If you had one nuke (assume it's one if the good Russian ones, like a tear bomba) where would you drop it?

If you had one nuke (assume it's one if the good Russian ones, like a tear bomba) where would you drop it?

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Alabama or trump tower ny



Cascadia subduction zone or Larsen ice shelf.

Both would be entertaining.



Israel or Florida

Ariana Grande’s mansion.. I think she’s been crippling impressionable girl’s minds for long enough now


The sun

Why so many votes for isreal?! I didn't expect so much antisemitism.

Drop it onto the country next to Egypt. It would cause flow of Mediterranean into the Sahara. Countries like Egypt won't do it at risk of closing the red Sea gap. Boom literally and northern Africa can stop fighting and start eating

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>where would you drop it?
my location


East st. Louis

They are retards user don't acknowledge them and only fuels their autism

I would drop it on Mount Everest and see what would happen to it.

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Middle east


This is a solid choice, and of course the obvious answer is where you are to an hero with a bang, but with this power you have the golden opportunity to create serious butthurt.
I think either 1 of 2 places would be key. There must be serious preparation beforehand.

>publicly convert to judaism
>full on top tier old school jew
>shalom, barmitsva, lekhiem
>move to Israel, forge identity to make it look you are a serious jew who was born in the country
>reach top echilons of jewness, become so rabbi you are teaching the torah in your sleep, your beard and sideburns go down to your nuts and your asshole is smaller than a tic tac
now the time to start the ultimate lulz
>publicly speak about and protest anti chink or American propaganda
This takes many years must be spread all over jewish media
>become worl wide leader on anti jewishness in non jew lands
>travel to either Washington DC or Shanghai
>Drop dirty bomb on either the amuritards or chinks to wake up tard rage, not understanding economy or warerare retards of America or the conscription machine of the sleeping dragon to start full on WW3 first starting by finishing hitlers mission of wiping the jews off the planet.
Unfortunately for you, you are full on kosher now, so no hell for you, you will be up in heaven watching the lulz.
Doubly unfortunate for you, all the other jews will be with you too.
Sacrifices must be made, thanks for taking one for the team.