post coal burners
Post coal burners
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no one liked my meme
milo is a filthy turd burglar who gets off on trumps fecal fumes
No. Disgusting. Not that kind of coal burner
Fuckin british shit
I used to live across the East River in Manhatan from this place which was in Queens, it was lovingly known as Big Alice.
>Big Alice
How did it get that name?
3/10 bait
Pretty good, but needs work.
Would trigger /k/, though
>be hard working factory owner
>rich as fuck
>married to a 10/10 blond trophy wife named Alice
>come home one day
>see Alice riding a black man in bed
>kick her ass out
>name new plant in town 'Big Alice'
I don't know and I lived there for a pretty long time, it's probably one of those terms that people just spread around yet nobody really looks into.
That ships runs on oil/diesel.
Large Marge
>civil war involves machine guns, submarines and next gen ironclads
America had an alpha as fuck civil war
The brits are the only ones that do their carriers with that curved runway.
Likes the black meat
this is why I ask, I'm sure there's some good story behind it
There was nothing civil about that.
We call it war of the states here.
Also saw the start of trench warfare
I thought China and Russia did too?
Does she? Not surprising
Married to this guy
They had to copy stuff from somewhere and well, it hasn't done too well for them.
Jesus, she must really have self-esteem issues if she thought THAT was the best she could get, ffs
Where my /n/iggers at?
Now if only the right side had won...
That shouldn't have cracked me up as much as it did
I hate that meme so much, but it always makes me laugh
That means it's working
Rollin for the one in blue on the left
1. I like the girl in the blue dress
2. The fuck is up with that one dude's toe?
Fuck you, I called her first!
How did it even get connected to the Confederacy anyway? I'm curious about this evolution
I was about to dispute you, but you can't dispute those digits. I yield and decide to get the one in the red dress
Kino choice
>posting a coal burning without the actual burning of coal
Why do you faggots do this? If you're going to shitpost, do it right
No disputing that's she's cute too. I want to know what they're cooking in the background, I bet it smells pretty good.
Hopefully it's hobo breakfast
Marching barefoot for days on end
hahaha it's a fuckin' train, the girl in blue distracted me.
...that's the whole joke. The train burns coal to go, otherwise what would the purpose of that picture being posted
I don't get it. What's the joke?
pregnant Anne Frank
Annie the pregnant Jew needs someone brave and strong to protect her from the evil Nazis.
And Y*nkees just aren't going to cut it.
>he doesn't know
Thats weird. Im actually from Anne Franks country but Im completely clueless. She died barely fertile, whats the catch?
yeah yeah yeah, it took a few minutes to sink in
green skirt on right pls
Godzilla knows what to do with those trains!
God, this is the most Yea Forums thread I've seen in a long long time
Now for the obligatory Hitler
this is bait right? I've had to see that shitty pasta for years
She's a bit goofy looking but she has potential.
Guys, I'm trying to go nofap, but I have blueballs, what do?
>She died barely fertile
She died at 15. That's such prime breeding age that she's literally legal in your country.
>whats the catch?
It was one of those things she never got to experience :'(
I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank.
that's the admiral kuznetsov
The express is stopping right here to pick everyone up!
>Im actually from Anne Franks country
Cool, what do you think/know of the US Civil War?
>Sister Margot
What does sister Margot look like?
D&RGW Locomotives are top tier.
Based copypasta poster
>mffw this pic is actually relevant to the thread
No, its prime bait. You'll have to wait another year.
>It was one of those things she never got to experience :'(
And what does any of this have to do with the southern states?
Fuck off.
nerdy older anne frank
She's a dirty whore that ended up doing porn.
Trust me. They're fertile at 11, unfortunately.
You can put that right along side of the Soviet Space Shuttle.
She doesn't look very kosher
Jesus, look at that schnozz coming in. Bullet dodged.
I mean us. Not her.
What's this here?
The Soviets only built the Buran because they wanted to see what the Americans were up to. They flew it once (I think?) succesfully and then discarded it because it was just less efficient than building a rocket.
Step aside,
It's time for the Night Train
The Night Train to Cairo!
Madness - Night Boat To Cairo - Reading Festival 2011.mpg
The train to the boat!
Proof Annie was fertile since about 10.
Quite little. Few states wanted out, others didn't let them. Kinda what we're having in europe right now.
That thing never got off the ground unless some slaves were carrying it.
Yah, but nobody gets raped in foo...
>coal burners
wtf? story?
>No, its prime bait.
I thought you Euros had notoriously low ages of consent?
>And what does any of this have to do with the southern states?
