Confess secret bread anons
Confess secret bread anons
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A friend once drunkenly admitted he wanted to get my wife pregnant and that was the hottest shit. I constantly fantasize about it now.
I have concluded that if I ever have a son, I'm giving him access to my private porn stash by the time he reaches puberty. Every nude and lewd I've ever received, including his mother.
I like to imagine knocking up thin petite girls
God me too
What do you like about it specifically?
I dont eat boogers
When I was 15 I would pay my 10 y/o sister 10 dollars every time to come to my room at night and model/pose in her bikini swimsuits while I jerked off to her.
It went on for about 2 years and in the 2 years she:
- let me jerk off while she posed in her bikinis
- let me blow my load on her body
- gave me handjobs
- lap dances/ grind her ass on my dick until i came
When I was in high school, my little brother had a few classes with my young petite, "good girl" girlfriend. Knew he was kind of a creep and thought it would be fun. Gave him her nudes as a Christmas present, so whenever he saw her, he'd know what every inch of her looked like. Apparently it made conversations between them so much more fun.
Who wouldn't want to ruin some young gorgeous thing and know you caused that?
I strongly suspect my cousin's husband is a lowkey Yea Forums cuck and I plan on bugging him for nudes at the next reunion
Hit the nail on the head with that one. Was thinking the same thing
I'm 70% sure my slutty freshman ex (now 18) got pregnant, and I can't wait to jack off to the pregnancy pics
I have secretly replace all the mp3s on wife's phone with ones that contain subliminal messages. I am reprogramming her to be a k9 sex slut.
I really wanna be stealthed, have a guy start using a condom and not notice he breaks it off until I feel him cum in me.
However I'm a guy and if I tell someone that's what I want it kinda defeats the point ;-;
When I was about 9 and my little cousin was 5 we we're sexually abused by family and now we occasionally fool around when we get too drunk or high
How exactly are you doing that? Does it appear to be working?
I fantasize about violently dp'ing my ex with my friend until she's sobbing, convulsing, and is properly traumatized. I wanna see her pumped full of cum, watch her writhe as she cums on his cock, watch the tears flood from her eyes as I ram from behind. Shit seems cash
I showered with a 9yo girl earlier today
i'm a faggot
hey i like lying on the internet too
Same here.
I'm catfishing a lesbian, she still hasn't realized that I'm straight and if I tell her that would break her heart and I don't want that. Her company is really comfy.
When I was 3 or 4 I got an eyeful of my aunt's bush. Years later I spied on her through the bathroom keyhole and saw her saggy tits.
make sure to post nudes after she goes crazy on you
Sometimes I'll go into the bathrooms at the local library after a really hot girl and see if there is any piss on the seat or discarded tampons I can lick. Love when they take a huge shit and smell it. I'm getting diamonds thinking about it.
my man
She's my niece, was at the local pool after we were done swimming
I blow old men for money as a hobby.
>How to create a serial killer in one easy step
I wrote several scripts with different suggestions in Word. Then I used a text to speech app using a female voice to create an mp3 (females respond better to female voices). Then the mp3 is adjusted for audio level. Then I mix an mp3...say katty perry...with the suggestion mp3. And voila! Replace the original mp3 in her play list. There are tutorials online to do this...
Yes it appears to be working. She recently asked if we could get a dog. I asked male or female and she said male. She has also asked if she is acting weird bc she says she sometimes hears whispers and voices in her head! kek!
And then everybody on the airplane clapped
I'll be 30 years old in october and am a virgin who never even kissed a girl before.
Spent the morning in bed with one of my 17yr old employees.
Freshman girlfriend broke my heart in high school. Hear a rumor later that afterwards she and her best friend had a threesome with this guy who apparently had porn star cock. The person saying it was using hand motions and everything, it was impressive. I'd jack of to the thought of her getting ruined by that and the thought of her choking half to death on it (big tongue)
Interesting. Thanks for this info user.
discord gg/ ThDa2CB
I confess that I love it when my sister fucks around with different guys. Caught her multiple times bringing some back home.
I'm telling.
I fucked a raccoon once.
I made a hole in the ceiling and used to peep on my sister when we were younger.
After my current relationship is done I am planning to get a PA piercing, let it heal for 6 months, and then lock myself in a stainless steel chastity cage and get a PA lock and then throw away the keys.
How old are you?
You need jesus.
That sucks
My 9 year old sister used to watch me jerk off through the door of my room, I always knew and got off on her watching me, eventually led to her jerking me Off herself . Our relationship is now broke because of it
I mean. Jesus could probably magic up an overall better cage I guess.
Since spilling of ones seed, sleeping with another man, are both against the bible. So. I mean the bible supports this.
