Does anyone remember the Jessi slaughter incident? +4 good boy points if you were a part of it and tell your story

Does anyone remember the Jessi slaughter incident? +4 good boy points if you were a part of it and tell your story.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No, shes a fat wheelchair bitch now

consequences, etc.

The consequences were never the same...

I'm thinking arby’s

Somebody called the cyber police on me during that debacle. I had to pay out the ass for a cyber lawyer.

Old fags know it ...

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Not enough dripping white sauce oozing from between the meat folds.

Jesus christ. Seems like yesterday, but i guess im an oldfag. That was some top tier Yea Forums. Oh my god.


Jessi slaughter was over the line. we killed her dad

Anyone got pics of what she looks like now?

I got backtraced

she’s missing :)


Do we really care? It wasnt about her, it was about us. We showed thdme world that the internet, even our reletivly small comunity could fuck up someones life to the point of breaking their will. We made this girl question her existence through our trolling. Who cares what she looks like now? All that matters is that we still troll and troll and troll.

It’s just memories of times long past now

I'd still fuck her

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Got her nudes here

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Consequences will never be the same

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i dont know the story but i need those good boy points

Back when Yea Forums was still interesting. Still drop in here once every couple of months but this place is a shell of what it used to be.

Nah bud not even close. Some of us had no life several years before that shit happened.

It was Yea Forums being Yea Forums. She thought she could be all tuff, something like 'yall don't phase me'. Yea Forums chipped away at the fake emotional strength and blasted her in the face with its cruelty and depravity. With her crying her father was yelling at the webcam telling us we are getting back traced, he called the cyber police, consequences will never be the same, etc. Source for many laughs. Can't remember all the fallout and what is accurate or not but I think it came out he had abused her at some point and he died of a heart attack or something.

You don't want pictures of any part of her now.

anyone got a mega of her shit?

He was arrested for punching or slapping her. He died of a heart attack not too long after that.

You underestimate my low standards

We are alike.
Why am I even here if it's 80% trap shit.

Jessi stuff is typically nuked pretty quickly even if there is nothing underaged. No idea why.

Same reason any oldfag still comes here, trying to catch something nostalgic and true to \b\ but always failing because it's not the site it once was, used to be an internet hate machine now we're just a bunch of no life incel's with a penchant for mischief

cuz it gets backtraced immediately

Yeah it got to be same old dumb shit. Oldfag/newfag (see also summer threads), traps, wwyd, euro vs usa, wouldn't/shouldn't share, problack thread, post itt, stoners, ylyl (haven't been funny in years), generic loli thread, furry, creep shots, and rating threads. All dumb uninteresting shit. Yea Forums was never good, but it was at least interesting or amusing. Now it is nothing.


>"The State police AND the Cyber police!"

>op is a phaggot

I hate the fact that no one has a sense of humor here anymore. Nothing is funny at all.

I was there.
Back when Yea Forums was good.
My how the mighty have fallen.

Eat shit, you tryhard faggots

Newfag, Yea Forums was never good

Hahahahaha I trolled you

> it used to be funny and now it isn't


What does that mean?

get your shit str8 niqqa

GTFO newfag

Consequences were never the same.

You misspelled "nigra".

she lives in memphis tn now

someone tell me the story of what went down? from Yea Forums's perspective not wikipedia

someone dun goofed and ordered roast beef

Dumm goofed puddy puddy

you didn't want picture of her back then either

It's what the cyberpolice do

Yeah, I had to run from the cyberpolice for years. Tore my life apart, and I had to make friends with people I normally would hate just to stay free and alive. I actually got caught one times but I never ratted you faggots out.

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oh shit, for real?

Watched it hit Yea Forums live. Good times

Obviously she's disgusting now, but that's just normal stages of development for a girl. At the height of her 'fame' more nudes should have been leaked but sadly all we got was some arbies. Jealous of her dad though since he was fucking her.

Staying up until 7am with the new border for the website welcoming Good Morning America before she went on. Probably the greatest thing I've seen on Yea Forums

It all started with the brain slushies ended in roast beef.

Is there moat webm?

Bump for this full vid. Can't find it anywhere.

There's a lot. This vid is about 5 mins long.

she has some awesomely floppy titties

It was embarrassing at the time.
Some 12 yr old girl talked shit about the site and they all went after her. Back then the site actually did stuff but this was at the tail end of that era so focus was not really a strength for the board.

