“If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”
Statement of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, referring to attempts on the part of the White House to obstruct his investigation.
Washington, DC. May 29, 2019.
“If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”
Other urls found in this thread:
Well.. Yeah. He did commit obstruction. He just can't be charged with it because he's the president.
He can be charged he's just innocent
The USA justice system is built on the precept of innocent until proven guilty. There is no such thing as having to prove you innocent.
Shutup, kike
Obstruction of the legal inquiry of a crime he did not commit.
Give me the man, I will find the crime.
Trump's worst crime is exposing career politicians. Government service was never intended to be a profession in America. Term limits for all.
“If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”
Statement of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, referring to attempts on the part of the White House to obstruct his investigation.
Washington, DC. May 29, 2019.
Hilarious, Trumptards. America's education system at work. Mueller should have come out with baby-blocks and literally spelled the words "bad man" for them, maybe then they would understand.
stop trolling
Hilarious. "The Russians called, they want their foreign policy back," Obama. Russians? Those are your new (old) bogeymen, really? Martians would have been more believable.
So, my question to RM would be, "So, if you had confidence that the president did commit a crime, would have you said so?" In other words, I interpret his comment as "We don't really have clear evidence one way or the other. We have questions and material that we might speculate on, but no evidence that is clear enough to either charge (if they could) or exonerate." In fact, I believe the way RM chose to make this statement indicates his attitude toward Trump.
>if we had confidence
>but he’s not charged
Makes sense, kinda like the “can’t indict a president” makes total sense..
No wonder your county is circling the shitter.
Who gives a shit about Hillary??It's not 2016
More immigrants are comming in now,more conservatives are being censored and silenced on social media, more people are accepting faggotry and other degeneracy,Mexico isn't paying for a fictional wall,and the White percentage is keep going down.
Only when I see a person like David Duke in the White House we can get serious,not this neocon vs neoliberal two sides of the same coin crap
I believe the lunar tides and solar flares influenced the election more than the Russians. Prove me wrong.
Based user
That's not how Police work...
>Well if we had confidence you didn't commit a crime, we would say so...so...you are "guilty"
That's fucking retarded
You are either Innocent until proven Guilty or you are Guilty.
You aren't "Guilty" and Guilty.
I give a shit about Hillary, she’s a criminal who used her name, foundation and political influence to avoid prosecution.
But the fb ads user, the ads..
Russian troll farm post detected!
not the guy, but you should read a book.
he's 100% correct in his assertion and you're a fuckwit.
Civil war is the only answer. And I'm not even meme-ing.
Our government is a joke.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
>Obstruction of the legal inquiry of a crime he did not commit.
So what you're saying is, he committed obstruction of justice.
Was that Muellers look when he was writing the report and had to admit he couldnt charge him?
Well would you look at that,Hillary and Bill next to their masters.
Well would you look at that, Trump dressed at a s Jew next to his master.The Russians told him
That would be a joke of a war, pro gun and military vs femboys, bull dykes and people that can’t identify gender, they’d probably expect people to respect safe zones in a war.
Regarding your image, Trump says the border wall or steel barrier is about drug trafficking. The cartels operate as corporate enterprises that smuggle drugs in large agricultural shipments. They pass drugs through checkpoints, not the Sonoran Desert.
Organized assassination of the Globalists is the answer.
For a start,why is Soros free? Why no one assassinated him or arrested for over hundreds of crimes he commited during decades?
That’s just the cia pipeline, they still have mules humping it through the desert.
They also have submarines, but which path do you think has the highest throughput?
I can’t believe nobody’s made an attempt on benji yet, that psycho is going to start WWIII
Of course the cia, but no president has or will ever stop that.
What's wrong with stopping both?
Not even close. Speak plainly.
He's been given excellent legal counsel, make your case.
Only way to stop massive foreign influence and interference in US politics is by stopping Zionist Jews
Please cite the obstruction. Was it when he allowed every witness to testify? Was that it?
>Well.. Yeah. He did commit obstruction. He just can't be charged with it because he's the president.
he's the president, and as the very top of the executive branch, he cannot obstruct justice of a crime that never existed through acts that are constitutionally given to him
"If OP wasn't a faggot, he wouldn't post such cancerous AIDS bait posts."
Everyone, ever.
What is interesting is the mindset of Jewish Americans such as Chuck Schummer.
