Where were you on 9/11/2001?

Where were you on 9/11/2001?

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Not the Twin Towers

Watching on floor, I was 10 at the time, I thought it was cool

Was 3, don't remember it obviously, but it was my Grandad's birthday so was probably at his house

It was about 7am in sunny Australia when I woke up to get ready to attend 5th grade. I turned on the television as I always did before school to catch up on some Pokémon & Dragon Ball Z when my eyes had to adjust and focus on the people I witnessed jumping out of burning buildings to kill themselves.

mandatory army service, returning guns to armory when a seargant yelled the news.

West coast, so I woke up with it on the news. Went to middle school, talked about it with teachers.

I was in the plane that hit the north tower.
Shit was lit af

I was a sophomore in HS at the time. If I remember correctly it happened while I was at school

At work, whole thing started just before 7 am MST

at some program for autistic kids apparently, I was five at the time
the only part of that day I remember was sitting in a restaurant with my mother telling me what happened

you probably were on high on meds at the time, poor kid

I was walking to kindergarten and these two guys grabed me and threw me in the back of their car and fled the city. Pic related.

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That can not be a real nose

how much shit was in your pants?

I think you underestimate the noses those guys can have

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He's got a hell of a beak on him

In bed asleep. I worked third shift at the time, and slept through the whole fucking thing.

was smoking a blunt with my nigga bush while he knocked the towers down

real g shit nigga

At school, come home, see second plane hit tower, laughing my ass off with a friend, saying that is what they (americans) deserve.

Same heard.. trade school

American classroom. Everyone was sad. Except Amin Hussein

Yea Forums before 18 isbad

I was a freshman at Stuyvesant High School. Saw the first plane hit the tower from my homeroom windows. Saw the explosion of the second plane from Chambers street. I saw the collapse of the first tower from the Brooklyn Bridge. I didn't see the collapse of the other tower. The wind was blowing the other way but I was still choking like everyone else.

Just got home from school, I was about 10 at the time.

at work, watching the second tower get hit live on TV

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Flying around doing pointless drills

i just got back from vacation with my parents. they were kinda happy since the usa bombed belgrade 2 years earlier. i was like :O but they we’re like yeeah serves them right

nose knows

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Brit fag hardcore.
Was playin on the floor age 1

none, I wasn't old enough to comprehend how serious it was
I drew crayon pictures of the jumpers landing on big trampolines

In my mum's living room playing with barbies and thinking about sex with my stuffed toys

Like hell. No Opel had that interior in 2001. Abd were Opels even available on the US at the time? Where in NYC is it that green less than a mile from WTC?

Driving to Aberdeen for a job.
Listening to Scot Sport Radio.
First report can’t that a plane had hit the tower, assumed it was an accident. Then second plane hit, plus the pentagon attack....and it because clear it was a full scale terrorist attack.
When I arrived at Aberdeen people were lining the street looking at the footage through shop windows....and there was this strange sense of comeraderie as everyone recognised history was happening in front of our eyes. It was actually kind of a party atmosphere...jokes being swapped etc.
The over rising sentiment was that “finally, America is getting what it deserves”

The commentator on Scotsport actually won a radio award for his coverage of 9/11.

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Mods? Can't do math.

Fuck off newfag

2nd week of college working through the worst hangover of my life
didnt even know the shit happened til the next day

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I was asleep during the actual attacks but that day I was going on a road trip. We still went and listened to news reports about it a lot of the way.

Reading a book to elementary school children.


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careful with that edge

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What is that thing?

>D I R T P O O R

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Cursed image

At work.
I love disaster movies that take out asshole cities like New York and Los Angeles.

about 15 miles to the ENE of here


Cairo, Egypt

was at home. turned on the tv to watch some cartoon network while making breakfast, TV was on a local channel and it was all over the news, the second tower had already fallen and they were playing the footage over and over and speculating.

changed the channel and they were showing the pentagon

change the channel and they were showing flaming debris in a field. thought the rapture might have actually happened, and it was pic related.

jumped online to tell all my friends. some already knew.

"what's up?"
"The World Trade Center. In Smoke."

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cannonball swansong

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1st period class as a freshman in HS.

I just love the smell of thermite in the morning.

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Was 11. Getting ready for school when my mom came in and said I needed to see the TV that something had happened.

Watched the first tower fall. Was listening to the radio on the way to school when the second tower fell. Virtually nothing got done at school that day. Every TV in the building was tuned into the news.

7 am 0n 9/11 in oz was 15 hours before the plans even boarded, dumbass

coincidentally, I'm going through old reel-to-reel tapes, and the current one I'm listening to is the broadcast of the memorial and burial of JFK.

OP's question is the new "where were you when Kennedy was shot?"

Laughed my ass off, when i came home from school. It was a good day.

Not really, because in 40 year no one will care.


sand nigger

fukin u mumm, lol

6th grade, 2nd period, woodshop.

