Real YLYL thread

Real YLYL thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Reply or I rape your mom faggit’

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Damnit I lost already wtf

Pls read this:

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Fuck you

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If that's Chelsea, Ma, it's not abnormal there.

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these are annoying


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Saw a dwarf in the mall the other day. Are they dangerous?

That one's ancient. Also, dubs checked.

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Was he carrying an axe and did he have a beard?

That’s the 13th time you’ve typed that now, GTFO

This meme is pretty Immortal

This thread sucks

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This is so underrated I cant leverage it enough.

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not risking it

like this one

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Seems legit


Oh this one again?

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nigger I have never gone on reddit

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...the country singer is leftwing?

>doesn't contribute to thread, showing us what "real" comedy looks like

Taytay is right wing you troglodyte

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Only oldfags know who this guy is.

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I get the reference

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Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

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Good for you user

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I fucking lost.

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there is one person who does this. he sits at his computer all day long quoting entire threads because it makes him feel special

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Fuck off cunt fuck off fuck off fuck off
Fucking low iq redditfag
Fuck offffffff

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Bang bang bang, pull my devil trigger

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Theres nothing wrong with being a pedophile

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I fucked a baby last week you paki

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All of you

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Im just here to call the rayposter a paki and to tell him to kill himself

Last week i fucked a 2 year old girl, fuck off you paki

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Hope you suffer as your dying

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this hurt as a 25 year old student that still live periodically at moms house. Thankfully not a virgin, nor a doll fucker. Not really sexually frustrated either, but god damn am I a man-child with no job that needs to grow up.

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Fuck knows what you define as old fag since this is my first time on Yea Forums since the Facebook invasion in 2011, I was browsing from 2006 to 2010 and have no idea who this guy is so I can only assume you mean “only 15 year olds and autistic kids will know”

Have you considered suicide?

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I wasn't aware someone actually did this. Should lurk more.

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>t. An autist that doesn't realize oversimplifying a joke is obviously never funny
You can take anything and make it unfunny by simplifying it.

full retard

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Ill be there in 15 minutes

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>implying I read this

Plenty of dark moments for sure

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best day ever, I fucking came over and over

and the reason I left Yea Forums

I remember the threats but I guess someone did kek

kecky becky

well played.

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Stop respect, rape women


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Honestly there’s no point to life
Im successful and have a family but guess what it still sucks
Fixing your life won’t fix your problems
There’s no point even trying
Just feel about 15 seconds of moderate pressure around your neck and it will be all over peacefully
It’s like a beautiful sleep you will never have to feel worthless again

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Who is this person? I still don't care, and I still think nobody else does. Go back to tumblr pussy.

Why is this thread so fucking bad I’ve barely cracked a smile

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damn you

Im gonna crack a huge smile if thi user: Convinces this user: To kill themselves and stream it

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fuck you

does he have a 3rd one tho

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Wtf is wrong with me, only thing ive laughed at

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too much respect for my parents and sisters to do that, at least on stream

Need help tying that noose?
Can you please stream it when you do it user, be a Yea Forumsro, let us watch

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It won’t matter
Nothing matters
If they loved you you wouldn’t be like this
We’re the only ones who care about you user so you should definitely stream it

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After seeing this picture over 900 times I just realized that the chariot was also a female

Russians pretending to be Conservacucks. That's why the joke makes no sense.

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holy shit user im seeing it now for the first time too. this whole time its been a woman

Was he wearing a Guy Fawkes mask?

Is the restroom floor there lava?

Come on user be brave for once in your worthless existence

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It is time user
Setup the camera and give the stream link

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The best of the past week:

Your waifu is now mine faggot!

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I have others faggot
You can have that waifu this ones better

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ok faggot

Who's voting socialist party?

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anybody else see the new one punch man? s2ep8. pissed he wasnt in it until the end

Please just an hero already.

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it's two women actually

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I remember that day

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Ooh, she is going to my fapping folder yum yum

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Guess what it's actually 2 females

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I bet the nurses fight over who gives him a sponge bath.

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i bet the black one wins


what troubles me about this meme is that anyone of them could be me, my brother, or the pedophile.

Suck a fat schlong fag



What a handsome man

U suck


fuck off randy

So far from real


Faggot bring back userids



Must have been made america.

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The fuck, kill it with acid fast.

Why the fuck is there a battery on the floor in the bathroom?

I love Noose-Chan

what an improvement, her skin is almost white, she needs another round of it.

shut up aspie

Attached: Ha.png (640x480, 440K)

some retard dropped it

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Like niggers know how to stop sexual assault kek

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>get knocked out in a fight
>a brother smashes your skull on the ground

I dont give a fug... I hit that like a bullseye

Die in a car fire

Attached: 221C41EC-9B47-4213-804A-4B5852CA0745.png (500x397, 123K)

Did thid ad a kid, i'm judt fine..



