Why is communism such a bad thing?

Why is communism such a bad thing?

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Think about it.

you can't have supply and demand when everything is free

it threatens our capitalist overlords

is a jewish plot

The only way to make everyone equal is to make them equally impoverished.

Its not free youre working for it

This. Also, it can work for a little while in a small like-minded homogenous group but will fail as soon as someone steps away from the commune mindset, a mindset that runs contrary to evolutionarily ingrained animal behavior except when dealing with immediate family. At its face communism isn't a bad thing. Neither is capitalism. The problem is every political and economic system is based on the faulty premise that people are basically good when in reality, given a situation without consequences, most people would slit your throat for $100.

it has less checks and balances than even capitalism, allowing useless assholes to rise to positions of power.

In principle, communism does have its merits. But as in other systems, it can be hijacked by an elite class.

Because faggots like it

For it to work it requires literally every single person to follow it voluntarily and honestly. This will never happen.
The moment someone starts asking for things in return for his services/goods/ideas he well be far better off in terms of quality of life than everyone else. People will realize this, want the same for themselves, and the whole system falls apart almost instantly.
The only way to prevent this is forcing people to uphold the system, which has always, and will always devolve into violence.

It's idealism that requires absolutely perfect adherence to the proposed system by literally everyone.

Little to no social or economic freedom

Because in order to facilitate the necessary incentives and forces to create a communist society there needs to be a ruling class that makes sure the division of product is equal, which in itself defeats the purpose of communism.

Go with socialism instead. All the benefits of communism without the crazy

Rich people don't like it.

It isn't. It's perfect.
It also can only exist in theory because people are dumb assholes

uhh thats not how it works

Truth. Humans have designed these systems without factoring in greed and power.

Because it's utopian.

because its jewish,people starve and its the pure evil

>Why is communism such a bad thing?

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It's not.

Because when wages are uncoupled from actual work, you get the DMV and the post office. Neither individuals nor firms will work like they give a shit if they have 100% job security lmao.


The same reason why Anarchy never works. Human beings aren’t perfect creatures.

There is a limited supply to most resources on earth. With communism either nobody will have access to these resources, the resources are used and spread so thinly that they are not useful anymore or they become damaged, or the most likely situation is the political elite will have exclusive access to the resources.

This is the most retarded argument against socialism. In reality, it's capitalism that requires perfect humanity in participation, and lacks the structures to eliminate cheating. Cheating is how capitalism works. You're supposed to cheat others, find loopholes around your contracts (or simply refuse to abide by them and then have better lawyers than the other guy), steal and conquer to open up new resource pipelines. But that's unsustainable. Already we're reaching the practical end of the ability to uncover and acquire new resource pools on earth, and it's destroying the labor market. Everyone knows this. Capitalism is collapsing, and doing so pretty fast.

Because it is a lot more repressive than the typical capitalistic democracy.

Huh. I expected Cuba to rank a lot higher on the list. Probably because of the climate and better land for agriculture. BTW, this is missing Venezuela.

Showing us the list of countries the US has secretly or overtly undermined or overthrown doesn't really make the point you think it does about socialism.

It can't be bad if it dosen't exsist, ya dig?

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> the faulty premise that people are basically good

That's why I think that the best system possible is the one with as little government as possible. Because I can't use the assumption that the people in government are good.

I'm not retarded enough to believe we can play without at least SOME commonly agreed to rules and some way of enforcing them, therefore SOME government is needed.

Because people will never be equal.
One works harder than the other;
One is smarter than the other;
One doesn't want to work;
One is plain dumb as shit.

So why exactly would any of this work, if there still is greed, laziness and things alike.

Communism would ONLY work if literally everyone is equal and all jobs, working times, pressure, required knowledge/intelligence and such would be equal, which it's not, thus it would never work.

People who want communism want to be ants. Ants (or bees) have as close to communism as can be had in a universe with entropy. Funnily enough, ants and bees both have a "ruling class" of sorts, kek.

1000 hours in paint. None in history class.

Why be a doctor and deal with stress if there is no incentive

In Soviet Russia YOU are history.

People are neither basically good nor evil. There is no such thing. You have to examine the material conditions, and the social structures they create and are in turn reinforced by.

>countries the US has secretly or overtly undermined or overthrown
yep, it's not up to date.

Because of glorious workers' paradise. Also gun to the back of your head.

Or. OR. Just an idea, hear me out: jet individuals decide instead of subjecting them to the results of someone else's subjective analysis. You know with elections, freedom, all that shit.

>58 million in the USSR, and 20 million killed during ww2, would be more than half of the entire soviet population. And somehow they were still a superpower. Communism must be the most effective system in mankind, since they their nation can survive and become the most powerful country in the world, despite losing over 50% of it's entire population.

Or those numbers are made up.

First of all. OP asked about communism, not socialism. Second, if you had read the post you would see that no argument was made for capitalism and it suffers from the same inherent problem as communism. How it works in theory and how it works with real life humans are 2 very different things. If you look at the application of socialism, it too has failed. Not because the theory is bad but because people are.

To have a working system you must begin with the proper assumption that people are aggressively self-centered. Instead of working against human nature you need to find ways to channel human nature so that "doing good" is the optimal route towards personal benefit. Ultimately I believe this will be a mix of socialism and capitalism that has yet to be found. Core to this, I believe, is to reduce inheritance such that the amount that can be inherited is tied to median income. As long as you have individuals who can begin life as economic gods relative to other people you will never have a system that works for everybody

Note that the entire soviet population at the point of dissolution was around 300 million. And that's with a declining birthrate due to human conditions and the population implosion due to WW2. 58 million is probably exagerated but then 7 million is the number of victims of the Holodomor, so 58 million might be possible if you include the 20 million ww2 casualties.

it isn't, but the (((elites))) wan't you to think it is

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I see this argument a lot. So you're saying that all doctors are just there for the money and those that participate in things like "Doctors without borders" just do it for the holier-than-thou" attention and not because of sentiments about helping people? Take away the cost of medical school and I'm quite sure we would have plenty of doctors willing to work for less money.

Who will want to work for it anyway if its free, niggers already do that and they are the scum of the earth for that so if everyone else do the same then everything goes to shit, back again rinse and repeat.

I believe those estimates includes the war, post war, and their effects on eastern Europe. Essentially all causes of death with a direct link to the soviet union over a period of 70 years.