Everything ;)
Having shrine like that isnt perfectly normal.
I consider a grown man with this much sports memorabilia to be weird also.
Once upon a time some beaner fucked his 8 year old daughter and got her pregnant.
The end.
Although she is Hispanic, so technically 10 seconds of sustained eye contact tends to do the same thing.
I suppose 16 is kinda young, but you're not gonna stop them at that age anymore anyway.
>Everything ;)
This is not helping. The confusion is starting to hurt
Took way too long for this to happen
>And what does any of this have to do with the southern states?
It's an alternate history meme combining the two most-popular topics of alt-history discussion. World War II and the American Civil War.
It's become fused into "Would a Confederate victory in the Civil War result in Anne Frank becoming pregnant during World War II"?
And the answer is a resounding Yes.
>race course
Exactly. If all hope of escape is taken away, then the jew loli will fuck her way to freedom.
It never stopped me at 16 but by then I was already doing after school and summer jobs so making my own money, legally.
>Once upon a time some beaner fucked his 8 year old daughter and got her pregnant.
Well, the fucking part wasn't. But the birth thing is. She's basically unavailable for sex for 9 months because your dick only fits if you jam it past her cervix into her uterus.
holy shit kek
That's not exactly how it works...
So the baby had visibly damaged by father not holding back for 9 months? Do continue...
I'm the Austrian, so it works the way I say it works.
>She's basically unavailable for sex for 9 months because your dick only fits if you jam it past her cervix into her uterus.
>not fucking her brains out day and night while she's pregnant
lol what a faggot
A bit of respite
It's simple math
8 yr old girl + 9 inch ron jeremy dick + strict anti-abortion laws in a catholic country = no sex for daddy.
well you could but the baby's gonna grow up to look like this.
The idea is that a Confederate victory either stops the Nazis from rising to power or the Confederacy joins the Allies and proceeds to beat the shit out of Nazi Germany before they can kill Anne Frank
Hell is that from?
No it's not. Don't be silly.
Please tell me this happened on the other side of the border and not ours...
no, i'm saying if the confederates won, we wouldn't have joined the fight in WWII. Thus her family would know there would be no way they would survive, because the older women were a bunch of old busted up jew broads, but she could survive because everyone wants to fuck a 14 year old, so she might have survived if she got knocked up by a german soldier.
See, it's all liberals fault i use anne frank to clean my balls.
Not the poster but I think it's from "The Strain"
But the Nazis didn't kill Anne Frank. She died of disease
if this happened on our side, there would have been a shitshow on both sides of the isle. liberals would be talking about abortion rights and incest shit and the male gaze and sexual predators and the patriarchy, and the conservatives would be screaming degenerates and double anchorbaby and would be saying this is the reason we shouldn't let spics and their kids in.
But it happened on the other side, which means nobody gave a shit about the brown rats.
If you call being fucked to death by a room full of german shepards a disease..
Shit, I didn't know this was a comfy thread
Get that diesel running shit the fuck outa here
If they were going to fake it i think they'd be a bit more careful than that. And also they would have probably wouldn't have put shit in there about her periods.
Theres nothing wrong with her diary. It should serve as a precautionary tale for jews - get out of hand again, your grand kids get to live in fear in some dutch assholes hot attic for months until you're ultimately dragged out and sent to a murder camp.
ballpoint pens were invented in 1888 so this one isnt really accurate
It was written with a thin ballpoint pen. Also, the person who wrote the diary was compensated for his work.
and the world is flat, and they faked the moon landing and they're turning the frickin frogs gay.
Not only that, but they have cross examined the diary and anne franks writings in school. And it didnt look like the same person wrote it.
Turning the frogs trans you mean. A real thing that happened with certain chemicals, retard.
Not only that, but there's proof that eisenhower met with the aliens and exchanged children for technology, that MLB baseball controls peoples thoughts and the royal family are lizards.
No, i mean it's turning the frickin frogs gay.
are you a retard or just american?
"OK-1K1 completed one unmanned spaceflight in 1988, and was destroyed in 2002 when the hangar it was stored in collapsed."
That's so russia.
Roasties btfo
lel good move
also wtf isnt this the bitconnect fuck who got sued to hell?
Diary was not written in pen. It was written with a fountain pen which had been around for a long time. Page numbers and notes were added by someone else later. That pen shit is lame ass stuff.
Poe lil niglet
Well, she's not a nigger. They're both just really ugly spics.
Still. Mongrel race.
well, also he's apparently captured all his own pieces. And the other side hasn't moved. Like, At all.
