Ask anything a transgender woman :)

Ask anything a transgender woman :)

Attached: taw-flag.jpg (1440x900, 372K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ask anything a transgender woman
oh look it's a flip tries to get attention thread

What's a flip? Is it a reference to "do a flip faggot"?


trans man here. Sup.


Sup my dude
How's it goin


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Do you seriously believe that you’re a woman, or is it just a fashion statement for you?

Would you date someone like me?

Why do faggots think I should learn about there malfunction?

Why do faggots care what people call them?

Yes, I do
If it were just about clothing then I'd be a crossdresser then lol

Depends what you're like

You hot?


Being mentally disabled doesn't mean you have to use incorrect grammer

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Loving, caring person.

Do you want to do a transition?

Me no speak americano

More like

Probably then, yea

>what I'm like
I'm your fucking god, peasant.


You're beautiful, dont let anyone tell you different


Fucking fat, desperate cuckold. Slit your wrists and bleed out.

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Are all non-trivial zeros of the Riemann-Zeta-function at the real strip of Re(s)=1/2?

Is this like the opposite of a white knight?

Imma call you edge samurai.

How does it make you feel to know you will never be a real woman?

What would you like to do on a date?

the opposite of white knight would be black serf though, right?

Sharpee in bëpîs or fake & gay

Shoot yourself you trannyloving AIDS-ridden faggot.

I'm part of the 60% ;)

What kind of math is this

I am a real woman tho ;)

This is solid logic

As just a faggot with a mutilated body, what are your thoughts on the Forty One Percent Statistic?

Lol alright then.

Hows high school?

are you chris chan?

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Hmm that's a tough one

Maybe dinner? Or an arcade? I used to go to the arcade with my ex a lot and it was tons of fun

>I am a real woman

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>can't math
shit, it checks out guys, maybe it is legit

>What kind of math is this
essentially calculus with complex functions, but riemann-zeta also ranges into probability and number theory (for example for finding primes)

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Arcades sound cool. Dinner as well. Where to eat at?

And why do you believe you are a woman if you aren't physically a woman? What defines a woman? Do you get offended when someone calls you a man?

>h-hehe high school le maymay xD LE REDDIT EBIN
Hang yourself.

I haven't mutilated my body yet, too broke ahaha
But as for the 40%, I think it's caused at root by lack of acceptance in society which needs to be changed

No but I find him hilarious

OP here. I am a real woman;) I define myself as a woman , so therefore I am. I don't get offended, because I am a real woman.

sure thing dude

>the root cause is mental illness you dimwit

>the root cause is because society won't accept our mental fucking illness
You dumb piece of shit.

will we discover (or even contact) extraterrestrial life within this century, and how do you think humanity will react?

How does it feel having disordered thinking? Additionally, have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder, personality disorder or depression and have you ever been detained under a mental health act.

I AM a REAL WOMAN! Sometimes I bust ketchup packets in my pants to pretend I am having my period. Now THAT'S commitment!


If you're a real woman then why are all the cells in your body XY (with exception to some of your sperm cells in your testicles) Also why do you have testicles?

Legitimately interesting
Unfortunately a lot of this stuff goes over my head but I'd like to teach myself higher math some day

I guess it could depend on the occasion. Grabbing pizza somewhere always sounds cool tho

My mental and endocrinological sexes are female. I express myself as a woman, and plan to do as much as possible to be one (including changing my organs) which makes me a woman, despite being biologically male


because woman is a social role, those are independent from chromosomes
fuck off Shapiro

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Oh so endocrinologically you're a woman, it must save you a lot of money considering you don't need to buy hormones since your body naturally produces them, right?

feels just fine. i do happen to be bulimic and have borderline personality disorder but thats not relevant

my testicles are very feminine I will have you know

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Pizza is always a good choice. Depending on where the location is.

why havent you killed yourself yet, faggot?
Thats a rhetorical question, I don't care why, just do it shitstain

Social role? Being a viable female that can reproduce and have children? That's just innate, don't know what you're talking about

here's your (You)

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But you cannot reproduce as a woman. If you remove the male organs you just can't do it as a man either. Are you really gonna ruin your life for an impossible dream?

