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she's so cute!
Mugi :o
welcome back! cute waifu!
she's so cute!
nigger faggot!

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okay my mom wants me to help her with something this is gonna be epic bye

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>claimed fuckers

Hey sis how was your nap?

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work time bye bye
have a nice day

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stay safe
uh, hey. it was nice. i slept 10 hours.
y-you don't have to call me sis.
have a great day!

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10hs is pretty good. you won't have midday fatigue later?
>alight i won't call you that

big sis

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i don't think i will, although i somewhat miss sleeping 12 hours a night

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You really shouldn't be sleeping that long, big sis... I think its bad for your health.

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but it's comfy and it's long and if i could i'd sleep 21 hours

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T-that's a little scary. How is that even possible...

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i don't know, i haven't tried.
but now it's time to play video games.

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R-remember to not seat too close to the TV and to not increase the volume too much, and, and eat breakfast and stuff!

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okay, okay, i won't.
breakfast? i forgot about that. i always do.

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Please start your day with some oatmeal and erm about half a cup of OJ

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Attached: [Nep_Blanc] Toaru Kagaku no Railgun - 04 [1080p] [x265] [10Bit] [Dual Audio].mkv_snapshot_19.36_[201 (1920x1080, 666K)

but not food is so tasty

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this nigga eating beans

Absolutely! Any food can tasty really nice as long as you make it right.

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i want burg

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Burgers are for much later in the day for when your body wakes up. Luckily for you I must head out for now. Bye big sis!

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i want it now
bye, have a nice day!

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I still don't understand why people post whores and prostitutes in waifu threads.

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she cute

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one waifu per thread heretic

i just bump with natsuki

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I am a domestic terrorist

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that video makes me laugh painfully.
how was the thing you went to do?
why do you say that?

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I just walked to my grandma's to check if animals where somehow getting into her trailer house, she lives on the same giant property as us

I felt I needed to say something Sam Hyde worthy

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i don't think that should be in my Yui folder
oh, alright. was it fun?
i live to learn how to speak as Samuel W. Hyde does.

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I guess I enjoyed the walk

Have you heard of that trans person who used to make music for MDE and then regretted it? then apparently they bullied their other musician friend to suicide for continuing to make music for them, then they detransitioned and became a TERF and complained about being tricked into being trans on tumblr and blogged about feminism, I heard this story on infinity chan, talk about a goofball

Now that you have had rest, do you still think you are a manipulator?

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that's as good as any
that's an interesting story. i hope that never happens to me
i don't know. it's hard for me to judge myself. i think i am.

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>"Pure Beauty" XxX Links and chat. Welcome-



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hey, pardner.
how're you holding okay?

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It might be bullshit made up by one psycho on infchan, that's how it tends to be over there but it's too obscure to research, I think the real Sam Hyde said it was true on some mde board but that might have been fake, but yeah it's something to write a book about.

Are you going to change?

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funky story. i like funky stories like that. when i grow up i'm gonna be Sam Hyde.
does a droplet of water fall down a crease on the left or right side? that is for fate to decide.

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mine's from 5:23

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>does a droplet of water fall down a crease on the left or right side? that is for fate to decide.
oof that is such bullshit
Nobody but YOU decides your actions, I bet that tranny in the story was like "I guess it was just up to fate that I bullied my friend into suicide, not my problem"
fuck you dude

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as much as i wish to say i can change, there is no guarantee for that.
it is better for me to change than say i will change and not.

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Nigger faggot, tfu.

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there cannot be peace nor balance with total judgement

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i'll be honest, i save some of my favorite Tsugu pics

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although they're just as wholesome as I remember them being, the waifu threads do look a bit slow, or maybe they were always like that

there's not many online, is all

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Finishing off my bottle, enjoying stuff

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It's gotten rather quiet

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moar pl0x

trap be nimble

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aw, alright
please don't hurt yourself

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Too quiet, really. How's your day going?


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i'm doing fine.
how about yourself?

