Quads and I’ll do a shot of the hot sauce I made

Quads and I’ll do a shot of the hot sauce I made.

Attached: 02AA4EB1-5B02-401B-A91C-1652DE005E7B.jpg (1580x1504, 561K)

Drink it anyway

Reapers? Never seen them fresh before.

Fuck off

Reapers, ghost, habanero and Tabasco peppers.

Attached: roll.jpg (649x384, 24K)

Attached: CADA2E2D-D595-421E-9B2D-428EBBE3B9E5.jpg (766x2541, 425K)

That's not a good sauce; too many strong flavors that's just going to create a nothing flavor. Like how a McDonald's burger tastes like a McDonald's burger, not a burger, cheese, onions, ect.

You absolutely wrong. Added spices for depth and smoke. It has a good flavor profile until the burn kicks.

I’m quite experienced in cooking with reapers. Chili, hot sauce, salsa, bbq sauce.


Enjoy the burnt asshole and severe stomach pains retard


100% not fake.


Don't be a puss snort that shitt

I'd honestly give it a try.

I did when it was simmering. The air burns your eyes, nose and lungs.

Gave a bottle to my coworker that grew the peppers. We were putting drops on Doritos.

I know this exact pain. Made some ghost sauce about 6 years ago.

do a video of it you faggit

Seth rawllins


well now I'm just jealous.

fucking close.

prank someone with this

Offered someone 50 to put it on their pee hole.

I roll



do itttt faggot

re roll

re-roll againnn

getting closer

Do it


Better post a video fag