He slaps your gf's ass. wat do?

he slaps your gf's ass. wat do?

Attached: o;jp.png (252x304, 159K)

Push him over, his balance is probably shit

pop him like a pimple full of olive oil

Exactly what i was going to say.


Slap his gf's ass and make him wonder wat do

Nothing because i don't have a gf

this guy gets it

Scramble to pick up the shattered remains of my waifu

Poke him with a needle and watch him fly around the room

Nice trips

release the anti-chimp

Attached: anti-chimp.jpg (269x276, 14K)

throw a dart at him and watch him pop like a balloon

Pop his "muscles".


steve o is fucking jacked

Peel her remains from the brick wall thirty yards away.

>Pls don't real life Toguro sama don't kill me....slap mine too if it pleases you.

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Pop him with a pin and watch all the synthoil run out

Was waiting for this

Move to his side. Hell need to turn his whole body to see me

Punch him in the chin, then gtfo.

Cave his face in until it pops his synthol traps

Attached: goback.jpg (1174x1159, 107K)

This guys full of synthol. Those arent even muscles.

Steve-O has endured much pain to achieve his final form.

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I'd be surprised he can still move his arm that far. What does he do when he wants to look up?

Break his legs.. because he probably never squatted a day in his life.

Slap him in the ass in return