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There used to be more people back then.

How's it going? Also, cute waifu, tell me about her

I'm not doing too bad. Just playing some TERA

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im tired
i dont really know anything about her

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You don't? Then why her?

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oh, that's nice.
i'm a bit busy working on something, sorry.

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why not?

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Hmm. I wonder if you are the gamer from yesterday....

Hey you. You are a pretty common face around here aren't you?

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It's fine, I don't mind slow conversations

I mean, usually people have reasons why they like their waifu

I'm posting the same waifu, aren't I?

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Maybe... but who knows. Some people may try using our choosen waifus without knowing another is using them.

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You said that yesterday


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True, true. My waifu is obscure enough that I rarely meet people that know her that well though


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fair enough.

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I guess it can come in handy not being the most well known. Raphiel , my waifu, is also the same. Among those who have seen Gabriel Dropout she is considered a goddess, but Gabriel Dropout is not the best known show.

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Speaking of... I suppose I'll leave the opening to Gabriel Dropout. It may give you a tiny taste of a few of the girl's personalities. If you turn on Closed Captioning you will have at least part of the opening translated for you.

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yes, you can say that.
although, i wouldn't say it's enough or always...
oh, alright.
have you ever played Garry's Mod?
sorry, but i mean it.

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i work again in 8 hours.

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anime server discord /77wrrsa

hello, welcome back.
i'm sorry you have to work so soon.
are you feeling alright?
perhaps you should rest

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hello hello, I love you all!

So you don't have any reason at all?

It has its benefits, but it has downsides as well. I have very little fanart to use, I'll have to rely on capping things. Raphiel is a pretty fun character. Probably not my favourite from that series, but I like her a lot.

A couple of times. It's fun to play with friends, but it's not something I'd do without friends.

Get some rest!

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my favorite part of that show is the counting.
me too
im fine, i got like three free pizzas from work
i cant, im gonna take a sleep aid right now and hopefully pass out soon though
i havent even been up for 12 hours yet

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If you are passionate enough to put the extra effort out in her I say go for it! OH! Have you decided on the next game you will play?

Haha, well it's enough that I at least know I can count on seeing you from time to time. You may seem a bit naive but you are good company.

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too much work :(

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no not really

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life is work
ill be fine, i wont die until next week where ill be overworked to death because we're still understaffed.
its been three months.
they cant find one person to do dishes.
but enough of that how are you? just woke up i imagine?
are you going to bed? goodnight

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OH! You have seen it?
Yes... her counting is pretty soothing. Vigne is obviously a favorite waifu to many for a few reasons. She feels more of the type of wife who would treat you right, keep you in line, and make sure the house is taken care of.

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ah. for me, it is my favorite game. i play it more alone than with others, to be honest.
whoa, three pizzas! tasty! you just reminded me i have leftover pizza from a friend, but i'm not going to eat it.
okay. i hope you sleep very well.
i really hope you feel better tomorrow.
i don't think i'm that naive.

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But if you have work in 8 you should get some anyway!

I'm not sure yet. I'm currently playing TERA, so that's fun. Also started reading through Rewrite again, getting some good caps of the VN too.


I've never actually played it alone. What's there to do in it when you're not with other people?

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life's hard
nooo don't die ;-;
i'll help wash the dishes
well it took me a bit to get out of bed but i pretty much just woke up, yea. i'm just listening to some music right now, wondering what i'll do today.. the usual

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I'm sure you will figure out something fun. I've been considering playing Sims 4 in a new way. Aiming to be a bit of a house flipper.