He calls himself Muslim in solidarity over that six country Muslim ban (that was rejected) but praises Israeli bombing of Muslim homes in Gaza and calls their murder necessary when his people do it.
>“If we had confidence that the president committed a crime, we would have said so.”
>While we admit that the defendant was never guilty of husslin' cattle, we must note his resistance to getting lynched for it.
The person I was replying to took for granted that Trump obstructed a judicial inquiry, which is the definition of obstruction of justice. It doesn't actually matter whether an original crime was committed. This is to say, the person I was replying to, who seems to think he was defending Trump, was in fact saying that Trump had obstructed justice.
If that’s how he acts in the limelight just imagine the shady shit he pulled to get himself to where he is.
A wall is important not just to prevent drug trafficking
confidence in the proof you silly twat
Too bad the dems squashed funding at every turn, plenty of $$ for the military to fight the non existent wars though.
They didnt fund it because they want hundreds of thousands of illegals to come over to potentially vote for them and for cheap globalist labor
Time for civil war
At 300+ million I’d say America is full, shit Canada has a little over 30 mil and it’s getting crowded.
Foreigners stay home, we’re full
Try not to choke on that boot
Another leather lover of the boot variety
The Trooper didn't catch you speeding and has no evidence that you were speeding, but he doesn't have confidence that you clearly weren't speeding so your insurance company should infer what they will and change your rates accordingly.
That's what Mueller just did.
>He did commit obstruction.
Idiot. Mueller did not exonerate Trump because it was not within his purview to do so. His job was to look at Trump and his associates to see if there was sufficient proof of criminal activity regarding Russian tampering with the 2016 election, and if there was any criminal activity regarding obstruction of justice. Mueller was absolutely able to suggest that there was sufficient evidence of criminal activity-- the justice dept. just would not be able to indict Trump. They could, on the other hand, indict Trump's associates, if there was proof. Here's what we know:
>there was proof of extensive Russian interference with the election
>there was no proof of any collusion between any American (associated with Trump or not) and the Russian agents
>criminal offenses of obstruction of justice requires that the prosecution prove intent of obstruction
>there was no evidence of such intent to obstruct from Trump or his associates
>Trump was exonerated of any accusations of collusion with Russian agents
>same with all of Trump's associates
>Trump was not recommended for indictment on collusion
>and neither were his associates
>Mueller did not exonerate Trump on obstruction, as it is not within the scope of his job or ability to do so
Mueller could have recommended charges against Trump's associates, if there was sufficient proof. And the justice dept. could have indicted. But there was no proof. The entire investigation was based on fabricated evidence, and faulty premises. And Mueller's report was largely meant to move all the proceedings from criminal charges (which would be impossible to execute) toward impeachment proceedings (which have a far lighter burden of proof).
This has all damaged the Dems to the degree that Trump will win 2020 (and I'm not happy about this). If they attempt impeachment, Trump will win in a landslide.
A butthurt liberal who’s too proud to admit he’s wrong but wants it both ways? Nah, never heard of one.
>>there was proof of extensive Russian interference with the election
Was there?
What proof?
Facebook ads
The only EXTENSIVE Russian interference I've seen given to the public was facebook messages and attempted rallies against both candidates.
NPR libs think 15 facebook ads by Russia is "extensive russian interference" that cost Hilldawg the election
They always leave out how Russia also paid for fake posts that bashed Trump
They think Trump making a joke at a rally saying "russia if you have the emails, you should release them", was code words for welcoming and inviting russian interference
Thanks for the somewhat knowledgeable reply
All this political bullshit is exhausting
I sincerely hope civil war will happen
>extensive Russian interference
Eurofag here,
>DNC server hacking
>well timed release of damaging info
>social media manipulation
>MSM manipulation
It was Russian agents, and it was aimed at both Trump and Hillary. It was meant to divide Americans and undermine faith in the political system. They were successful, obviously.
All faggots... Read the report.
Here are some choice lines, if he wasn't the president, he would be in jail.
Obstructive act (p. 43): Trump asked for Comey’s loyalty and pressured Comey to “let this go” regarding the FBI investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. “In analyzing whether these statements constitute an obstructive act, a threshold question is whether Comey’s account of the interaction is accurate, and, if so, whether the President’s statements had the tendency to impede the administration of justice by shutting down an inquiry that could result in a grand jury investigation and criminal charge.” “[S]ubstantial evidence corroborates Comey’s account.”