It was only redeemed by the memetastic dad showing up for the stream. If not for him, no one would still talk about Jesse.

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Fibromyalgia someone said. Not paraplegic or owt like that.

Can u post

i have vids of her pegging a dude in a bee keeper hat


>Jealous of her dad though since he was fucking her.
Says who?

She so much potential to be a hot slut but now she is a fatty with roast beef.

Jessie slaughter was tame compared to the guy who strangled a chick and posted pics.

I just remember it as being known back when all of this was happening. It came to light either shortly before or after he died.

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Dead? News to me. Were cops involved when that certain pic leaked? Figured she was sexing up schoolboys.

Yes, shes "transcrippled" or some shit like that where she basically "chooses" to be a paraplegic lmao its retard

He was arrested so I would assume so. She really came to prominence not because of fucking kids her age but because of her alleged (but probably true) fucking of some guy from a shitty scene band whose name eludes me.

Dahvie Vanity

Yeah that's the fag, lucky bastard she was so fuckable back then.

Make a vola?

didn't you assholes troll this poor girls dad into having a heart attack? It is class A work like this which reminds me how fucked most people are. Disgusting, some poor naive girl and an overprotective dad have there lives destroyed for luls, makes me sick

lolno. Her dad was arrested for hitting her at or around the time of that video of him flipping his shit. The kid who fucked her when she was 12/13 was 16 at the time and as far as I know, nothing happened to him.

This is one of the cringiest posts I've read on this website in over a decade.

Summerfag lurk more

>tips fedora


Rip papa slaughter :(

Because I back traced it!


Papa Slaughter had a heart attack years ago :^(

Nigger faggot

No, his heart condition did that for us mister actual retard sir

Ah, how nature takes those most dear.

>No idea why.

probably because it was one of the gayest things Yea Forums ever "accomplished". So gay in fact, the site itself becomes sentient just long enough to bury its shame. The whole thing was pointless, provided almost nothing in terms of entertainment, and anyone who thinks it was actually truly funny is rocking a single digit IQ.

You killed a man for le funny,
You destroyed an innocent girl for le funny.

If your going to do damage to people on this scale at least make it fucking worth it, it's so shameful it's pathetic. Not that any of you fucks even contributed to one original jessi thread, but the fact you guys keep bringing it back up shows how delusional you are. This is not something to be proud of.

right, the video totally looks like a man not being pushed to the limit of anger. Something that totally is good for the heart. Or the subsequent imprisonment he fell into, also great for a healthy heart, keeping that pulse nice and low.

It was some girl who didn't get much attention until she threaten 4chans for being "haters". I remember the original thread someone sharing that video of her and discussing how to dox her. She exploded into a meme when her father posted a video using "dun goof".

Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here, you and the pathetic like you are what is ruining this once great place

go home op it's over

She killed her father.

This is oldfag to you.

He didn't die anywhere near that time frame sperg, seethe for me

she pissed off Yea Forums so we killed her dad

How old is she?

Hurr Durr it's our fault he went to prison durhurhur we held him down and made him break the law duhuhuh


That op in Washington that strangled his whore girlfriend was old Yea Forums.

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Pussy ass newfag

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She don goofed and ended up in a wheelchair

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she got lippy and basically shit talked the entire internet and Yea Forums specifically, when Yea Forums responded as Yea Forums does she made a series of caustic video replies everyne seems to forget about that riled Yea Forums up more and more until the situation you all heard about from knowyourmeme happened. it wasnt a sudden thing, she kicked the hornets nest over and over until they swarmed.

syas the police reports Yea Forums dug up before he died of a heart attack.

you DO know he went to prison because he was fucking his daughter right?

No he got arrested for beating her.

sorry bucko he was fuckin her too.

then there was the downward spiral of depression, where she once again leaned on internet attention to validate herself. Getting fat (not cute chubby, instead 'eating her feeling' FAT). Dyed her hair, piercings, tattoos that don't fit. ...doing some porn....etc

they dont put you in prison for assault. they put you in prison for SEXUAL assault.

maybe....but that's not why he was arrested. It's not exactly private information.
Feel free to prove me wrong.