Don't worry about it. I find your attitude refreshing aha. It's nice to see someone so optimistic.

i have seen it.
i like gab the most probably. satania obviously has the best moments, but gab is the most interesting over to me i guess
i have a soft spot for loser neet qts
yeah theyre alright. well i hope you can enjoy it when you do decide to eat it
ill sleep okay probably maybe
im fine. sorry. i shouldve gone to bed earlier last night and i never wouldve said all that edgy junk
i dont think i can fall asleep any time soon.
in reality my boss should've just schedule me three hours later because i dont need to be there that early.
true but fair
i wont, it ll get done one way or another, im just gonna be stupid very tired after it
and also the old man i work with might quit because its seriously too much work for two people and he cant work himself to the bone every day like that, the dude is 60 years old
please seriously do dear god
ah. hopefully it was because your bed was very comfy. i hope you have fun with whatever you decide to do or dont do

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i may or may have not drunk too much sake o:

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Oh Gabriel and Satania. Where should I start with them?
Satania tries so hard, is such a gentle soul that aims to be so big and bad. I imagine in the future Raphie is likely to take good care of her. No one else may hurt her Satania.

As for Gabriel, she is interesting. It's nice to have fun. I suppose that makes her a good match with Vigne to ground her a bit less she allow her messy habits ruin her house.

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remember to also drink some water
and also enjoy yourself
you sound very interested or maybe invested in the show, and thats good, im glad you have something like that
but i just think its a good show. i watched it back when it aired i think. i tend to like shows like that

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I mean, I'm enjoying what I'm doing right now at least. Having an MMO to grind is pleasant for me. I might drag some friends into playing Northgard some time soon though, it's been a while.

Ah. What is it you do?

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Cock and baww towtuwe Fwom Wikipedia, the fwee encycwopedia at en.wikipedia.owg

Cock and baww towtuwe (CBT) is a sexuaw activity invowving appwication of pain ow constwiction to the mawe genitaws. This may invowve diwectwy painfuw activities, such as genitaw piewcing, wax pway, genitaw spanking, squeezing, baww-busting, genitaw fwogging, uwethwaw pway, tickwe towtuwe, ewotic ewectwostimuwation ow even kicking. The wecipient of such activities may weceive diwect physicaw pweasuwe via masochism, ow knowwedge that the pway is pweasing to a sadistic dominant.

Contents: Section 1: In Pownogwaphy Section 2: Baww stwetchew Section 3: Pawachute Section 4: Humbwew Section 5: Testicwe cuff

Section 1: In pownogwaphy

In addition to it’s occasionaw wowe in BDSM pownogwaphy, Tamakewi (witewawwy Baww kicking) is a sepawate genwe in Japan. One notabwe actwess in tamakewi is Ewika Nagai who typicawwy uses hew mawtiaw awts skiwws to knee ow kick men in the testicwes.

Section 2: Baww stwetchew A baww stwetchew is a sex toy that is fastened awound a man in owdew to ewongate the scwotum and pwovide a feewing of weight puwwing the testicwes away fwom the body. Whiwe weathew stwetchews awe most common, othew modews awe made of steew wings that awe fastened with scwews causing additionaw miwdwy uncomfowtabwe weight to the weawew. The wength of the stwetchew may vawy fwom 1-4 inches, and the steew modews can weigh as much as five pounds.

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create. it is a sandbox game, after all.
for example, right now i am creating an animated background for a song that gave me inspiration.
i'm alright. howdy-do?
heh... i try.
never mind, family ate it all anyway. i wasn't really looking forward to eating anything anyway.
please sleep well when you do.
hey, it's okay. we all feel stupid sometimes. we just gotta deal with the fact we're stupid and then we'll turn out smart.
i have to rest early, myself.
oh, don't hurt yourself, please. :o
do you need anything? :o
for what pvrpose?

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i am a dishwasher, but its a little weird
its not a normal restaurant, its an event hall that caters, so i work when there are events happening. there is a very small breakfast tomorrow morning, and a larger event in the afternoon. the dishes from the morning -could- wait for an hour two, no problem.
sorry if that wasnt very interesting.
oh, im sorry to hear it
ill do my best i guess
thanks for the kind words
you should rest then

Attached: DsCJlFDU0AA_9tq.jpg orig.jpg (876x2292, 145K)

Sounds fun. I'm not too good with sandboxes really, I run out of things I want to do. I prefer games with a little more direction, or at least some kind of goal to achieve.