Nexus (p. 46): By the time Trump spoke to Comey, Trump had been informed that Flynn had been interviewed by the FBI and that his statements could violate 18 U.S.C. § 1001, the prohibition on lying to federal investigators. “[T]he President’s instruction to the FBI Director to ‘let[] Flynn go’ suggests his awareness that Flynn could face criminal exposure for his conduct and was at risk of prosecution.”
Intent: “[E]vidence is inconclusive” as to whether Trump was aware of Flynn’s calls with Kislyak when they occurred. But “[e]vidence does establish that the President connected the Flynn investigation to the FBI’s broader Russia investigation.”
Trump attempted to have Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland “draft an internal email” stating that Trump did not ask Flynn to discuss sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, which McFarland did not do because she was not sure if the statement would be accurate. Though “evidence does not establish” that Trump was trying to make McFarland lie, the incident “highlights the President’s concern about being associated with Flynn’s conduct,”
>>DNC server hacking
Zero proof given to the public.
FBI never given the servers.
CIA vouched for Crowdstrike.
Who had employees spouses working for the Clinton's.
>well timed release of damaging info
Julian Assange is now Russia?
Maybe he was just making public what a DNC staffer sent him?
>social media manipulation
Did the Democrats do the same?
If you answer no, you should kill yourself.
>MSM manipulation
See above.
>It was Russian agents
You're just regurgitating information you haven't seen proof that backs it up.
Well, I'm not a faggot.
Forgot the color codes... If you can read the report, you would know Trump obstructed justice. If you got your information from Yea Forums or the media, you are misinformed.
Dag nabbit... foiled again.
The Stalin quote escapes you. Perhaps when you are old enough to read and then perhaps defend yourself you will have a greater appreciation of this republic. (Hint, it's not free - one must earn it, and you haven't)
Jesus Christ, you're partisan.
All I said was that the Russians have a serious interest in election tampering in the US, and an interest in the general destabilization of American politics. So does China. And many other countries. It's what we do to them, all the time.
When Democrats or Republicans are on social media, yeah, it's very much the same type of thing. Propaganda to undermine the opposition. That's just fucking politics for you. But there's some regulation (maybe not enough though).
I don't give a fuck about your partisan stances. You just have to be a special kind of idiot to think that the Russians are not manipulating everything they can. Just like we do to them.
Read the report, it proves all of that.
Russia provided info to wikileaks, which is now a russian asset. Read the report.
Read the report
Again, shutup kike
get triggered, faggot, the goyim know
If you didn't catch on to what was saying, I think the general idea is that you should read the report.
>I don't give a fuck about your partisan stances.
I don't disagree with anything you just said in this response.
But you literally just made shit up in the last, or you regurgitated talking points that have not been proven to the American people.
How is me calling what you said bullshit and without proof, partisan?
>You just have to be a special kind of idiot to think that the Russians are not manipulating everything they can.
I never said they didn't meddle, I'm just questioning the ways you posted.
It's more likely that Seth Rich was the leaker than Russia hacked the DNC servers.
Do you disagree?
>Russia provided info to wikileaks
A report isn't proof, user.
>which is now a russian asset.
Again, absolutely no proof to back up this claim.
Yeah, I see what he's saying...."Believe someone telling you something without them having to prove a thing to you".
No thanks.
As if reading comprehension is taught anymore.
Where is the line for free stuff (I failed at life - where's my prize?)
Like the hatchling on my porch, I want to live, but wait....fuck, I'm dead. Life hurts and then you die.
>Proof isn't Proof.
Read...The...Report... Maybe you can't read it all, that's okay. Just skim through it, or look up a website that summarizes each section.
It made clear 3 things.
>Russia meddled in America's Election
>Russia favored Trump
>Trump made clear attempts to obstruct justice. Due to this, some evidence was lost.
Is there anything that could convince you? Like, just tell me what it would take?
By ignoring truth and just closing your brain, you're making the world worse... You are actively being a bad person and making the world worse.
Eat a bag of dicks, Cletus.
Words aren't proof, user.
How is this FACT going over your head?
>Russia meddled in America's Election
I don't disagree with this, I disagree with what other user said they did, by espousing talking points made by Democrats without evidence.
>Russia favored Trump
Zero proof to back this up, you can only make this claim if you believe proof without evidence.
The only evidence the public has been given has shown that they made discouraging facebook ads against both but started anti Trump rallies, they didn't do the same for Hillary.
