Is Islam the real redpill? It is the fastest growing religion and is forecasted to overtake and displace christianity and secularism.
Is Islam the real redpill...
>sand niggers who have to pray five times a day and can't be trusted to look at a woman
Lmao no, weaklings herd to causes that give empty promises all the time.
Islam is going nowhere in the long run, by which I mean it won't be successful, fuck Muslims
fuck islam , fuck mohammed, fuck the koran.
Religion is dark age nonsense and the bane of human advancement. It has no place in a civilised world and should be abolished.
this is the good shit
How can you say that when all evidence indicates the opposite?
Faith is blinding and binding. Its forces you to see the world in one way and one way only. It dosent matter what your faith is. Its a limiting view on the world. Religion held man kind back for thoursand of years. Don't get me wrong, there might be some higher power out there, but I would like to see some proof before I have to start following blindly. Ofc muslims use violence to convert people. And violence is a effective tool, you might think you are a badass. But truth is, we are all just human. And we are all just weak and pathetic. Tho there are some upsides to following a faith blindly, it can give you and your life meaning in your eyes. Dedicating your self towards something. And having faith that death is not the end. But some fuckers just take things way too seriously and way too far. Muslims are a dominant force to be sure. I don't really see it being the next huge religion. I see it more like a threat if you want the faith of islam to be spread into the west, prepear your self for a new dark age. Because shit will hit the fan. Just look at our history, religious people are delusional. Who think they are allways in the right because they are the faithfull and the faithful can never be wrong...
found the sandnigger
Its the fastest growing because faggot liberals such as yourself invite them into the west and subsidize their lifestyles to show how virtuous you are to your equally faggoty friends, allowing them to shit out as many kids as they want with zero consequences, because they know some leftwing-leaning fuckboy is going to pick up the tab.
No. Islam is beyond fucked up. Religions are in general garbage but islamists are fucking scum.
Evidence can be misleading, think for yourself
In what way is this misleading
yes it is and yes it will
That’s a funny way to say “if the facts aren’t on your side, don’t reevaluate your position; just make shit up.”
Hilarious. "Don't trust evidence, be a free thinker" great artgument, user
remember the "convert or die", people prefer living than diyng.
I honestly think that would lead to the real civil war in America. It wont be a race war, it wont be because some president got impeached, it will be about others pushing their religion on others. And Islam looks like it might start the biggest shit.
>believing in god
okay muhammad
It really is ironic that the left embraces it; almost like they know all the other shit they push is fucking stupid.
Get off Muhammad's cock
Overtake in what sense?
Just more religious nonsense.
Islam has already overtaken the west qualitatively. Look at the steadfastness and tenacity in the heart of the Muslim; look at the suffering he is willing to endure and the sacrifices he is willing to make on the battlefield.
Look at it next to the consumerism and sexual deviancy of the west. There is no comparison.
Our (non-muslims) kill to death ratio against muslims is about 1000:1 so I think we will be ok.
Religion is the opposite of redpill
Conciousness/God is cool and all, but everything else is goofy.
Thats because in their wars americans are usually distant from the battlefield, operating artillery and aircraft while local proxies or mercenaries do the majority of closerange infantry combat. If you include these forces and take a holistic view of the situation then you will see that the kill ratio is even or even slanted in favor of the Muslims (not that kill ratios have ever actually mattered from a military perspective)
It doesn't really matter how many there are, since they are institutionally incapable developing or using technology. As long as the US can produce more bullets than there are muslims we're good.
I'm a Muslim
can I drink ? -NO!
can I have a girlfriend? -NO!
drugs? NO!
fuck Islam and my pedo prophet
my name is Mohammed
not even kidding
wish I was.
Libertarian Socialism is the final redpill.
When american ground forces engage, they tend to obliterate the enemy. You really think muslims are going to be able to kill the entire world? The world is quickly turning against them. It's quite literally impossible for them to win unless they engineer a mutating virus that only kills non-muslims somehow.
How is that going to help when America/Europe are eventually over 50% Muslim by population?
Where are these magical recruits coming from? Most people here hate them.
Look at the demographic trends.
You can't stop whats coming.
lol ok.jpg, but im looking forward to killing them in person like much of my family has
Every time a fucking sprout is pushed out by one of your breeding machine it's categorized as a muzzie.
The (((statistics))) make me laugh, how can you be so sure your "muzzie" babies won't turn away from your religion?
Inb4; muzzie one day muzzie always.
If islam would team up with the west it would be unstoppable but saudi's ruin everything
On my bike riding to Mecca! Will be there soon.
Muslims are like the fucking Orks of middle earth
And the cube is sauron
You know what to do!
Kinda right, let's give Israel to the sandniggers and they leave Europe.
If not, fuck you!
Nice quads of knowledge though.
Joining a movement/religion because it's popular is just a form of giving into peer pressure.
Yep this. Islam is just a fad. It’s never going to be truly popular