Ah, so I assume your work hours are pretty irregular? And hey, it's more interesting than what I've been doing

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this is very informative!

I have many passions. If you want the truth I have not watched Gabriel Dropout but once. I just have a pretty solid memory. I can go on for days on almost too many topics. I will not say Gabriel Dropout is the best show or perfect, but when thinking of waifus I wanted something fairly unique and went with Raphie.

If I did not go Raphie I would have likely had Shikimi from Love Tyrant, Shalltear Bloodfallen from Overlord, Mei Misaki from Another, or Sunako Kirishiki from Shiki.

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it's really not a problem. i don't need it anyway
please do. i don't want your day to be ruined
it's my job
i should...
i understand where you come from. i guess you have to make your goals, but people also give you goals to follow for yourself in saves and gamemodes and maps and stuff.
i don't want to sound judgmental

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I don't think you sound judgemental. At the end of the day different things work for different people. Plus, I'm mostly a fan of story-based games really. I enjoy experiencing stories a lot.

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they are incredibly irregular. i probably got more hours in the past month than i did in january, febuary, and march combined.
well thats good, im glad youre passionate.
wow thats pretty impressive, i cant remember too much about the show except broad strokes, and thats probably only because memes of it show up all the time
i have heard of two of those. not the characters, just the anime. i dont actually watch that much
no one needs pizza, but everyone wants it
i-ill do my best
then ill start paying you for it
me too

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not fair
are you at least going to be able to rest a lot once it's done and stuff?
it was something like that, yea.. thanks
what're you up to?
i am also alright, not really doing anything though... sorry i dont really have much to talk about

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yes, good stories are fun.
sometimes the story doesn't feel good enough, though. i want that kind of story that requires other humans without compromise in believability... it's a tall order, and potentially impossible, but i still dream
i guess that makes sense...
i really do hope so
no, no! it's volunteering work! just like cleaning your room!
group sleep!
no worries.
i'm a bit stupid anyway so i have nothing to do with my brain now

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That sounds like it'd be difficult, not being able to count on regular hours or regular pay. Honestly I'm hoping that when I'm actually able to get a job I can get something with at least regular hours

Mm, I'm not satisfied by a lot of stories myself these days. I want things that grip me, and quite often they don't. I end up putting them down and forgetting about them for weeks or months.

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Sorry to cut our chat short. I've got something that came up. I'll either be on later today or tomorrow with hopefully more time. Until tomorrow take care!

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i don't know if you know much about this web series called Shadow of Israphel, but back when it started, i was mesmerized by it, even though it was all human-controlled... i didn't exactly know this back when i was younger, so it struck me as amazing.
it kind of stuck with me after that, and i always secretly wonder if i'd ever have that experience again, as a spectator or an player... i don't think it'll happen anytime soon, though...
have a nice day!

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everything is fair because nothing is fair
i dont know, yeah? i mean i wont be working endlessly until i literally drop dead
well thats good
im watching videos about mob psycho 100. i should really just read the manga. why is this show so good?
everyone likes pizza!! because pizza is anything!!
i have basically no control over it sorry
too late already sent payment
there's definitely up and downs, like with everything. for every absurdly busy month that runs me into the dirt, there's a super smooth easy month.
but yeah im still working on the money issues, obviously the solution is to save money during busy months, but ive been pretty bad at it so far.
dont worry about it, i hope its nothing too serious.
ill see you again, whenever that will be

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Mm, it's kinda sad to feel like you'll never be able to experience a feeling again. Right now i'm probably looking for a series that gave me the same kind of feelings that Rewrite did because it was the first visual novel where the story hit me so hard it actually made me cry

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haha yes! pizza!
it's okay, i will you to have a good rest
i will return the payment plus extra
yeah... we can't really dawdle around those thoughts, though... we have to keep pushing forward and hope something worthwhile comes again.

