Empowering women will be the reason we go extinct and/or get replaced

empowering women will be the reason we go extinct and/or get replaced

and now i wait for you pussy worshipping fanatics call me an incel for telling you the truth about your gods

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Please tell me this is fake

Women are fucking stupid and shouldn't be given power.

absolutely. shouldn't be able to vote either

Shit like this is why gender roles are a dire necessity in society. Their husbands are fucking useless trash for not beating them within an inch of their pathetic lives and taking the kids away.

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I just looked it up and its real

Nah fuck it if women want to be like this we should just die off as a species

>Please tell me this is fake
it is real but not quite what you think

Life is struggle. The fact that you can say that unironically means you're a sheltered little fucktard. Women need discipline and men need to be responsible for themselves, it's life, deal with it.

you cant keep your women in line like they should be

Well that's like.. your opinion man.

Toxic liberals.
Channel 4 is an ultra hard liberal channel in the UK with a viewership of at least 6 people.
They're the channel that commissioned a biased researcher to go to Treblinka and find all the human remains. Despite their best efforts, they found a tooth, and tiny fragment of jaw bone, and claimed this was proof that Treblinka was a death camp.
Cunt channel for Guardian readers.

Why aren't they making porn WITH their children?

he has a point though. women are like children, just want to indulge and not take any responsibility.
men should take responsibility over women but they should also have authority over them too.

Well that's like.. your opinion man.

Quite right good sir, quite right.

>hit with the ladies this guy

Attached: Quite.jpg (202x249, 8K)

Despite the dubs, definitely your opinion. Perhaps try leaving your house more often and once you've met more women you mind find out that just like you and me they differ greatly on an individual basis. Although you have the freaks like in op's post, you also have normal, well adjusted individuals who have a sense of discipline and personal agency.


The 19th was a big fucking mistake.

double double trips checked

Ironic that when women DO have authority and responsibility over men they bitch "I don't want another child". Men don't bitch about having to take care of women...that is their role, they accept it and life is relatively good.

you clearly haven't been around

and thats why most western countries have a net negative replacement rate and are having their governments importing people from the 3rd world wholesale

This. Throwing a blanket over all women is what feminazi's do to men. Don't be a feminazi

>gender is based of genetics
>gender roles are real
pic one

I'm a traveled person and dated women all over, individuality only goes so far. Western society is bloody toxic and they blind you with doubts exactly like the drivel you just spouted. Anywhere else but westernized countries will you find those "individualities" you speak of, unless they're isolated from the corruptions of media.

Retard detected.