Lol, so I'm no fan of communism, but you clearly dont even understand what it is. The main difference between capitalism and communism is that the means of production belong solely to the government as opposed to private owners, supply and demand are still a factor but it's the government that is in charge of running the market. Meaning instead of multiple businesses competing to out perform each other, you have the government running EVERYTHING. Which is why I'm not a fan, capitalism has its problems for DAMN sure, but at least ownership of all vital goods and services isn't concentrated in one place. Communism is just a government monopoly over trade, and monopolies are only good for those who run them.

Communism/socialism is opposite to freedom
The only one fair communism is in your family when you provide to your child and don't expect anything from them.

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Elections? I have participated in almost every local, state and national election for decades. NOT ONCE have I ever voted for somebody. It has always been the predicted lesser evil of the rich guy, or the stooge of the rich guy, given to us to choose from. It is impossible to have meaningful elections when the candidates are dictated by those with money.

>t. porky

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>dude just rely on charity
That's retarded. You don't get more medical services by chasing away all the people that take the job for the paycheck. When every doctor quits except the subset of doctors that work for warm fuzzies, you get a collapse in the number of doctors and medical care becomes more difficult to obtain for everyone.

because slaving away for jeff bezos is what real freedom looks like


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You're not wrong about capitalism, but what you're not realizing is that communism is ultimately the same thing, the only difference is who owns it. It's just a monopoly in the form of a government, once your government owns every business in your country youll be dealing with all the bad aspects of capitalism, but to the extreme. In capitalism big business will fuck you as hard as they can to make a buck, in communism theres only one big business and it owns EVERYTHING, and if you try to take them to court...
They are the court.

ITT: Kapitalist NPCs desperately trying to defend their overlords

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This. The elites in control of politics and media tell us it's bad, therefore its bad. Much like your employer hating unions, meanwhile they'd actually benefit you and not them

because banks and big business would have you believe otherwise. its better to keep feeding the machine, so that only one person can keep making his dreams come true.

Fuck you're naive.

like most systems, it doesn't scale well.

Large-scale communism ends up with people lining up for hours for a roll of toilet paper.

Large scale capitalism leads to monopolies like we're seeing now.

It's everyone's right to pass on whatever wealth they have to their children.

and large scale Posadism would mean human ascendancy from the bonds of flesh and planet

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And getting paid a good wage plus benefits? Sure is slavery. And guess what? You have the freedom to start your own business if you want.

Monopolies only exist because of government intervention.

>The elites in control of politics and media tell us it's bad, therefore its bad.
Fucking when was the last time that happened lol. At what point did you have holodomor class. In what movie was the USSR attacked for its idology?

You were told that you were told it was bad. Can you name a time you were told it was bad?

Yeah, the media and ruling class want Socialism, anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded.

sorry satan, but you're a pacified little bitchboi

its not a bad idea it just doesnt take into account human nature and cant and wont work IRL

I agree if you do it overnight. But you could easily maintain the status quo of doctors by making the shift gradual. The largest barrier to being a doctor isn't talent its cost. There are plenty of people who would be doctors for "warm fuzzes" if not for the price of medical school. Look at the increasing rise of "nurse-practioners" you don't think a large majority of those people wouldn't have just gone to medical school to be doctors?

I'm not saying their should be differences in income based on the amount of personal investment in time and talent. It just that the disparities have gotten ridiculous.

what part of human nature dictates you to enslave your fellow species to extract surplus value form their labor?

>this SO much this
Even Adam Smith, the man credited as the father of capitalism, believed that inheritance of outrageous wealth was a remnant of the feudal era. Leaving your children enough money to live off is never going to harm anyone, allowing someone to pass ownership of a multibillion dollar company to their children is the equivalent of crowning someone a King or Duke. It's a throwback to Hereditary monarchy.


Ultimately communism IS one great big monopoly, over EVERYTHING.

read stirner

What's wrong with big monopolies?

You're just jealous you don't own one

Nurse practitioners still make about 100k a year. That's basically doctor money. They wouldn't be there if it didn't pay.

this gotta be a troll

Okay but just don't work

Saying that the USSR is at fault for Germany invading them and putting Soviets in death camps, is maximum retarded though. Also no methodology is the sure sign of people making it up.

Yeah! It was SO much better when Stalin or Mao just appointed anyone they wanted instead of having to cast ballots for people we don't necessarily like!

but supply and demand is cancer you fucking retard

It really isn't, people just have a knee jerk reaction by thinking it's horrible

Does a King truly have a right to pass on ownership of a country to his children? I'm pretty sure we had a couple wars with Britain over a kings right to inherit us. Money is a gross measure of political power in the US, passing ownership of a multibillion dollar company on to your children is equivalent to passing on political power to your heir. Which is known as feudalism.

Supply and demand is reality.

My point about the muh 20 gatrillions is that they wouldn't have happened if Stalin hadn't killed off most of the well trained officers in the red army. Germany would have never fucked USSR so bad if USSR hadn't had such a beta army that would make France's look like a Chad.

U fuckin wot

You are dumb as shit.

Capitalism is the reason you're able to live so comfortably.

The system is based on supply and demand. If I travel 100 miles to sell a rock only available to people 100 miles away, you're damn right I'll charge your town more for it. How the fuck else you gunna get that rock? Walk there yourself?

Welcome to economics.

yeah thats why socialism works

Wouldn't you debt free Doctors then leave and go to a country with higher pay for 'warm fuzzes' AND a big fuck off boat? How would you stop them?

I think that the military defeats of the soviets in 1941, is actually slightly more complicated than "muh officers".

Communism is what naive child-minded people think the world should be, because they're too powerless to understand how beneficial power is, too poor to understand how beneficial wealth is, and too ignorant to understand the benefits of knowledge. It is literally the bottom rung of humanity that clings to nonsensical concepts like "fairness" and "equality", in a world that is so obviously hostile towards you, you're only recourse it to whine back at it.

The communist manifesto was written by someone exactly like this. A naive fool who was about as socialized as a modern day NEET autist.

>>Rise in nurse practitioners = people wanna help people for warm fuzzies
>>ignores the increased demand for nurses and nurse practitioners is because medical care is more accessible now
>>hurpdurp what is supply and demand

This is exactly what happens.


Good example right here of how the human can not escape the behavior of the animal. My offspring before your offspring. I pick 2 pieces of fruit I keep one and give one to my kid, to hell with your kid. I make no argument against this. Its nature at its basic.

The problem is we're no longer passing along fruit but mastery over others that is completely divorced from merit. As primitives, my behavior advantages my offspring in terms of them reaching adulthood, and some skills they might have, and maybe an extra spear. But for the most part my offspring has to prove himself against resource equals where personal merit wins out.

