How many years would someone have to be on Yea Forums to be an oldfag

How many years would someone have to be on Yea Forums to be an oldfag

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2008 or earlier

2008 to 2012 are newfags

everyone after that is just cancer.

So I'd be considerer a newfag since i joined 2012

Yes new fag

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you cant become an oldfag anymore its too late.

When did that Asian faggot buy Yea Forums? People after that are just corpsefuckers. As in fucking the corpse that Yea Forums has become.

I know

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Yea Forums is a containment board now. most oldfags moved to the other boards and other sites

Hey ogfags what was Yea Forums like 2005-2008?

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I cant stand b now but I couldn't think of any other board to ask


2012 was the last good year of Yea Forums. 2015+ really fucking blows. But real channers were always on other boards, Yea Forums basically for boredom. My first *real* board was Yea Forums. Haven't been there since like 2014. /g/ is where I found home.

i moved to g, pol, and fit. i haven't visited Yea Forums since end of 2015/beginning of 2016

If you haven't received an achievement notification yet, keep trying.

First board for me back in 2012 was Yea Forums i found out about Yea Forums from bronies then I stayed in Yea Forums, and Yea Forums.

It feels weird that there are people who don't even know that Yea Forums recently got divided.

agreed. 2013 was still fine, but 2014 fappening with all the weak-minded, celebrity-worshipping normies coming here quickly ruined the community. Also not properly containing the trannies in /lgbt/.

for any current regulars here, when was the last livestreamed suicide or similar you saw? not the NZ shooter. something that would only be here.

2007 here what do I win

05 or earlier. Anyone who says otherwise is a newfag.

You get to bully newfags

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Atleast 15.

You had to have be there on opening day to be an oldfag

No you had to be on the sa page

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I came here on the last 2 weeks of 03 rip

No ypu had to be on totse


Dont correct my fucking typo

Think that's a bit out of date, been on here for 11 years, and seen some shit. Wouldn't consider myself a newfag at this point, though mainly just a lurker.

there it is, thanks. reminder that phone posters should be banned


you will never be an oldfag; accept it

Do actual plebbit fags visit Yea Forums? Or is that just an insult like saying your a pussy.

hell yeah ok



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I been on Yea Forums since boxxy 2008 or 2009 I guess. Im 25 now. I used to masturbate a lot on Yea Forums back then. Not a lot of good content now. 3/10 honestly.

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underage b&

If you werent here for the first 3 years you dont know shit about 4chans culture, that means youre a newfag no matter what shit you think youve seen that checks some mental credibility box in your strange brain
Why cant people understand that it was all just a bunch of inside jokes that barely managed to happen before the age of endless repetition
People who were there miss it because it was fun and original. Everything got swept away in the tide of newfags when normies finally figured out how to use the internet. Now all that remains are ruins of the culture preserved in flash and archives. There can never be anything like it again.
You newfags should focus on the future instead of using the past as some ego trip

However, if you've been here since 2008, but only visited about once every few weeks, you're much more of a newfag compared to someone who joined in 2012 but visits Yea Forums every day.

Woah a fellow totsean, remember wintermute?

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Old fag isn’t a moving target. It’s a definitive time period when you started. New fags came after all the new boards were created. Cancer came after anonymous got public attention.


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I know you know

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no, someone whose been here everyday since 2012 is just a fag

Honestly this made me sad i feel bad for oldfags

>>^First they would have to be a faggot, secondly over ten year's.^

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No one is a newfag the other is cancer

And yet here you are

chan4chan ?

I was 10 when i found totse i didnt know shit about shit all i used it for was making pipe bombs and shit to blow up haybales at the end of my street cuz my dad was a groundskeeper and had all sorts of chemicals. Well that and id just read through everything every day. How to get away with shit, how to make this or that. Im pretty sure totse ruined my life as a normie.

we still want snacks back

Most oldfags moved on after the fappening

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If it's less than 17 you're a fucking newfag.

One of the 2 brothers who showed me Yea Forums in 03 killed himself 2 days before last christmas rip. He couldve passed as jp from grandmas boy until the day he died.

been here since '07 or '08, dont remember exactly.

visited this site like 5 times a year between '14 and '18, only recently started lurking again.

things were VERY different back then.
just as many dicks, but they werent as black.

