Nahh.

Good for him

just fucking sleep on it already you nasty bitch

The dying part

Here's the bed not going to wake my wife up about the pillows. I'm really fortunate. I hope op gets a better bed. I'm honestly going to pray for op.

Hey op what's your first name, I'll pray for you to get a new bed.

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That’s crazy. Is it haunted?

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Yeah I'm thankful he died before i got to him. I don't like prison. Someone else got there before me.

Honestly no. Best sleep I've ever had.

You can pray for me to get a better job! It’s Isaiah. If I get a 15/hr+ job, I’ll have you and god to thank! lol

>living in a country where this kind of poor is normal

i guess i have a hard time understanding why someone would be sober and bring something like that inside of their house, even when i was on hard drugs i wouldn't have touched that

i get that though, i've slept in parks and shit too, without hard drugs being part of the equation (i wasnt sober though) just in a position where the only way my gf and i could keep an eye on her younger siblings while they were underage living with her mother was to crash at people's houses and sleep outside to be closer since we lived out of state and she was having one of her episodes, long story

didn't think about cleaning being a recreational thing to someone either, i imagine that's a lonely hobby

what's your good situation if you're still doing that and won't drop money on a steam cleaner? i spent more than $40 a day on heroin when i was using and you wouldn't rent a steam cleaner for that much to clean that thing before you lay on it? it doesn't sound like a good situation

Don't thank me, pray it forward. Let it build your faith. Pray for others you meet in need.

As for job, call every day the moment they open. Showing that you're willing to put them first. "Can i have that job i applied for? Please i really want to work." Etc. It's a secret job getting technique that doesn't work with women...

Enzymatic cleaner. It'll take the smell of piss right out. It's like 15 bucks a gallon but it works good.

well in that case at least he died the day he got it and probably didnt fuck any kids in it then

Thats blood stains my dude

No he did that's why he "had a heart attack". Some cool lesbian chic moved in named Monica, she's ugly but cool. Sticks to herself.

I literally can’t wait until I can fap to this mattress after it has your decomposing corpse stain on it. I’m getting diamonds thinking about it.

so you're sleeping in a christened pedo bed?

I mean as-in the Mattress was actually salvageable.

Not infested or covered in holes or anything.

If you’re that curious, I’m actually very weird and misanthropic. I don’t care what people think of me, but I care if I affect others or disgust them. It puts me in a state of “don’t bother them” all the time.

My situation could be better. I’m living good by myself, but I owe it to my sister to help her pay her rent so she can take care of her family.

She asks for 1000$ a month, and I live for 400$ a month with my roommates. That’s about 1,400$, 1,600$ a month I have to make, and that’s not even including what I spend on myself.

I had a badass job til I got fired for being soft. Now I deliver food, and I’m too chickenshit to apply anywhere else.

I’m not exactly stable, but I don’t do drugs or get addicted to sex or gambling, nothing. I’m just weird, antisocial, and probably attention deficit.

Honestly i think he bought it to cover up the crime. It's still floofy. Here's one of the pillows.

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Just why OP? its cheaper to buy a new mattress

Oh and I'm cleaning the sheet it's in the dryer, the dog pissed on it. I'm just too lazy this late at night to get another one and my wife is sleeping. That's why I'm on the bare bed.

I gotta know, why do you feel you "owe it" to your sister to help pay her bills monthly?

Pic of your sister?

>I had a badass job til I got fired for being soft.

Lol, we're you a pornstar?

Don't feel bad op. You should have seen my older mattress. It was covered in blood, cleaned, springs were crushed but it was comfy. Slept on it for 4 years.

this looks comfy, my mom still sleep on those thin cotton mattress for no reason whatsoever

Not OP, feather beds as well. My mom had one like for decades.

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She’s family

She also bugs my mom, who bugs me.

They all bug me to get a good job indoors or high paying.

I love them, but my family is unstable financially. Biiig time. My sister especially. She has 5 kids and her only vehicle broke down about 2 months ago.

Thank god I moved out of town when I did.

Hey op, soak it with enzymatic cleaner. 15$ Get a mattress cover. $25 looks comfy op, great find! :D

Some people don't understand. If you owe her because one of those kids is yours, that makes sense.

Yeah, but it was your mattress. When that is someone else’s blood or urine stains, suddenly it’s 1000x worse.