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I've ran out of images now I think, so I'll have to post without them

Yeah, I can get that. I'd be terrible at saving money like that, which is why I hope I don't get into a situation like that. It's not that I couldn't do it, but I feel like things would come up and mess it up

Yep. I'm lucky that the people who wrote Rewrite have done a lot more and are pretty famous for writing that kind of thing. I just need to find the motivation to actually get into something. And the time, they're pretty lengthy


well i'm also a bit stupid so at least we can be stupid together
i-is that how it works
well i meant more like are you going to continue being busy and stuff
well i'm not sure, i haven't watched it and all.. i have been meaning to watch it at some point though

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lengthy things are especially no fun if they're not worth the time.
i hope whatever you do find, it will be amazing.
stupid NPC maids!

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im gonna have a rest right about now, cya tomorrow
i will staple the money to your front door
not to complain, but thats basically what happened to me this year. i think maybe ive learned a lesson...
ill figure it out, im a lot more comfortable than i might make it sound.
sort of.
hmmm yeah. until the end of june basically
you dont have to watch it, i just dont know why im so into it right now. season 2 was amazing, seriously. i think it just feels so different from other anime, like in tone and message. its really almost more like a self help kind of deal than an escapist one, like many other anime.
whats even more surprising is i like it despite that since escapism is my go-to. i dunno

im going to bed now, goodnight

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Yeah. A friend recommended I try Little Busters first, but I still lack motivation despite the recommendation


sleep awesomely well!
i will catch you at the door and give you a hug.
motivation can be hard to find.
dedication can be made to suit.

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many got banned fyi

Night! Sleep well!

I'm terrible with motivation honestly. Part of that problem is that I tend to get easily distracted and find new things I want to do, which then makes me drop the old things a little.

we'll be the best because tsugu deserves the best
too much work for too long ;-;
well i'm glad to hear you enjoyed it
goodnight, hope you sleep well. hope work goes well too

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nigga just reset your router like lmao

you'll just get banned again if you continue doing the same shit.

This tea is literally a bunch of flowers in a tea bag

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>Not getting superior Earl Grey

well, sometimes you just gotta force yourself to do something.
it sounds awfully and it usually is.
of course!
when are you coming over to Tsugu-chan's?
isn't that kinda what a lot of teas are?

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I know. I'm the worst at forcing myself to do things, I always end up weighing up whether it's worth it and not wanting to after

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You don't get permad for something like this.

But I do have Earl Grey
I'd drink some but it has caffeine so I'll stick with my hippy stuff

it's usually leaves, but flowering tea is a thing
This meadow stuff is full of flower carpels and rose pedals

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Ah, I see. Caffeine doesn't affect me too much, so I drink Earl grey whenever I'm in the mood for tea. I usually drink coffee though, so y'know

oh, i see...
is it good?

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not sure, maybe tomorrow
i'm gonna camp outside his house until he lets me in

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I have no problem with caffeine I just don't want to drink it at night, might have worded that oddly in my first post, but I actually drink a lot of coffee

Yes, it's got a nice grassy taste with a faint hint of sweet lemon and a floral aroma, tastes like summer

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oh, that's sound pleasant.
i'm more simple, though. i prefer harder tastes.
that kinda sounds like a bad time for me.

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I'm a complete and utter asshole online. Does that make me a bad person?

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probably not

Yeah, I get you. It just doesn't keep me awake much, so I just drink it whenever

I hate faggots and niggers. We all have our quirks.

No. It makes you a dick though.

I made a college and drew myself in Gyate style I know I am a faggot

Attached: weeb_shit.png (1199x679, 1.64M)

looks like vrchat in 2d

I like Yukko's voice in this but Mai's is too iconic to replace

Harder taste? do you mean bitter? or something smoky or chocolaty? I don't remember what hot drinks you liked

I might be able to do that by now with my current caffeine resistance but I don't want to risk it

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fair enough

I've always been able to do it, I'm just weird like that. Pain meds don't work as well for me either. A med friend once told me that I could have a thing where I metabolise certain things faster, I can't remember exactly what he said

i like it!
i don't really enjoy warm beverages, but tea is fine.
bitter, yes. something that's really giving the tongue a challenge, heh.