Nowadays, so much is passed on in terms of resources that merit is taken out of the equation. The guy who gets to start the race at the 49 meter will always win the 50 meter dash no matter how incompetent he is and no matter how good the competition.

People should be able to inherit an amount equal to what an average person makes in their lifetime. If your offspring is a worthless slug they have the advantage of living as well as everybody else without ever having to work. If your offspring has merit they will still take what's still a huge advantage, a lifetime of income handed them at the start, and they will make more of it if they desire. Plus the rich always claim that they are rich because they are "better" people and deserve it. This lets them lay proof to this. Nobody needs to inherit the equivalent of 100s of peoples lifetimes to be successful.

There are plenty examples of spoiled rich kids dying from drug overdoses or squandering the entirety of their wealth before adulthood.

Just as there are plenty examples of monarchs and aristocrats sons' destroying their family wealth in less than a decade.

Wealth does not necessarily beget wealth nor does it guarantee a happy or fulfilling life. Your "should" and "ought" aren't even quantified. The average person makes barely anything in their lifetime and they're also retarded when it comes to finances.

Where the fuck else is my estate money going to, if not my heirs? I live in NYC. The government here spends millions on fucking wall art instead of fixing our Metro and I pay 45k/year in city taxes. You think I wanna give them any more fucking money?

Not really. 1941 disaster was all Stalin's fault. He literally ordered the army not to hit back at the Germans because he thought he was getting tricked into attacking them, he kept interfering with the hierarchy allowing encirclements and having the people in charge of the retreating armies shot. The only thing that saved USSR was Zhukov managing not to get purged and then him knowing how to handle uncle Joe.

I think your missing the original point by making the argument for what would happen if doctors salaries, and only doctor salaries, were lowered relative to everyone else. Of course there will be less doctors if a doctor Is makes the same as a cable repairman. The job that maximizes pay while minimizing effort is going to win out.

But the initial premise was that if doctors were paid the same as everyone else, say in a communist society, you wouldn't have people being doctors because no one would want to devote the resources to becoming a doctor for the same pay. My argument was that if the resources include the huge cost of medical school than I would agree. But take that out of the equation and I think you would have just as many people willing to be doctors getting paid the same as everyone else, even if it meant they had to do 10 vs 2 years of training to get there.

Not that user, but I have a question. If I gave you the option not to pay any taxes except the estate tax and the estate tax was be 100%, would you pick the 100% estate tax or whatever you're currently paying now?

You're going to do whatever you want with it, we could debate whether it's right or not till the day you die, but that's how it is. Myself though, I would ask, why not do something with it yourself instead of just handing your child the world on a silver platter. If you're rich enough for this debate to even apply to you then why not start a foundation, let your money keep shaping the world how YOU choose even after your death, instead of letting your kids blow it. EVERYONE knows Carnegie's name to this day, if all he did was make steel and pass his money on almost no one but history buffs would remember him anymore, but instead of just handing it all to someone who didnt earn it he created a legacy with it.

That's a super simplistic and quite wrong view of what happened. You should read some Jonathan House and David Glantz. Or watch their lectures


Yes you can always pull anecdotal examples. Yet, we can show that even in America, the land fabled for its rag-to-riches stories, socioeconomic stratification is as solidified as any Indian cast system. For every rich kid who squanders the family fortune (and this tends to be lesser rich, mere millionaires) I can probably show you 100 thousand examples of lost potential.

As typical, you clam the average person is poor and retarded. Maybe your heirs are all rich and retarded. The poor retard stays poor as it should be The rich retard has trust funds set up, gets put on boards and committees of fellow rich and has financial brokers. Heck he might even be given the job of president.

I'm not sure what I'd pick. They're both terrible fucking options.

I guess keep paying my current taxes, so my family isn't completely fucked when I die.

What the fuck do you think the rich are doing with their money? What is the Koch foundation, the Gates foundation, etc?

In 1941, the USSR had a bigger army. A bigger airforce. More and better tanks. The only reason Germany managed so much damage is incompetence, and in WW2 the supreme leader of USSR forces was Stalin. These are incontrovertible facts and the authors you mention do not disagree with me. Is there nuance? Sure, some. But the basic problem was politics meddling in military matters.

Anyone who cannot make it in a capitalist society is a literal retard or lazy shit nugget.

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I could really answer this, but somehow i feel like the format of Yea Forums encourages you to disregard information I could give you. Try reading the books i suggested or watching those lectures.

Says the person who invariably has had some step-up handed to them that they will fail to acknowledge and will vehemently claim their success was entirely due to their hard work and brilliance.


I'm listening to the one you posted and I don't hear anything controverting my opinions. About halfway through. If you can give me a time codes I'm willing to admit I'm wrong. Here's the points I think you might find contentious:

1) Stalin weakened the red army by purging officers
2) Stalin interfered with red army operations and sucked at contemporaneous army operations
3) Red army had a bigger army
4) Red army had a bigger airforce
5) Red army was ordered not to shoot back in the beginning

One thing I *am* aware of is a certain lack of ammo in some places but I don't think I've heard that in the video yet. I'm up to Stalingrad now.

>Grew up poor
>Joined the Air Force out of high school
>Saved my money instead of blowing it
>Didn't marry or date some no income bum of a woman.
>I don't have kids.
>Now making $75,000 a year salary
>Own a house
>No debt aside from mortgage.
>15 more years until full pension (50% of salary)

>Own a house
>Have mortgage

Pick one, user. Still you're doing better than most in your situation. Kudos. Pay that shit up ASAP and enjoy the additional income.

True, the bank owns it until I pay it off. Hoping to pay it off within the next 10 years, I've had it for 5 years now.


The problem with bank loans is that the interest gets paid first. Like, your first payments if you pay $1000, $900 goes to the bank the rest to the principal. With the last payments this proportion is reversed. So the more time that goes on the less it makes sense to pay off the debt because it might make more sense to just put that money in investments and gain interest.

Consult an accountant to see what the cutoff date is, I'd suggest.

So according to you your parents where >literal retard or lazy shit nugget

So you worked hard, sacrificed having a family, potentially risked your life, all to make less in a year than what Michelle Obama made just from just attending a monthly meeting.

Be satisfied by what you've accomplished but when judging the system it would be more honest to consider what you could have accomplished if you had started with $5 million in your pocket rather than bash on people who didn't accomplish as much. Not everyone has the physical wherewithal to join the military. What would have been your options if that was you?