Burgers love their corny defining moments.

The rest of the world was just like "Catastrophic mass-casualty terror attack huh?welcome to the club." but burger vision chanted "The world changed forever on 9/11" for the next five years straight. During the 90s bigger events were ignored by the USA or were even jokes, lol everywhere other than the USA is a shithole haa ha ha. Which is just the attitude that gets you a plane in the face, really.

No u didn't.

Keep thinking only sand niggers despise your country, alot of people thought you deserved it.

Yes i did, as did most of my class mates, your country is not beloved.

Obviously you can't do math. 18 years plus 3 is 21yo now. Possibly 20 depending on his birthday.

This, i cannot agree more.

Get off you 12 year old edge lord, it's your bedtime

At home sick from high school.
Was asleep upstairs, mom came in and said to turn on the tv, we were under attack. I didn't believe her until I saw the news. I started watching between the 1st and 2nd tower being hit, so I got to see the 2nd impact "live".
Was a pretty fucking weird day. Later in the afternoon, I recorded this repeating message on the local broadcast weather channel that the FAA had playing. It said that the "Federal Aviation Command Center" had ordered all airtraffic, aside from firefighters in the northwest, to land.
Classic shit. Love hearing conspiracy theories.

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hoping we would get released from school but didnt

so we joked and laughed at falling people all day

It WAS cool, and check this out: it's STILL cool

less than a week after vp announced pentiagon lost trillions and no sign of it, the towers where paper work was well we'll blame sand niggers

Y tho?
Seriously, why tear down a lesser known building? The towers fell, wasn't that enough to get the jew conspiracy, false flag, coup or whatever going?

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Deployed to Kosovo at the time. Came back through the gate and heard people talking about it. Thought they saw a movie at the theater. Then locked down for a week and didnt go anywhere.

At work being disgusted by all the people walking around like they just lost their best friend.

I can't help that your country sucks and is filled with ignorant pieces of shit. Every dead American is a good American.

I can remember me and my mates doing silly voice overs for the people jumping out. Shit was hilarious.

school. dont remember what class. school let out early so i went to my friends house to play resident evil on his dreamcast. his dad was watching the tv yelling about some bullshit. but fuck me the nemesis was scary as fuck in that game

spanking the monkey

... in Virginia

>come on mom, five more minutes please!

I was teaching a 5th grade art course. The principle came into the room and said I should turn on the tv.

I was smoking a joint watching unfold live on TV. And I'm not going to lie, it made fucking awesome TV. I mean it's a terrible thing to happen but I was fixated to that TV!

Was at work coding a website in perl. was following news via slashdot, understood that the world as we knew it was gone.

>The principle

The start of the great decline, the era of human collapse.

mick loving

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It's true. The sad truth if human nature is we love tragedy porn. Hence why everyone slows down to look at an accident.

The real reason everyone was glued to the TV was to see the body count go up

Masturbating as I watched people jumping from the roof on tv

Nice try Bin Laden

Second grade, the loudspeakers went off to inform all teachers to please turn their in-room televisions to channel.

The teacher dismissed us to play, I thought nothing of it at the time. Within ten or twenty minutes of this announcement, we were informed school was concluded, even though it was only about 9AM. Went home and stepped off the bus, my Dad was waiting for me, he pointed out military jets flying throughout the sky around us. I walked inside, my aunt was crying, my whole family stunned in silence.

Now as a 25 year old, looking back, I wish it would have been worse. Too bad they didn't destroy this shit show country.

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when it happened i was on my fathers computer looking up porn before school

Its human nature to drive your attention to violence/ tragedies.
It helps us realize when someone needs help.

>Now as a 25 year old, looking back, I wish it would have been worse. Too bad they didn't destroy this shit show country.
Nah dude, live the ultimate fantasy where they kept bringing the heat, then we go full on apeshit, nuke Africa for some reason, then annex the entirety of Earth into the United States.

Yeah, sorry chief but if you want any other outcome for the US but it in ashes, then you're just a fag.

Celebrating with friends as the planes hit!!

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Grade school. Kept thinking it was two dumbasses who were bad at flying planes

I remember phoning my dad and asking if he's seen what's happening in New York, he said no, so I told him and the first thing he said was "them yanks will start a war over this".

so much edge in this thread

>lit af

I was in Jr. High. Science class had been moved to the Library to do research for a project I can't remember. The Principal came over the intercom that all students should return to their home rooms, that something was happening.
We walked back, saw everyone in other classrooms wathcing t.v., Mr. Rodriguez turned on the news and we all watched the 2nd plane hit, and then the people jumping and the collapse.
The Principal came over again and sent everyone home for the day.
I remember walking home confused and vaguely worried about basically everything.

In the loo. Shitting bricks.

If I was up your ass you’d know where I was faggot


Underrated post