This thread is slowly getting more sad

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I'm old faggish enough to remember when this board wasn't 90% porn / 10% race bating. But not old faggish enough to have known Yea Forums without the cancer.

I have fond memories of the original /r9k/ before it became the pathetic, misogynist circle jerk it is today. The greentext threads were amazing.

Sadly Yea Forums has become like the entryway for newfags now

My first visit was sometime in '08. I'm definitely still a newfag.

How many more years till this site shuts down already

This. It should have died with moot

Why, so all the newfags could just go to plebbit and facebook? Nah. This place is dog shit but its still better than that.

There's no need to stay on the site for many years
Just talk like an oldfag would do

That's not even a thing.
Back when a shitload of people from Newgrounds invaded Yea Forums they got called "newfags" because NEWgrounds. They tried to blend in by insisting that they were oldfags, which made it really obvious that they were newfags. The term "newfag" has been misunderstood ever since, and only newfags claim to be oldfags.

No no no. Newfag originated on Gaia to mean someone who recently came out. Back when gays started calling each other fags like black people with niggas. It came here with the Gaiafags.

Yea Forums has become such a retarded dogshit site now its become mainstream as hell and its baby's first anonymous board.

2003 - 2007

Still better than being forced into identity websites for lack of anything else. The other chans are just as fucking bad as this one.

Been here since 2001

You are both wrong. Newfag was a persons username back when the site used them. He was annoying as shit but only logged on in the summer so it wasn’t too bad.


I bet you think kek came from the orc translation of lol in wow too dont you faggot

Was a 2006 summerfag and have been on almost daily since. Not really proud of it.

My dad works for Nintendo and I can confirm that this is true.

Yea Forums has always been an alternative cesspit, but it used to be a creative, alternative cesspit, and while a creative, alternative cesspit is better than a non-creative, straight website, like Facebook, or a creative, straight circlejerk, like Reddit, a non-creative, alternative cesspit produces nothing but low-level retards and racists.

This place once had levels of irony. It was intelligent. It was dangerous. It defined a generation with its punk anonymity. Now it's nothing but the same tired, recycled, thoughtless shit.

I think you found the newfag.

pretty cringey. kind of like when you watch old videos of yourself as a kid (~adolescent) acting stupid, and are like "wow delet this".

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Same here. I think someone was spamming the site in Xfire group chat so I decided to check it out. I never left.

Born in the 80's, joined around 2006. So a old oldfag.
Every now and then I visit /b and some other boards, but I mostly lurk on /wg because I'm always on the lookout for new backgrounds.

this is what it was like

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Wait you actually followed the totse recipies? How do you still have fingers?

Most of that stuff was bullcrap and the rest was let's just call it a bad idea..

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>it's another "monkeys spew the ancient newfag chart shit back and forth" episode
If you've been here since 2010, you've been here even longer than the oldest of oldfags had been when you joined. Not to mention things only started changing at all after 2010, so you didn't miss anything if you saw the place as it once was at least once. You've witnessed just as much change here as fucking Moot.
Also only 15 year olds truly give a damn about status on an ANONYMOUS BOARD, so pair this with the fact that they're scared to properly update the graph and you'll realize nobody who should be considered an oldfag would ever self-identify.

I did all sorts of shit that worked. I cross checked shit as much as i could beforehand. I would fake sick to stay home and fuck around.

2006 here.

Yea Forums was literally exactly the fucking same. I wish you cunts would stop mythologising it. It became a tryhard faggot raid board after the Fox news segment in like 2008. Before that, it was basically shock-value fun like the Habbo raid and prank-calling Gamestop. The humour of the pre-2008 stuff forced newfags to force memes and raids so they too could be part of something 'historic'. Anyone post-2008 is a newfag, but the newfags are oldfags to post-2012 cancer. Jessie Slaughter was the last good raid, and the rise of Brony culture was the final death-knell for Yea Forums

>nobody who should be considered an oldfag would ever self-identify
We were called Yea Forumstards, not oldfags. Only newfags say oldfag.

>Jessie Slaughter was the last good raid
That wasn't even Yea Forums.

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>be me
>old fag
>visit this cancer Yea Forumsoard when bored

Some things never change...

