Sup Yea Forums I need your opinion on this

Sup Yea Forums I need your opinion on this
I came into a lot of money a few years ago and I was dating this girl. Because I’m an idiot, I paid her student debts, I was the only one paying rent for the house we shared, I paid all the bills and I bought her jewerlly and spoiled the shit out of constantly. One day we decided to break up, it didn’t end in fighting for once we just came to a mutual agreement basically because I was very home sick and lived in another state but had been living in her home town so she could still see her parents and shit.

She honestly said to me “So I get to keep half the things here, don’t I?” Which I responded to by laughing.. I thought she was actually joking because she was a funny girl but she was dead serious lmao. I said to her “We’re not married, you can’t taks half of your partners stuff if you’re just in a relationship..” we dated for not even 2 years.

So yeah lemme hear your opinions on this.. I was laughing at disbelief at her, I had been in so many relationships before her (this was her first one), and I had never heard that before..

Pic very much related

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OP, are you serious? That's weird. I would never agree to such a relationship. You see, if a person doesn't put any effort, it will be easier for him to break up or cheat, cause he doesn't value what he has. But when a girl also tried her best to support you, she'll think twice of abandoning. Keep that in mind.

You're an unfortunate fool that sounds like he was used. In fact, if you did pay all of her student debts and loans, you likely have evidence of such. You can easily keep everything she bought (if anything at all) and tell her if she has a problem with it, she can pay you back all the money you provided her. That would be a dick move of course, but if she was insistent on keeping half your shit after you went out of your way to provide for her, then she's a pampered leech anyway.

Also, in case I didn't make it clear, she has absolutely no legal right to half of your things. Unfortunately you have no legal right to see any of that money you spent on that rent or paying back he loans either, not without a written agreement or anything.

what i can tell you dude you are right

Oh wow... a feminine tapeworm. I hope for you, OP, that the pussy was at least worth it.

Happened to me too. I'm an early bitcoin adopter, and my gf of 9 years broke up with me in 2015. Her last question was "so how many of the bitcoins are mine?" Was worth like $3-4 million back then. She got precisely zero.

You're not married, she has no claim to anything you purchased.

If ur state has common law marriage and you lived together for two years she can file for divorce and get all ur stuff. All she needs is a sleazy lawyer.

Do you understand how the laws works?
These cases happen all the time. NO she can't keep half the stuff, but if he bought like he says jewelry than it belongs to her bc he gave it away. Sounds like you're angry bc a woman played you. If he offered bc he felt the need to provide that it's his fault.

If she does end up with anything you've bought, you should file a 1099-MISC income on her with the IRS. The federal government sees the value of the items given to her as income, so she would at least have to pay taxes on it then. My friend did that to an ex-fiance who refused to give the $30k engagement ring back lol

Anything over 10k is taxable pretty sure he never paid for anything worth 10k at a time.


keep it all

Student debt is way over $10k usually dipshit

Lol yeah I'm sure he paid it all off at once

Even if he paid monthly, it's still the yearly total

It's not $10k per purchase that makes it taxable. It's $10k annually. And I'm pretty sure it's $12k these days.

This. Sounds like she was just looking for a free ride.

Forgot to add, you already paid her debts. She shouldn't be pissed at all for not getting to keep shit. How is she handling the situation? Lemme guess, tantrum?

well for starters you're a fucking idiot for paying her loans, you should have given me money instead

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OP is active? OP i need help
Iam basically PORN and all i want is GTA V
My steam nickname is Not elkaBlitz
Buy me the game dont give it to whores who wanna steal everything from you and thats it

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