Like I said, she killed her father. She kept talking on the internet over and over again and couldn't shut off the fucking webcam. I think they were in the hospital or some shit and she still fucking did it.

gotta be 21 or 22 by now. That GIF in particular is from when she was 18. Most of the porn you see from her here is 18 or older but there does exist stuff from when she was younger. If you ever do see anything like that you'll know because she didn't get super fat until she was an adult.

The editor of know your meme is a faggot and wasn't even there during the incident

whats really funny about this is any source now you see paints her as an innocent victim, i was there for the whole debacle, she definitely poked the bear intentionally long before Yea Forums even caught wind of her

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A bunch of faggots harassed a little girl and her father. The father subsequently ended up being sent to the slammer for allegedly abusing his daughter, and died of a heart attack, pre-existing condition triggered by the situation. Probably some of the best work Yea Forums has ever done. The girl has grown up severely traumatized with extreme mental problems. Most people believe he was molesting the daughter, we call these people "retards". He was an over protective dad, who enforced old school punishment to try and straighten the girl out. But he is dead now, and the girl is fatherless, so again good work Yea Forums, at least we got the prolific "dun goofed" meme and "internet police", grade A stuff, completely worth the pain and misery that family received. I'm sure if you show this fine achievement to any middle school marker sniffer they will give a good hardy giggle

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yeah, but you forgot the part about Yea Forums discovering that the father was sexually abusing her...

...hard to feel bad for dad, when he probably stressed himself out for getting busted for being a pedo.

Fuck i havent seen this one. Link?

Why do these threads attract so many virtue signalers?

post that blowjob vid



A better question would be, "why do people make these threads, when they could make a perfectly good LOG thread?" If we don't pass along the good work of Yea Forums how will we preserve this holy ground. I mean BANANA right? We need to teach the new generation the glorious way of Yea Forums. (First three words that come to your mind? MY LITTLE SLAM PIGGY

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Everybody seems extra schizophrenic on Yea Forums today.

It was around the time when sites like stickcam were getting popular. There was an endless supply of random women who would start a thread on Yea Forums, then we’d get them herded over to a cam site and get their clothes off. It was pretty crazy times. Anyway, one day I get on Yea Forums and there was some shit about Jessie. Mostly dudes just talking shit about her. Every once in a while someone would post “the pics”. Supposedly she was ten years old when this all was going on. It had something to do with her fucking a guy from the band “Blood on the Dance Floor”

I'm not schizophrenic, and neither am I.

Me trolling "Damien" on IG like a couple years back

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Jessi Slaughter Thread = Fap Material.......False
Jessi Slaughter Thread = Funny.......False
Jessi Slaughter Thread = Entertaining........False
Jessi Slaughter Thread = Worth Remembering.....False

Guys, why are you here?

Y’all destroyed her life, you should feel ashamed! She’s ruined forever and it’s all you disgusting pedo troll’s fault!

Gotta say ya troll game weak

Why did you format your post like this?



Good times.

We should get together and do something nice for her and all the victims of cyber bully crimes. I feel really bad about what happpened, I actually cried when I first read her story, it reminded me of when a friend of mine was sent sick shit (BY THIS FUCKING BOARD) on Tumblr and was hospitalized because of it.

I’m so glad people like you exist. Cyberbullying is a pathetic crime.

You're a massive moronic faggot.


True man. Can't even make fun of niggers without a bunch of commie pinko fags screaming.

It was sickening, her story made me cry.

Honesty I just wanna fuck her, got into Yea Forums as everything was happening with her, cant change the past but she can ride as I fill her with cum

Because y’all are fucking racist pieces of shit who think torturing little girls is funny. Please fuck off of Yea Forums, thank.

anyone got full video of her riding

Your selfie looks amazing.

Its in the vola posted

How about we get together and gang rape her?

I was here and remember it but didn't participate in any way, and I wasn't in any threads for it, I heard about it afterwards
Sadly no GBP for me

Make me.

We started and own Yea Forums. YOU get the fuck out you normalfag interloping crybaby faggot.

Same tbh

It made me cry, like I said. I’m glad there’s some good people on Yea Forums like you who are against cyberbullying innocent people. Like I said, all of us newer people on Yea Forums should do something nice for victims of cyberbullying like her. We need to fix what the bullies have destroyed.


I was there. Her shitty MySpace poetry about fucking the lead singer of some emocore band was maximum over-cringe. If memory serves, the dude was in his 20's and she was like 14. Pretty creepy, tbh fam.

