Just started playing DnD with a friends group! Enjoying it so far, but any you faggots got some advice going forward?

Just started playing DnD with a friends group! Enjoying it so far, but any you faggots got some advice going forward?

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>got some advice
Yeah, stop.

Never split the party.


Remember rules 0 and -1, and never forget: no game is better than a bad game

Go to /tg/ you sped

>Don't be a rogue right away

too late! Friend helped me make a character and said rogue would be easiest. What's the problem with them?

D&D = Eternaly Virgin, is a good step if wizardry is your goal.

actually roleplay

Already got a gf so not an issue really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

find better friends and something better to do than playing pretend


Play a man's game cuck

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Like berating people on Yea Forums as if i were some kind of faggot?

play a meme character if you want to have fun and not be serious

Well, I play with my (black) wife

>waa waa.. boo hoo..
>mad for being called out for playing pretend with his buddies
you asked for advice

Well, the question has to be asked: are you playing real D&D(3.5/4E) or modern garbage?

Not a scooby mate, i just know it's DND. I'm new so i'm just kinda rolling with it till i pick up how it works

This. Actually get into the character, actions, role play; don't just follow the rules/wallflower it. If your DM doesn't allow it, find a different DM. If your not having fun regularly, change it up, or don't come back. No game is better than bad game.

inb4 stop playi... oh damn i was way too slow

Real dnd was 1st or second edition, not that all dragon kin everyone's gods for one turn a day shi.

Kek like video games, movies, or books. (All pretends).

Stfu faggot.

yeah... those things are really similar...

play pathfinder

Work on making fun characters instead of good ones. No one likes a powergaming munchkin trying to optimize his Damage Per Round. If you're in a group full of munchkins it can be okay, but really you're just making one-dimensional DPR characters who suck at everything else, and it makes the rest of the game boring. The DM just makes the encounters harder to compensate, but he probably isn't going to make social interactions easier for you.

My favorite character I've played is a Fighter who thinks he's a Paladin. He attributes all his accomplishments to the glory of a god no one else has heard of, but has no actual divine power. He's largely inspired by Solaire from Dark Souls. He has to be played lawful good to a fault, good natured, a bit bible-thumpy, and most of all Jolly.

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Spend more time on /tg/
Dont be self conscious when role playing
Dont be afraid to think outside the box (or rule book) in terms of what you do with your character
Work with the DM to build story arcs that allow your character to progress in a way you want

I must be in a good group, cause all this already fits how we play :) we don't take it too seriously, and i always hurt from laughter afterwards. I love it

Rogues OK as start character if you keep it simple. Rogue has a lot of sidetrack options that can make the class less optimal. D&D/Pathfinder people tend to obsess about build optimization.

Dont be a faggot and play a neutral / evil charcter. ESPECIALLY if it doesn't fit the party. This is insanely annoying with new players, they always want to play some edgy character and it ruins the entire vibe.

Also, try not to be the most stereotypical character ever. IE "I'm a rogue! That means i love stealing anything that shines!!" Play a personality type, don't just fill a role.

Most likely its ed 5 because its the latest. D&D people like their edition wars and other people will rant against it D&D in favor of a different system. But the reality all systems have flaws and the perfect to all people (even the tolerable to all people) system will never exist. Contrary to what you will be told, its not the system but the expectations and chemistry between the people playing in your group. The biggest thing to remember is that the group of characters you and your friends are pretending to be represent creatures that have reasons to hang out and do things together. Just as in real life you wouldn't hang out with someone who was a dick you couldn't trust, why would the characters?