So one could make the argument that they favored Hillary by looking at that evidence alone.
>Trump made clear attempts to obstruct justice. Due to this, some evidence was lost.
Other user and I aren't talking about Obstruction of Justice, you twat.
>Is there anything that could convince you? Like, just tell me what it would take?
>By ignoring truth
If I tell you I fucked your mother last night, is that proof?
How would I be able to prove it?
Would I have to show you the evidence?
Can I just write a 400 page report on how our night went?
Will that do?
>You are actively being a bad person and making the world worse.
Yeah, that's it user.
I'm the one making the world worse.
You know, the guy who doesn't just believe people in positions of authority because they told me so.
How are you even alive right now, being so dumb?
Did you read the report, or the summaries of each section that Mueller lovingly made, for us... read the report.
Volume 1
Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion" and "violated U.S. criminal law".[2][3][4] It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election. Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to “provoke and amplify political and social discord".[5][6][7] Secondly, Russian military intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10] The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations.[12] During the investigation, the special counsel recommended the indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his former deputy Rick Gates, and they were found guilty of criminal offenses stemming from their prior lobbying work for the Ukrainian Party of Regions. However, the investigation did not find sufficient evidence to conclude that the campaign "coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities" and did not pursue charges for others beyond Manafort and Gates under statutes governing conspiracy or foreign agents.[12][13]
Volume 2 is all about obstruction!
I got this short write up from wikipedia, but I find it accurate of a summary of the Mueller report.
Are you telling me nothing will change your mind on things? That you will actively ignore facts and proof?
Shill on, you faggy diamond.
>read the report.
I read the words, but never seen the proof.
Let's use a portion of this as our example, shall we?
>Russian military intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.
Now, where's the proof?
Can we (the public) see the evidence?
So I need to take the writers word for it?
>Are you telling me nothing will change your mind on things?
Can you even read?
>Is there anything that could convince you? Like, just tell me what it would take?
>Words aren't proof.
How can someone argue with that? I mean, the words aren't the proof in the report, but the facts are.
I'll concede I'm wrong if you tell me what part of the Mueller report you disagree with, and why... beyond "An expert said it, so I can't believe it."
Barr should release the 6(e) material to congress and the public, as Jaworski and Starr did.
>He did commit obstruction
>testimony isn’t tangible
>being this retarded
So, you support the Democrats attempts to subpoena to get that evidence... I'm glad we can at least agree on that.
>How can someone argue with that? I mean, the words aren't the proof in the report, but the facts are.
It isn't a fact unless it can be proven.
>I'll concede I'm wrong if you tell me what part of the Mueller report you disagree with, and why... beyond "An expert said it, so I can't believe it."
>Russian military intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.
They haven't shown any proof that this happened, user.
>multiple US intelligence agencies tied the leaked emails back to Russia
>foreign agencies agree
>DNC states the same
>Trump jokes that Russians should hack the DNC/Hillary even more
>Republicans generally agree
>Mueller investigation confirms this
>it is fitting to the previous actions of Russian agents
>literally no one that is in any way credible is arguing against this
Sorry I don't have access to whatever documents that our intelligence agencies have. So no, I cannot personally prove it, just like I (and you) cannot personally prove most things regarding political propaganda. But it remains extremely likely, as all the provided evidence points in that direction, no one has a reason to lie, and it sounds like the most reasonable explanation.
Well, there are much better reasons to believe the entire American intelligence community than to believe you, or Trump.
>>multiple US intelligence agencies tied the leaked emails back to Russia
Why don't you say what they initially said about the intelligence agencies?
Maybe because it was complete bullshit from the beginning?
Do you even know what they said?
They said 17 US intelligence agencies agree...
So does that mean the Coast Guard viewed the investigations done be CROWDSTRIKE into the DNC servers?
And yet Mueller said he would disclose if there were no proof of guilt, and he was unable to do that.
>>foreign agencies agree
Have you ever heard of Five Eyes?
Sorry, but I don't trust much of the intelligent agencies.
You know, the people who lie on a daily basis to the people paying their salaries.
Maybe you clowns should research Vault 7.
Unironic projection.
>>Trump jokes that Russians should hack the DNC/Hillary even more
Just go back and listen to his speech.
Then put it in context.
He says before telling them to release it that if they did hack her servers.
So he's clearly stating that from the premise that IF THEY DID DO IT, they should release the 30,000 deleted emails.