I sure hope so
That'd be really cool
I'd imagine it would cause a lot of awe, as well as conspiracy theories to spark

It can be hard. I have extreme social anxiety but not sure if that'd count as a personality disorder, but I do have depression

>b-being female is a societal role
Yeah, kill yourself.

i said woman and not female, there is a difference between sex and gender. we're clearly talking about gender when discussing transGENDER people

shh just let it find out the hard way. when it becomes a statistic it'll be funny

Seriously answer this?



an adult human female.

yep i produce them naturally via a prescription

i can have children , i just have to get my transman boyfriend pregnant with my penis


Im part of the 60% ;)

I'd much rather be a mother than a father
Lotsa cis women can't reproduce either


Join the 40%
Sincerely a gay man without an urge to mutilate myself.

again, we are clearly talking about the societal construct of a woman, not about having XX chromosomes and a womb

I dont know who this is answering for me , but im the OP and I find these answers asinine

>through a prescription
pick one, retard. you're endocrinologically a male If your need to take hormones to produce estrogen (apart from cases where your body produces to offset the over production of testosterone)

Are you fucking retarded?

>naturally via a prescription
Do you know what the word "naturally" means?

autogynophilic degenerate
you'll never be a woman no matter how hard you try
sometimes its better to accept yourself for who you really are (a man) and not pretend to be something you're not (a woman)

societal construct? you can't just choose to be the most privileged piece of shit human ever. man-up faggot. the only reason they get such privilege is because their baby-making capabilities hence why you'll never be accepted, either start transitioning back or kys

Lol @ all the fascists hating people for existing in this thread

Haha Haha you is a fag!

Fuck off Pedro

Lol @ all the men who think they're women with rotting open wounds in their crotches

>"gender and sex are two different things"
>"but also I need to get surgery for my sex to match my gender"
something ain't adding up

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almost as if that's a difficult enough issue to live with without people like you going out of their way to make them feel shitty

How do you know I'm not HSTS? ;)
Also blanchardism is a meme

Not how SRS works

Why are people triggered over a trans woman?

but I am a real woman because I feel like one, shouldn't that be enough?

Learn English nigger

someone needs to post the reddit pages / necrosis / worse after surgery / 1000s of posts shit

what? the 60% of disgraces that should off themselves because they are heretic disgusting creatures? Alright then.

that just makes you a fag

that's what i'm saying , why hate me because I like to pretend im having periods and PMS?

maybe people will stop hurting your feelings if you quit mutilating your fucking body like a mentally ill freak

Silence, Shitlyspic.

if I felt like a real sponge would that make me one

Some choose not to have the surgery

how do you "feel" like a woman?
feminine men exist

because no one else should have to pretend, that's why, I'm trying to live my life not play make believe

You mean

degenerate sage.

when did you realize you´re mentally ill?

pretty sure that would

“If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”
Statement of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, referring to attempts on the part of the White House to obstruct his investigation.
Washington, DC. May 29, 2019.

yeah, but the ones who do still claim that and its contradictory

It's funny cause literally none of this triggers me after hearing the same shit over and over again lol

I feel it deep in my imaginary vagina , you can't tell me that isn't a real feeling

Why do people think that there is such a thing as a feminine penis?

Comparing life forms to gender is dumb

>b-but I don't want to have to pretend
Too fucking bad. You were born a male, you will die a male. Deal with it.

swing and a miss i'm not a trans anything. maybe if you weren't afraid of fucking a man with a dress because you can't tell the difference you wouldn't be such an asshole


because Hyenas

why. if that thought never occurred to me then would I always have been a sponge? Or is it only when the thought is initialized?

yeah none of this triggers me either, I know im a woman on the inside. so what if i have a penis and feminine testicles? ;)

because they are faggots obviously

The lack of vagina is usually a dead givaway.

is revolution the only answer?

