Donald Trump

Donald Trump

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Oy vey!

Haha drumpf

Yes that appears to be who it is

aw yeah

Tronald Dump

Uuuh, pretty sure Donald Trump died in prison in 1991.

You're thinking Morgan Freeman.

Mother fucker has three shit eating smirks on his face.

This dude looks familiar, what's he known for?

His world class steaks.

Barack Obama

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Agolf Twitler. Hair Führer!

That's it! It's the steak guy!

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the guy who likes nigger cock?

Nigger about to be impeached like a motherfucker. To bad the republicans are so fucking sleazy they don’t give a shit about laws.

zornald blooompf

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Hair lord Trump!

>highest levels ever

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>you will never make people as mad as Donald J. Trump does every single day

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who here /colbertposting/?

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"Suck it for me daddy, and I'll let you grab my pussy tonight."

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Look at the libatards foaming at mouth. He is your fucking president. We need to put Hillary in jail not president trump. There was no collusion or obstruction of justice.

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You sound mad? You mad? I've never seen a group of people so mad while also insisting that they are winning.

Broooo AOC FORGET Colbert

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>This post brought to you by Autism.

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We are winning. 2020 will be so funny when he wins again and you libertards start having seizures and crying like little kids.

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Why you so mad though?

>T-this will prove I'm not retarded!

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Define ''we''.

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Nigger spotted


You and the rest of the niggers

Trump is the greatest President in recent memory, I really hope he gets reelected in 2020!

We are not out of options we just have to use our resources appropriately and change the way allocate our resources.

Taxing the uber wealthy like we did 1944-1945 (it was 93%) could stimulate our economy more than a war could. We could even have it at 80 percent for the .01% elites and still be better off.

I am not an economist and I agree that most experts in the field deal with a degree of uncertainty in terms of predicting shifts in the global economy, but a war is definitely not what we need. The only reason a war boost the economy is because it increases the demand for war supplies and employs people to go die in a foreign land.

The negative impacts of war economically are still being felt right now with all of our veterans in nursing homes and having to live on government assistance.

We can use the same money we would use to start a war to rebuild schools,roads,bridges and hospitals for veterans and that would spark the economy providing jobs in construction,health care and education.

The government can use our tax money to invest in the nation in governs and it should. Voting for Trump again is the antithesis of this as he employs war hawks and bankers into his cabinet and continues to shrink the middle class by funneling all of our tax dollars to the elites.


I hope you get cancer and die you fat twat

is gay

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