I just heard someone say that over 80% of white women have tried a BBC. Is that true?

I just heard someone say that over 80% of white women have tried a BBC. Is that true?

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good god dude, get a life

like seriously

no. you are a fool.

exactly my thoughts man, what kinda degenerate do you have to be in order to spend your precious minutes of life race baiting

and i mean it would be different if it were a new type of trolling but its just the same shit over and over

I'd argue that with them only representing only 15% of the population, I'd say there are more women who have never SEEN a black guy than have ever fucked one. It's math.

They are paid to do this user
Just sage in the options and ignore

I'm a white boy and I have.

Yeah, it's true. But the average is skewed by your mom jumping on every black cock she comes across.

Zap cock drain obey.

The dicks in your favorite porn, are fake.

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Holy potatoes we all have cunts.

Nah, they're just cuckold with no life

Nah, you just retro son. Suck a cock, you'll fear better.

How much are they paid?

five dollars and a steak.

That's literally all of /pol/

80% of AMERICAN white women...fixed it for ya mate!

nah, all women you sneaky jew

No, American you unclean goy

That can't be true because once you go black...

Niggers are 13% of the population. If you think those numbers are accurate, you have bigger problems than your dwarf cock.

yup, live in the midwest, 1 black guy for every 1000 people, he gets to fuck 400 white women, good ratio

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Can't be quite right. If that were true, at least 80% of white men would be incels, because after trying BBC there's literally no way a woman would ever go back to white '''men''' EVER again.

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These threads are becoming lower and lower effort.

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Licking a nigger penis is about as hard as licking a huge log of shit.
Luckily, I have the tools to stop such a thing.
A nightstick
A whip
A Job Application.
These things strike fear into the very heart of the nigger.
A book with no pictures
Avoid conversation with the nigger.
The nigger will lie.
The nigger will make excuses.
The nigger will use words he don’t really know.
If the nigger feels threatened he may start to Rap or dance.

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more like 0.8% lul, stop watching porn and get off Yea Forums and magically all this obsession just vanishes and you never hear about it.

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It is only in the UK, over 80% of the women there watch BBC

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Only shows that 20% of women are afraid to admit it.

I shouldn't have laughed but I did.

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Shh this is a hentai thread.

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Gonna post something longer next.

Locker God

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So, would you suck a log of..... oh shit that's not a log wtf, gross.

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Fuck off projecting cucks this is a hentai thread now.

>This isn't a log thread
Ah shit I got the wrong thread.


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Hahahaha! Poor OP can't even think of an original idea. Just sad

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Was it you the other day, I posted a bbc pov thread and you turned it into a loli thread?

ur mom did

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You need to make the bait a little more realistic if you intend to further your divide and conquer campaign.

Probably, though I think there's one or two other people doing it too.

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>Mah Baby Daddie.
>20 more Kids and I can retire.
>I'm 14 years old, yo.

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based comic bro derailing bait thread

hope you're saging

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>hope you're saging
I would, but some people don't follow links and prefer to read here.

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>I'd argue that with them only representing only 15% of the population, I'd say there are more women who have never SEEN a black guy than have ever fucked one. It's math.
That's a really stupid way to do math.

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What if they just touch one but didnt suck or fuck it?

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>facts are now bait
Keep seething whiteboi. Your race will be eradicated soon enough no matter how mad you get.

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Of course, I am responsible for about 10 percent :)

Shhh... Get back to fapping.

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I don't even know who is more autistic, the one posting nigger porn or the one spamming cartoon porn.

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Also, what that user is saying is impossible in the modern world. The only people who haven't seen a black guy before are those who have literally never left their house.

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This was meant for you

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Missed a page.

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>marriage = fucking
Most white women lust after BBC and would fuck any black man given the chance. Doesn't mean they'd marry them necessarily, the racial prejudice from their families and so on is still tremendous even in this day and age

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>troll premise: I had an engaging conversation recently with someone who talked about black cock. Let me tell you about it
So, you’re a race-baiting faggot

The end. Thank you for reading.

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Exactly. You're correct on the marriage part.

Also, it's not just blacks they like; they seem bored with white guys and interested in any non-white guy.

By that logic every single black man in the us from infants to death bed would have to have had sex with 20-25 white women from infants to death bed. To be even remotely realistic every sexually active black man would have to have had sex with literally hundreds of white women. Kek. Your bait is mathematically retarded even for retards

>thinks we know the exact number of black and white people

This. Maybe if whites could act like actual men instead of pathetic spineless wusses they'd have a chance, but they don't seem to be able to. This has led to women in general preferring pretty much any other race over white '''men''', which is why essentially all incels are white. It's not likely to change anytime soon, either.