What he did and what you're accusing him of doing are two very different things.
KGB here, you worry about too much. All is under control. Go play your nintendos and watch your seinfelds.
So... as I understand it. The general consensus is either everyone believes the report, or, they didn't read it, or, they read it, but they believe Trump over the intelligence agencies... Or, they want proof of proof of evidence.
Meтaдaнныe были нa pyccкoм языкe.
>Sorry I don't have access to whatever documents that our intelligence agencies have. So no, I cannot personally prove it, just like I (and you) cannot personally prove most things regarding political propaganda. But it remains extremely likely, as all the provided evidence points in that direction, no one has a reason to lie, and it sounds like the most reasonable explanation.
I appreciate you honesty here, user.
You can believe people who refuse to show you proof, I'll be here trying to hold people responsible for making claims without providing evidence.
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said, referring to emails Mrs. Clinton had deleted from the private account she had used when she was secretary of state. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
As it turns out, that same day, the Russians — whether they had tuned in or not — made their first effort to break into the servers used by Mrs. Clinton’s personal office, according to a sweeping 29-page indictment unsealed Friday by the special counsel’s office that charged 12 Russians with election hacking.
The indictment did not address the question of whether the Russians’ actions were actually in response to Mr. Trump. It said nothing at all about Mr. Trump’s request for help from Russia — a remark that had unnerved American intelligence and law enforcement officials who were closely monitoring Russia’s efforts to influence the election.
You’re an idiot that should strongly consider suicide
>140 contacts between trump campaign and Russia.
>No collusion.
Uh-huh, sure.
As to obstruction, the Mueller team failed to reach a conclusion and turned that task over to the Attorney General.
The AG, in concert with then-Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, decided that as a matter of fact and law, an obstruction case against President Trump was not warranted
Womp womp
There were plenty of people within the intelligence community who went public disputing the Russia hacked the servers claim.
I also do not generally accept what intelligence agencies say. But no one, on either side, is arguing. There are both Dems and Reps that get this info directly, and none of them claim anything else. They only support that Russia is responsible for DNC leaks.
What, exactly, would you accept as proof of Russian hacking of the DNC? You don't accept intelligence, or the media (fair enough), or any government agency, or politicians that agree or disagree with you, or the combination of all the above with the addition of Occam's Razor. So what do you accept?
idiot... here's a quote from Trump, he's using Russia hacking the Dems as a 2020 campaign point:
>The DNC should be ashamed of themselves for allowing themselves to be hacked. They had bad defenses, and they were able to be hacked. I heard they were trying to hack the Republicans, too. But, and this may be wrong, but they had much stronger defenses.
>Not denying about being a jew
That’s literally contradicted by Muller in his statement this morning.
Wah waaaaaah
I do know Trump constantly and consistently lies, Russia is opposed to America, and Mueller is a trustworthy boy scout and ex-Marine, so I trust Mueller's report.
Until the Democrats succeed, and get that evidence by subpoena'ing the White House, I'll believe Mueller.... Why are so many subpoenas being ignored if they didn't want to show the evidence that would convince you?
>“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”
See, you literally just took him out of context by not quoting what he said right before that.
Watch I'll do the same thing...
>What if your best friend said, he raped your mother.
Now I'll conveniently cut it up a bit...
>Your best friend said, he raped your mother.
They're both quotes, but the second is taken completely out of context.
CNN told me this, so it must be true, the post.
Huh, I missed that. Who, and why weren't they mentioned anywhere?
>But no one, on either side, is arguing.
You mean the Establishment wing of both parties?
Have you forgotten that the Republicans didn't want Trump to win the nomination?
How did Newt put it?
Schools have failed.
I have the money failed to earn. Sign up at my front door. Just ring the bell. You will get every cent earned.
Asking my neighbor to pay my bills is obscene.
Attorney General had final say already. It's over the investigation is done, you dumb dem
The only day of the rope coming soon is one full of shaved headed, closeted homosexuals shooting ropes all over your face while reciting the same 14 words over and over.
Look, another retard.
>be Trump
>have thousands and thousands ties to people from around the world
>from decades in international business, in real estate
>now be you
>Russia tries to mettle with US elections, for the 93452345th time
You didn’t even listen to Mullers statement, and you are trying to participate in this conversation. LOL @ you.
When you say anywhere, do you mean mainstream media?
The answer should be self explanatory.