These roller derby bull dykes will diesel your ass if you're not careful!
well, tbh, the royal family thing is true.
The Dubliners - Whiskey in the Jar (best version!!!)
Coal burner found
Hang 'em high!
how and why did roller derby become such a dike thing?
I dont think his application to jeep the jeep owners club will go well either
When wasn't it?
Well, of course it is. It's a totally reasonable assumption that the royal family are spaceborne lizard people in disguise.
I mean, you see them and think "of COURSE they are. And their master plan is to dominate the world. By losing their empire. And addressing their 'subjects' at christmas. And waving.
I never claimed it ever was, I'm just curious as to why it became that way
Do they ride around on that while huffing jenkem?
but harry did pass over Jenna to marry Megan and thats not really human behaviour
I suspect the truth will be way worse than that
It seems as if the British government wants that as it deflects from their ineptitude and their lack of being able to execute brexit. No matter what happens it can be blamed on the royals.
WTF, is that a brit slag?
oi yank our women are all stylish superior ladies
Is that one of those fucks from Equitorial Guinnea that eats his ememies "to gain power?"
Places such as that should be glassed.
Why? Have you ever killed someone at close combat.? No, then shut the fuck up, im a Navy seal and I eat my enemies heart.
hahahaha! You got no total loicence on that stylie.
didnt you see black panther ? those places would be advanced space faring civilisations if it wasn't for whitey
Well, in fairness, she does have kind of disappointing tits for such a great face and nice body.
Blamed on evil space lizards, you mean.
What does that have to do with Equitorial Guinnea you dumb shit. You're full of crap.
is that you on the left ?
they wuz kangs and sheeit.
why cant you racists ever see the beauty of black culture ?
I wish gas was that cheap where I practice racism.
still, they're not flapjacky. But they are niggery. so flip a coin i guess.
and where is that ?
yeah and her friend looks Irish
No I'm more like the flag holder on the car.
--- crickets ---
That's funny!
You buy your tops from wall mart to ?
that bucket was suspiciously handy
I do a CBA, if something costs less at walmart or it's not otherwise available then I don't mind buying from there. What are you some kind of asshole that spends more than necessary just because you're on EBT so you don't pay for it directly?
you know what the rocks mean ? some kind of national achievement in rock stacking ?
no im a britbong with no idea what CBA stands for
I'd trust that guy further than I would trust a nigger, bank on it.
Not a particular fan of the military, but that is kind of a shitty shoop. Somewhere, something has to mean something rather than just a joke.
I'm a Social Worker and shit like this is a fact.
It was exactly that kinda attitude which lead to Hilary losing
first mexican now black
maybe hes packin a hogleg
It was MS paint newb
the blond chick? then you know the rules.
Cost0Benefit Analysis, it's a business term and of course you don't understand it because you're a fucking brit too used to living on the dole.
I think johnny rebs grandma had a little nig in the woodpile
Cost benefit analysis. And any idiot that does this over a $7 shirt purchase should rethink their life purpose and then rededicate their remaining years to serving the Lord.
This one is more appropriate.
>serve very cold
you dont want it energetic in your mouth
bu... bu... she's not holding a flag, look at her hands.
Cost Benefit Analysis in walmart ? those clothes were made by a child slave in india or china and no one lives on the dole around here thats a northern thing
well, you've just informed the entire world that the level of intelligence that you possess is barely enough to respire.
and yet the salient point remains, you fucking fortnite player.
Bit harsh friend if she does look like the blonde in the pic that would be social climbing
I was just about about to post coontown.
Who the fuck said I was buying clothes in Walmart, you did and you're wrong. But they do have some packaged products such as these that I'd otherwise have to mail order because nobody else stocks them around me.
For the exact same product why should I spend more at some fancy store?
As I said, you're an idiot. I bet you're on a cellphone 24/7 while shaking keys around, the standard "look at me, look at me" type.
OP is a fag, that is an oil burner
Apparently I'm pretty good at nigger detection, it sure drew you out. a tuberculosis-riddled work camp where she was imprisoned by the Nazis and not treated
Shh, She was born a coalburner, before her handlers turned her into a grease gobbler
Don't forget the Alabama Leprechauns in two parts, courtesy of niggers.
Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama
Alabama Leprechaun Part II
Don't have it, it was a random save.
Great salsa picante BUT i haven't been in a Wal-Mart in over 20 yrs. Live by principles, not conveniences
You're in a war. Who do you send supplies to, your army, or some foreigners you want out?
