How are you coping with a a future that looks like this??

How are you coping with a a future that looks like this??

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Goal dang ol shantavious and Tyrone and darnelicous be STEALIN OUR WHITE WIMMENZ FUUUCK

I'm a brown man. not an afro. luckily, women who like negroes don't like me.

a future like this? football players have always had sex with cheerleaders. What do you think cheerleaders are for?

hahaha trips of sardonic burn


Wait,...are you saying the players are going to be fucking the cheerleaders from now on?

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Anybody got that video they article is talking about?

I think a better question would be
>Why should I care?
Take this to if you want outrage, I'm sure they'll love losing their heads over it.

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so where's the fucking video?

>implying anyone on b would have a chance with cheerleaders anyway

Op is a retard don't give him attention it only fuels his autism

this is how

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Seems like a poor strategy. They're just burning precious calories that they'll need in the 2nd half.

hahahahah fuck yeah

I can’t find the video not even anything really about this on google searches

>implying anyone in Arizona fucks outside their bloodline
nice b8

Where is the video?


Good for those guys.
You're just mad because these guys are doing what you WISH you could, faggot op.

bump for video

Don't confuse righteous anger over the heinous act of miscegenation with pettiness and banality.

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