Convincing the little guy look down an step on the littler guy is what keeps us from looking up to where the real problem lies.

That's what gets me is the amount of interest. They say a house is an investment but unless it doubles in price it really isn't. A person usually pays out as much in mortgage interest than the value of the house.

Here again the advantages of wealth. The rich guy buys a house as a wedding present. for his kid. Kid gets the house plus the price of the house again in terms of the interest they would have paid. My modest house is almost paid off but I definitely could have done something with an extra $350k to work with.

you seem to ignore how humans work, most humans work for their offspring, not for other humans, we tolerate other humans but few people really care about others and this will never change

Pay down extra towards principle as soon as you can. We added an extra $125 a month from the beginning and even that little bit ultimately saved several thousand in interest.



It isn't. Authoritarianism is.
Communism, as with all economic systems, can be overpowered by authoritarianism. Capitalism, by its inherent defect, always gets overpowered by authoritarianism.

Well, it IS an investment if you can get it at a fixed interest rate that at some point stays below inflation. For regular people it's just a necessity because living with your parents until you have the $ to buy outright (which is what I did) requires a lot of discipline. I bought my first appt when I was 30. No mortgage, no nonsense, but I had to put up with my parents 12 years more than people usually do.

Banks never sniffed my shekels.

Now I have 4 bits of property though I'm selling one because I smell of a market correction in the horizon and might be good to get into stocks afterward.

But it doesn't make sense after a certain point. Someone explained this to me. There's calculations involved but I don't remember what they were.

In a communist state you would starve to death because you aren't one of the wealthy elite. You don't want to starve to death.

The concept isn't bad, everyone working together towards a common good. The problem comes when there are outliers and you have to enforce the system, there's no sense of "self" or individuality in Communist society, so it's extremely susceptible to corruption from the top-down. You can more easily convince The People that such-and-such is "correct" for your own gain because of centralization. In short, Communism goes against human nature at its very core, that being "I think, therefore I am". Individuality is inseparable from human nature.

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Keep grasping for them straws user

You obviously haven't read any of my earlier posts in this thread. You can start here if interested.

I 100% agree with the statement of this particular post. But rather than denigrate all the people who get plowed under by political/economic systems that allow for the amplification of the negative aspects of this behavior, regardless of their relative merit. I think its better to work towards a better system rather than mimicking the "your poor because you suck" mentality. Which by the way you never really addressed the questions regarding sentiments towards your parents (why were they poor?) or the fact that you could avail yourself of opportunities that other (inferior?) people couldn't

Excellent commentary sir, and I can't find one problem with it. Until we start fucking around with genes so we get people who work without care for their own self, we can't have communism. And who the hell wants to be a biological automaton in the first place?

People should be able to inherit whatever their parents want. Fuck off.

Fortunately it is rare for descendents to hang on to the fortunes of their parents, though it does happen from time to time. Hanging on to titles is much easier.

>Just take what you need from the pile.
>I know you have access to the whole cache of goods.
>But just take enough.

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>Then the economy never builds.
>Because we're not working for profit.
>This, meagerness really, this is everything from now on.

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>Don't ever allow corrupt to take place.
>I know it's the ONLY WAY you'll ever live beyond a day to day paycheck.
>And all of the higher ups are doing it.
>Still, just don't really.

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Most people aren't going to have parents who keep supporting them after 18.

Fixed interest is better but it still doesn't mean you still don't pay out as much in interest. Property is only an investment if you can sell for double. Those days are mostly over or by renting which you're doing.

How about this. Work along with your like-minded friends on a better system. Implement this system as a corporation which, by being a better system, will outcompete every other corporation.

As your coporation grows, you will get accolades from all the competition you buy out and at the end your corporation, where you the founder will make maybe 2x than that janitor that joined in last week and can call you names without you firing him, will rule the world.

True. But that point is more towards the end of the loan period and only counts if money can make higher interest elswhere

>believing a communist state will do the right thing

fucking lol maybe in narnia but not here in the real world faggot

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Most will when you explain your business plan and pay your portion of the rent. If they don't your parents are dumb or assholes. Sometimes your luck is shit, what can I tell yah. In that case it's probably best to just rent somewhere as cheap as you can and save as much as possiblle.

me thinks you've been spending too much time around niggers1

>the country sucks because of the US
>overestimating the US in 2019

even then you're training them to be self sufficient along the way

It's not. These folks have just drank the neo-liberal cool-aid. If this is what capitalist 'freedom' is it can die in a garbage fire. -- Also a major failure of understanding is that government isn't another business. The government owning everything means the people own everything. The only reason our government is an issue is it's owned by corporations, an issue inherent to capitalism.

people are irrational beings that generally try to maximise resources for themselves and are bad at sharing these resources. Extreme communism and capitalism are really bad systems but capitalism being better than socialism from all of the systems that we reiterated. Something of a hybrid is probably better but can't really explain that to stupid people.

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>ITT: A bunch of people who don’t know the meaning of something they claim to know everything about because they read some shit on the internet.

It’s the wealthy who don’t like communism because it disallows inheritance. In a communist society, the state owns your wealth and when you die, they take it back. Imagine if these rich idiots couldn’t leave their dipshit children their wealth and they actually had to build their own. That’s where white privilege comes from, btw. But not in the context that most libcucks use it in. White privilege isn’t about racism. It’s about elitism. Normal people have to work their asses off to pay off student loans while the wealthy kids just go and fuck off and end up with a job they got through connections. But communism is the perfect antithesis of capitalism because it’s corrupt af and controlled by oligarchs. There is no such thing as the perfect utopia. No government accomplishes anything without special interest groups.

This makes no sense. A corporation is not a political or economic system and doesn't work in isolation of the system in which it exists

You're just avoiding the question addressing your train of logic. Your parents were poor. All poor people are stupid and lazy. So were your parents stupid, lazy or both?

Not trying to bust your chops by insulting your parents. I'm just trying to make you see that when you make these global statements that everybody in life is where they are because of merit is wrong. It is as about as wrong a statement that can be made. Yet that is the statement that is forever being made by people who have been given phenomenal advantages strictly by dint of inheritance.

>But communism isn't*

That's already happening in China though with CRISPR babies and even then, when you consider that they allowed it to become public knowledge, it means they've been doing it for decades prior. There is a good reason the Chinese in-particular lack compassion for their fellow man and their birth rates are highly abnormal... Shouldn't take many guesses as to why.