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What's wrong with mocking someone for self harm?

Because i lose faith in the human race when i see people this delusional and retarded moreso than anything else.

a man in a dress is degenerate but so as long as he just jacks off to it at home and doesn't tell me about it I don't give a fuck
keep your fetishes at home

Lemme smell yo diiickkk

Why do you people have nothing better to do than hate on someone for being what they see themselves as?

Explain what? They know who they are and they also chose to make a physical change. I don't recall any trans person confirm that they are now the gender they identify as after the surgery

Preeeety sure that ain't true bucko

February of 2017 :)


There really is. Under the effects of HRT your penis and testes shrink. It's kinda cool :)

Why should I 40% when I'm the 60% ;)

I personally believe so. I think it would be nearly impossible to successfully shift to communism via dictatorship of the proletariat. Instead, a revolt against the government is ideal

Shut the fuck you trannyloving nigger.


its degenerate, disgusting and self-destructive physically and mentally
its living a delusion to dull some other inner pain
a distraction
pretending to be someone you're not helps you disconnect


why? if the argument is "I am x because I feel like x" then why wouldnt any variable apply?

>Ask anything a transgender woman :)
Have a you considered that transactivism is a cult that convinces young people that they can change sexes, despite there being zero possibility to do so?

It's a social contagion... and the trans women (men) are driving the conversation via social media shame campaigns, while ignoring critical medical information about how dangerous and undesirable it is to medically transition.

You're the one that's going retarded over other people's decisions, they don't involve you, they aren't hurting no one and yet you're complaining, you're just really bitter

do you just feel that because talking heads told you or can you back that shit up with anything?

You got a hairy butthole?

>male woman

>female man

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Because the subject is gender, nothing else

Would you still have sex with a guy if he asked, since you have a working vagina?

I think this is a big part of what weakens the argument for trans people. Feeling like something does nothing to change what that thing is, if you "felt" like a rich person, it wouldnt grant you wealth ya know?

Alright, yiddle me this, goyim:
What's at once 0.6 and 40?

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KYS cunt

Is it gay for a man to shave his ass?

are you into guys? do you enjoy vaginal sex? does your vagoo give you dysphoria?

yeah that is true. I pretend because I was molested by my uncle when I was 4. He had a feminine penis, made me want one too ;)

>is it gay to be hygienic?

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Fuck I hate you silly hateful NPC's.

but, in the words of Jesus: "A man who cleans his house surely expects a visitor"

Why don't you kill yourself you mentally ill faggot


Cope and seethe, tranny mutt.

gender being socially constructed is true by definition, imagine arguing against a tautology

if you felt like a rich person and had a means to bridge the gap, you'd probably go for it.

who cares what jesus said
a clean ass is a clean ass
it'd only be gay if you plan on getting buttfucked

I'm changing my sex as much as I can, yes I know that currently chromies/uterus aren't there
It CAN be undesirable to transition from person to person. I'd never try to convince someone they should transition, because I don't want them to suffer possibly. However, it is clear to me that my best option is to transition


You do you Tbh

and if I try to make sense of it with anything else thats dumb? Doesnt that sound ignorant to you? Being trans doesnt innately hurt anybody else its not something Im against, but shouldnt these things still be based on facts?

I do have instagram and facebook profiles on which I proudly show new me to the world, and tell them how wonderful I feel. I sometimes write messages to younger people to not be afraid to be themselves. It may be hard, but it pays off :)

your best option is to put a bullet in your brain

Sounds boring tho

But I still got my penis fam

the smug aura this post has feels like you're lying and you hate yourself on the inside
we all know its true

absolutely but until you do something to change and bridge that gap, arent you the same person you were before?

I know? Not OP

Keep quiet, dog.

please explain
pic related

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If the subject is about gender, then to bring anything else that isn't related is a fallacy. But they are based on facts.

