Do you ever feel like you're being constantly punished for something you did in the past?

Do you ever feel like you're being constantly punished for something you did in the past?

I was an asshole to people for years. I've stopped and tried to make amends but I still know people look at me funny and I don't quite fit in. Other shit's constantly going wrong as well. I'm trying to be a good person but it's not enough.

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>The guilty flee where none pursues
You're probably constantly on the edge and give out vibes of being wound up.
Come to terms with yourself and stop caring, so people can relax around you.

I try to relax and be chill, I had people round for a party the other day and it was all cool. Only one person really knows how I feel. I don't think other people can tell, but they can still remember the piece of shit that I was.

feel ya. I got serious problem with brother. he fucking with me so hard. swung on me multiple times. damaged my bedroom and property. chased me out of house.

guy is like aviolent dog and keeps fucking with me. thinking about pressing charges,

well the thing is stop caring about what others think of you. just stop. i had a fist fight with the eldest brother and i haven't spoken to him in 5 years now. just deleted the relationship. plus i stopped caring about what others think of me 4 years ago when i started engineering. i've never been happier cuz u know something cuz of that i've stopped being a character molded by what others think of me and me trying to do things in order to satisfy what the people expect of me. this has made me realize that life is a dot then a hyphen and another dot. so little time. why bother trying to please every little shit. do what you think is right. make amends and let life play out. good things happen to those that look to the future and work hard in the present.
fk the police

>i had a fist fight with the eldest brother
how was that? my brother was ready to swing on me other day. he's lot bigger

then swing back. thats what i did. i hit him 3 times in the face and grabbed the iron. i was ready to plank his face in when my other brothers stopped me. long story short. TAKE CONTROL

I want to, but nothing's gonna come of it. I can have all the money in the world and I'm still not gonna have anyone I can connect with.


I'm skinny skater kid and he clearly has retard strength

stop expecting something in return, being nice to people and being helpful is a reward in itself. We all need help sometimes. Karma will come around eventually user

listen all it takes is for u to hit him once. grab something and hit him square in the nose. no one can orient themselves after being hit in the nose. then hit again for good measure. by this time your nazi bro is on the ground. kick his face with ur boot and run the fk out. call the police and say in my self defence i hit my bother cuz he was trying to attack me..

The only thing I'm expecting is years of this until I either drop dead or leave the country without saying anything to live somewhere else and have a fresh start.

I've been like this for years. I still haven't had any good karma and I'm not expecting any.

Jesus Christ are you me right now. Have I had this fucking stupid attitude and bullshit since the fucking 17th? Oh my god. Dude looking at what you and myself feel. I think we should hold out till we can actually head out for hiking. And not fucking leave till November. Oh my god. I was better off not opening my mouth.

Good advice but you sound retarded.

aren't we all deary.

you have to pay what you owe and that shit from the past didn't came for free. Just remember this you will get what you plant.

Realize there are billions of humans, people will like you, some won’t. You seem cool to me user

Based wholesome post

Yes OP.
I made a few terrible mistakes and I've changed completely but the past keeps someone away from me...


>but it's not enough
That's correct. I have four questions for you OP:
1) Do you believe that you are entitled to forgiveness?
2) Do you believe that you deserve that these people treat you better?
3) Do you feel that you have suffered "enough"?
4) Is it for you to decide when you have "suffered" enough?

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its called karma. best of luck to you.

I feel the same way OP. Constantly guilty

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You're still an asshole and fuck you

>remember the piece of shit that I was.
there you go again