It isn't but people and what they make out of it are

I'm the guy with the corporation idea, I'm not someone with lazy parents.

If your new system needs to be in isolation of the old ones to work, you're fucked, because people like stuff that works and not newfangled stuff where newfangled stuff tends to get people either starving to death or getting shot to death or working as a slave for Big Brother.

Maybe you could start your new system in Antarctica. I doubt existing governments would go bust your balls there. Barring that, sell this new system to Elon and try it on Mars.

In any case, you REALLY have to find a way to show your new system ACTUALLY works before you sell it to people. Otherwise we'll just go and say MUH MAO. MUH STALIN. MUH HITLER and try to abort any changes you want to make to our current system that is pretty cozy already.

Duuude. 30 years ago China did NOT have technology to do genetics stuff with. They were barely able to make plastic shit without burning stuff down.

The reason they're lacking in compassion is 60 years of strict communism with lots of getting murdered for wrongthink or getting starved to death. It'll take a couple generations of prosperity to kill that off. Also getting rid of the communist party would help, but IDK, they look like they're pretty stable right now.

Eh. Well. More like 40 years of strict communism. After Mao died they veered away. Good on them for that. They should have gone full democratic, but there was no such luck. Crony capitalism is much better than communism.

Why is communism bad? Several reasons:

1) It's a proven failure.
2) To keep it alive, you need a totalitarian gov't that removes personal liberties.
3) People are basically selfish.
4) It scares the shit out of the rich aristocrats who run Western societies.

Why do people keep mixing communism and socialism? Most systems are already a mix of socialism and capitalism. Inheritance is the biggest wrench in every system. In terms of consolidation of power there is no difference between a billionaire and a king..

This is one of those things that some people don't believe because we've said it so many times it looks like propaganda. But it's all so true, damn it. It's like fricking gravity.

Well. Depends on what you understand by socialism. Socialism is "workers owning the means of production". Tell us in what country does that happen. Is Bill Gates a worker?

You might be misunderstanding the difference between socialism and socialising some services.

No one works hard if the reward is the same no matter what.

While starting from scratch is the easier, albeit bloodier, way to start over there's no need. Unfortunately, all out politicians are part of the people that are the problem, but in theory you could put into place an "assets transfer" cap that limited how much one person could give via gift and inheritance to another person. There should be an interest cap so that the maximum paid is a percentage of the principle value. In other words, interest can't keep accruing forever. But counter to this there is no declaring bankruptcy and wage garnishment above subsistence living income. Certain industries should be strictly non-profit or run socialist through government. Insurance, medicine, (both hospitals and pharmaceutical), natural resources, criminal justice, education, and internet. If non-profit you can't have people making millionaire salaries (looking at you NPR). Also this would be full on socialist. Not government subsidy programs like most assistance programs, tuition grants, and Obamacare that only ultimately serve to raise costs.

Greed is the mainspring of human endeavor. greed is a poison for communism, but fuel for capitalism.

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it isn't, americans are brainwashed

>>workers owning the means of production that's communism. Socialism is that broad strip of land between communism and lesse fair capitalism were certain industries and/or social institutions are owned and/or regulated by the government.

communism operates on the idea that people are naturally altruistic. history has proven people are not.

Fucking nothing about Communism assumes this, and if you actually think this you should probably read up on it more, not even gonna be mean, just gonna be blunt and say that.

Only up to a point. To use an analogy, greed could be equated to cell growth. Kept in check it makes the body (society) bigger and stronger. But just like cell growth, unrestricted greed is a cancer that eats away and kills the body because it is more concerned with the growth of itself than the health of the body as a whole (society).

What the fuck do you know about Narnia, you little bitch. I live here and let me fucking tell you, it's not all magic and make believe. Sure, there's a fucking talking Lion and a weird Satyr looking fucker, but we pay taxes too, dipshit.

Communism literally breaks your legs, hop them and then sell them, YOUR legs. Then he gives you mullets for free (It is not even the half of the price of your legs). And lastly it tells you that you can walk thanks to it, you should be grateful.

Retards, uncultured and literal lazy fucks would let government chop their legs for ''muh free mullets'' because ''life is fucking me in the ass anyway''

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Look up non-compete, thoughtslime, and others on youtube.

Sure bud...and Hitler wasn't working on an atom bomb in secret either. The reason China is so slow on the uptake is because their economy is completely foreign-dependent, it wasn't until the net went mainstream that they started truly hammering on buying foreign state secrets. Right now, they're walking a tightrope because that shit is about to go very very public and when it does, there goes their economy. All their millions will starve to death...

What the fuck are you talking about?

how does it now? it requires all people to agree to share goods and to give up what they believe theirs for the good of others. also if you could make some kind of rebuttal beyond you're wrong this would go better.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

I would say that requires an altruistic attitude as compared to the natural inclination towards work as little as possible for the biggest personal gains.

Capitalism also has the idea that the captains of industry are satisfied with reasonable profits that are put back into the company and not gauging profits and acquire, gut and dump strategies for companies. So theory is not completely devoid of some consideration of others.

You can ask me one question. Currently traveling and living in a communism dictatorship country atm.

Why communist dictatorship are you living in exactly and what does it have to do with communism being inherently flawed? Make and argument, dont jist say "this thing that goes by that name is evil" or I can say democracy is evil becuase the democratic peoples republic of korea.

>using "humans" in the third person
Found the reptilian

Show us this work, at your own peril, and we'll follow you. Look into founding a town with your likeminded friends. Set up your own internet, your own hospital and pharmaceutical industries. Handle taxes like you suggest. Show us this works.

Believing without proof is for religious people. I want to see evidence.

Start with socialized internet. That's the cheapest thing to start with. Then go up to healthcare.

Go on. Undying fame and glory await for you to show us actual proof.

Hitler was leading Germany, which was the leading source of everything Physics at the beginning of the 20th century. China considered computers and genetics Bourgeois evil shit at the time of Mao.

IDK sounds too much like that reptilian illuminati BS. I'll be happy to be proven wrong though, let us see what happens.

>Why communist dictatorship are you living in exactly
The government control all powers (3 mainly) media and is about to control most of the income of the people (is already controlling 25%, not taxes).

>this thing that goes by that name is evil
The concept of ''Evil'' cannot be applied to communism, not even capitalism or any other.

