Does anyone have her nudes and/or an album?

Does anyone have her nudes and/or an album?

DaintyViolet/Verdandi (She is 18+)
I need to nut.

Attached: 51321817_545746135919628_2332480653215003258_n.jpg (640x640, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>pls spoonfeed me, im too lazy to google
fuck off, you lazy asswipe

Goodle isn't returning any REAL nudes, Just IG posts.

Also, fuck you.
and Bump

Attached: cd457aaf5fbf3b813ec385820effe10339442e4e.jpg (864x1080, 210K)


Attached: YKemgA0gPr.jpg (650x650, 85K)


Post sexy pics of her to keep the thread bumping?

Sexy pics inc

Attached: tumblr_p1yh2pROvs1weztqvo1_1280.jpg (1124x1124, 239K)

Attached: Drmw2nuUwAATCXA.jpg (1590x1988, 341K)

Attached: 44914640_745025862526138_657912769515531079_n.jpg (750x613, 88K)


Attached: 20214724_1920373354885157_5004811268452777984_n.jpg (1080x1080, 94K)

If you're too lazy to type out "incoming" you don't deserve nudes.

Attached: x15 (2)~3.jpg (524x339, 70K)


Attached: tumblr_p66nv7UAWO1sz8e0oo1_500.jpg (500x625, 73K)

Again, Inc.

Attached: inc.jpg (1536x864, 21K)

Attached: 8Readmad6L.jpg (650x650, 111K)

Fuck I need to see her nude. Those fucking lips got me sprung

Shes cute

there are no nudes

>I need to nut
Get your mom to jerk your micropenis and fuck off.

Attached: photo-aug-27-3-56-10-pm.jpg (226x301, 17K)

This might be a frustrating reality :/

She did a shoot with a pro photographer but it seems he's kept the good shit to himself. Cunt.

Attached: 0F4A1A28-3257-4F21-9175-393454148E19.thumb.jpeg.827ca0ff00072c5e520550e26345d115.jpg (365x500, 61K)

ikr? I've scoured the internet for every hot pic of her out there and I'm putting them into an imgur album now. Link to follow.

Attached: nut nut.jpg (897x1114, 207K)

imgur / a / z58KSqz

Attached: 61396385_2140162396274214_1640588172701789562_n.jpg (900x814, 99K)

Yes please


These pics suck.


Best I could find online. You got anything better to share with the good gentlemen?



Why though? she started pictures when she was 18 and she's like 22 now or something?

I think she is branching out

Attached: fb854b6.jpg (1280x836, 299K)

That's a good looking girl but I don't think it's her. I can see the similarities. Verdandi definitely has smaller and perkier tits.

Attached: 41CAA6B5-8F1E-4A69-A22A-A7FC6D281781.jpeg.d395ab0ae1007946ead3cd1432323d8e.jpg (1125x1295, 236K)

b-b-but m-m-m-m-mods?

butt mods?

mod butts?
mod butts!


Omg it's the freckles that fooled me. Yeah wrong girl

Shame because you had me excited for a moment! I reckon there's no nudes anywhere. Or whoever does have them is a selfish cunt.

The freckles fooled him.. fooled, by the freckles. It was the freckles, that had him fooled. He was made a fool a alright, a fool by the freckles.

oh look, somebody's hat.


shes a cute
it reminds me slightly to inka williams

has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

youre the best, ill take that link please