My wife thinks I'm selling my boat and ATV to my cousin to get money for a new car. The reality is that I want to keep them after I divorce her ass later this year.
Despite my best efforts over the last year to get her to lose weight and stop being so lazy, she has refused to take care of herself. I'm not going to be saddled with the responsibility of taking care of her and a family once she becomes morbidly obese and starts having health problems.
For better or for promised
You creepy fuck. So you mean you raped your employee
I moved in with my roommate because I was in love with her and thought it was a way to get closer to her. Instead I jerk off every night listening to her fuck some other dude.
Marriage is an institution that only benefits women. I'm sure God will understand that she's not fulfilling her duty to me by remaining healthy.
You're a shitty person so I will take joy in the fact that when you divorce her you will have to sell your toys to pay her alimony. Fucking dumb faggot.
You're probably 300 pounds yourself, shut the fuck up cleetus, better sell your boat to pay for that alimony fat boy
Larping faggot
Better sell them for that alimony fat boy.
I have butt fucked my identical twin brother. He has also butt fucked me. We liked to experiment when we were Teenagers. We are both dating women now
How I'd love to fuck twins. Any pics? :C
Is that considered masturbation?
No he lives out of state now. We haven't really seen each other in 5 years or so. It kind of got awkward when we grew up
Im dating a guy 10 years older than me
So is he 20?
Ummmm this deserves its own thread
Did he taste the same as you?
I don't know. We only ever came inside each other and we never sucked each other off or anything. We are not gay... Just horny and shared a room as teenagers
>>We are not gay
fucked each other in the ass....
....i got bad news for you
When I was 15-18 my older brother (19-22) would cuck me any time I started dating someone and they came over.
I was just trying to get laid and would date for like a few weeks or a month or so. And I didn't want to push for sleeping together. But my brother would always end up sleeping with them and sending me pictures of it and talking about how he wrecked them, or had them blow him. The fucker encouraged them not to sleep with me as well.
180 actually
Still jog 4x a week like when I was in the Navy. Stay mad bro.
I once told someone I don't believe in Jesus when in actual fact I do believe. This admission still keeps me awake at night.
I often fap on my sister’s dirty thongs.
Saturday i grabbed a pair, and recognized the smell of semen.
gonna need a story on that ass grand/lap dance. or the handjob, whichever works
what happened to you two and how long did it last?
That explains it. You're one of those faggots who never seen combat but expects everyone to kiss your ass because you're a veteran. Fucking kys loser.
Gay porn is the equivalent of beheading my boner, I don't find men attractive at all, but I like both sexual organs
What have you tried?
Curious, as my wife is huge now. Not planning to divorce her since she’s still young enough to bounce back, but do want to hear different approaches.
I went gay for pay when I was 18 to help pay for college.
> "OnlyU" Toplist. Welcomes to visit: )
during freshmen year of high school
I let my closet gay best friend give me handjobs so he could release his urges to play with dick.
best free handjobs I got all high school
I get off thinking of my mom used like a cum and piss slut for strangers and friends.
I want to know too. I might break up with my girlfriend because she shows no signs of changing her unhealthy lifestyle. I love her and it breaks my heart but I don’t want to be saddled to someone with preventable health problems.
I find it hard to believe that this country is worth saving when assholes like Stephen Miller and Joe Arpaio aren't living constantly in fear of being strung up on lampposts.
Who brags about being in the navy?
> tried to get her to do more physical activities with me like biking and hiking
>bought an exercise bike to use at home
>took over cooking and started making healthier breakfast and dinner options
>lost 10 lbs that I didn't need to lose.
>joined a gym and encouraged her to go with me
When all of this failed I sat down and had a conversation with her and told her that I was deeply concerned for her health and our future.
Nothing worked
This song makes me horny.
The ether bunny on a submarine
Hm. This is close to what I’ve done, though I’ve just recently took over cooking and built a simple gym setup in the basement.
Maybe her hot friend (that almost-but-not-quite flirts with me) visiting more when our pool opens up will motivate her.
It’s getting to the point where sex is becoming an issue if it’s not doggy.
I can't stop jacking off to my niece and daughter
Sometimes i think about getting a dude from grindr just to fuck a hole without effort. But idk, id just wanna deliver in a dominate way.
understandable, u got any ass pics?
Yellow top will end up being a fat pig
used to eat my sister out and cum on her tits
I wouldn't recommend that. Some women deal with stress by eating. Percieved competition might have the opposite effect and send her into a food binge.
Daughters ass
Interesting. I'm bi and married, but about 3 or 4 times a year, I like taking cock in my ass. Call it a stress reliever. Was thinking about downloading grindr for this very purpose, but have never used it and not sure how it works. I'd just wanna show up and be dominated.
im sure you could find someone easily in your area. give it a try!
curious, do you prefer when your wife watches or do you go off on your own so to say?