Stop projecting

why didnt you kill yourself yet faggot?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I can tell from the thumbnail it's probably the pirate penis person?

Well, they obviously had a failed surgery. That's why if you want SRS, you need to be careful of who your surgeon is, and what method they use

It's not Saturday yet

It's your many secret reddit accounts

>I do have instagram and facebook profiles on which I proudly show new me to the world, and tell them how wonderful I feel. I sometimes write messages to younger people to not be afraid to be themselves. It may be hard, but it pays off :)

I've seen creepy older gay men on my gay nephew's Instagram... they compliment him, and say things like 'You go girl" or "So hawt".

He's 14. it's a form of grooming, and I find it repulsive.

woman cannot be a "faggot", being into men as a woman is being straight. I didn't kill myself yet, because life is beautiful, and so are you guys ;)

ur gonna hate you and your body once you get older and can't afford to pay for your hormones anymore.
kys now to spare yourself from that misery

You are essentially a cross-dresser, albeit one with a distinctive mental illness. So since this is a choice, why did you choose to be degenerate?

Omg those people are shitty...but they are also gay, there must obviously be a connection

i dont know what you mean by same person. everybody changes on a daily basis, physically and mentally.

Not quite sure what you're getting at here

pirate penis? no. multiple people, 'best' transgender surgeons, experiences, etc., normal circumstances post-SRS, you'd never want SRS, it's truly a nightmare for your remaining existence. just realize you fucked up and trans back all ready. you can tell people your inner transwoman is really a transman, and try to get people to treat you like a special little faggot still.

Are you attracted to men?

Then you're gay...

Are you also a transexual?

Then you're a gay transsexual man.

You'll be happy when you admit this to yourself, and instead of trying to convince the world around you that black is white and up is down... men will never be women.

You'll never be a biological woman. You can live life as a woman, but life will be tough.

As soon as you start seeing objective reality for what it is, your depression and insecurities will start melting away.

please don't compare me to gay people. I have problems tolerating them.
Also I would never write anything sexual on board of 14 y.o. child. I am responsible, and I want people to see transgender people like me as an ordinary person

>I didn't kill myself yet
also you're still a man so yes you are a faggot

What made you realize that you were a woman? Around what age were you?

Most of the world finds gay people much more tolerable since they're at least being honest with themselves and don't expect people to treat them in a manner that's outside of the realms of reality.

I was around 11 y.o. when I was in swimmingpool dressing room, and I realised I am into older guys penises. I felt that characteristic urge of adventure and being totally into something in my abdomen... and it lasts until this day :)

why nobody asked about my feeling yet?

What if the 14y.o identified as a 20+ yo

I just looked at the image and it literally is the penis pirate person. I don't see multiple people, based on the username

Honestly though? I can't ignore the nightmare cases, which is why I plan to probably wait until better techniques are developed and better technology comes around, assuming that happens

I'm 19 now, and realized it about 2 years ago, although I'd been questioning for multiple years back. Never really felt like a guy tbh

then this argument is still shit
fuck off shapiro

theres a big difference between a gay man and a faggot
a gay man is a man who likes other men
a faggot is a prancing dancing prissy obnoxious bitch who's shit I want to kick in until he stops breathing

thing you said is mean, gay people are unnatural. Why would two people of same sex be into each other? biology is against it, they cant have babies.
And I am honest with myself. I was born a woman and I am and always was a woman. Just trapped in males body for a couple of years

You gonna show us you naked or not?

The point is not to be a biological woman, you are a woman. You talk some deep shit for a Yea Forums user

Meh I don't look very good naked

you can't change your age. And you can't change your sex. there are some thing you can't change in your life.

I never expected this thread to become so popular :)

You are a faggot

>Meh I don't look very good naked
I wonder why...
whole gaping open wound that needs to be dialated or else it will heal itself back shut really throws off the whole feng-shui

Sure you look way better than most these ppls
>man leaves family to become 6 yo girl
totally normal, nothing to see here.