That’s probably the main thing people mention in these threads. How I would get aids and HIV and shit.

i think salvageable is a strong word for that

i'm generally curious about everything, do you get along with your roommates or just ignore them? i figured you were weird when i read about your enjoyment of cleaning techniques

that's a lot to give her all the time, especially when you put yourself out for it but i get you sometimes putting shit aside for a sibling happens

what was the badass job? no reason to be scared of filling out applications if you get the job you get it if not you haven't lost anything you just didnt gain anything either

worst case scenario you just stay where you are

everyone's got their issues, i don't gamble at least lol

that's all kinds off messed up

dogs are assholes, my gf used to have one that would throw up on my side of the bed every time it ate somethingit shouldnt have

i love/hated that dog, dealt with it for years

Neither of those kids are mine.

They’re my nephews and my niece, and I love them like a godfather. They miss me every day. Now that they have phones, they won’t stop reminding me.

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Yeah it's her dog. 4lb yorkie. Cute little fucker. It was my side. I think he does it to try to one up me. He'll do it every couple of weeks when he forgets the last time I rubbed his face in it. I love him but if he "got out" i wouldn't chase it.

hey if you needed good on you op, atleast you are trying to clean it unlike these hater fatty's would do.

my old mattress was shit too, my gf and i had sex with a few people in it (threesomes) blood, we both puked on it etc

but it was our mess, and the other people in it had sex with us so eh

Your sister is human cancer.

Yeah it was my wife's period blood. When i took it to the dump it looked like a crime scene. I cleaned it regularly but mattresses get gross.

So... just so I understand your lifestyle.. you have your own apartment, you bring strange mattresses in from the dumpster but DONT own a REAL vacuum cleaner?

my gf had a pug, ugly as fuck smelt bad noisy and she loved that dog

it only pisses on your side? my gf's dog never did anything on her side of the bed

i took care of the dog more than she did because she loved it

He pays his useless sister's rent so he can see his loved ones. Kind of sad. I hope to meet him one day. I'd buy him a dime bag and help him man up.

>died IN a he mattress
How’d he get in it?

He also gives 2/3 of his income to his unemployed, single, 5 child having whore of a sister because, you know, she's family.

OP the kind of guy to lick a dog butthole just to see what it feels like

One of my roommates is one of my best friends and the reason I live her in Austin. That, and the reason I got the badass job I got. It was a call center job that payed big since it was Real Estate, but they got stricter and let off a lot of people, myself included.

It’s not so much that I am scared to fill out applications, but I have a crippling fear of rejection. It either causes me to go into a spiraling depression, or I get angry and lash out at things, including myself. It’s not healthy.

I wind up finding an excuse to stop applying. Sometimes it kills my whole day. Today, for instance, I was supposed to go to a job fair that was 30 minutes away, but my roommate didn’t want to take me, so I planned to get a lyft. I wound up sleeping in. “What if I arrive late? What if they already have everyone they need? What if they need a resume?” Things like that.

I’m absolute trash at writing resumes. Idk how I passed co-ops and college prep with how shit my resumes were. References. Skills. Experience. It’s all shit. Not actual shit, but when you see something you’ve made, and you just can’t help but think how awful it is that you get super embarrassed.

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That’s clearly blood you dumb faggot. Probably from bed bug bites. Most people with bed bugs bring them home on their clothes to their bed. Your dumbass brought a bed with bugs home to your clothes.

I mean, I can see them anytime, but I’d like to see them not hungry or frustrated. That includes my sister, and my mom, who all work very hard.

That pretty much sums it up. I mean, again, I love her like family too, but arguably, she is bleeding me dry.

yeah you can only clean them so well

same gf's period but also knife play and injuries etc too

like this one time while i was really drunk, broken rum bottle i'm not sure how some of the glass ended up in the bed but i rolled over in my sleep found some of it and sliced my arm open

bled so fucking much (it was kind of deep and about 6 inches going up my forearm) and cut my hand open looking for the glass that cut me

I hate pugs worst dogs on the planet. Our old one scratched both eyes completely out. Dumbest thing I've ever seen. Hated that piece of shit.

The yorkie is alot better i actually love him.

dad, you're embarrassing me

I work in a homeless shelter and recently there was scabies going around. It's usually caused by skin to skin contact, but I hear it can be caught from beds too. Careful!

Easy to bypass. They need to get these people showered regularly. Wash clothes.

