Trips and I do a face reveal

Trips and I do a face reveal

Attached: scatman joe.jpg (941x960, 161K)

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Reply number one

lmao eat shit bitch.. rolin dubs

let me shit in your mouth


What’s with the jar o poop?

Attached: 5D9E66BF-C5E1-4C68-9616-051ACE92666A.jpg (485x327, 27K)

The shit? That’s what you notice? What about the dirty underwear with the giant anus hole that are being worn as a hat?

Attached: 6F07B270-E614-4718-8B8E-A15598B3995E.jpg (600x400, 35K)

newfag detected

Check em

Seth rollins

You seem like a sick individual.

Rub it all over your body

proud mary keeps on burnin

this niggas got the jenkem


Damn almost quads


2 dubs = quads
Show face and rub poop on face

Piss off

Notice the condensation on the jar from the warm poop


scary roll

im want puke, show me your face for inspiration



poop roll

ehh no



Attached: rusb383y2gs.jpg (284x177, 6K)

Op deliver now

OP Here
Here y'all go

Attached: gronk.jpg (180x320, 21K)

Yuck nasty cac eating shit like a dog

Trips get

im going to need a fucking timestamp

First of all, no you won't reveal your face. I don't care if someone got . You wouldn't do it because they never do anymore. Yea Forums has been pretty lame and full of laymen. And if you did you'd be foolish because those same layman are trolls who have nothing better to do but download your pic and use it for garbage forced memes. So in a way I don't even really blame you clowns.


Op is a fag

poompt myself

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