Whats up you pathetic sad losers?;)) hehe

Whats up you pathetic sad losers?;)) hehe

Look what i just got and you cant get ;)

Yep its the american express platinum card ;)))
I earn a lot of money so i can get Nice things

You pathetic losers waste time on fucking shit and shitcoins

Jesus fuck you guys are fucking pathetic
I hate you guys so fucking much

Meet me in the centurion lounge and i can buy you a life

Oh.. I forgot
Fucking losers like you cant get access

Attached: photo-jul-09-9-58-35-pm_orig.jpg (1048x800, 187K)

Other urls found in this thread:


who hurt you?


Take pictures of it instead of getting one off the internet to prove it.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-29-12-18-04.png (720x1280, 499K)

The most reddit response possible.

Attached: kys.gif (1000x1000, 208K)

I hate this place


>platinum card
>not even keeping it in a decent hard wood varnished stand

Clearly you cut corners in your spending.
>not a richfag

Attached: 85C40176-B25B-42F0-92C4-33055403D706.jpg (214x317, 18K)

Because of the retarded threads like "post here or this will happen to you hur dur hur dur"


Kek, they were laughing at you as they fucked each behind your back,
The money can’t buy you a different past...you gotta life knowing what a cuck you are.

Attached: CAF19000-A394-454A-AF67-2261AC968570.jpg (800x581, 55K)

Delete this now or get reported

8.8 million for your self respect?

Sure, why not?

I’ll donor for 1 million

This is now a “what’s the lowest price you would sell your self respect” thread.

I have none, so have nothing to sell

Kangs 'n' shiet

give it back "Keith"

Attached: sheit.png (299x225, 102K)

Experian was matching me to that last week, doesn't seem to offer anything special for me to get it, why did you choose an AMEX platinum with just goes off of your credit score and is easy to get?

Is not hard to get retard. If you just have a credit score of 700+ and make at least 40k you should be golden. Even managers at McDonald's can get one if they dont have too much debt. Why would you think that's a great achievement? Why not just get the chase preferred card? Is pretty much the same shit but imo better.

>fucking losers

Attached: Fat_Joker.jpg (600x583, 49K)

money can't buy happiness.
no matter how much money i have i can't make my waifu real.

Attached: Sem_título.JPG.jpg (536x1003, 62K)

I got all those stupid offers in the mail. If I travelled for work frequently it would've been worth it for the different "exclusive" cards, but I don't so it wasn't worth it

Attached: Screenshot_20190529-205456_Gallery.jpg (1312x1823, 1.32M)

Platinum I had a platinum card until I couldn't afford to pay it. Now if it was a the black credit card . that you need 100 million dollars in your bank to just to qualify for. Then yhae you can brag about it

I have a log of shit fresh from Andy Sixx's asshole will that qualify me?

Shit bait. You're still going to die user.

Stock check on I don't give a flying fuck.
Yes we have some, how much would you like?

I got one too bitch.

Attached: 1.png (1392x1005, 1.42M)

Attached: Fresh Grade.jpg (150x147, 10K)

rekt lmao

what is that at the bottom of the picture??

Well, shit

Lmfao almost didn’t see the dick ahahahaha

Fosters likes what he sees

Damn buy some cleaner to get the cumstains off the bottom of your laptop

My nigga knows about them Foska Flakes

Attached: Its a good show.png (473x471, 113K)

Is this better?

Attached: 1.png (1600x1024, 1.16M)

Shit dude, its permastained

if you have money why do you need a credit card to get into debt with?

couldn't get a black card like the rest of us? fag.


Attached: freakout.gif (300x233, 1.95M)

> why do you need a credit card to get into debt with?
Poor fag detected. Good luck getting financing your car, house or business with no credit. Inb4 "I pay everything outright with cash" - credit simply gives you more financial freedom also rewards like cash back and air miles.

Attached: pathetic.jpg (354x354, 33K)

This thread has taken a sudden turn for the awesome.

reverse search btw

I know you have used your dick to move your cursor

God damnit, I fell for bait


Congrats on your good credit.

Absolute chad

I'm glad you enjoyed my posts, I made the ultimate sacrifice to get these files transferred to my computer quickly before the thread died.

Attached: 1.png (1742x1048, 892K)

Please, keep posting copy pastas everyday. It keeps Yea Forums interesting, new, and alive.

When you kids get an Amex black card, give me a call and we will go golfing.

Reddit spacing

a lot going on in tha tpic

Probably just trying to be a shitty troll, but bragging about being able to borrow money from a bank is pretty pathetic.

Dubs decides what I say next.