>There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial “hack,” as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer.
>A former intelligence official who claims that Russia did not hack the Democratic National Committee in 2016 reportedly met with CIA Director Mike Pompeo in late October at the request of President Donald Trump.
>The official was part of a group of intelligence veterans whose report contradicts the findings of the intelligence agencies that investigated the 2016 election hacking. They say DNC emails were leaked by someone on the inside.
The Reps are backing him now, since he's in, likely to win 2020, has public support, and has some policy victories. And they are still not arguing. Neither is Trump.
1488 all day
>I have no business with Russians
>While negotiating a tower in Moscow
Nigga, you dumb.
What did he say? I can't find it? Why didn't you post it?
Why did Russia attempt to hack the DNC for the first time after he said that?
What could he have said beforehand that would have annulled what he said later?
You have nothing, and are just sticking on me not posting an irrelevant bit of information that Trump said before.
Enjoy those creamy ropes, faggot.
I don't give a fuck what other people are think, user.
I want to be shown the proof, am I asking for too much?
Why the fuck aren't you?
>I can't find it?
You can't google that speech, is that what you're telling me?
Yes we keep hearing Muellers statement, that there was no conclusion on obstruction of justice blah blah bleh, but he doesn't have final say. The AG does, so it's over, move on loser.
You are ignoring proof.
I’m just laughing at your dipshittery.
>Why did Russia attempt to hack the DNC for the first time after he said that?
Zero proof of this claim can be sown to us.
>What could he have said beforehand that would have annulled what he said later?
I literally just told you above, retard.
He was saying that he doesn't know if they hacked her emails, but if they did, Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
Hearsay and words aren't proof.
Post the proof and I won't ignore it.
You are a fool.
Why are you laughing, you should be crying like you snowflakes are used to doing.
Says the guy who just claimed he couldn't find a YT video of that speech.
Nigga, you don’t understand shit about computers. You probably work on a garbage truck. You want proof? It’s right here...
You got the wrong user, faggot.
I appreciate you posting that, with the links. Thank you.
That being said, these guys, "Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity" VIPS are all former govt employees and the only thing they have issues with are the information as presented.
They did not see evidence for Russia hacking, but guessed that it would have been internal. They have issues with the govt intelligence community reasoning of "Trust us".
That is incredibly reasonable.
That being said, until evidence is shown, I trust the govt intelligence community over Trump and Russia.
The guys who made those claims are experts, I'm not saying they're right or wrong.
You're just stupid for making assumptions.
Fuck off shit diver. I know you'd suck a dick for a cookie but Dumpy already ate them.
I’m laughing at your ignorance. Shits been all over the news, you can google the transcript, though we both know a 10 minute speech is beyond your reading skills.
Illegal immigration from Mexico has actually been on the decline since 2005, and illegal immigrants from other countries make up less than 25% of total illegals overall. I'm of the opinion that you're retarded.
Source: pew research center
user, what argument do you think I've been making this entire time?
I have issues with the govt intelligence community reasoning of "Trust us".
I did not see evidence for Russia hacking, but guessed that it may have been internal.
>That is incredibly reasonable.
I know, especially since they refuse to show us, the public, any proof.
sure kid
Swing and a miss! There's a reason you never made Varsity baseball, your eyes would be better served on a martian lander.
No case. Bye. Have fun. Damn my girl looks good on skis.
weak and predictable
>That being said, until evidence is shown, I trust the govt intelligence community over Trump and Russia.
That's fine, you do you.
You wouldn’t know if they are right or wrong, so you are setting up an impossible standard to maintain your willful ignorance.
They are correct.
Quints of truth.
weak and predictable
Pretend I can't. My point stands. What he said before doesn't nullify what he said after.
bumpstock boy
Then you're just retarded.
If you think I'm a fool for what I posted...Please, prove me wrong and post the video.
You won't because the context will back up my statement.
Ignorance about what? Some stupid statement Mueller made today that doesn't change anything at all? I think we all know who the ignorant one is, YOU.
weak and predictable
Here comes the fags from Olingo.
Everyone is overlooking the fact that all of these "shortcummings" will be gone by the time of a new election...unless the chosen candidate loses.
weak and predictable
>USA justice system is built on the precept of innocent until proven guilty
That only applies to criminal convictions dipshit. Authorities can investigate if reasonable suspicion remains.