I fucked a drugged up friend at a rave, probably not consensually. Specifically went for a chance that she'd be high and horny, but I got so tense and horny, I easily dragged her off to the bathroom. Barely lasted a minute, but it felt incredible.
I watch Yea Forums with my 12yo sister.
Wife doesn't know I'm bi, so it's mainly reserved for when I'm out of town on biz. If doublelist doesn't work, most major cities have a gay scene with bars. I'm yet to use the gay bar method and not end up back at my hotel room with some guy more than willing to pound my ass. I've been bi since my teens and I'm in my 40s now.
I used to cum on my sister's barbie dolls.
interesting.. why keep it a secret from her?
Hell yeah, fuck ‘em. Do you. What kind of atv? Just curious
She's a right wing conservative christian. She'd divorce me.
ahh i see. well, nice to be able to get it out of your system on business trips i suppose!
So, my wife refuses to let me fuck her in the ass. Bitches at me if I even touch it with my finger. She more she protests and refuses, the more I want to do it. Devise a plan to get her drunk and passed out one night. Plan works. She's out light a light. Get some lube, start working her asshole with my fingers. First one, then two, then three. After three, she hasn't woke up yet, so I figure I'm safe putting my cock in her ass. Roll her onto her stomach, get a couple of pillows up under her to boost her ass up, put a little more lube on her ass, spread her cheeks, place my cock head at her little asshole, and....GODDAMNIT I start prematurely ejaculating all over her asshole and back. I got so worked up I wasn't able to even put it in her ass. Haven't had the opportunity yet to try it again.
hahahhah good luck next time!! im so glad my ex said no pls dont, but moaned hard when i fucked her tight little ass while i told her to be quiet n slapping her. she was a good sub :)
When I was in high school I used to go to parties and find girls who had passed out and breed them. This went on for a couple of years. I also adopted a completely fake persona and travelled around the country breeding any girl I could get my hands on. Sometimes I wonder if any actually got knocked up. The kids would be in their teens, by now.
If she goes that case, I’d legit plan an intervention.
I’m not trying to fuck her friend (wouldn’t say no if wife was down), but I’m starting to get really worried. She’s got to be coming up on 250. Like, she has fantastic tits, but they’re starting to look small because of her stomach.
I’ll just keep going forward, but at some point this has to stop.
My older sister fucked around with guys from my ice hockey team. I know of at least 3 that had sex with her.
I really sincerely love radfems. I think they're good people, and I want more of them in my life.
I want to fuck me mother and my grandma
Nothing Dykey about getting your flaps munched
I let my wife get tipsy and, while going down on her (after a little time in a hot tub), just touched her ass with my tongue. She moaned and then slightly jerked away, but I kept going back and she kept being more and more ok with it. Confronted her then next morning, and next time she got drunk I ate the ass good. Started slow with fingers while I’d fuck her and/or go down on her. Only took a few weeks before she pulled out lube and tried to put my cock in her ass.
Women tend to get sluttier the more they’re moved into something like that. Now she’s all about a buttplug while I’m fucking her, or a vibrator inserted while I’m fucking her ass. Even talks dirty every now and then too.
They can be trained.
Got pics of the grandma?
Get a load of this Christ Cuck
i really wanna find a older Yea Forumstard incel so i can try sucking cock. im really afraid of stds and chubby guys dont bother me, like you would think there would be tons? whyy is there no one from az here
Yeah!!!....what an honorable asshole that keeps his word! Fuck him....
I’m at work waiting to close so I can get fucked by my boss. He bought me a plug last week and he’s been buying me Calvin Klein thongs and Andrew Christian thongs and an Xbox for my birthday.... just can’t wait to take his load in my ass and go to school. Like a burning horny feeling I’m looking forward to.
i masturbated on this lady's face while she was sleeping on a couch. Came on her lips
Did she lick it up in her sleep? Did you wipe it off?
my heart was racing i left the room, instant regret. she woke up maybe an hour later or so complaining about drooling in her sleep with a very foul look on her face, so apparently my cum tastes pretty bad.
My sister is an actual escort and I fap to her constantly. She propably doesnt know that I found out.
I committed the White Castle murders back in 1988.
I knocked up one. Her tits are maybe up to B cups now. Can't wait til they go back down to As.
Be careful what you ask for....
Nice. I used to jizz on foods and treats and give it to pic related. I have no idea how many of my loads she ate unaware, but it must have been 50+.
I was eating a cookie I found on the floor. Little did I know that it would make my tummy sore. Going to the hospital is usually a bore, but this time, it hit me in the core. My last wish is for us to go to war. Let's turn this thread into gore.
I jacked off in the high heels of a woman I don't even know at a party while she wasn't there
Congrats on your impending wizard powers!