Shut the fuck up, did you read my fucking post? Fuck you for trying to frame an innocent DEAD man for something so terrible as rape. I swear, everyone on this site is a sociopath!

But who was phone?


due to this website
she became somewhat famous
you on the otherhamd became a sperg

congrats on your severe, severe aut*sm

Search up Jessi Slaughter on Encylopedia Dramatica.

I was there user...

We basically keeper inboxing her on every platform we could find, just trolling her.

Then her dad got into it and it was like throwing gas on a fire. Mad lulz were had and then the trolling got worse.

I miss the days when Yea Forums did shit like this, instead of just posting and asking for porn all the time...

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failed quads youre fucking pathetic in every shape and form

Um but the real facts were that he actually sexually abused her, he wasn't framed for that
Facts don't care about your opinions. Police don't convict on hearsay or circumstantial evidence, real testimony and real evidence showed he raped her

You not only tortured her, but an innocent autistic man to schizophrenic behavior. How do you all sleep at night?

The fucking point is

If you want to fuck with people and destroy some girls life in the search of something awesome then go for it.

But the Jessi Slaughter debacle was sub par at best. Her life was fucked up for nothing. Roast beef, Dun goofed, internet police, and a bunch of ugly nudes. Is that where we set the bar. When we keep reliving this thing as something awesome that fucks up the whole equation. We should strive to get GOOD NUDES and GOOD LAUGHS. If you think Jessi Slaughters nudes or memes are something worth re living you need to be shot. The very fact we keep having these threads is the problem. When you look at this thread, it makes it seem as though what we got from her was the ideal best possible outcome, it wasn't, it was fucked. Her dad died, shes all fucked in the head now and we got shit memes and even shittier nudes. That should not be where the bar is set.

If Yea Forums is going to fuck up some girls life, her mind, and get her dad imprisoned (and possibly contribute to his heart attack and subsequent death) then for fucks sake make it worth it. Can we get some decent nudes or decent luls for it? Don't post Jessi Slaughter and make it out to be some grand thing worth re living, it wasn't.

Call me a soft hearted faggot but honestly what we got was not worth the hell we put them through. And because of that this is not something worth glorifying. If the nudes were good and the memes were better and more prolific my mind would change but they are not.

Last time I read an ED article, I almost had a stroke. Why do they try so hard to be funny in every single article and require you to click the 1,000 plus links on the page to understand half of what's being said?

It was funny, slept great after a night of laughing too hard and having good times

> Here’s my post, fucking read it you soulless piece of shit.

Exactly. Sociopaths, is what they are. I just wish there was a way to make it up to them. I’m not lying when I said I cried.

I read it and it's wrong
What do you think the justice system does, just go arresting anyone accused of a crime?

Are you saying the police are not good at their jobs?

Look Bros someone else losing his shit..

He was an alcohol.

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The point is, you're a crybaby faggot whose spirit animal is a menstruating, AIDS infected vagina. The earth is threatening to collapse under the weight of what a little moralfag bitch you are. Go back to Fagelbook, you'll be right at home with tryhard memes and virtue signalling. Cunt.

good one, you made a lot of sense just there

See this is exactly what's wrong with new Yea Forums

You fags care too much about being edgy, it's tryhard and it shows. You're probably 14 and posting on your family computer, and you have to prove to your internet friends how tough you are

Real Yea Forums, old Yea Forums, didn't care about any of that. They did things, horrible things, but they didn't care about their E-reputation of internet tough guys

Just stop harassing kids and STFU

seriously, it is 1% thinking about doing bad things and 99% talking about doing bad things. If you are gonna act like a little edge lord then have some balls

damn, r u gonna pop a glock in his mouth and make a brain slushie?

does anyone have videos of her fucking and sucking


They'll never be the same

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>We should get together and do something nice for her

Hi Jessie

I love how it always boils down to, "If you can't handle how hardcore we are here on Yea Forums then pack your bags and go back to normal land"

You are such a little faggot you know that?