Been a while since we've had a chill thread. I'm loving the energy here.

that sucks, i tend to look at shit going wrong as a chance for something better to come along

or at least different, i figure if it's meant to be it will

where do you think you fear of rejection comes from? are you able to tell yourself things like "i have feelings but they'll pass so they don't matter since they serve no purpose other than making me sad/destructive" i've trained myself to do that with the occasionally resurfacing suicidal depression i experience

i'm similar with avoidance tactics for things i dont want to deal with i can take so long to get around to something that it just ends up being an "oh well guess i cant today can i?" sort of situation that cycles into really hard to get out of bullshit

i've always filled all my resumes with lies and bullshit and that worked out

best fucking thread tonight on Yea Forums by a mile. good for you, OP.

That's not mud

my mother has a 17 year old jack russell that scratched one of his eyes almost out more recently, he had something up with it and i guess being old and shit fucks with them where they must lose feeling or something to be able to do that, he looked like a zombie

i hate pugs too though, her mother impulse bought the dog when my gf was 16 and it bonded with my gf so she took it when she moved in with me and i had to live with that dog for fucking 10 years

towards the end it was a nightmare, the dog had cancer that fucked up its jaw and shit

the yorkies ive been around have all been better than pugs, i don't understand how anyone can actually love a pug other than in a used to them being around sort of way

Third successful thread in a row. I think I’ll keep posting these, but I might give it a break tomorrow, and post my results on Friday.

I have a lot of shit to do and frankly, I’m just glad to have gotten the damn thing sanitized. Even my roommate found out and he was impressed.

Thanks for the stories and advice Yea Forums. I’ll see ya’ll on Friday. Take care for now.

And uh, yeah. I feel that. I’m very self aware, and have been for awhile.

The whole avoidance tactics thing may be clinical, so I’ll probably go through that someday

And yeah, no, I can’t bullshit to save my life. It often backfires. I practice just in case, but I prefer honesty, which also backfires, but at least it helps me keep track of my accomplishments and let’s me learn from my failures. Being honest is as important as knowing how to lie.

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Ha we cant really force people to shower unless we have a real concern for their own hygiene at a specific time, and even then we can only ask them. But a lot of them are fucking each other for drugs and stuff outside the building. It's not like we can follow them around when they leave

If you cant afford an 80$ mattress you got your priorities screwed up. How can you even have a place to live like wtf

If a dog is pissing on your side of the mattress, that dog has dominance issues.

Most people in the west dont know how to own a dog and it ends up running the house. I can tell who runs the house just by seeing people walk their dogs.

Dogs arent kids, theyre animals. Even then, kids have rules and a discipline system in place if the parents are normal- yet they dont do it for their dogs and wonder why the thing does what it wants.

I’m liking these threads. Keep em up OP.

Fuuck this is the most wholesome thread I’ve ran into on here in a loong ass time. Hope to catch ya on the next one OP

Good to see some positive stuff on here. Got me thinking about the old Yea Forums days and 420chan. Solid communities with consistent quality posts. Thanks OP

this user's got the right idea going OP.
I've been watching your story unfold the past 3 nights, and being someone who cleaned carpets for cash in high school, you will be pleasantly surprised how many stains won't properly fucking budge without a little steam

if you don't own a steamer with a handle or some shit, and/or don't want to buy one of those handheld/mini ones, there's a lot of supermarkets and shit you can rent em at

also, bug bomb and fumigate that motherfucker. i'd laugh my tight ass off if you got that thing pretty clean only to discover a nest of roaches or mice in it lmao

Nigga, thats blood

oh hell yes, a mattress thread
back in the old days when i was seperated from my wife one of those times, i slept on a foam mattress on the floor. me and my black lab slept there every night. that's how i knew i had a good girlfriend, if she would sleep with me and my lab in a foam mattress lying directly on the floor covered in dog hair. that's a keeper

>Don't mind us

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Hahahahahaaah how poor are you? Who the FUCK would bring in a dumpster/street mattress?

HAHAHAAHAAHAAH, this has got to be the dumbest fucking thing ive seen on B all week.

OP, enjoy having wall lice and getting space aids from the mattress used in every scene ever.

Wow you're such a disguisting cunt, what a fucking retard. EW HAHAHA, thats so fucking nasty.

Why the hell would anyone do this to themselves. Absolutely disguisting.

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That's blood. Some aids riddled person died on that mattress no doubt.