retards in helmets porn...more please
Retards in helmets porn...more please
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You know it's illegal right?
Nigga wut?
As I always say, "better safe than sorry."
what is?
I'm curious. What do you have op?
I have more of her..looking for others.
everything is a thing, figured potatos in helmets is too
Post more. For science of course
I'll bump for this.
Potato porn is like gold dust. It's a pity how fucking rare it is.
Oh my fucking God/sides. I can't tell if that is cum or drool on her chest.
That film is a screenshot gold mine
Bumping to see if anyone else knows of any other videos
I got no more..
you'd think there would be more of this
Why did the mods delete this?
it was a dead kid look up destroying daisy
Keeping my fingers crossed, but it's rare
>first post literally says it's illegal
>woah guys why did mods delete?!@
What's the problem? Never heard of safe sex?
It's not illegal. These are actors pretending to be retarded, not children. Go fuck yourself.
>These are actors pretending to be retarded
Last time I checked you can't really pretend to have retard's facial structure that convincingly. It would require top of the line CGI or heavily resistant makeup. Neither of which are present in most of these.
>not children
Who said anything about children? Do you think the only type of illegal porn is CP?
>Go fuck yourself.
I would if I could.
That wasn't destroying daisy, that's Erika Kole.
fuck i remember seeing this video like 9 years ago
Why is this even a thing? Lmao
Naw, it's a grey area