Casual reminder that Auschwitz had an Olympic sized swimming pool, soccer league, orchestra, hospital, and theater that the Jews all participated in, not to mention their own currency they could earn and use for things there.
Trips checked
Keys ? that technology is 10 years ago yank and you cant find certain things except at Walmart ? where the fuck do you live Alaska ?
That's a neat pool table tho
>thats why i shop at target/big lots/costco/etc
Damnit, was hoping you could help me find more
Hah yank tv and black people its a marriage made in heaven on the other hand i cant even get Lucy to point out the clouds for me
Huuuuuge pecker
More forward car standing with headband please.
With terms that big you'll make manager any day now
New York, and dumb bitches walk around with keys and a phone in one hand shaking them around to get attention and a starbucks in the other.
Believe it or not those little electronic keys are more hackable then proper locks.
I only wish that those dumb bitches would while staring at their cellphone and looking for attention fall into an open manhole or walk into the street and hit by a truck. They wouldn't be missed and I wouldn't lift a finger to help them if I saw it personally.
I should have done this.
Simple search,
Bernie Ame
Here are a few more anyway.
I really hate this cunt
>I want to find (a white guy) who will take care of me
She whores around with niggers, then when shes economically depressed with a goblinchild and the niggers run off, she starts looking for a white man to raise her orc brood.
When the whites obviously realize they have better things to do than her, she calls them racist. Why isnt she looking for a nigger to take care of her?
I've avoided that since I was a little kid. In fact I've been making more money then my managers, directors, etc since then.
Oh my god chicks with shit missing are so hot.
True the car theft rate has gone through the roof recently apparently the chavs can get stuff that copies the signal and they can nick your car in seconds. So the other ladies of new york annoy you ? they letting the feminist side down with their behaviour ?
I believe that foreigner Frank also would have liked to be sent out of the country. Shame about that, they had to keep her for the orchestra huh
Weird to me that Nazi apologists want to kill Jews but also won't admit the Nazis were killing Jews
The just don't present themselves as being anything worthy of wasting my time with. That may come across as arrogant but it's based on "been there, done that" experience.
Women don't typically marry for looks like men do. Women are attracted to personality, intelligence and status.
that guys is a wealthy and accomplished music producer. He has more money, more respect and more status than you, or anyone you know.
... posting here on Yea Forums is more entertaining than NYC chicks these days.
A sense of humor helps a lot as well.
Its like the kid was handed broccoli, or a lump of shit for a present
She wasn't a foreigner. She was german born.
All big cities are a bit like that people are more concerned with status when a decent life depends on the area you live in, things are somewhat different here in southern England
Brit friend in Times Square
"During 1963, Allis-Chalmers announced that ConEd had ordered the "world's first MILLION-KILOWATT unit...big enough to serve 3,000,000 people." This sheer scale helped the plant become popularly known as "Big Allis"." (Wikipedia)
One wonders at the parents motive ?
It's a place I'd like to visit sometime and just wander around some.
Well ya, that counts as part of personality.
hahaha, I learn something new every day, and I'm the the one that posted the Big Alice. The original photo was like 6 or 7MB so I had to scale it down so it would upload here.
discord gg BbVfpcb
to make a funny vine of their disappointed daughters.
and if they had a mythical metal that could do anything.
Lots of yanks do exactly that you can walk between the villages and most still have a pub for lunch if you ever make it check out some of the national trust places they have some amazing castles etc
ah child abuse
the Chinese would mine it
When you're a 14 year old autistic edge lord nothing is sacred.
Mike Damone's Five Point Plan never hurt.
First of all…
First of all, Rat, you never let on how much you like a girl. “Oh, Debbie. Hi.”
Two, you always call the shots. “Kiss me. You won’t regret it.”
Now three, act like wherever you are, that’s the place to be. “Isn’t this great?”
Four, when ordering food, you find out what she wants, then order for the both of you. It’s a classy move. “Now, the lady will have the linguini and white clam sauce, and a Coke with no ice.”
And five, now this is the most important, Rat. When it comes down to making out, whenever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV.
This is classic Americana.
From Fast Times at Ridgemont High
At least I know to stick to the road and stay off the moors.
of course she's from fucking brazil
The moors are up north with the chavs and Muslims all is green around here that field pattern is over 1000 years old
That's beautiful but we have that in New York. I want to chill on on those Giants Steps. We don't have those in the states, I guess that's Ireland?
Brasil. z is more the Spanish / English spelling, with an s is the portuguese spelling. Brasilian friends told me about that.
Giants causeway ? like i said the national trust has the best stuff (northern Ireland is part of Britain)