You do not embody Yea Forums
You embody everything wrong with what Yea Forums has become

Man she just never was hot really was she

Like you know what old Yea Forums was about. The fuck outta here you newfag twerp.

only time Yea Forums ever put someone on national TV. shit was pretty funny. Learned about her dad's fucked up peg leg, though it was apparent something was weird about it on the webcam rant. This was good times, Boxxy was fading out and getting fat and old, and though we didnt know it it was pretty much the end of the good ol' days here on Yea Forums. Because I Backtraced It is one of the best original musical works to come from Yea Forums, and is possibly the highest selling Yea Forums track on iTunes.

>implying you ever knew anything aboit old Yea Forums

Watch out, this guy has been here since summer of 18

>implying old Yea Forums was anything like it is today

If you can't seem to understand anything from ED then you've pretty much told the whole thread how extremely autistic you are.

It's just funny because you think your words can hurt me, like I'm some innocent little child that cries when they're mocked

What could you possibly do that would hurt me in a way that matters. All your gesturing, all your huffy insults, they're cute really

But really it would be great if you killed yourself, or left the internet to the adults. You don't fit in, we can see you like a sore thumb, and if it wasn't clear, you're not welcome here

Triggered newfags detected. I'm certain I've been here longer than you, and I know precisely what old Yea Forums was and was about. You don't. Stop pretending. We said fucked up shit, and we did fucked uo shit, and it was often hilarious, occasionally epic fail, always light-years ahead of this juvenile and trite horseshit you newfags blather about. It's more and more like fucking Tumblr these days thanks to you autistic shrivel sacks.

Where did I say I didn't understand it? I begin to understand what's being said after clicking a link to another page every 5 sentences. The articles are barely coherent without knowing the definitions of every single dumb word or phrase they make up to be funny. I think you'd have to be autistic to be able to read more than a few of their articles let alone regularly understand them.

Nice bait

You're %100 cringe, you ridiculous self righteous moron. You've picked an odd hill to claim as "moral high ground". You're an idiot.

I never did moron. Derp

2004 by my count, but thats close enough for a downy like you.

>I'm certain I've been here longer than you
>I know precisely what old Yea Forums was
>We said fucked up shit

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Uh oh everyone watch out we got a real badass coming through

Be careful or he'll say naughty words to you

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See the post above yours. You intentionally left out "did fucked up shit" part because you're a faggot.

I'm old I dunno which site pls halp

>Uh oh, we have a real troll here, he posted a meme.
And yet you can't leave me alone, weakling.

my bad, I will fix it for you fragile ego

>I'm certain I've been here longer than you
>I know precisely what old Yea Forums was
>We said fucked up shit
>we did fucked uo shit

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I think made a mistake, clearly you meant to write "2014"

KEK You can't win, son. I've done this too long. Either you'll get bored of trying to wear me down or I'll eventually hit a nerve and then things will get more fun, either way you're never going to "win". So keep at it with your limp wristed attempts to tell me off, you laughable nigger tit.

Oh puh-LEEZ. Try harder you simpleton. Thats barely a half step above "No U".

Yup i remember it. I enjoyed the threads and the memes. That is my story.

>quickly googles "When did Yea Forums start"

better not write down a date to close, they might get suspicious. Just add a little time..... and done. Perfect, this is believable right? Of course it is, I am the smartest person I know.;

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Dumbass, Yea Forums started in 2003. I found it a year later. Clearly you posted a selfie just now. Moron.

Newfags apparently can't troll, either. Try harder, you bumbling nigger faggot.

>better not write down a date to close

It's ok, not everyone can be smart. next time try reading the whole post before replying. You will get the hang of this crazy new website sooner or later


And you haven't followed my posts long enough, I said much earlier in the thread 2004, genius. You're not very good at this.

You are still not seeing it huh? Try reading it again slowly.

Jessi Slaughter, now know as Damien Leonhardt is alive and well. IG: degrotesquedami

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She's looking less of a fatty now. She should get back to doing slutty shit.

Moron..... I know what you're "trying" to say. I'm ignoring it because you're way off base. Try a better insult, it didn't work.

One could only hope.

She got on chaturbate like once and just undressed what the fuck happened with that?

Check dem quads.

If you knew what I was "trying" to say then why make a post showing you clearly did not know what I was "trying" to say. Here I will give you a link
So far you've been having a hard time keeping up, but there is no shame in that. Not everyone is created equal but we all have value, don't forget that.

Some asshat probably got trigger happy and said Yea Forums related shit and spooked her. Who knows.

The result have been the same regardless of Yea Forums involvement. That family was and still is white trash.