I support the Democrats subpoenas to get this evidence... do you?
weak and predictable
bumpstock boy
I don’t care about anything you post, you are a fool and you are spouting off like a child.
>What he said before doesn't nullify what he said after.
I never said I fucked your mother.
I fucked your mother.
weak and predictable
Still just laughing at you over here....
this retarded
You just admitted to doing what you're accusing me of.
bumpstock boy
I support evidence.
sure kid
this retarded
I asked before, and I'll ask again: what would you accept as proof? Be specific.
sure kid
this retarded
Again, wrong user. You think I’m someone else, jackass.
its not their place to say so
Oh see your level of intelligence by the cartoon furry hentai pic you just posted. Nuff said. I will say it again Trump will not be impeached and the AG already cleared him of any wrong doing. Game over Dems.
this retarded
Ironic that you're calling me willfully ignorant when you've been shown zero evidence.
I don't think you even know who I was referring to when I said, "The guys who made those claims are experts".
this retarded
this retarded
sure kid
You're the guy who doesn't even know what we're conversing about but still typing worthless posts to me while simultaneously trying to make the argument that I'm the one spouting off like a child.
Oh the irony.
this retarded
this retarded
this retarded
I miss Yea Forums before maga bullshit. I hate all of America and I hate you, Yea Forums
sure kid
Sorry, was meant for this jackass.
sure kid
>dodging the question
>because you don't have an answer
pompas ass detected
you are on the wrong side of history friendo
sure kid
I already answered that question above.
sure kid
Since you don’t understand basic civics, I will enlighten you. Soon, there will be an impeachment inquiry. Then the House will impeach. The shill majority in the Senate will not convict.
I understand you don’t know what you are talking about, but he will be impeached. He will not be removed from office, because of sycophantic shills.
You're a bit late on that response, I've answered your question already.
they can never provide proof
but yet here you are
not a bright one are you?
Going forward with impeachment will guarantee his 2020 win.
It’s factually accurate. Here’s your proof yet again, if you were so inclined you would research it. I’m not doing your homework, especially in the face of your demonstrable willful ignorance.
See also: Meтaдaнныe были нa pyccкoм языкe.
Don’t hold your breath.
sure kid
weak and predictable
sure kid
Sarcasm, kid.
this retarded
weak and predictable
My wife won! Fuck the results.
Think I got it.
The other one was, my half black candidate won!
Next cycle, my trans-martians venus refugee won! Where the ammo?
this bitter
And I will enlighten you on what will actually happen because you're too retarded to understand. Soon the Dems will continue to threaten a impeachment inquiry, they will fail to get enough votes to proceed to impeachment. Republicans will laugh in their face and Trump and Barr will sit back laughing at retards like you for not listening. You are retarded end of story.
>It’s factually accurate.
What's factually accurate, that the experts that don't agree with the intelligence agencies "proof"?
>See also: Meтaдaнныe были нa pyccкoм языкe.
I don't read third world gibberish.
weak and predictable
weak and predictable
the irony
weak and predictable
this retarded
Christ, you don’t even understand how impeachment works in Congress. No wonder you are a rabid trumpfag. You don’t have an adequate education.
>I love the poorly educated.
what are lies?
this retarded
>sure kid
lol this guy can't read kik
honestly, read the report. It's all there.
It is amusing that people who haven't read the report think there is no evidence, yet every person who actually reads the report sees that Trump is guilty.
Just take some time out of your incel life and, if you know how to read, read the report. It is blatantly obvious to anyone who is not a fucking moron that he is guilty.
lol I just remembered again that you probably can't read that many pages.....give it a try tho, sad little incel baby boy
...it’s like trying to educate a sardine can. You are dismissed.
he never will
sure kid
so they good guys now?
>AG already cleared him
Congress determines whether impeachment is warranted and pursued. The AG does not have the power to overrule the Constitution. Stop lying.
Trumpfags don’t read books. 448 pages would be like their morbidly obese asses climbing Everest.
he's not in the position to do that
I don't? I'm saying it's not even going to get that far because congress will need to vote for an impeachment process and it will not happen if the majority vote against it. They don't even have all the dems on board yet, you ignorant retarded piece of shit.
So much irony in this post.
I thought it was ironic myself
this retarded
It’s not a lie when he is too stupid to understand he is ignorant. He believes the bullshit he spouts.
This guy used an intern like a flashlight, lied about it and was impeached, the fact that he’s more popular than trump will give everyone a good idea of just how bad the Trump derangement syndrome is.