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I am not a slut. not every woman is like this

Woman is a social role... One of the most stupid things and cheap justifications I've heard in my life.

Who are the bigger problem, Kapitalists or Revisionists?

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Age play is creepy

Still got my dick tho
I think trans vaginas look cute though, as long as it isn't penile inversion method

Hi mom

Did you find out you were trans by pretending to be a woman on the internet?

Attached: tr0o-femanon.jpg (345x337, 70K)

It's not play, she's a 6 year old girl forreelz

Hi user
Mommy hates you

You almost had me

How much do you know about the 40% statistic?
I never bothered to look into it, so, how many were those who could not/forced not to have surgery forcing them into a body they hated? How many had botched surgeries forcing them to live with a deformed body? and how many had body dysphoria not gender dysphoria, spent years getting into the opposite body only to feel like their original gender again?

but if she feels like a 6 year old then she has to be a 6 year old, right?
thats how trannies say it works, of course

>I'm a degenerate mentally ill tranny fuckup that wants to mutilate my genitals
>b-but I can't tolerate gay people
I'm not being edgy or ironic, you need to commit suicide.

read the articles, she now identifies as a 6 year old girl and has adoptive parents. she realized she was a living a lie as a 52 year old married father, so left her family to go live out her truth
totally normal. nothing. to. see.

I'm aware of the statistic, although I haven't looked much into it

You know what else has a 40% statistic? Cops domestically abusing their partners

Because I hate you and want you dead.


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sorry you've had such a crappy day/week/life user i'm sure things will get better

Cut your wrists

I suppose the anger inside you is unrevealed real sex that you don't want to accept

more then 40% (nearly half tbh) domestic violence victims are male.
Also, I was always kinda curious about that, statistic and how "true" it is, as it may actually have nothing to do with trans people but more a fact of botched surgery victims or even body dysmorphia rather then gender dysphoria.

we need to get rid of age and gender altogether on our oppressive government I.D's they serve no use in our enlightened society, everyone should pick their age and sex according to how they feel


How do you square a circle?

don't let it be there.

im a crossdresser, whats the best place/app for a CD/TS to get quality hookup dates? my filtering process usually gets me 1-2 a year and its not enough anymore. my ass needs regular poundings.

What do you think of the Soviet Union sending homosexuals to gulags?

I define myself as rich,happy and blessed with a big dick.
It's not true though, and I'm happy nobody lies to me that its true, just to make me feel better.
But hey! It beats getting your dick pulled inside out and letting another person fuck that gaping wound.

40% of all trans people would be a bit high for both having had surgery and it being botched, though

filtering process?

Yes i dont just let anybody with a cock take me, personal safety reasons.

Same reason high quality escorts charge 3-400 an hour

if your not into niggers im down

Depends on your city/country tbh

that's nice.

Sup dude, thanks for the accelerationsim

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You're obviously not a real woman then, real women come home with me after meeting me for the first time fairly regularly

I'm in USA - Chicago.

no shit? i stated specifically im a crossdresser, aka a man wearing a makeup a wig and a dress

That was the funniest fucking shit I've read all day lmao

Well then I guess biology was against you having a female body, huh? By your definition, that makes you unnatural. If you don't have your penis anymore, you can't have babies either. Funny how closely your description of intolerable people matches yourself

this says that the 2 largest leading causes for their "attempted" suicides was sexual and physical assault and then bullying and job loss. And as the sexual assault is about 20% of the population (just under about 17-18) and prolly a bit higher for people who have been assaulted (mugged for instance) this seems more like a general problem rather then and inflated? Btw, I'm not trying to attack you, I've just never seen anything specified and unfortunately this websites source doesn't exist anymore.