You need to remember how it started. She was cyber bullying her classmates via you tube. Yea Forums told her to stop, and when she didn't, things went nuclear.

Her shitty personality and enabling parents put themselves on this path. Even after the Yea Forums incident that family still acted nutty.

I wanna say her account on CB got taken down for being underage. Some assholes false reported it, at least that's what I'm remembering.

Fibro doesn't put you in a wheelchair.
It can cause crippling pain, sure, but not wheelchair.

That's in your imagination, sweetie. And you're saying I googled the start date of the site and pushed my "start" date of lurking arbitrarily shortly after. Which is false. The fact that I was not dignifying that with a response was wasted on you. Because you're a moron.

Excuse me?!? This is a thing?

except you did make a response, now I know things are moving fast but you have try real hard here, i'll give you the link, but only once more, I have given you much more help than I have with the rest of the class.
>Dumbass, Yea Forums started in 2003

so either you were misreading my post (which is why I responded )
or you were trying to prove something by posting the date that Yea Forums started

Either I'm right, or you are a retard (which also makes me right) I would be careful with your next response.


Yes, and she's not the only person to go to that batshit crazy "trans-abled" kookery. Some lady made the news when she poured bleach or drain cleaner in her eyes so she'd go blind. That was a couple of years ago I think.

She deserved it

Man, you are such a pompous retard.

>>>/is/ ?

The plebbit spacing man. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. God i hate newfaggots. 2016 is a mistake

>electionfags are so obsessed with Reddit they think normal paragraph formatting is some kind of Reddit thing
I believe it is you who is the newfag my man.

single spacing is the norm though.

I have used reddit once in my life, frankly it is too political. My first experience was reading some toxic left party propaganda. Didn't care for it much at all.

It is easier to separate ideas, puts it into an easier format for dumb dumbs to understand. Sometimes people will screech things like yourself, but overall this is actually a better way of formatting ideas.

Would you like me to walk you through this, or can you figure it out on your own?

Ok, so I posted the blurb about 2003 because I assumed you were saying that my initial post about lurking since 2004 was saying Ive been here since the beginning, 2004 obviously wasn't, hence my bringing up 2003. You then proceeded to say that I then googled the launch date and then arbitrarily put up a close goal post next to it. I always got that. I know thats confusing to you, but apparently you interpreted my dismissiveness (non-acknowledgement) of your assertion as some sorted of whiff over my head. Never happened. Apparently I overplayed my condescension and you took it for ignorance. Oh well I guess.


>tfw people are actually having paragraph long debates in this thread

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Ridiculous isn't it? I just wanna yank my cock to this semi-crippled bitch. Fuckin' boner killing.

So uhhhhhh where are the “other” nudes

>woah you can do more than shitpost and look at porn on this website?!!?!

Not about Jessi though, ironically enough.

Was that supposed to be a response?

Anyone remember SPICA? she used to post on Yea Forums until a couple guys from 4 chan showed up at her parents door in Seattle lol

I think you just fucked up, and you are trying to make it look like you didn't fuck up. There was no reason to include the date that Yea Forums was created. Either you were implying I was wrong and Yea Forums was created in 03 (which I never said it wasn't, in fact I never said anything about the specific date of the creation of Yea Forums) Or you were trying to make some kind of weird flex about you knowing when Yea Forums was created, which anyone can google so not a very effective flex.

>crippling pain
>doesn't put you in a wheelchair

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A few years ago she posted on 4+Yea Forums /baphomet/

I should ad it was launched in 03 not created before you think that's a valid correction.

Just giving you attention because it's apparent your parents never did when you were a kid

What did she post? anyway to find it???

Oldfag posting from a mobile device so not sure if I’m doing it right but holy fuck. This was my era. I literally told a coworker of mine about Jessi Slaughter a month ago after casually replying to something he said with “Ya dun goofed my friend, consequences will never be the same.”

Haven’t bothered to look through the thread but hope those who remember also remember the remix, I had that shit saved on an old iPod.


holy shit, it sure is summer in here.

Remember kids, the only effect summer has ever had on the site's post quality is influencing a ton of newfags call other people summerfags just to fit in.

this is spica.

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Feelsy faggots like this are why the incident was funny, primarily. That and the dad's weird southern mannerisms.

