Is this a decent body for a 34 year old who doesn't work out or have a physically demanding job
Is this a decent body for a 34 year old who doesn't work out or have a physically demanding job
Femanon here, I'd absolutely fuck you
body is ok , tattoos are shit
Why the hell did you censor your dick.
Also yeah your tattoos are total garbage.
You might literally be the king of skinnyfats.
Much. Don't know what you're afraid of. Your dick is big. More to the point you've got a decent bod. Better than most. You might define your muscles a bit more but you look good. Me and my wife would def bone you.
Yeah I should start doing some physical exercise.
Also thanks
Last bump
It'll be good for your heart and lungs too. It's pretty pathetic to have a nice body but lose your breath going up stairs or fucking. What's your hair like?
Hairline good. Slicked back undercut. I used to be rather fit back in the day (10+ years ago)
I don't give a fuck about your hairline bro. It's how you wear it that matters. Remember that Patrick Stewart, bald as an apple, was voted sexist man alive in the 90s.
True true, that's what I thought you meant when you asked.
Not surprised tbh. I started losing my hair at 17 and I'm pretty fucked now. Started shaving my head and get compliments all the time.
Anyway, the point is you got a nice body, a nice dick, and you seem at least somewhat chill. I don't know what you're worried about. But I suggest you capitalize on your situation and start hitting the gym. not because you're fat or anything, just to put on a little bit of muscle. You don't need to be a bodybuilder, but get some definition and work on those pecs.
My boss is 65 and he's solid muscle and looks great. He gets hit on way more than I do and he's an old cowboy. If you start working out now and getting cut it won't be an uphill battle.
Thanks user. Might be the little kick I need to get into better shape.
I used to be a personal trainer and I've seen a lot of people get a big dick about working out and getting cut before bailing.
Get past the first 2 weeks.
You make it through the first two weeks and you're golden. Those first two are always the hardest. Power through them, and it won't be a chore to do to the gym - it'll just be another part of your day. You'll look forward to it.
You'll want to puss out, but stay strong. You can do it.
I don't think the gym is my thing honestly. I'd likely get back into boxing, twice a week should be a good start. Also I'd feel weird being at the gym by myself.
Boxing would be fine, but the advice stands.
Noted, appreciate it.
would drain and keep on sucking/10