What if I feel like a 7-year-old demisexual male-to-female one day and fuck a 25-year-old but then the next day I feel like a 52-year-old asexual panromantic cis male? Does the 25-year-old still get picked up for statutory

>doesn't exist anymore
doesn't matter since transgenderism doesn't exist in the first place

ikr, thats part of my filtering process,
im close enough to be regular, but far enough to not be a distraction, im clean, make decent money and have a 6x5.5 cock

no obviously this would mean having sex with children would be fine so long as they identify as older. so on and so forth

Quit being a pussy and get the cock you crave. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit, particularly if you're already a degenerate faggot. Honestly you should count yourself lucky you haven't fooled a straight dude into coming home with you only to have him beat you to near-death after he realizes you have a sissy cock.

So I can legally go balls-deep in an 8yo girl if she identifies as a 26yo black man?

yes. and race is also a oppressive social construct, age race and gender lines must be destroyed for true world peace.

it'd make you gay though

who would ever choose to identify as a nigger? youre a fucking fool

an 8yo girl might, theyre pretty dumb

This sounds like an ideal world, if only because it means I get to fuck tight prepubescent snatch.

No, homosexuality is a social construct. If I suck a throbbing cock and swallow the gravy but I identify as heterosexual, I am heterosexual and if you disagree you're being oppressive and problematic.

You can choose to identify as a nigger who's not black, dumbass.

part of your filtering process is for a CD to not fuck black men? I can see the reasoning behind that.

Money doesnt matter I'm not broke i just want someone that will pound me but it won't hurt and isn't morbidly obese / disgusting.

I would beat their asses if they even tried something, just like i'd beat yours maggot. I can pick and chose who i want.

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>little sissy faggot thinks he can beat up anyone but a 12 year old girl on crutches
KEK. I'd put your AIDS-ridden ass into the dirt and then fucking pound you raw just to prove a point you disease-riddled faggotron.

>I would beat someone's ass if they got angry with me for intentionally misleading them
I hate how fucking entitled you faggots are. Gays should literally be executed.

01001001 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 00111101 00101111

I have a filtering process specifically to not get AIDS, unlike you. It sucks to have to accept that i'd put you on a headlock and whisper gay shit into your ear if you even attempted but its fine, nobody is judging you.

As if I wouldn't grind on their cock and let them fondle mine over my dress on the dance floor, only a fucking retard would get fooled after that.

01100010 01100101 01100101 01110000 01101001 01110100 01110100 01111001 00100000 01100010 01101111 01101111 01110000 01101001 01110100 01110100 01111001 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100011 01101100 01101001 01110100 01110100 01111001

>Internet tough-fag
Kek. Die of AIDS, fag.

Tits or, no. Just GTFO.

>backpedaling and damage control
I'd accept your concession, but it's probably covered in HIV and splooge.

I will outlive you. and probably bring someone over to fuck my ass over your grave when that happens. Faggot.

01101011 01100101 01101011

I'm mentally ill as well...

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Are you happy with the transformation? Was it what you expected it would be? Also what was the reason is it something you've always known or did it kinda creep up on ya?

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>Money doesnt matter I'm not broke
good, then you can travel to Detroit and pay for the hotel to get this dick

> i just want someone that will pound me but it won't hurt and isn't morbidly obese / disgusting.
im still pretty sure youre looking for me

>whisper gay shit into your ear
>grind on their cock and let them fondle mine over my dress on the dance floor
sign me up princess

>faggot calling someone else a faggot
Kek, the only thing your fat diseased unnatural degenerate ass is outliving is the jizz you shoot all over your boyfriend's Cheeto-dust-stained hand while he pumps your faghole with his micropenis.

Still early in so not happy yet
Live with parents still, and they're controlling about what I'm doing

I didn't really like puberty and I was questioning for a few years

>Edge samurai
Fucking kek

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just drove back from there yesterday so im not going back anytime soon

quiet down faggot you're angry that no matter how much you try, you will never get this, or a girl that looks anywhere remotely like this. And when you die my "boyfriend"'s cum will drip down onto your grave while he's pounding me over it.

Attached: a.png (458x817, 784K)

just glad there was no ceiling fan nearby.

