Celeb Thread

Celeb Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: AGreene 46.jpg (1110x1920, 237K)

hats? hats

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Cowboy edition

Attached: Bella27.jpg (750x1334, 95K)


no lewd allowed. this is chill hangout thread and a safe space for all

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drink up me hearties yo ho

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Attached: AGreene 57.jpg (1500x2008, 391K)

El mundo atrocitado pendejo

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Isn't this the motto for all Celeb threads?

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Attached: AGreene 40.jpg (1198x1600, 211K)

bellafriend, hi, how are you? how's your day been?

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Very good thanks, what about yourself?+

Attached: Bella193.jpg (1080x810, 193K)

just started raining heavily here but I'm safe and dry and here with the best people in the world. can't complain

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Who to stroke to?

As long as there's no KatyKats, then that should be possible

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Awh. You're too sweet. I quite like the rain if I don't have anywhere to be going, it's relaxing

Attached: Bella92.jpg (640x960, 94K)

Attached: 3.jpg (1207x3255, 200K)

This is a non-lewd thread, user. Behave and lock it up

we were under a tornado warning last night but otherwise yes, the rain can be relaxing

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Well that's entirely up to you, but keep it to yourself. No lewd zone!

Attached: Bella132.jpg (1080x1080, 1.08M)

Attached: UNILAD-Jennifer-Lopez87665.jpg (982x1227, 164K)

whoopsie, forgot my pic. aren't I just a silly billy

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Thank goodness, I'm tired of getting bullied!

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Oh gosh. Now that wouldn't be relaxing! Glad it calmed down for you atleast

Attached: BellaBikini.webm (450x450, 1.44M)

Attached: kenz (138).jpg (1080x1350, 153K)

Nice. Nigri is love

Attached: 07.jpg (1824x2736, 1.19M)

That sounds awesome, I want to see a tornado so bad.

Attached: kenz (113).jpg (1080x809, 99K)

I'm really enjoying your Bella pics and webm's.
Are there any nudes that you know?


No. No. No.

>No. No. No.
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Attached: image0.jpg (1824x2736, 1.05M)

^・ω・^ I saw her first tho so that means she's mine.

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Attached: gg56.jpg (1024x684, 66K)

thanks friend, I appreciate that

we didn't actually get one, but I would watch if we did. pretty rare for this part of the country.

she sure is love! her large breasts would be great for feeding our many children (after marriage, ofc)

Attached: 89355914_31-6.jpg (1333x2000, 245K)

No full nudes with everything on show afaik, but plenty of "accidental" slips and see throughs etc

Attached: BellaSCSlip.webm (360x640, 591K)

will you samefags stop posting the same goddamn bella pics every fuckin thread.

Attached: BellaOops.webm (640x1136, 1.72M)

It must be so exciting to watch, I watch tornado hunters often.
Unfortunately the odds of seeing one in my country are very little.
Make a vid if you see one :)

Attached: kenz (67).jpg (1080x1350, 1.6M)

>Yes. Yes. Yes.
Why? Why? Why?

you should leave and take your negativity with you, man

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>large breasts

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>only 1 finger, I promise sweetie

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You sound upset, would you like some cake?

Attached: Bella31.jpg (1080x1080, 152K)

>large breasts

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I'd stick my dick in her Nigri if you know what I mean

Thanks, appreciate it.

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there they are! so motherly

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no loods

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>>large breasts
But user! Breasts are lewd, especially large ones! You shouldn't pay so much attention to them

I like the makeup on her nose! very cute

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Um, k

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no lewd zone!

Attached: Bella88.jpg (683x1024, 239K)

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>You shouldn't pay so much attention to them
you gay? Large breasts are awesome!

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I want to pump jjswas full of cum

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How much you get paid to spam these celeb threads? Same faggot that always post dick pics or Spidey pics to derail the chance of leaking nudes. I see your tactics.

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Attached: BellaSeeThrough.webm (640x360, 627K)

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thred rules not mine

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a cup of semen every thread, m9

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The smell of low tide

>you gay? Large breasts are awesome!
Of course they are awesome, but this is a lewd free zone! If you just concentrate on her breasts, you're giving the wrong impression...

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And a very hairy bush

Those nipple piercings are such a shame...
I really hate them.

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You and me both my friend, I hated when the hudgens got them and when Chloe moretz got them.


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Attached: BellaCream.webm (640x356, 124K)

>this is a lewd free zone
I've been here long enough to know that isn't true at all

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Chloe got them too?
I really wonder why they do that.

I've seen a few of them. I happened to be riding in a car right next to downtown Cincinnati in like '99 or '00 (idk i was young) when these tornadoes were touching down and tearing up the city. shit was unbelievable.

Attached: BSmustardqt.jpg (1125x1107, 258K)

That's what dreams are made off...

I don’t know. I just hate them. A gf once got them I told her to take it off or that it was over, she took it off.

these are great Bellas! looks like shes having lots of fun

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wingardium morepleasia?