>communism being inherently flawed?
There are plenty reasons why communism/socialism and every single left wing approach will destroy the country it is applied (so deep that no matter how long you try to recover, the country can never stand up again).
Some of the more popular reasons why will lead to economical disaster, and it leads all the time to corruption are:
-People will never have the same interests. One single person/group (socialism), or a common wealth bag (communism) controlling all your income leads to those who earn the most receive less, while those who contributes the less receive more.
-Money can be easily increased, but not it's value. Inflation will skyrocket (Venezuela). The value of the coin of a country is defined not only by the country itself, but how the others perceive it as well.
-One person controlling all the money and power of everyone else, will literally just run with it and then live like a king for the rest of it's days (Bolivia)
-Shit cannot be given for free, never (there is no such thing as free in economics). Money can be printed, but not value. All assets are limited in quantity and eventually they run out (Cuba).
-Without a hierarchy to follow, all people become equally, equally poor (except for those in power).
-Gov will kill private business for money to give free stuff, business increase prices, but eventually will die and create unemployment, leading to even more starving. (literally every country I have listed so far).

I can go on but text limit.Com/soc only works on really small groups and in short periods of time, (like families) and/or all participants have the same goal

Every year millions of people starve to death in capitalist countries around the world, get sick because of uncheck pollution, and commit suicide because they are impoverished.

Several wars have been started and maintained by capitalists (see 'War is a Racket' by Butler) and claimed even more lives.

Capitalism's death toll blows communisms out of the water.

Imprisoning scientists and hording knowledge isn't some farfetched fantasy, history is proof that it isn't uncommon at all. Mao didn't control everyone's minds just like all other past leaders couldn't either, there's always differing opinions and they have to go underground when faced with persecution. Also, cease your faggot ass pleb spacing.

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Ok I thought you might be capable of serious discussion but obviously you're just a troll If I had the resources for this I would be using it to purge the likes of you not talking on /b.

Pray tell us about the capitalistic countries where this happens. Tables with numbers and sources. Wikipedia links are acceptable even.

Fuck you, my pleb spacing is easier to read. The Chinese haven't even been able to launch their own satelites without borrowing Soyuz from USSR, let alone do advanced biology and genetics. What you speak of might be happening right now with "borrowed" science but not a generation ago. Seriously, that's some "Hitler escaped to the moon" level shit, bro. I love you as a fellow shitposter but you're jumping the shark something fierce.

> I would be using it to purge the likes of you

I thought I'd be here a while before revealing your inner Stalin. Fuck you, hope you and your near of kin die horribly before reproducing. Humanity does not need hour genes.

It's called outsourcing, it gives their government an alibi to be involved and an avenue with which to engage in subterfuge to gain other nation's technological advances. Once they've hit a critical point where they can then manufacture those technologies, they'll cut ties or threaten to do so, which would collapse the global market instantly. Don't be so near-sighted...

Different poster. Not arguing for communism and millions starving is hyperbole, but war is and always has been mainly an issue of profit. The great causes we wrap the reasons for war is just to convince the poor to go die for the benefit of the elite.

Oh as if you were maneuvering to this. You're just mad that I called on your bullshit. So sorry my genes are already spread to 3rd generation. Someday my great greats will be sitting around discussing the extinction of the basement dweller.

It makes niggers breed more.


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>muh 6 gazillion

500 years of slavery? You do understand that the country is not that old right? First slaves were brought here in 1619. We werent a country until 1776.

>2 billion out of 300 million people are dead
hmmm who could be behind this post?

when a communist uses a personal computer i laugh every time

Have to agree this isn't much of a counterpoint because the numbers straight out the gate are BS. 1865-1492 = 373 years, 1865-1776 = 89 years. Or are you counting the years the native's enslaved each other as well?

Beat me to it. And still being generous because US wasn't technically a country until 1788

I get it, you don’t like to talk about the original foundation of the country.

So you guys are gonna make it work this time? Hallelujah !!!!!

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Not falling for this obvious bait

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It wouldn't allow this: youtube.com/watch?v=o3Zde7Hm3kM

cant be any worse than capitalism, bring it on...

>try to use printer
>doesnt work
>goddammit fuck
>have to download drivers
>takes 1 hour to install
>really fucking annoying
>because its installing MyPhoto Garden, a way to print greeting cards with the Canon Megaprinter Logo, so if you ever really need a greeting card, it'll have companies logos
>i will never need a greeting card
>but if i want to print, i need MyPhoto Garden.
>MyPhoto Garden automatically starts with my computer. if i uninstall it i cant print
>im only trying to print a resume for a job that doesnt matter that i dont want at a stupid business

Hello. 1492. You can't get a bigger gimme to your argument than that and you're still off by 127 years. Every country has things in its past that wouldn't be considered proud moments. But don't start your argument with obviously inaccurate information if you want to be taken seriously. Slavery was bad in terms of human dignity. In my opinion, the wage-slavery of the early industrialization was worse in terms of human treatment. But I'm not going to blow numbers out my ass and claim over a 100 thousand children under the age of 10 were chewed up by textile equipment although I know for a fact more than a few of them were.

Only because no matter how hard you try, there will never in a trillion quadrillion years, even if evolution were true, be a socialist inspired printer.

Maybe it's all the murder and starving. Just maybe....


printed media is kind of necessarty tho

>Why is communism such a bad thing?
Because people would be in control of it and people are easily corrupted.
Communism stops being a bad thing when the government is full automated via machine learning and AI. This will take a while.

Yes but in any case they don't have the technology to edit genes for behavior yet. They don't have it. The CIA doesn't have it. No one has it.

You just made my point.

Instilling a certain disposition genetically might take a couple generations, might explain the abnormally high birth rates and widespread child abuse.

Well, ultimately everything we do is for profit. I don't get out of bed in the morning out of the good of my heart, it's so I have a bed to get down the next evening. As a part of that the people that enjoy the fruits of my labor have a better life and I have a bed.

Now, war is not the most efficient profit driver. That's why we see less of it these days. Commerce is much better.

I hear that they're accepting new residents in North Korea. Join the Juche movement and destroy America, for the lulz.

BOOM !!!! What you speak is the future and the truth of the end of the human race.

AI and the "Image of the Beast"

"And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast..." (Rev 13:14)

> the abnormally high birth rates
Yea Forumsro. Yea ForumsRO. birth rates, outside of Africa, are the lowest they've been since homo sapiens has been a thing. B R O.


Ah shiet, I forgot how to triforce.


This is now a Triforce thread.

