Gained 160lbs in 2 years and can't lose it what do tried everything

Gained 160lbs in 2 years and can't lose it what do tried everything

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Literally just stop eating. It’s not anorexia if you’re a fat fuck

Eat less dumbass.

I tried that but after 12 hours I get so hungry I go to an all you can eat sushi

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get some self control dammit

An hero

Obviously not everything. Gain some self control and don't stuff your fucking face all the time.

Eat less, seriously
I lost tons of weight by surviving off of water and grapes for about 2 weeks
If you get hunger pains, drinking a big cup of black coffee usually numbs it

Try the keto diet. I've been doing it for a while now and steadily losing weight. You just cut sugar and carbs out. I eat chicken fillets and bacon all day and lose weight.

It's simple really your calories in must be bellow your calories out. The bigger the gap the faster the weight loss.


Restrict your diet to 20carbs or less a day - if it's a zero carb food eat as much as you want til full. Cheese, steak, salmon, etc. I did it for a month and lost 45lbs.

so i can eat as much steak as i want and i will get thin?

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Keto diet and cardio, run every other day. Until it hurts

I was over weight i lost over 35 pounds in a few months doing this in down to 170 lbs

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I stopped being a lazy shit and started working out and stopped being a loser and lying to myself about why I was fat and I've lost 60 lbs in the last 8 months. Should give self-honesty a try.

I never post but the guys preaching keto have it right. Cut out carbs eat as much fat and protein as you want, and you will drop like crazy.

Make sure your liver and kidneys are functioning well before doing it though. Ketones in the blood is hard on those organs.

This. I ate bacon and eggs for a month and lost about 30 lbs

Not necessarily "as much as you want," but you can generally eat all meats, vegetables, and some nuts/berries without much restriction; AS LONG AS you keep a solid eye on your carb count, keep your daily max at 20 or 30 grams of carbs a day.

I tried this last year and lost over 40 lbs, it's sustainable, you get used to the selection of foods you can choose from. And there are great keto friendly recipe books out there. Most keto recipes taste good too

keto will work for a while but eventually crash your metabolism. It's good to do for a little while to get your blood insulin levels under control but after that you should eat enough. The best thing you can do is track everything you eat, track your weight, track your abdominal circumference and figure out exactly what works for you based on your lifestyle. Also eat lots of eggs.

Hell, even Buffalo Wild Wings is good on keto, IF you get traditional wings with a dry rub, like their salt and vinegar, my personal go-to

You will never be able to eat as much as you want. Sorry it’s just the truth. fucking gained 10 pounds since yesterday?? This same thread was up yesterday but then, you only weighed 150 pounds.

Can I suck your cock?

A good protein shake in the mornings 4-5 days the other 2 do eggs and a meat.

A salad with chicken is good.

Remove sodas, sugar, bread, etc

Excercise and weight lift.

Will take time but works. Also if all else go to the dr they can get you some meds to kick start this. Drop 30lbs fast and really help your body out.

You got to walk. A lot. 10K++ steps/day. Anyone can walk, so you can.
You have to take in less calories. I know, whah, whah, whah. Cut out the sugars first, that stuff you eat every freaking day. Just cut it out.
Start to eat a healthy, home-made soup for lunch and dinner. As much as you feel you need, the water will fill you up and the goodness will keep you healthy.
That's all you need to do. Also, weigh yourself every day so your brain starts to get it.

you a femanon? since iam a virgin i would like to get sucked

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Do you live somewhere hot user? I’ve lost 45 pounds by working as a cook, I sweat constantly.

You need to schedule your workouts, user. It's hard to start, but having a set schedule may at least help. You've got to put in effort tho.

Also maybe talk to a Dr.

hard cut sugar and alcohol from your life, eat more salt(the idea that eating too much salt is bad for you is actually opposite to the truth), eat more fatty foods, drink butter coffee, eat twice a day, once in the morning, once in the middle of the day. Do NOT eat dinner. DO NOT snack. Fruit aren't as good for you as you want.
You drink water and only water.

Been doing this for 6 months and am down by 80lbs and feel fucking amazing

Try harder

why you posting dick pics

Get the MyFitnessPal app, enter your goal weight. It'll tell you how many calories per day you should have. Pay attention to portion sizes and just cut out one little thing at a time. Exercise isn't necessary to lose weight, you can do it solely through calories.

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Christ I'm in this boat too and I used to be in great shape. I'm currently 340 and used to weigh 195 but was pretty bulky. I had some brain injuries (read severe concussions) due to being blindsided by a guy doing about 110 through a red light. Since then I have absolutely zero motivation to do anything except eat/sleep. I've tried dozens of different times to get back to the gym, but I just can't keep the motivation up.

Two hard boiled eggs in the morning.
1.5 chicken breasts for lunch.
Maybe some cheddar cheese as a snack.
Lean meat and steamed, non starchy vegetables for dinner.

Exercise at least three times a week, and increase intensity as required. If you can complete a full 4 sets at 8 - 12 reps, then increase the weight by 5 lbs. Do a back day, chest day, leg day.

Stick with that for a month and if you don’t lose weight, you’re cheating.

Drachendreck 1P