Damn, I mean I´m not stoked about death and destruction, but the phenomenon itself is so cool.
Stop making me jelly tschad

Attached: kenz (152).jpg (1080x1345, 144K)

>I've been here long enough to know that isn't true at all
Those are the rules of the thread, don't get any ideas...

Well, have more tits at least

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checking those lood double dubs with heil-dubs at the end must be allowed though

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Do your dreams often involve high volumes of cream?

Attached: Bella255.jpg (1536x2048, 655K)

Attached: Karen Kiss2.webm (830x564, 169K)

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>hats? hats

Attached: Victoria_Justice_2019Coachella_16.jpg (1967x2654, 705K)

oh I was terrified and my b

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I don't really like her face, but that tummy, oh boy

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little Ari went to the mall and all the men
were looking at her bum!

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Are you near/in the tornado alley? I always forget in what part of the us you live.


Attached: IMG_8606.jpg (640x640, 64K)

>Well, have more tits at least
And those tits have turned me on! Damn you user

keep going if you have more

Attached: Aubrey-Plaza-Bikini-Set-Dirty-Grandpa.jpg (787x1024, 115K)

she's amazing

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Yea, I'm not a big face fan either. But that body is easy to get lost in

Attached: 20180607_junko_0177_1.jpg (2202x3303, 1.41M)

No, but they do involve Bella...



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>I don't really like her face, but that tummy, oh boy

Attached: 1554343756684s.jpg (70x124, 2K)

Ahh ofcourse. I really shouldn't ask anything further...

Attached: Bella108.jpg (1125x1401, 183K)

she never gets me just out of the blue, but if I am already horny or stroking she's nice to look at

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Aubrey is not amused

Attached: eye-aubrey-plaza01.jpg (300x450, 30K)

>But that body is easy to get lost in
Definitely lost in it now, stroking to Nigri!

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I'm usually the other way around. She makes me horny, but I'd rather finsih to other people

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how many cockpics you have saved approx?

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>>Well, have more tits at least
>And those tits have turned me on! Damn you user

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lord have mercy :P

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Attached: er.jpg (400x675, 37K)

Good. She's sexy when shes bitchy.

>she's amazing

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I rarely finish to her, because I barely go and look for her stuff.

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>Yea, I'm not a big face fan either. But that body is easy to get lost in

Attached: 1554399255240s.jpg (93x125, 2K)

Attached: 11846.jpg (595x892, 88K)

not tornado alley as in Oklahoma and that stretch but I live in a place with massively volatile and unpredictable weather and tornadoes do happen yep. I currently live in Northern Indiana, like a 20 minute drive from Lake Michigan and maybe a 2 hour drive from Canada. which is no different than living that close to an ocean. just smaller scale shit AND snow out the ass. if you like thunderstorms and stuff like me it can get really fun tho when it's warm

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Didn't need to know that, but alright
I always have mercy. Hence the nigri posting to offset the spamguy having an aneurysm

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Why not finish to Nigri?

Attached: 11.jpg (200x252, 9K)

Attached: 11848.jpg (595x894, 77K)

>No, but they do involve Bella...

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That cock made me cum

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Seriously, stop touching your dick

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I started collecting and by now it's close to compulosry. Like collecting stamps.

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wtf is up with this guy posting afro penises? why are you gay

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Well friends I am going bai

Attached: Bella286.jpg (1090x1600, 380K)

Yes bs I´m totally … uhm.. nevermind.

I fucking loove Thunderstorms and extreme weather.
I always stand outside if a nice Thunderstorm comes up and often take pics :)
Unfortunately in Germany extreme weather is pretty rare, but once I was so close to a lighting that hit the neighbours house that my phone went out mid call. That was pretty scary.
Send pics when you see cool shit pls.

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His "This is the future for white men" threads didn't take off. So he's mad

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super gay

andy sixx has the creamiest logs

I know that feeling, I have lots of babses aswell

this tbqhwy famalama :/


I know. Babs is one my finishers when I feel for that cute/sexy mix

kek. I know you guys get some gnarly thunderstorms there but I imagine that's it in terms of warm weather stuff. it is really cool but it can be incredibly inconvenient as you'd imagine. weatherbug used one of my pics on their website a few years ago, I'll try and find it. it's dope


That sounds super cool tbh, would love to see it.
Last summer was kinda cool, we had the hottest summer of all time and some intense thunderstorms with heavy rains and strong winds.
Not jelly of the shitloads of surprise snow tho :D
Dude you live super close to chicagofag, you should visit him lol

DUDE HAS LIKE 50 IMAGES OF AFRO COCKS, WHO THE FUCK TAKES THE TIME TO DOWNLOAD ALL THAT AND THEN POST IT ON AN ONLINE IMAGE BOARD!? i pity the fool he has developed a fetish for that and can't seem to shake it off so he tries to make others like him :S . man go get a hooker and pay her to do whatever you wan't.. but i don't think you can get hard to a female without the though of someone else's penis :O

either that or he is trying to stop leaks from happening

I know I do and no fucking way bro lmao I can get sucked here with the send of a text fuck that noise

not for you, do it for him :D