>ugly-ass man face and hands
LMAO you can keep that degenerate fucking abomination, and kill yourself while you're at it. Fags like you should be put to death.

>a homofag that thinks it's allowed to have standards

Keep acting like you don't wanna fuck me, you're so afraid that everyone around you will judge you.
I'm actually flattered the best you were able to come up with is "man face" and "hands" to faux insult to keep your internet manhood intact

>so im not going back anytime soon
are you an actual woman? youre making this way more dificult than it needs to be. Do you use kik or something?

Wait, that scrawny thing is you? LMAO and you're sitting here talking about putting people in headlocks and shit, motherfucker I'd flatten you until you were nothing but a jizz pancake.

ugly as fuck, wtf

im an undefeated mma cage fighter

No? i said im a crossdresser

Sure you are, faggot. And I'm Donald Trump. Kys queero

HAHAHAHA fucking joke combat style


"combat style"
When you try to look like you know anything about martial arts on the internet where everything is googleable

You want to fuck me considering you haven't openly denied it nor posted a picture of yourself so i could reject you

if a woman has cock then it's a woman with cock
it's so simple dude

Attached: penis.jpg (407x405, 41K)

a man can't be a woman no matter how much he pretends.
a woman can't be a man no matter how much she pretends.

Attached: brie_ok.jpg (1072x1200, 525K)

You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. You still have XY chromosomes

i'm not acting like i know everything fag, but mma is a fucking joke. those fags are kind of good at a bunch of shit, it's absolutely fucking worthless in a real fight unless you're fighting a literal hamplanet asshat or some 90 pound nearsighted twig

this guy gets it

shut the fuck up gaynigger

Then good thing I'm not a man LOL

Attached: nog honk.gif (607x609, 754K)

You would be bent over and fucked in a “real fight” by any MMA fighter, and you’d probably like it too, faggot

uh huh keep telling yourself that little bitch.

>literal cocklusting faggot calling someone a faggot
Richer than fucking cheesecake.

Were you born with a cock? Then you are a man. Silence and kneel.

well that wasn't me but the more you bring up "real fight" the funnier this gets

keep crying you literal fagbag.

>No? i said im a crossdresser
are you done with this feeding the trolls bullshit? im tryna get that bussy, what is your preferred form of communication that doesnt involve/b/?

If an user has a retarded opinion than it’s a retarded user

imagine being so weak that you unironically think people doing a show sport are automatically stronger than you.
go lift some weights pussy

I'm a WOman though :)

MMA is a sport. There are rules in place to prevent certain maneuvers. It is not a legitimate fight. The same goes for boxing and other combat sports. It's like calling an airsoft/paintball match a firefight.

Why would I be crying when half of these degenerates trying to act like they dont want to fuck me, Literally want to fuck me? I get pleasure out of that not the urge to cry..

if anything you're the one crying talking about irrelevant shit - While wanting to fuck me.

>literally so stuck up your own gay ass you think everyone wants to fuck you
Nah, I'm good with not having AIDS, thanks.

Its probably worse for you that I know the rules and break them during your "real fight" scenario as opposed to someone that only benches and deadlifts but has zero clue on what to do besides run at me bent over trying to tackle me to the ground where most BJJ fighters will break your arm in an instant

no baby, im not done, but whats your kik?

I like how you're strawmanning and getting defensive when all I did was correct you. Look, kiddo, I get it. You think you're fucking John Wick. But the sad truth is you'd be absolutely worthless in a fight just like 99% of the shit-spewing mouth-breathers posting on this godforsaken imageboard.

"correct you"

I accept your concession.


an adult human female.


you see it wasn't so hard? nobody here cares that you wanna fuck someone wearing makeup + wig + girl clothes but has a dick. it literally doesnt phase them or change anything in their life. you just overthink shit

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

I was replying to the least embarrassing thing you've said in this entire thread..?

Nigger I'm not the user that was calling you a bunch of variations of "faggot". Come on now