Attached: 1.png (1695x1151, 821K)

no one knows what that is fatty

Attached: 1536807471896.jpg (168x151, 8K)

fuck outta here lipton

I chuckled

Dubs decide what I say next

Attached: 1.png (1503x861, 466K)

KEK at the cock head included.

You don't need a credit card for great credit. My first car purchace was 10k financed on a 25k car. That established me without crippling credit card debt. My homes are owned outright, and have 300k in equity in the properties. Fuck ur platinum card nigger.

This specific picture is from an article from 2018.


Based tip poster. Rolling for "would you squirt Windex on my dick and clean it?"

Attached: Lil Windex.jpg (700x400, 59K)

You do know this isn't cash right? That is simply credit. It means jack shit.

Attached: Eyes up here folks.png (500x433, 253K)

Fucking waste

Attached: I'm gettin me mallet.jpg (646x720, 23K)

Beautiful, I completed my request on , you god damn rockstar, Love and Blessings unto you, my sweet prince. Ignore , for he is a prude and a stooge. Nice Trip!

Attached: FreeLove.gif (720x720, 330K)

rolling for "your attraction to me is nothing but a meme for an anonymous imageboard to enjoy" and then proceed to link her to this thread.

Attached: Aisha.gif (500x375, 992K)


What the fuck is that big ass brick gun? Looks gay and retarded

It's a Glock 19 Gen 4 with a Crimson Trace Laserguard Pro. There's also a spare magazine above it in the same holster.

Attached: LL807G.jpg (1500x1500, 226K)

t. no-guns

Attached: Untitled.png (235x318, 105K)

>Fat nigger gun with gangbanger laser for hipfire
Nice. What do you plan on using it for besides self defense? Sounds overkill, but interesting. You should buy yourself an assault rifle from the darkweb and then you'll be a real Gun Nut

Attached: norkgun.jpg?itok=0IKI5PPK.jpg (1486x989, 324K)

> fat nigger gun
> police and FBI's weapon of choice
Choose one. I already have an AR, I wouldn't order one off the darkweb because that's foolish and risky. It's better to 3D print pistols and drill your own ARs out of 80% lowers and have a constitutionally legal ghost gun.

Attached: benis.jpg (1800x1200, 356K)

Flashlights and lasers give a serious advantage in some situations, such as shooting one-handed from behind a chair in some movie theater. I think he made a good choice since that one is low-profile and flush with the rest of the gun. It's also generally good for quick target acquisition which is why police, SWAT and military use them. There is no "overkill" when it comes to personal defense. I keep a 40mm in my trunk...

Attached: 1542729369552.jpg (419x600, 37K)

Time to slam it closed cuck

Attached: Anderman.jpg (334x250, 29K)

To bad no good countries in europe take american shit Express due to americans not paying there stupid Linas on dumb shit.

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I used that shit block as firewood

We're all unhappy.

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Attached: Just busted a nut.png (962x1766, 1.41M)

Tell her the Windex bottle isn't the only thing that pumps.

Attached: Off by one.png (472x470, 304K)

I actually have a Centurion card, and your pathetic little platinum card isn't going to get you into our lounge, bitchboy. Come at me.

Ho dude! I are so jelly of you. Thanks for sharing this to the community.

Why is your card made of plastic? Mine is made of metal.. and black.. are you poor?

I don't even know what I would do with one of those.

I qualify for one, but I don't think I do anything where that would be better than the cash back card I currently use...

Wait.. you don't know what a platinum card is do you? It's not a credit card you fuck. That's why it doesn't have a number on it. It's a charge card. Now go put that image back where you got it.

Attached: 1559148734646.jpg (524x699, 99K)

The bait's not even good

You retard, the person he greentexted was referring to any credit card. Is summer almost over?

It takes real money to make real money, fuckwit. Your sorry ass credit system is so busted that it's just threats and inconveniences.

>dealership fucktard starts crying about financing and finding me something in my price range.
>request different salesman, leave to get cash.
>bought at cost, paid better guy his percentage.
>cut out a small army of middlemen and their bullshit.


Bitch I’m Lavish P, someone you will NEVER be

money can buy you some meds.

money can't regrow your foreskin.

Oh, I thought it might be a fingerbox. Now im just disappointed, you fucking pleb.

