I have this much money, Yea Forums

i have this much money, Yea Forums.

what do?

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burn it

Put back your grandparents savings before they get back home.


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give me some

that is just fiat currency real money is gold/silver go purchase real money

Give me some

no me

record you burning it all


Pay off the front to your drug dealer.

Bout tree fiddy

Use a fiddy. Buy a paper shredder, the one that does cube cuts. Shred it all.

Start putting it all back together, scotch tape.

Buy more money

Why do you have so many ones?

this is what i’ve counted so far. i’ll get into the singles after a smoke and a beer

when i get home from work i take any money that’s in my pocket and stuff it in a safe. i’ve got $600+ in change also. most of it is rolled. i have a change counter.

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How much is that in india?

Why do you have so many ones, are you selling dime bags of pot on a corner or something?

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>a bunch of singles
nigga who are you trynna floss on? strippers?

>I have $2000
yeah, who doesnt?

Go to strip club. Btw are you a stripper?

its called a job, nigger

a job doesn't pay you in old n shitty dollar bills unless you're a beaner


I'd suspect bartender

A couple thousand dollars is nothing. Almost every working adult has that much. The only impressive thing is that you have it in cash.

Please tell me you're joking.

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Invest half save the other, duh

>retards never been in a service industry
you are gonna tip and tip me well or theres gonna be problems, got it?

Working a job that requires tips for survival.

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>retard works in the service industry
have fun licking the cheese off my foreskin nigga

there’s a shitload more in the bank. i also hoard gold and silver.

this is just extra money i accidentally collected.

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Buy bitcoin, then shitcoins... it'll be $2080 by the end of the year.

first off im not op second of all who said anything about survival
you give me your cash and you'll smile while doing it, capiche?

Then why do you live in a dump? I get conserving money, but that place looks like a shithole.

Buy a gun.

nah I don't need to work that hard, that job is reserved for your mom

If you're in the service industry and you don't suck dick, then you're better off being someone's bitch anyways, mommy.

Die licking boots faggit.

i have several. this are the short guns. old pic. there’s been a few additions.

my girlfriend’s place is a lot nicer. i spend most of my time there. this is more or less my “man cave”

it’s just a really expensive storage unit and a place to go when she gets mad at me.

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I still don't get how a man cave can look so messy. To each their own, I guess.

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i’m an alcoholic

that’s my change box

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stay poor kid

buy guns.
lots of guns.
also buy LEGOs.

consider all the dick sucking it took to earn that money and buy a bottle of mouth wash.

I have this much money

what do

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You could probably kill yourself.

Youre small time kid

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Put it into an aggressive growth mutual fund or a Roth IRA