When will spoony off himself?
I believe that george michael sang "somebody to love" better than freddie mercury
Promises were meant to be broken. As a nigger, you already know this.
discord gg/ QvrQDQ6
I would have committed fratricide.
you should accept that he's better than you and become his submissive faggot. suck his dick and let him fuck your girl
my skinny sis has 2 kids now and she is still skinny af. This doesnt work on all women
when he stops being a pussy so never
December 27, 2020.
I did exactly the same to this one while she was passed out drunk in a friends bedroom a few years ago. Not my proudest moment but whatever I was drunk and she was an out cold slut who hated my guts. So fuck you Victoria.
I remember being around eight or seven years old when I woke up to my mom sucking my dick. I was a heavy sleeper but sometimes id just shake awake, sit up, and pass out back to sleep. That happened, i saw her and didnt understand what was happening only knew it was wrong. I passed out back to sleep after few seconds. I never brought it up because i thought it would get me in trouble. Eventually i forgot about it. I dont know why that memory came back now after so many years.
what a shitty fake story
I confess that I fabricate stories of fiction about women I know on here while jerking it and hoping for someone to take the bait.
I used to put out ads on various websites to have sex with women. I would claim that I'm gay and that me and my partner wanted to try a 3some with a woman.
When she arrived my "boyfriend" would freak out claiming he knew nothing about a 3some. He would storm out and say hes leaving me for good. I would say "I'm just so confused, I'm not sure if I'm gay, I just dont know what to do"
Instant easy pussy every time. My best friend and I both traded roles so we both got laid. My 20s were the best.
>spoony's 40th birthday
i often post in secrets threads on Yea Forums but nobody knows
except for you guys of course
so was your best friend good at sucking your dick?
Find random new locations to jerk off at.
I was 10 when my single mother said she didn't want to sleep alone and in the middle of the night I wake up with her naked grinding her petite body on top of me with my pajama bottoms down, saying "It's just a dream baby", and next thing you know I had no idea what happened because I legit thought I peed on my mom but it wasn't pee and it was inside. We've never talked about it but yeah, I'm fucked up.
We weren't actually gay. Though, we were both in drama in high school and some pretty gay stuff did actually happen. We both are straight but we have seen each other naked in dressing rooms and at each others houses a ton of times.
when you are gay do you suck your daddy's dick or do you go to a stranger's house and suck his dick instead? does it ever freak you out if his name is actually Dick while your sucking his dick?
you didn't answer the question though
Was friends with a couple for years, me and my gf at the time doubled-dated, genuine friends. Always had a thing for the chick. They had a bad break up last new year and since I was decent friends with both of them, I was always in contact with each of them, encouraging them to work things out and get back together.
Me and the said chick meet up one night, she's constantly asking me how he is, if he's seeing anyone, the chick was crazy about him. I end up getting her drunk and taking her back to mine. We fucked for about a couple hours before she breaks down crying mid blowjob feeling like she betrayed him. We both agree to never talk about it. They got back together last month.
Still with my gf to this day.
dammit jimmy i fucking KNEW you did that
you gon die
in hatred,
Was fingers deep into friends' girlfriend just 5 mins before we met this morning.
All faggots are virgins who have never kissed a girl
lol, as if she'd be totally cool with it if she wasn't those things. You're still cheating on her, you're a shitty husband dude
What reason does anyone have for such a belief?
Back in college I caught my friend fucking his ex on a trampoline. He told me to go back in the house. Never told anyone including his then gf/now wife. I feel like I have a lot of leverage over him and we never talked about it after that.
Not illegal in UK
Hire her, keep it professional.
And I get off using her like that.
Got em!
I love ugly bastards but my bf doesn't know.
I wish I could tell him but I fear he might feel like he's ugly or something like that
For me it's this one:
lol I would but I know that wont go well. I thought about telling someone to do it and film it for me tho.
I dont have solid proof for you. I basically looked for some whores on a pretty known page here in Poland and recognized her. She doesnt use her real name and has blurred pictures but it was easy for me to spot it.
Huh. Satan tells the truth sometimes.
Get out. My wife lost so much weight after I divorced her lol
Kylie and Jacob bullshit from last thread lol remember?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I figure it'll work on mine. We're in our 40s and she's been skinny all her life.
I beat my dick at least 5 times a day to bestiality porn
I witnessed my mom picking and eating her own booger’s when she thought no one was watching
And then you tasted it, didn't you slut?
lol I did the same on every occasion I could get. Also from other girls I know. Never smelld semen tho
Good luck bitch
Thats right on.
Please explain why he would have to pay alimony?
I'm gay and frequently have sex with older men, I'm talking 60+
You should divorce her just for that....
We all do user.