Our penises are racially superior to yours

Our penises are racially superior to yours.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Look up sickle cell symptoms. One of them is a collection of dead cells that are stored in the penis. Those dead cells make the penis significantly thicker. Black people have big dicks because of a disease

Okay, you hoping I'll suck your fat cock? You want to see white boys cute green eyes looking up at you as his tongue caresses the bottom of your shafts?

This latino boi with the biggest one disagrees

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oh fuck yes. wrap them pretty pink lips around my fat black cock whiteboi.

his dick is made up of skin retard. it's like 5 inches without all the excess skin. doesn't count.

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That dude put weights and stretched his skin so much he broke his dick. No point in having a big dick if it doesn't work. Like having a Ferrari with no motor

The dicks in your favorite porn, are fake.

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I'm pretty happy with my average dick, you know, one that makes a girl moan in enjoyment instead of intense pain.

I'd love to lick the cum off that leg

compare veins on penis to buyable nigger penis. the picture you see is a shop of one such 'toy'

His isn't the biggest, he refused to take the bandages off to measure it for the world record.
The real record is still held by some fat white guy.

Whatever you say......

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>Bragging about cock size
>4 of the same threads about this already

Its pretty obvious since niggers have nothing else to brag about because of their sheer lack of brain cells and ape like mentality. The only thing they think makes up for it is a larger penis, its a like arguing with a 12 year old.

i don't know if its fake but still dick size doesn't mean shit to girls. like if you think your girl will chose another person (any race) because he has a bigger dick then you're a virgin and only had sexual contact with yourself while watching porn.

In a job interview or a love appointment.

Black Slaves: Muh Dik

Black Slaves: wy kan compete wite boi

Black Slaves: Muh Dik

-Size and weight?
Black Slaves: Muh Bi Dik (6")

still don't be racist, black guys making these posts and bragging about muh dick are probably virgins

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racism sucks, don't be racist it's just gonna fuel your hate etc. etc.

I think i have higher authority to be racist when all they can do is brag about dick size.

I don't think it's black guys posting these. When there's pro white nationalist threads, you get less blacked threads and vice versa. Just some Stormfags trying to get you to circulate their downsy ideology.

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OP's cancer is superior to ours.

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I out cancer you all.

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wtf does "racist" mean?

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A dogwhistle for car enthusiasts. He even uses the word "fuel"! They're crafty.

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evolved to accommodate the huge openings of the women of that race.

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This is a christian board, sir.

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Cant believe I forgot.

A Dark Elf's Pregnancy Petri Dish

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lol who jizzed on this faggot?

dafuq is this and why am i fapping to it

I'll be back in a bit. Please tell me if ou'd like loli, shota, or something else.

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Well my nose is racially superior to your neck nigger

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And what about your IQ ?

Sorry for the wait.

Love Across the Aeons

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That's all good and proper, but at the end of the day, what does it matter when you're carrying aids?

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What kind of autist actually has this shite saved in folders. Do people actually get off to this?

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Stop being tsundere.

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That's like saying one turd is superior to another.
Penises are garbage.

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Virgin detected.

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There's a short sequel.

Love Across the Aeons 2

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>The loli will grow old before Serberk finishes

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You're half white, half noodle eater, so shut up,Tenda

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I take the faggot part back, he's one of those closet pedos.

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The Creepy Glasses Girl Book

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Did you come here for bbc?

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No point on having a brain if it doesnt work negro

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Says the guy who's probably secretly posting this shit

ya missed one

This is fucking great doujins let me tell you that

It got swapped with a smug anime girl. Happens sometimes.

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Glad you like it.

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It's about to get dirty.

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nice shoop, Shlomo Avi Ben Cohen

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For some unknown reasosn, I can sense the no reason sharp teeth on her.

This. Imagine if guys chose partners based solely on boob-size. It's retarded.

Good stuff. Author does multiple basic short stories featuring this girl and others:

The Creepy Glasses Girl

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Then why is it black?

The oppossite. Its size makes it impossible to put it all the way into pussy. Asians & native american's dicks are too small to satisfy a woman. Therefore, White dick is the ideal penis.

The end?

Unfortunately, but the author's already done a shitton with her if you follow one of the links here

Bully and the Bullied

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if it don't send her to the hospital or kill her its not sex

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muh dik

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This a great artist.

Arisa's Bitch Project

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You Misspelled broken and out of Ideal Norm!

But hey that's probably the reason wy someone came on this Dudes Leg!

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your penis needs its own pantsleg and shoe

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Great artist. Be sure to read her "Somersault" series.

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I haven't posted any incest yet, which is weird for me.

Sister's Excuse

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wite gurl only want du big dik

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like Ice Cube said, big dicks in yo mouth are bad for your health. and big dicks dont do you much good in jail

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Thank you for reading. If I don't post a little sister every hour or I get shakes.

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Ok, I'm kind of having some information from "your future". Inflammation is the coming horizon of study. Inflammation plays a big part in why your bodies fail. That being said, large penises inflame the cervix and the resulting fetus is damaged by inflammation.

After the storms we don't care about such nonsense as skin color. Sure, we have our baggage but the important thing is "usefulness'".

BTW, most of you are gaining skills that won't be useful in the post storm world.

So, something something about penises and race.

There we go sport, that should tie you over for now.

You should have been paying attention to what was happening in the northern latitudes recently. It's the only warning your going to get.

Best wishes and hating you from the future!

Big penises imply a female lead evolution, bending to the pointless pleasure of women. All more male dominated species, baring logistics of impregnation, have small penises.

How can anyone think of themselves as male if they are designed by females irrationality?


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I think I will start opening these threads just in case you are posting some good hentai.
You are doing the gods work user. You have my full support.
Also congrats on good taste in porn :)

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