>being this retarded
You need to go back

eh, thinking about it. i dont know if Kim is into hella gay shit tho, im a little rainbow for them

You do realize shit does get invented in so-called communist countries? You're essentially responding to the legitimate complaint against companies that prioritize quick profit over quality product with what amounts to a hurr durr comment. And this is a demonstrable shift in the US capitalist system. At one time, capitalists, although still profit hungry, still considered product quality as a point of honor that went with their name being associated with the product. Now its an attitude of "I don't care crank that piece of shit out" which in the past was considered the defining characteristic of communist manufacture.

Wow, the public school sheep really don't even have this much understanding of reality. God help them, seriously. May the creator God help them.

Ohhh. Sucks to be you then. Commies think that gay is a bourgeois perversion or something like that. They put you into... sanatoriums... I think you're condemned to enjoying capitalistic cock.

You can do anything in communism that you can do in capitalism. Communism just is more inefficient and therefore slower and costlier in human lives. You knew about Fukushima the day it happened. Kyshtym you didn't know for decades. Neither did the farmers raising their livestock in the contaminated grounds.


>be me apply at Sears corporate
>manager is 50 year old woman flirting with me
>....?_? never had anything above minimum, decide to let her fuck me
>she makes me "regional director of customer satisfaction and supervisional management"
>means i go ask the people who train the managers how they're training managers and approve or disapprove of what they're doing
>everyone i talk to is already doing their job fine, i dont actually DO anything.
>i dont make bread, i dont heal sick people, i dont even sell clothes
>i just make sure the people who make training videos like making the training videos.
>stupid job, i could half ass it and look at facebook or try hard and the world doesnt change at all
>company bought by this new idiot, who says "Ayn Rand is my favorite book"
>has a brilliant idea that free market competition ALWAYS works, and starts a new story policy that "whoever has the highest turn over gets paid more, whoever has the lowest gets a pay cut"
>every single store immedaitely has the employees backstabbing, lying, cheating each other, refusing to cover each others sick days, sabotaging departments
>sears corporation goes out of business
>last 5 years of my life completely useless didnt change the world nothing was accomplished already spent all the money i earned and i lost my virginity to an old woman i had no feelings for

cant be any worse than capitalism

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At least in communism when they don't need you anymore they have the common courtesy of murdering you.

If you're curious, try it out. In a Free Market, you're completely free to pool resources as you wish with whomever you wish. You'll find, though, that generally only people with few resources want to share and split the resources of others. This necessitates victimizing those with more. That is what communism is all about. You have to form a group, then terrorize, rob, and murder. Then, when you've stolen and pissed away everything in your neighborhood, you have to invade another one. Communism 101.

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Best post in thread.

I think you are right, we would have been way, way better off under German or bolshevik rule

they do that in capitalism too tho. i watched the 50 year old wench who fucked me fire dozens of people. the 70 year old who got cancer and she saved the company money by firing her. after working there 3 decades. the 20 year old who got pregnant. countless single fathers/mothers.

but she kept me, because i was her pet. seems like a dumb system

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Fucking NEW

Good point. However, Our capitalist nation used to balance this with "hurr durr" with freedom of speech and profit motive, both are crumbling under the left's fairness and we are all equal nonsense so, you may win and get what you want.

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With capitalism she has to be doing something right. You know what happens if you fire good workers? They go work to the competition and your company goes down.

In communism she could have just send those people legit to a GULAG where they would be worked to death. Those people she fired? They got other jobs.

Nah, brah. I'm an atheist and like communism in my life like I like AIDS in my pussy. I just say NYET.

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Yes, there's a risk of the software prioritising the government's efficiency over human life, but not if you prioritise human health, wants, well being and need to explore and learn alongside it.


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War is still one of the biggest profit machines around. What's the tally count on government contracts handed out on the afghan war that's been going for how many years now? There isn't less war so much as its more localized. Admittedly, its not being used as to mobilize the entire economy as in the world wars but there is most definitely plenty of profit incentive to keep little wars going.

And yes, if being honest, almost everything anyone does is for their own gain. Problem isn't capitalism but the disparity between talent of the individual, value added by the task, and the rewards received.

If again, we are being honest, I have met very few people who didn't think they could do a better job of it than their boss if they were the boss instead. Yet these same people will argue that people have the jobs they have and make the money that they do because they earned it by working harder and being smarter. But than, why aren't you the boss?

Pointing out contradiction in thinking, no need for the expected poster to chime in about how they're the boss of their own company. I'm sure half your employees secretly believe you're an idiot as well

Gay supremecy sounds fucking awesome lul

found the retard, go to bed Giovanni.

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>With capitalism she has to be doing something right.

the entire company failed and she only hired me cuz she was a pedo, i was extremely underqualified.

>You know what happens if you fire good workers?

uhh the company makes even more profit, because its more profitable to work employees until burnout and replace their husks with new ones as long as there's sustainable unemployment?

>in communism she could have sent those people to the gulag

>instead the 70 year old with cancer got a new, better paying job at their competition

No, she stayed with her daughter and was immediately dropped off the Sears Health Insurance and couldn't afford new insurance, so she's dead now. what an awesome system.

hypothetical gulags arent scary when i hunger for death

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But what you are referring to is communism in practice. This has nothing to do with communism as a system (granted that communism as a system can't be practiced as written given the nature of humans)

> the entire company failed

Capitalism worked. If she was working under communism she'd still be groping your ass.

> the company makes even more profit

But someone just said "the entire company failed."

> No, she stayed with her daughter and was immediately dropped off the Sears Health Insurance and couldn't afford new insurance, so she's dead now. what an awesome system.

Fair enough, she'd probably have just frozen to death before ever making it close to a work camp.

> hypothetical gulags arent scary when i hunger for death

Death is just one elevator ride and a couple steps away.

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I get what you are saying but my point was what if we aren't a bunch of random atoms and molecules bumping together and all of history from the ancient cultures is true and you are a created being, made only for communion with your creator. The other reality is explained by the deceiver of an ancient battle spoken of even by the Sumerians: Called the Antichrist by the one in Revelation.

Revelation 13:17
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Just saying, it's looking like things will come together like the creator said it will before the utopia of man made AI makes it great.

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Yes, I like to talk in practical terms about practical things that could make my life worse in practice. Communism is excellent so long as it never leaves fiction books.

>company profits
capitalism works
>company fails
capitalism works
>people happy
capitalism works
>people die from cancer
capitalism works
>mass shootings
capitalism works
>times of peace
capitalism works
>war in iraq?
capitalism works

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you are a small minded fool, and not understanding the revolution means it will pass you by

Maybe if you're a retard like pol pot.

Exactly! Capitalism: it works better than any other system known.