Long enough to stop asking

2005. What sucks today, and for more than a decade, is the repetition. The same sterilized threads over and over again. It's unoriginal as fuck and the antithesis of what old Yea Forums was. It's sad when some user starts a legitimately interesting thread and some 15 year old vomits his retardation all over it in the first post because he thinks he's funny. He's not. Nobody bothers to lurk anymore, they just shitpost to be "a part of something". It's evident, this place is filled with little attention whores that say shit like "put me in the screencap". Why don't they post something worthy of being screencapped by someone else? Because it requires some creativity, something that's long been in short supply here.

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Based this site has been destroyed by kids now

One can call themselves an oldfag
But a real old fag can

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I wonder if snacks even still checks up here

Can you even triforce?

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When everyone is newfags, NO ONE WILL BE.

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maybe Yea Forums in general when he's bored but I doubt Yea Forums

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Whats worse
Or plebbit migrators

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Correct. I've been coming here nearly every day since late 2006 with my longest hiatus being about 5 weeks and I'm considered a newfag.
Anything after about 2008 is pure cancer.

>pick three

No different than today. It just moved slower and there was no catalog.

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Nobody ever really leaves

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Boomer phone poster reporting

I remember when moot wasn't absolute AIDS

You must have been here before July, 12th, 2006 to be considered an oldfag.

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moot is such a fucking cuck now

I can't remember the first time I was on here. If I had to take a guess it'd be 2011/2012. I think if you've used the site long enough to not remember when you started, you aren't a newfag anymore. To be an oldfag you needed to be here in the Moot era. If you joined post-moot you may not be a newfag anymore, but you can't be an oldfag.

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This website isn't some exclusive club. You don't even have to register an account to use it. It's not a community, the culture is literally just contrived edginess and "look how depressed / degenerate I am!", Add an honestly good thread only shows up once twice a year if you're lucky. Why you would take pride in being a frequent user of this website is beyond me. Why are you elitist about this place? It's boring and frankly mainstream. Even in it's golden days it was still just a place for weebs to hang out.

an oldfag reportin in

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Can't believe that that was 4 years ago now

Y you’re here than if everything is so horrible for you with that place?

I don't know,but if you remember b before every thread was porn that's a good start


2004, retarded newfag

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and say that English isn't your first language because the only other explanation for that mess is that you are functionally retarded.

As for why I'm here it's quite simple:
My life is and always has been a mess and this is the only place where I feel at home because everyone else here is just as retarded and depressed as I am.

>because everyone else here is just as retarded and depressed as I am.
That's what you really believe isn't it?

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I've been here since 2003 and people still call me a newfag. None of it really matters.

I don't know. That's what I keep telling myself but I'm not sure I'm convinced of it. I've been asking myself for years why I keep coming here and the truth is I don't really know. I do a lot of drugs and drink a lot. That might explain it

Excellent. Good job, sincerely.

Add 1 year to 4chans age, thats how long it takes.

Oh my god it's been so long since I've seen that

You know that's bait, right? The dates for desu et al don't match up.

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Retarded frogposting
You belong with the other redditors

wrong. this shit is closer to 2010

people were desuposting well into 2007

Has this entire site really degraded in original content and good original threads since back then in the classic era (2006-2010) of Yea Forums? I have a feeling that all the newfags from the 2016 elections really watered down and killed this site with their repetitive shitty threads that they post from their smartphone to fit in.

What would those be besides e i g h t c h a n?

That's because newfags from 2016 elections mass migrated to this site with their faggy smartphones and killed it. Cops don't want a sense of community like Yea Forums back then anymore.

I've seen this as well, all actual good creative oc gets barely noticed anymore, newfags either ignore it or are on their same repetitive thread bullshit to fit in. retarded underage faggots absolutely killed this site. Are all the boards on Yea Forums like this? Do you know if there's still some good alternative imageboards or similar that are still active? It's absurd how your post barely got any attention, no wonder there's barely any new memes from here anymore besides hashed bullshit from almost 10 years ago with a small edit.

You got all your shit from kym, kys

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It was already full retard by the time that term was coined, so you are the cancer.

It's the most functional and popular anonymous board. RIP in piece 2ch. You were always better than us.