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thank you user

Well my other General fell apart and we're searching for a new home
might end up being Yea Forums
how are y'all doing tonight

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alright, i guess.
what's going down at your place?

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/alita/ over on TV. Mods finally started autosaging.

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Sounds like some high tier shitposting.

I wonder what effect that has

I'm assuming you're talking about liquor
After years of drinking coffee since I was 9 I now drink at least 2 cups of coffee that are incomprehensibly dark to normies everyday
I wonder what you would consider challenging to your taste

sorry my posts are taking a ridiculously long, I'm messing with stuff

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Honestly they were kinda on their way out anyway, I'm not super trippin abt it

Attached: Louise is commanding her long-tongued dragon familiar to MARCH as she holds a union jack.jpg (420x300, 43K)

I had not even heard of Alita before just now myself. How have you been?

Would highly reccomend it when the blurays hit in July. Saw it 19 times in theaters, preordered the steelbook day one.
I'm doing alright! Very tired. Trying to work up the energy to go buy sodapop. You?

Attached: Louise is annoyed you walked in on her drinking her tea.jpg (600x600, 228K)

Attached: Ritsu 456.jpg (1920x1080, 795K)

I'll consider it. My, such dedication. I'm not sure if I'm that passionate about anything in my life currently. Have you stopped working nights? I haven't been here or spoken to you in quite some time.


I actually very recently quit. I'm full on NEET right now. It's fucking excellent. Got a date friday, so that's fun.
How've you been in general?

Attached: Louise is adorable with a wand.jpg (500x492, 86K)

You're back here?

I guess? I'm posting occasionally, but I wouldn't consider myself Back. I guess I'll be around. Got some new pics, too

Attached: Louise is annoyed by an asshole.jpg (560x560, 88K)

Fun fun, being a NEET feels pretty good for a little while at least. How exciting, I hope you enjoy yourself then!

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I ran out! I'll hopefully start capping tomorrow, if I don't take too long working out

oh, i see. i'm not bigly on Yea Forums
do they call each other big guys?
no, not even just that. bitter i do enjoy. nothing wrong with sweet, though.
what do you mean by that?
it's okay, i'm taking just as long.
sleep well

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Yeah! Keeping busy with my game, Fate Stay Night, other stuff...Good times.
Good luck! Who's your waifu? I need to cap more Louises

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Tbh I don't Yea Forums either, I just like Alita.
I have no idea what their board name is for eachother

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call everyone a big guy, that should work

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nah, moving off Yea Forums for now, it'll be fine

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Atta girl. Reading the VN or the anime? I like to drive my Fate weeb friends crazy by talking about how much I didn't care for the DEEN anime while they all tell me to read the VN.

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hey rudes~

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I am the god of hell fire and I bring you... FIRE!

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Clearly Peggy is best waifu

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VN, ofc. Finished route 1, just about to start 2 today after I do some voicework and buy sodapop. After VN, the anime, then Zero, then go from there.

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I'm just asking what bitter drinks you like
The tea I drank wasn't that sweet, it was just a hint of it, mostly it had a grassy taste

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good enough
you're a big guy
citrus fruit peels in a can.

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oh shoot, i forgot i had some highlight recordings from the BFV open beta.
some of these are kinda funny.

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If I told you that you know me and should be able to work it out...

If you read the whole VN you can probably skip S/N at least. I'm guessing you didn't go to see the movies did you?

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I'm managing like eight conversations right now, I honestly don't have much in the way of critical thought going on right now
I kinda wanna watch it though. Maybe after Zero and stuff. I did not

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Is that a joke?

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You do you then. Don't fall into the FGO pit though.

I've had it on my phone for forever. Pulled most of my favs so far

You poor soul. Bake for us.