I'd take that any day over the continued capitalist destruction of the planet.

hehe, nothing personnel kid

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The revolution will only fail and get you killed.

... and, in practice, every other communist leader.

Get a bullet to the head. Lot less painful.

comunism is only good until you ran out of money
then you fuck up
and is funny becuase to get all that money you had be capitalist

Oh wait, I see what you did there. Silly me.

the government has too much power and corrupts easily

Why are the Nigerian princes telling me I've won millions bad?

>benefits of communism

The Soviet Union was the worst country ever when it came to pollution. China isn't much better. If you care about the environment, national socialism is what you want.

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Fuck that. That's nu-socialism preached by the kids who can barely read. The original concept is that everybody starts equal as in "equal opportunity" This has been twisted into the misbegotten idea of "equal results" Capitalism crows about the concept of merit but in practice it is as "merit" based as any monarchy. If you're a lazy, incompetent person you should have less than someone who is talented and ambitious. If you look at most early socialist movements they are not against this concept. What they are against is the idea of people being able to amass so much power that they are able to manipulate the system so that, no matter how lazy and incompetent, their heirs are able to maintain and expand that power. Early socialism, was in reality, just a movement against monarchy that simply goes by another name.

Sharing is stealing.
Inspiration is theft.


To get those petrodollars you had to take the petrol

This is the dumbest argument ever made. Nothing is good in theory, but bad in practice. Any practice that is bad, rests upon bad theory. If a theory is good, then it works. If a theory works, it's good. That is the only way that can work. If your theory calls for stalling and using wealth faster than it can be replaced, it will always lead to starvation. If your theory calls for stealing just enough to avoid starvation, you will keep everyone poor. If you leave people free to trade amongst themselves, wealth will correlate with productivity and morality, and everyone's standard of living will rise. Enter true Capitalism.

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Yes and no. Communism is a utopia. It works well IF the people follow what is required to uphold communism, but because its a utopia, this can't be done, therefore making it good in theory and bad in practise; because it can't be practised properly.

Because plutocracy is a thing.

i agree with this user.

as you get more money, life becomes easier, to the point where its almost impossible to break out of being dirt poor, and its almost impossible to fail downward from 7 figures to dirt poor

It involves stealing everything from everyone.

Even in theory, it's shit.

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But pure capitalism is just as bad IRL. You can compare theory vs theory or IRL vs IRL but almost always its capitalism in theory compared to communism or socialism IRL

Unless you really want to make the argument that companies estimating likelihood of getting away with something and losses related to lawsuits if they don't , and balancing that against extra profits gained by doing or not doing that action that knowingly will result in harm, is somehow exemptible to you?

It used to be called an expected value analysis. I don't know what fancy business name is attached to it now but it is still regularly practiced. When you count the deaths of other people in terms off how it effects your bottom line I don't know what else to call it other than evil. That's capitalism IRL

Tell me how it's shit.

People aren't equal.

A theory that doesn't work is a bad theory. Theorized effects of proposed actions that cannot be produced in reality are, thusly, incorrect. If a theory can be both good/right and bad/wrong simultaneously, then Identity doesn't exist. If identity doesn't exist, nothing can exist. Since we perceive that things exist, and we exist capable of perception, then existents must possess specific identities. If existants exist with identities, then theories that don't properly explain their interactions are bad theories. It's simple.

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It's forced community, which diminishes the idea of economically free acting agents

doesnt that also apply to capitalism tho

So you preach the theory of capitalism yet somehow there are no utopian capitalist countries either. But there is theory and there the premise upon which a theory is based. I say every economic/political system is in theory perfect if ALL people were basically good. It is the premise that people are good that causes the failure and not the system of democracy or fascism or monarchy or communism or socialism or capitalism etc. Now if you insist that the premise and theory are par and parcel than I would agree with you with the caveat that the theory of capitalism is equally flawed.

That IS capitalism. That which does not work has no value. That applies equally to everything. Capitalism is THE economic system, and implied political system, of pure logic. Everything else is a compromise between logic and ignorance. The more logic, the more success. The more ignorance, the higher death toll.

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i'd love to live in a gay supremacist nation

It's not.

Kid Trunks is the real father of Gekyume.

This isn't bait or speculation. We all know there is no way in hell X fathered the kid which is claimed to be his; baby Yume looks way too light-skinned to be part black. Anyone who has seen the child's photos will tell you he looks like a white or Asian man's baby. Furthermore, X said he wasn't dating anyone around the time Yume would have been conceived. It's also known that Jenesis (the baby mama) was sexually involved with both Trunks and Wifisfuneral (as well as other guys from Members Only), meaning X got his own friends' sloppy thirds.

This young SoundCloud rapper details how he tried to hit up Trunks for a feature back in fall 2017. Trunks told him to send the money to Jenesis' Paypal account. Why would he want the money sent to Jen, unless the two were in an intimate relationship?

According to insiders, X knew of the pregnancy before he passed but didn't believe the child was his. He knew Jen was a lying hoe just like Geneva.

Thankfully, Jen is getting a paternity test so the truth will finally be revealed.

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We'd better learn how to work out the bugs, because collectivism is the only way this species is going to survive on this planet.

What are you on about? If we're talking logic the logical thing would be to have everyone do the best the they can at what they're best at and for each of us to share so that we all can make up for what the other is lacking. Sounds a lot like communism. But seeing that we're a species that has no shortage of members that will kill their own children to spite their spouse or collect insurance money, logic really isn't one of our strong suits.

Because its fucking retarded

The fact that people aren't inherently is precisely why good and bad may only be quantified by causality. Capitalism doesn't require good or bad people. It simply is. Whether people choose to adhere to it is another matter entirely. We wouldn't argue about whether breathing is good or bad, because it is necessary due to our particular form of existence. Whether we choose to do it, or not, is another matter. Capitalism and breathing are both natural courses of action we must take, in order to survive, due to our particular form of existence. Refusing to do either leads to death, tough one like faster than the other.

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>Capitalism and breathing are both natural courses of action we must take, in order to survive, due to our particular form of existence

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No the answer isn't trying to warp our self-centered nature to fit a cooperative system The solution is to devise a system where cooperative behavior is the optimal route to follow for a self-centered creature to achieve success.

Not possible with the amount of resources we've depleted as a society. And hoping for some magic bullet like cold fusion is fantasy.


What you suggest is collectivism and is not logical. The only logical way for people to coexist is through peaceful trade, and brutally violent defense of human Rights.

Yeah? Survive without voluntary trade, then.

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