You know what's also not good for the heart? Smoking, and the chances of a baby boomer from like Arkansas who says stuff like DUN GOOFED and being a smoker is like 900,000%.

Not to mention there was nothing to get that upset about, they got upset about their non-comprehension of the fact it doesn't fucking matter what Yea Forums thinks of you. That's exactly what made it funny: they didn't need to be doing any of it so the entire incident was effectively self-inflicted.

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There is also a lot of "dancing around" in the way you wrote this.

>dismissiveness (non-acknowledgement) of your assertion as some sorted of whiff over my head

Frankly it is kind of gay

i'm going to shit in your mouth

And of course he's a logposter too.

I don't know if you are a newfag, an oldfag, or a summerfag. But those trips don't lie, any man who would shit in the mouth of another man is clearly some form of "Fag"

I said start (as in launch) so nice try.

Kek someone hates a vocabulary, damn literacy, must be gay lol hurr durr

I think vicariously that's what you're doing for yourself.

Only a newfag would try this hard to prove they aren't a newfag.

trust me, old, way to fuckin old.

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nice dubs but they don't top trips.

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I was correcting myself, read it again

>I should ad it was launched in 03 not created before you think that's a valid correction.
>before you think that's a valid correction.

before YOU (as in you, yourself, you the person reading this whom I replied to) think that is a valid CORRECTION (of my post, the post where I said "created in 03")

Do you always get this confused when posting on here? I mean seriously, you have been consistently confused this entire time.

The part where I fucked up was confusing you for an earlier user who made a similar comment and I thought you were saying 2004 (when I started lurking) was when Yea Forums started (as in launched). Hence my bringing up 2003. It was a misguided attempt at correction, not so much a "flex" (and really, why would it be?) So ok, point to you, user. You still didn't have shit with the goalpost implication, but that hardly matters as you're already keking in victory no doubt. I guess I really am getting too old for this shit.

You've been confused to. Backtrack far enough. You'll see.

You mean stranglefag?

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Holy fuck faggots just post the fucking porn. Jesus christ.

I said what I said to that because it sounded like you were implying thats what I was going to say next.

Nobody has the porn because everyone is a fucking newfag except for the oldfags on mobile.

Why so many moralfags here?

I really miss IDs. They were so conducive to OC. There'll never be threads like this anymore because every single one made now is a fucking hoax or (You) farm.

Christ why does everything have to be sich a pain in the ass. I just want the fucking masturbation videos. Is that too much to ask?

I want to put Jessi in a mating press and cum deep inside of her.

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dailymail co uk / news/article-2826145/Man-Washington-homicide-held-2-million-bond.html

You should have it by now, most of the porn she's made is years old. Jessi porn threads get posted just about every month. We're just here to discuss her and what happened, there was no promise of porn in this thread but that's all you expect from Yea Forums so you don't know better. But keep whining and calling US the newfags and maybe you'll get what you want. :)

I can agree with this.

new Yea Forums is garbage now.

Best part of July of 2010

honestly I just feel bad, the only reason I drug it out this long was becuz of the post

>you're never going to "win"

And I don't even know if that was you, the truth is I don't care how long anyone has been on this site it is all shit now anyway. the first time I went on Yea Forums was 2010 the first post was 2013. I have never claimed to have been on here before that and I don't claim to know anything more about old Yea Forums than what I have read in passing text, and if you have been here since 2004 then you probably know a hell of a lot more than I do. Honestly I am acting like the exact thing that I hate so much about this site and that is wasted time spent fucking with people within Yea Forums that could be used for fucking with people outside of Yea Forums as a group, in order to acquire useful nudes and or funnies. So here is to you oldfag, the point is yours.

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fucking kek

This. SOMEONE must have videos from her camwhoring phase.

Yes, it did. OP strangled his GF, posted pics on b, and promised to an hero by cop. But pussed out and got arrested instead.

vola link above in the thread

Holy shit go back to r*ddit you salty faggot. No one gives a shit.

Is dead

Doesnt have the cam videos

You're making it hard for me.

I can't believe how much you nigger fags argue about who has been here longer as if it is something to be proud of. I've been here since 2012 and I'm fucking ashamed.

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Lol i no rite. ive been here since 2001

Holy fuck how

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who doesn't exactly?

>this place is a shell of what it used to be

people said that back then, too

hah i posted. kek. put me in screencap

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