ITT: We act like gentlemen until quads
ITT: We act like gentlemen until quads
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Hmm yes quite the proposal sir.
Indeed, lad
Greetings gentleman.
hello, fren!
quite an interesting premise for a discussion, I say.
Salutations gentlemen, i hail from the north east region of the san diego province in California. Where say you might all be from?
My good sir, bless this gentlmen with a set of numerals in a set of four
How poshulish a day it is
Congratulations, my dear fellow! You may not have procured the quadruplet set, but you have achieved the remarkable feat of two couples! This has certainly brightened my day. Congratulations once again, I wish you best success in the future.
i am from North Carolina
A fine initiative, OP, cheers ol' chap!
How I wish upon a fish
Eat shit eat shit eat shit eat shit
Sir, this is a venerable establishment! If you cannot conduct yourself with dignity, you shall have to be removed from the premise.
Alack, a lamentable vulgarity! Who hath admitted this plebeian?
What do gentleman tall about? About golf and sailing? Please do enlighten me.
good morrow fine sirs, how goes thee?
Splendid, and you?
im doing quite well for myself, ever since summer came around the night air has started t put me in such a wondrous mood
We mainly discuss how we fornicated with your maternal parent.
Great, admittedly I find my dear maternal matriarchal progenitressal mother exceedingly attractive and shall copulate with her if the opportunity presents itself.
The brisk breeze of thine shining summer soon comes forth, good sir! May many wonderful travels beforth you.
Good evening, sirs. I must confess, I do quite enjoy the concept that this thread has put forth
Forms of entertainment around these parts are fairly diverse, if I dare say so. Some "threads" (as the local youngsters call these online debates) are mainly focused on posting the exposed bodies of concubines, whereas others showcast videos - rather rude ones, doth I say! - which we challenge each other to watch without even a smirk on the face. Ah, 'tis a merry place for sure! Now, please oblige and watch me as I produce these fourfold digits.
Ah, alas! My cunning plan has failed.
fucking fags of yourself
I do say, I think it's about time to rest on this thread
quads god
Worry not, sir. To accomplish the task you have set forth for yourself, one requires rather impeccable luck. Alas, the attribute is determined arbitrarily. It was not your error that was the cause of this unfortunate event.
I say. This reminds me of a joke about upper middle middle class
Why dost thou not esteem people whomst've complexion resembles the colour of the cold darkness of night?
Gentlemen! Gentlemen! I believe we are missing the point! Dare I say, the point of a thread such as this is to in fact act as though we were gentlemen, but for all intents and purposes this is but a guise to which the degenerate plaebiens of our ilk gather to enjoy in communal tomfoolery! Only a true imbicile would take anything in this thread to heart, remember sirs, that this is in fact an artistic work of fiction, and posts should not be judged by their validity but instead by the merit of their quality
Mm yes, quite. Indubitably
Hear, hear! A worthy orator!
That image is very unsettling. The gentleman reminds me too much of people who I know and then coupled with the finger in her pussy. Nay that makes me uncomfortable. For sure a cursed image.
Hmmmmmm... Gentlemen, am I allowed to say: "my niggaz?"
Dear sirs, I do look forward to quads
Fact: Scientists estimate that it is 400% more likely to win the lottery than get quads.
How are you gents doing this fine evening?
Gentlemen! Let’s broaden our minds!
quad tis what I seekgood fellows
I am too my good sir
fuvck niggaz
I politely tip my fedora to you good sirs!
Quads would be a very fine addition to this thread.
Evening sir
i worked with someone that said yes kind sir when someone asked their name one time i overheard two people saying yea i dont want to work this and called dude over and he said yes kind sir and i lost my shit dude was cool tho
By the gods what vile language, do you speak to your kin with such language?
Who would have the absolute pleasure to slurp on my exquisite cock?
Indeed sir, I do say you are but simply the greatest speaker present. Henceforth I place my bid for you to be public speaker and representative of all the gents in this whimsical thread. Now if you please I shall gather my quads and prepare for the fourth coming tomfoolery
Good evening lads, wish you all well as long as you suck my dick niggers
So who’s mouth do I dump in?