I'm with this guy. Great news for me is, I have over 10,000 rounds of ammo. I forgot the question.
this retarded
God you are clueless. I’m surprised you can even breathe on your own.
Nice, we have a retard calling other people retards. And he is trying to explain how impeachment works, yet he clearly has no idea how impeachment actually works. Sweeeeeeet, I'm so enlightened now.
So....who is the retard again?
You are, you fucking retard. I know all of this grown-up discussion is tough for you to follow, so just opt out of participating. That's probably your best option, demtard
Forgot pic
still this mad she lost
Separate inquiries separate investigations. How stupid can you get? How many departments need to clear him of any wrong doing before it's over? It's a witch hunt from start to finish.
>I've answered your question already.
Where, I don't see a response to that question
>448 pages would be like their morbidly obese asses climbing Everest.
lol agreed
sure kid
this retarded
>thousands and thousands ties to people from around the world
What the fuck are you babbling about? You sound like a schizophrenic retard.
sure kid. weak and predictable. this retarded.
sure kid
I want my neighbor to protect me.
If he fails, oh well.
At least he can still be a teacher.
dis this b8
troll harder next time dumb niggers
Not an argument.
thinks his crying is a conversation
>>Is there anything that could convince you? Like, just tell me what it would take?
>>Is there anything that could convince you? Like, just tell me what it would take?
Get your eyes checked.
this retarded
sounds like you do
>You sound like a schizophrenic retard.
He sounds like a person trying to speak like Trump does (aka like a retard).
Give him a break though. It's tough, if not impossible, to hide autism. The force must be extra strong with this one
in your head forever
Fucking clowns. I'll eliminate every last one of you. God won't shed a tear. I've asked him.
>morbidly obese asses climbing Everest
I'm on it.
sure kid
what a waste
believes MSM
>God won't shed a tear. I've asked him.
how did you ask a question to someone who does not exist? who is the clown again? lololololol
yeah really just look how everyone acted after he won.
totally trustworthy
waste of dubs
If that's that, then trump stole the police report to save himself from insurance company inquiry which is the real issue here.
Obstruction of justice is a crime no matter the charges.
sure kid
weak and predictable
he's right you know
it was nice before all the bait threads
The analysis that alleged that Russia was behind the DNC server breach was carried out not by the U.S. government, but by the private security group CrowdStrike.
Here are a few things I find sketchy about all of this.
Obama Appointed CrowdStrike Officer To Admin Post Two Months Before June 2016 Report On Russia Hacking DNC
The FBI Never Looked At The DNC’s Servers — Only CrowdStrike Did
Comey Contradicted The DNC’s Story On The FBI Asking To See The Server
CrowdStrike Co-Founder Is Fellow On Russia Hawk Group, Has Connections To George Soros, Ukrainian Billionaire
CrowdStrike Is Funded By Clinton-Loving Google $$
weak and predictable
then hillary is president right?
this retarded
its all they have at this point.
this retarded
And it’s rather hypocritical of the US to make such a big deal of it when they’re guilty of the same.
You need to brush up on your talking points since this morning.
could you put your head under water
The information in the wikileaks dumps is formidable but that doesn't mean you can't find curated info on your own without relying on /pol/. For example, Obama knew about the illegal Clinton server since it was set up. We found out later that this server was compromised by at least the Chinese military intel community.
We also learned, for example, that the DNC was using violent actors to disrupt peaceful political campaign rallies. Veritas corroborated this and as it turns out the DNC had been doing this for decades. We now see violent agitation as a political tactic (antifa v stormfags) in the media consistently.
Veritas undercover video: dailycaller.com
This is just two of hundreds of examples of corruption and criminal behavior. The Clinton Foundation, Syria, Libya, et al are all exposed inside of the Wikileaks releases. You should spend time reading them.
If Assange names Seth Rich as the source all hell breaks loose.
Hurr durr, no u.
fuck off asshole
So angry
Hey dumbass, what do you think the MSM just did today? Make a deep fake speech from Muller? Your stupidity is festering.
thats the funny part. being pure black means a lot to them.
maybe they nust vote for the black half
he is right moron
sure kid
weak and predictable
still mad she lost the election
What does that have to do with the mating habits of a 3 toed sloth?
>trumpfag gets schooled
>b-but Hillary
fucking weak
you lost a long time ago retard
You are really bad at this whole Internet thing.