>horse pussy waifu
At least the weeb has good taste

Dogs filthy? That’s calling the kettle black, isn’t it?

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I watched that card stand for hours at a times of my life.

Someone must have the gif of Robocop shaking

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I'll be there in 30 minutes


I don't think you got the joke

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what's calling the kettle black, tho?

Damn totally forgot about this shit, back when Yea Forums was bad

Moar Star Trek memez

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Lol you are such a triggered little bitch. I seriously hope you get help ya miserable little faggot. Perhaps Noose-Chan can accept you.

PS. Die in a fire? How creative. Here, have the gold star of faggotry for your efforts.

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I think you missed his reference.

>the joke
>your head


Did he grow up in the east?

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Get aids cunt

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Man those were the days.


Oh shit, I missed the first 2020 democrat primary debate?

Reply to this post to get a free personalized (You)

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So which one is it? Aids or death by fire?
You can keep Noose-Chan btw, I think the both of you will make a lovely couple.

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Kill your self you worthless piece of shit

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I hope your family gets raped and murdered as you are tied up and forced to watch

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I demand you to give me a (you)! Hurry up dicksucker! I need mah U! ngrieasnggewrgawesrnjmgirejskngmrzeogdxkirk

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Drink bleach

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No, people actually care about me. Something you could never understand.

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>I feel his pain.
>Tough shit little faggot.

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Eat some tide pods baka

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Fuck, image limit reached. This is what I was going to send you


Can I touch your fucking?

Fuck off cunt

Saudis have lives of splendor and opulence and cleanliness beyond anything your family will have in all of history


Wow. You are putting some extra effort on the insults. But you are still not trying enough. Personally, I’ve heard better.
Why don’t you go back to grade school and learn from kids who are clearly more creative and professional on the insults. You are clearly boring me.

fuck off randy

Nine of highjackers on Sept 11 were Saudis.




Fuck off

discord /77wrrsa No rules discord.

Kid Trunks is the real father of Gekyume.

This isn't bait or speculation. We all know there is no way in hell X fathered the kid which is claimed to be his; baby Yume looks way too light-skinned to be part black. Anyone who has seen the child's photos will tell you he looks like a white or Asian man's baby. Furthermore, X said he wasn't dating anyone around the time Yume would have been conceived. It's also known that Jenesis (the baby mama) was sexually involved with both Trunks and Wifisfuneral (as well as other guys from Members Only), meaning X got his own friends' sloppy thirds.

This young SoundCloud rapper details how he tried to hit up Trunks for a feature back in fall 2017. Trunks told him to send the money to Jenesis' Paypal account. Why would he want the money sent to Jen, unless the two were in an intimate relationship?

According to insiders, X knew of the pregnancy before he passed but didn't believe the child was his. He knew Jen was a lying hoe just like Geneva.

Thankfully, Jen is getting a paternity test so the truth will finally be revealed.

Kill yourself you degenerate loser


U a bitch ass nigga

Wow, what an intelligent answer. How long did you take to think of that comeback? I bet you fried your brain with that one.
Look kid. You are clearly out of my league and the thread reached its image limit. You have bored me, better luck next time. I’m out biatch! ;)


Eat shit

me too, but rent a house is expensive in my shithole





Sabu?? Is dat you?


>socialist anything



Logical veganism is too subtle a line of reasoning for this artist's pathetic mind. I see why he does edgy comics instead of a real job like mechanical engineering.


Any O and A fans?
If not welcome to the family. It will change you life.

I was charging my lasers.

No, you're unbearable. You're from a species that can basically survive on trash like a raccoon but you have your head 10 miles up your ass about what you'll put in your mouth. Meanwhile you're so weak compared to actual "wild" humans that if you went 3-4 days without food you would be chasing the five year old girl who crashed with you or whatever so you could eat her. I'm sorry that your fellow trash gobbling omnivore monkeys aren't impressed with your obvious pretentiousness.

yeah the .0001% of Saudis born into oil sheik families.. meanwhile the vast majority are brainless products of incest with shit for skin.

Fuckin kids are flashing gang signs. Jesus Christ...

Choose one!

miss the days where fakku was a subscription website. fucking shills

That’s probably why she endorsed a liberal candidate in her home state then retard.

Lol fuck you


shes a democrat... so lol, pretty much.


Off to a good star


nice tabs, dude.

>country singers are all conservatives
Uh it’s not 1955 anymore mah guy.

Fuck off Randy


You sound unhappy.

/k/ in a nutshell