I bet you dont have the balls to buy a google play card worth $100 and send me the code for it to my insta twoleggedpup

It’s the stand they come in
This is a pretty shitty bait thread, you don’t even need to make that much to get one (when I was 21 they sent me in while I was making 44k) and they charge you $500 a year to use it

In high school shop class we had to make a fingerbox. I finished in a couple days, it looked pretty lame but it worked. When I showed it to my teacher he looked at it and said "Is that the best you can do?" He wasn't saying it sucked, he was asking honestly... Is that all you got. It was a thought to myself, I was like "yeah man, I could do better." So I started from scratch. Made another, and another... By the end of the semester, by like box number 5 I built this thing. You should have seen it was insane! I built it out of proven walnuts and inlaid Seagullwood, fitted with pegs and screws. I sanded it for days until it was smooth as glass. Then I rubbed it with tung oil so it was rich and dark. It even smelled good, you could put your nose in it. It was perfect... I ended up trading it for an ounce of weed. My only regret...

Come om fish dont talk about him like that

Cool meme you've got there.

Attached: OrigCash.jpg (600x622, 47K)

Why would you pay cash when you can use credit and keep that cash invested in something else? Fucking wage slave mentality, poorfags get out.

Attached: gi goe.gif (306x240, 802K)

Hey buddy why did you break bad?

Attached: Free Music.jpg (1636x1582, 92K)

Based Rich Fag

Attached: 1545030394625.jpg (301x330, 17K)

Lol I had to make sure

Attached: 20190530_011052.jpg (1060x643, 224K)

What's that? You're poor? Don't worry, I'm not

Attached: sjfhfblack.jpg (500x311, 44K)

TimeStamp Or larp

Attached: 1546534982051.png (500x480, 80K)


Woo, yeah buddy, don't spend any of that on buying land or having kids you might accidentally accomplish something and end up not having time to say stupid shit on what you very well know is a website for teenagers. Nah, you should take up as little space as possible, slave. Don't have white children, slave, we don't want them. No accomplish, ONLY SPEND. SPEND SPEND SPEND, KEEP SPENDING SLAVE. DEBT IS OUR RESOURCE. Don't become politically or intellectually important or we'll audit you. :D :D :D :D :D

Also pic related is what all the people with real amounts of money think of you, Gatsby, don't forget that you'll never be their peer.

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Because I'm smart enough to avoid giving someone else interest i'm a poor wagecuck? I have zero debt and understand how saving works. Instead of handing fuckwits my interest, I get to invest that money elsewhere.
Fuck outta here with your weak shit.

Attached: 1552501727182.gif (129x150, 73K)

How 2 wealthy:
> Put everything on credit
> Keep your liquid wealth circulating in stock market, business, etc
> Don't let the government take taxes out of your paycheck if you're on Salary
> Pay it at the end of the year
> More money to invest
> "yuh interest"
> Get cards that are zero interest
> Discover was my first card
> I get cash back on gas and other stuff
> Literally getting paid to use credit
> Not taking huge losses to my stock portfolio because I don't pay huge buys off cash
> Would make back the interest anyway plus more with that money by the time the payment period ends

You're new to this aren't you? If not, good b8 m8

Attached: Abigail Shapiro.gif (320x240, 944K)

He's probably a nigroid who didn't have a father to teach him how to finance. Press "$" to pay respects...

Attached: Bugs Longface.png (991x1203, 668K)

Hey man, if the shit works for you then keep on but I don't trust liquidity. I wouldnt call myself wealthy, but comfy af.

Lol, no. Just been an engineer for about 15 years and kept my life simple and productive. Learned from my cousin, who retired in her late thirties. Fuck that other dude's hustle.

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You're doing the lord's work

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goddamn spiderman, where are you when we need you?

Attached: SpidermanPoint.jpg (230x224, 16K)

I'm disappointed, Yea Forums. We used to be about doing weird shit, fucking skulls, solving real life mysteries, raids and trolling for fun, yet the only posts we normally get now are porn and tards who think bragging to Yea Forums is somehow a good thing. Do us a favor and an hero. I heard pulling a pin from a grenade is a great way to go out. It was done once here.

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if you have a lot of money why do you need a credit card



God I hope she will.

Attached: 0987968574.png (1559x922, 642K)

fucking based. thots side piece paid the toll. he knew the thot was married. degenerate scum also pay the toll.

Fucking delivered.


Attached: bice cream.gif (200x200, 243K)

my mom has one of these things... lmao

nice jew card fag

Left handed. Devil child.

The holster for his gun has an IWB clip, he's obviously right handed.

or he could just be law enforcement/security you fag master

you sneaky fuck

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Just the tip.

Attached: rape.png (687x472, 80K)

he's right you know

hey user! remember that time you bent over in front of me and i had a boner and you were all "dude you better dont" but i did anyway and you cried in my arms while we both came?

money can't buy things like that.